syncs for 1/28/2025
and Super
Bowl 59 on 2/9/2025 were overwhelming. The magnitude of the syncs caused me
to ponder, why were there so many syncs and what do they mean?
realizing the propensity of the syncs and pondering the questions above I have
come to the conclusion that the 1/28/2025
syncs were a time marker pointing to the celestial sign that occurred on
that day of which I wrote.
As you
can see on 1/28/2025 the new moon/dark moon—moon child—was in front of the
Goat. Did this “activate” the moon—moon child—so to speak and will events occur
when the moon is involved in future celestial alignments—they love to plan
events by the stars.
who is the moon child? It is the antichrist, thus I believe this 1/28/2025 sign
speaks directly to the coming of the antichrist, and that future antichrist
events will be moon related.
In regard to Super Bowl 59 and its many beyond coincidence syncs I believe they
also point to the coming antichrist and the antichrist ritual that was
performed during the halftime show.
is a video I ran across regarding the halftime ritual.
I believe the 1/28/2025 syncs and the 2/9/2025 Super Bowl syncs point to the
coming antichrist, the moon child, and future events in sync with the moon and
the 2/9/2025 halftime ritual.
antichrist events I am expecting to occur in the future are the Hoover Dam
antichrist birthing ritual, alien disclosure, the great falling away, the
antichrist head wound event, and the mark of the beast financial system.
believe dates that should be watched are dates around new and full moons.
Moon: 2/12/2025 (It is called the snow moon, Lincoln’s Birthday, Lincoln is on
the penny, on 2/9/2025 DT signed an order to do away with pennies, Lincoln is
also on the $5 bill which was shown in IPG2, 322 days left in the year.)
Moon: 2/27/2025
Moon: 3/14/2025 (It is called the worm moon, Lunar eclipse, Pi Day, and 33 days
past SB 59)
Moon: 3/29/2025 (Solar eclipse, 3/28 is a Friday waning crescent moon, in the
past bad events have happened on Friday waning crescent moons.)
Moon: 4/12/2025 (It is called the pink moon)
Moon: 4/27/2025
also believe other esoteric dates should be watched:
there were plane crashes 9 and 11 days before SB 59, dates 9 and 11 days after
should be watched.
day number 1239, a 216 day (6x6x6=216)
9 days after SB 59.
11 days after SB 59.
2/22/2025: Washington's birthday, Washington on $1 bill, the number 222 is encoded on the dollar bill, folding the bill in a certain way shows a nuclear explosion.
It is 1/28/2025 in the Chinese calendar.
3/1-3/2025: 42 days after Trump party and Inauguration.
It is 22 days after SB 59
40 days after SB 59, also spring equinox.
322 illuminati day
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
since 1/28/2025 the moon has “been activated” and if on 2/9/2025 the SB 59
ritual was performed and if 4/19/2025
is the day that the great tribulation begins, then any day between now and
then needs to be watched, but especially the lunar and esoteric dates listed
the big question is, who is the antichrist moon child and when will he make his
appearance on the world stage as such?
ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all
these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.Luke 21:36
Not sure that you will
go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants
to save you; will you let him?Find out what you must do to be
saved,click here.
Have you had your
epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The
Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible
Prophecy (eBook $4.99).
Update 3/4/2025: The CA Earthquake did not occur on 1/28/2025 as the theory below suggests, but another significant event did occur on the highly synced date of 1/28/2025 which can be read about in the post; Here is What Happened on 1/28/2025 and at SB 59.
As far as the date of the CA Mega Earthquake, since it did not happen on 1/28/2025, I got thinking and the thought crossed my mind that since, as you will see below, that there is a 4420 and a 442, that they may both be involved in the date calculation--below I just used the 4420. Using both yields the following: 12/21/2012 + 4420 days = 1/28/2025 + 442 days = 4/15/2026.
I accordance with Joe Brandt's dream look for the destruction of the Hoover Dam and a Japna mega earthquake to happen a few months before the California mega earthquake.
End of update.
URGENT: Major Earthquake Warning for Southern California!
Over a year ago I forecast the possibility of a major
earthquake to occur in California on 1/28/2025. Here is the original post.
I wanted everyone to be aware that today the Earthquake Prediction Forecast Center issued an urgent
major earthquake warning for Southern California for 1/25-26/2025 as
explained in the video below.
Thus, this urgent warning from the Earthquake Prediction Forecast Service adds credence to the 1/28/2025
California earthquake forecast issued by this blog over a year ago. (Note: When
it is 1/27 in some parts of the world it is 1/28, and when it is 1/28 in some
parts of the world it is 1/29)
Note: I cannot predict the future; synchronicities do not
mean that an event will occur; only that it may. I am merely showing you the
data, it is up to you to draw your own conclusions and make your own decisions.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that
ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass,
and to stand before the Son of man.Luke
Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for
the end times! Read The
Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible
Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are
knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him?Find
out what you must do to be saved,click here.
Screen shot of an ad that showed up on my computer today
Here is another witness to the possibility of a major event on 1/28/2025 sent to me by Steve Wilkin of Jesus Second Coming 2028. I will let his info speak for itself and comment below and also list all the links to all the 1/28/2025 data.
That is the new 1/28/2025 data. Will a major event occur on 1/28/2025? And if so, will it be the date of a major California earthquake or will it be some other event? Please keep in mind that synchronicities do not mean that an event will it occur they only heighten the possibility that it may. I cannot predict the future nor am I trying to do so, I am merely showing you data that shows synchronicities.
Update 3/4/2025: The CA Earthquake did not occur on 1/28/2025 as the theory below suggests, but another significant event did occur on the highly synced date of 1/28/2025 which can be read about in the post; Here is What Happened on 1/28/2025 and at SB 59.
As far as the date of the CA Mega Earthquake, since it did not happen on 1/28/2025, I got thinking and the thought crossed my mind that since, as you will see below, that there is a 4420 and a 442, that they may both be involved in the date calculation--below I just used the 4420. Using both yields the following: 12/21/2012 + 4420 days = 1/28/2025 + 442 days = 4/15/2026.
I accordance with Joe Brandt's dream look for the destruction of the Hoover Dam and a Japna mega earthquake to happen a few months before the California mega earthquake.
End of update.
Here are all the posts that involve 1/28/2025 syncs.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.Luke 21:36
Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him?Find out what you must do to be saved,click here.
Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy (eBook $4.99).
What makes one day different from any other day,
sometimes nothing and sometimes a lot. In this post I am going to show a few
synchronicities for November 25-26, 2024. Maybe they mean something maybe they
don’t—time will tell.
Let’s first go back to the future and look at some
predictive programming for 911 from the 1985 film Back to the Future.
That is pretty blatant—a backwards upside-down 911, and
twin pines for the two towers. There is more 911 predictive programming in the
film, but for time’s sake that is enough to prove the point. BTW, the film had
a runtime of 116 (911) minutes. Now let’s take a look at a screenshot from the
second back to the Future film.
A backwards 331 and a lone pine representing the One World
Trade Center. And for the year, take a look at this.
Note: I also checked and could find no VWs with that
headlight configuration—there must be a reason for it.
So, could this be a signal to day number 331 of 2024,
which since 2024 is a leap year, it is 11/26/2024? Let’s consider the numbers that appear on the time
machine in the car.
The numbers go from 85-01-35 to 85-01-24, the last of the
three numbers goes down by 11 to 24 possibly indicating a signal to 11/24—November
of 2024. And the 35 may be a signal to November 26, 2024, when there are 35 days
left in the year of a leap year, which 2024 is.
Here is another bit of predictive programming left in a
comment on a past post.
…while watching The Fringe season 2 episode 19. The episode is
called 'The Man from the Other Side'.
The first thing is the date sync, when the character Astrid says
"...we might be able to figure out what's supposed to happen at 3:31
tomorrow". The caption doesn't show it but she does say 3:31.
Not long after, the bad guy Newton walks into a bank. Behind the
teller is a framed picture. It's a pine tree.
Here is an
image from the episode that he is referring to that shows the 3:31 signal.
Do you remember
the Invictus Games Obama commercial? The commercial featured a time on the
phone of 18:15.
In an analog
clock at the time of 18:15 the hands are pointing to 3 and the 31-minute mark,
which makes a 331.
The phone is
showing a charge of 69% so, it has used 31% and 9-6=3, which makes another 331.
And here is another
sync; from 9/11/2001 to 11/26/2024 is 8477 days.
So. what is so special about 8477? It can be configured like this.
And another one; from 8/21/2017, the date of the Great
American eclipse, to 11/26/2024 is 6 years, 6 months 6 weeks and 6 x 6 x 6.6
days (inclusive).
So, after writing the above except for a few edits I
received an email from Stan about his finding some amazing syncs with the date
of 11/25/2024. Let me remind you that in exclusive counting his date syncs
match with 11/26/2024. Let me also remind you that when it is 11/26/2024 in the
East it can be 11/25/2024 in the West.
Here is Stan’s data.
was brought to me one evening reading about November 25th, 2024, as being
significant in prophesy.My mind gets so
flooded at times, that I honestly can’t recall what the specifics were about
11/25/2024....but that date was written down in my notes.
One day
last week I was reading about this New Madrid earthquake in 1811...and wrote
down its main earthquake occurred on 12/16/1811.I just happened to enter some dates in my
day calculator, and my jaw dropped open when I entered 11/25/2024.Its 77,777 days.That was very interesting.
(Note: as mentioned in regard to exclusive counting 12/16/1811 to 11/26/2024
(exclusive) is 77,777 days. Also, on that day it will have been 111,999,999
minutes and 1,866,666 hours)
Ok, we just have had the last 7 years between
two amazing solar eclipses crossing our nation....along with a third eclipse
also that all combined...formed the "aleph" and "tav" marks
...alpha and omega...across our rapidly declining away from Christianity
first one occurred on 8/21/ it first entered Oregon as it moved across
the USA exiting South Carolina.I won't
even start mentioning the divine God winks with these three eclipses.They are well documented, and I barely have
time to type the new findings I have come across.
most popular eclipse was the most recent one that happened 7 years
later...April 8th, 2024.That one found
myself much more studied in my Bible and having more discernment and
enlightenment than before.I have
noticed that reading my Bible deeply is like putting on night vision
goggles.All of a sudden, one sees stuff
that normally would have been passed over.
such finding, in my opinion, is the scripture ...Exodus 4:8..I like to quote
scriptures with surrounding scriptures brought in for better context.
I believe
this scripture was fulfilled in those ancient times, but also have a dual
fulfillment with these two unique eclipses crossing our country...becoming the
most watched eclipses in human history. I believe this 8/21/2017 eclipse
being "33" days from that phenomenal 9/23/2017 lineup in Virgo with
12 stars upon her head, standing in the sun, with the moon at her feet, and she
being with just a long chain of God winks associated with these
The 2nd
crossing eclipse occurred this past 4/8/2024 when the next solar eclipse path
passed from Texas coming up NNW and the exiting out through Maine.
Readers unaware, take note that this eclipse crossed with the 8/21/2017 eclipse
right over the New Madrid fault zone.
find it interesting that the Exodus 4:8 quote above coincides with the
"4/8"..2024 date of this passage. This heightened my attention
as to perhaps these two eclipses are dual fulfillment of Exodus 4:8 again?
the 4/8/2024 11/25/'s 231 days........or 7
months-17 days...even an exact 33 weeks!
Just a
small mention that another solar eclipse on October 2nd, 2024..out in the Pacific Ocean. It went directly over Easter
Island. This was 177 days after the
4/8/2024 eclipse.
was a very noteworthy astronomical event on July 16, 1994....when comet
Shumaker Levy/9 impacted Jupiter with 21 fragments over a period of 7
days.This is the unique moment that
people on earth witnessed the first impact on another celestial body.
7/16/1994 date is 66687 days from the New Madrid earthquake on 12/16/1811. That
number has of course three 6's in it....but no bigger until I noticed that 21
(7+7+7) days earlier would be 66666 days....landing on June 25th, 1994.
Now, I
kid you not. I have been typing this since 2 am. It is now 4 am, and I
just noticed that since the 6/25/1994 date and the 11/25/2024 date are on the
25th of the month....perhaps the number of months between these two dates would
be interesting. First time I saw this...but it's 365 months .....but even
though that is just interesting....what made my eyes open wide from being half that it is 11,111 days to 11/25/2024. I could not make this
up if I stayed up all year!
move on....there is more! Back to
the Jupiter impact on 7/16/1994. From
that date to 11/25/2024 is an interesting 11090 days...that "911" is
in there.
Here is
another old finding of mine tied to another catastrophic event in the USA.The space shuttle Columbia that flew the very
first Israeli astronaut...Ilan Ramon...fatally killed all 7 of its crew members
upon that disastrous fiery reentry that consumed their lives.This happened on 2/1/2003.
A year
before the eclipse on 4/8/2024, I noticed that it was 7737 days from 2/1/2003
until 4/8/2024.That made me sit up in
my chair as I noticed that 7737 was 40 days short of 7777 days.
Thank you, Stan, that is very interesting indeed. So, we
can see that there are many amazing syncs associated with 11/25-26/2024 and
there is also predictive programming pointing to 11/26/2024.
What does it all mean; will a major event happen on
11/25-26/2024? I cannot tell you the answer to that question, all we can do is
watch. Synchronicities only heighten the possibility that an event will occur,
not that it will.
Update: From the sign of the woman clothed with the sun on 9/23/2017 to 11/26/2024, on that day it will have been 88.888... moon cycles.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted
worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before
the Son of man.Luke 21:36
you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times
Bible Prophecy.
sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so
is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him?Find out what you must do to be saved,click
have become aware of some predictive programming and synchronicities that I want to bring to your
attention. The researcher who presents the information in the video below
believes that predictive programming suggests that there will be a nuclear
attack on New York City at the One World Trade Center on 3/31/2024 to 4/1/2024.
me first show you the video and then I will comment and also show a possible confirmation
I received. As always, I will show you the data, you can come to your own conclusions.
A big HT to Olli for saving this video for us. (Pertinent info starts at about the 25:00-minute mark)
was aware that the first Back to the Future film contained predictive
programming for the 9/11/01 attack but was not aware that the second film also contained possible predictive programming. And in light of the information presented
in the video above the researcher believes the predictive programming in the second Back
to the Future film is signaling an atomic 911 number two type event at the One World Trade Center. The researcher believes the date for the event is midnight
3/31/24, which would also be 4/1/24—April Fools’ Day.
you saw in the video above, April Fools’ Day is an important part of the puzzle. So, let’s first consider the history of April Fools’ Day.
of April Fools' Day
historians speculate that April Fools' Day dates back to 1582, when France
switched from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar, as called for
by the Council of Trent in 1563. In the Julian Calendar, as in the Hindu
calendar, the new year began with the spring equinox around April 1.
who were slow to get the news or failed to recognize that the start of the new
year had moved to January 1 and continued to celebrate it during the last week
of March through April 1 became the butt of jokes and hoaxes and were called
“April fools.” These pranks included having paper fish placed on their backs
and being referred to as “poisson d’avril” (April fish), said to symbolize a
young, easily caught fish and a gullible person.
in the Julian calendar April 1 was considered to be New Year’s Day—1/1. You
will see the importance of that below.
now consider the data. First let’s start with an example of the 911 predictive
programming from the first Back to the Future film.
is pretty blatant—a backwards upside-down 911, and twin pines for the two towers. There is
more 911 predictive programming in the film, but for time’s sake that is enough to prove the point. BTW, the film was released in 1985 and had a runtime of 116 (911) minutes. Now let’s take a look at the 3/31/2024 predictive programming from the
second Back to the Future film.
backwards 331 and a lone pine representing
the One World Trade Center. And for the year, take a look at this.
I also checked and could find no VWs with that headlight configuration—there
must be a reason for it.
consider the numbers that appear on the time machine in the car. The numbers go
from 85-01-35 to 85-01-24. Ask yourself why does the last number go down by 11;
was it by accident or on purpose, and if on purpose, what is the message?
believe it’s no accident; here is what I think the message is. In considering the
last 2 digits on the right side, they drop by 11, which with the 24 makes a
1/1/24—the date of April Fool’s Day in the Julian calendar, which corresponds
to 4/1/2024 in the Gregorian calendar.
let’s consider the left side, it features an 85. 8 + 5 = 13—a backwards 31, and
8 – 5 = 3—there is the 3/31. And if you take 13 – 3 = 10, it then becomes
10-01-24—another 1/1/24, which again is April Fool’s Day in the Julian
a backwards 24 is 42, a number of the antichrist who at this time is near to
coming onto the world scene. And the destruction of the One World Trade Center would
be instrumental in the establishment of his one world government—how ironic.
if you add the digits 85-01-24 in the following way it yields 92; 85 + 1 + 2 +
4 = 92. 4/1/2024 is the 92nd day of the year.
there we have it, predictive programming from the second Back to the Future
film for a NYC nuclear event on 3/31/2024 to 4/1/2024. Now let’s take a look at
some pertinent and related IPG2 information.
the classroom scene above, from what I could make out from the audio, President Bush
says these words, “Fool me once, shame on you, fooled again.” The idiom that he
is referring to is, “Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.”
So, the second part of the idiom is missing—fool me twice, shame on me—and instead
of the second part of the idiom he says, “fooled again.” The missing second part
of the idiom followed by the phrase fooled again signals to me that the second
911 will occur—we will be fooled again.
this picture of the classroom, we see the wooden dragon. The year of the wood
dragon began on 2/10/2024.
I believe the wood dragon on the wall may be a
signal that the events depicted on that wall will be in play during the year of
the wood dragon.
event I see depicted on the wall is an East Coast USA attack. This is shown
with the shark and the highlighting of the East Coast USA.
This may be a signal
to a nuclear tsunami torpedo being unleashed upon the East Coast USA, which in
turn would undoubtedly devastate NYC. And or it could be a signal to a La Palma
nuclear bomb induced tsunami—IPG2 had many signals to a La Palma induced East
Coast USA tsunami.
there any April Fools’ Day/New Year’s Day signals in IPG2? I believe there is.
First off Bush is wearing a dunce cap with the letter D signaling a fool and D is the 4th letter and April is the 4th month—April Fools’. He also
says the word "fool" many times.
in the film we have the skeleton man with fireworks in the background. The
fireworks can be a signal to New Year’s Day, which in the Julian calendar is
April Fools’ Day—4/1/2024.
The skeleton man is also wearing a diamond ring—the
birthstone of April is a diamond.
me remind you that the skeleton man has a flower in his hat that is native to a
very small area of the world, which includes the Canary Islands. The shape
under his arm is in the shape of La Palma Island.
is also what many people call Easter Sunday. In the IPG2 classroom an “Easter
Bunny” is on the back wall. Also, in some parts of the world April 1, 2024, is a
holiday called Easter Monday.
let’s consider some important time marks in the film that can be date/event signals. At 1:01, which, after you
drop the zero as they do, can be a time signal to the date of New Year’s Day
(1/1) in the Julian calendar, we see the shark and the East Coast USA. Note the pins on Miami and New York City.
the time mark of 1:10, which can also be a signal to the date of New Year’s Day
in the Julian calendar we also see the shark and the East Coast USA.
at the time mark of 4:01 which can be a time signal to 4/1—April Fools’ Day—New
Year’s Day in the Julian calendar, we see the cracked egg head boy that can be
a signal to the aftermath of an Easter Sunday attack.
also that right after the scene where the Lady Liberty torch falls, which
signals a NYC attack, we see the snake wrapped egg, which can be a signal to
BTW, other genres have shown NYC being destroyed by a nuclear bomb induced La Palma tsunami as depicted in the images from the Puritas Cordis game clip below. Note also the time stamp of 4:01.
here is another sync worth considering, in looking to the skies, on 3/31/2024
the devil comet conjuncts with the star Hamal (lamb), in the constellation
Aires—the lamb. The devil comet tells the end times story perfectly. See this
post: A
Great Sign of the Arrival of the antichrist has Appeared in the Sky
for the possible confirmation, the day that I started writing this up
I went to a store, and immediately upon getting out of my car I saw this.
searched where that car dealership is located, and it is about an hour and a
half from where I saw the car in the store parking lot. To my recollection I
had never seen that dealer vanity plate in my life. Was that a confirmation?
consider this comment left by a reader on a recent post.
I watched the above YouTube video posted by Olli-R.
very interesting syncs happened shortly after, while watching The Fringe season
2 episode 19. The episode is called 'The Man from the Other Side'.
first thing is the date sync, when the character Astrid says "...we might
be able to figure out what's supposed to happen at 3:31 tomorrow". The
caption doesn't show it but she does say 3:31.
long after, the bad guy Newton walks into a bank. Behind the teller is a framed
picture. It's a pine tree.
is an image from the episode that he refers to that shows the 3:31 signal.
Here is another Sync to consider, the Back to the Future Two film featured the date of 10/21/2015. From 10/21/2015 to 3/31/2024 is 101 months and 11 days (10111). From 10/21/2015 to 4/1/2024 is 4444444 minutes.
let’s consider the number 331. It is the 67th prime number (6 + 7 =
13). 331 is also a centered pentagonal and hex number. And it is the only
number, not including 1, that appears on both lists below—331 can form a
pentagon and a hexagon.
Putin has issued yet another chilling threat about nuclear war during his
speech to Russia's Federal Assembly this morning.
71, warned the West that there is a genuine risk of an enormous conflict if
they opt to send their own troops to join Ukrainian soldiers in the ex-Soviet
chancellor appeared to suggest that British and French soldiers have helped
Ukraine fire 'deep-strike' missiles at Russian targets, report says...
you putting two and two together with what they said? And you do know that
Russia has nuclear tsunami torpedoes.
the hypothesis correct, is the data that we have brought forth pointing to some type of nuclear attack on NYC on 3/31/2024 to 4/01/2024? As always time will tell, all I can do is
show you the data, this is not a prediction, I cannot predict the future, nor am I trying to predict the future by showing you these things.
Note: The only other date possibilities I see that come to mind are 3/132024 which is a date we are already watching, day number 331 of 2024, which would be 11/26/2024 or 3/31/2025. But those dates do not have as many syncs as 3/31/2024--4/1/2024. Steve Fletcher believes 3/11/2024 is the date of 9/11 number 2. One item he cites is The Matrix, which I have never seen, but it was released in the USA on 3/31/1999. Another possibility I see for an event on 3/31/2024 is that some kind of major antichrist event may also occur.
So, why am I showing you this information if I am not sure if it means anything. Because, just in case it may be correct, I feel that I need to show people the data so they can make up their own minds as to what if anything they need to do. Again, I cannot tell you what, if anything, will happen in the future unless it is specifically listed in scripture. But I can follow the admonition to reprove--by conviction to bring to light, to expose--the evil.
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.Eph 5:11
But, if a major event does occur on 3/31/2024--4/1/2024, be sure that it will be an integral part
of destroying the old-world order and bringing forth the new world order and its leader—the antichrist. I am looking to 2025 as the most probable time when
the world will be given into his hands.
me throw this in; in the last post entitled Who Will the Jews
Crown the Messiah,
the following information was brought out. From 26 Wall St. to Trump Tower is
22,666 ft. And from Trump Tower to the Chabad HQ is 6.66 mi. And from Chabad HQ
to 26 Wall St. is 7777 yd. or 23332 ft. And did you know that the nemesis in
Back to the Future was a character named Biff who owned a casino?
BTW, as mentioned above, I am also watching 3/13-14/2024 for a natural disaster, that is, if the 1188-day pattern is still in play.
Update 3/11: Just became aware of some new pertinent info that I want to pass on as reported on The Big the One.
I would like to add that 9/11/2001 + (9 x 11) + (9 x 11) + (9 x 11) + (9 +
11) + ((6 x 6 x 6) x (6 x 6 + .6…)) days = 3/31/2024
From 8/21/2017, the date of the Great American eclipse, to 4/1/2024 is 6 years, 6 months and 6 weeks (inclusive).
Also, the back to the future train was No. 131 which the one and the 31 can be a signal to 3/31/2024 and 4/1/2024. It can also be a signal to 3/11/24.
Another thought: In IPG2 the Prez Bush man is wearing a dunce cap, a cone with a D on it.
D is the 4th letter and the word cone contains the word one and with the D makes a 4/1. Also, C is the 3rd letter and thus cone can stand for 3one or 31.
Update 3/14: A commentor below alerted us to an RT post. In case you are not familiar with RT it is a Russian state-controlled international news television network funded by
the Russian government. They posted a small video clip on X on 4/3/2018, a few days after Easter in 2018. Here is a screen shot.
Notice that I took the screenshot at the time that the face appeared in the fiery smoke. It appeared at the 31 second mark, with 3 seconds left in the clip, which can be a signal to 3/31.
Update 3/14: Another thought came to mind--the infamous 2016 Invictus Games commercial, where they said "boom" and motioned as if they were dropping a bomb--presumed nuclear. It featured this screenshot.
239-223=16. An upside-down backwards 16 is 91. In a leap year, which 2024 is, 3/31 is day number 91 of the year. The last 3/31 Easter in a leap year was in 1872. The picture was shown at 1/4 of the way through the commercial, 3/31/2024 is 1/4 of the way through 2024.
The commercial also featured a time on the phone of 18:15.
In an analog clock at the time of 18:15 the hands are pointing at a 3 and at the 31-minute mark, which makes a 3/31.
Notice also that the phone showed that the call was received on 4/27/2016--one month after Easter in 2016. In European date reckoning it would have been 27/4, which makes a 274. On 4/1/2024 there are 274 days left in the year. The phone is showing a charge of 69%--not a good number--so, it has used 31% and 9-6=3, which makes another 3/31.
And the call was from F.L.O.T.U.S.--sounds like "float us" like what would happen from a nuclear tsunami bomb torpedo.
Update 4/10/24:
As we are all aware nothing happened on 3/31/242--4/1/24. So, either it was planned and called off or it was the wrong date. Future predictive programming events are not too difficult to discern, it is the date that is very difficult to figure out.
The only other dates I can think of would be day number 131, 133, or 331, which would be respectively 5/10/24, 5/12/24, and 11/26/24. Or 133 and 131 days left in the year, which would be 8/20/24, and 8/22/24. Also, it could be 3/31/2025 to 4/1/2025.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted
worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before
the Son of man.Luke 21:36
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