Thursday, November 28, 2024

2012; It’s Happening! Beware 1/28/2025


You most likely remember the 2012 disaster film that contained predictive programming for the 3/11/2011 Japan tsunami.


Well, I believe the 2012 film also contains predictive programming for the west coast mega earthquake. This information which I will not duplicate here can be found in this post. 

Did God Allow Me to Decode the Date of the Coming California Mega Earthquake!? 

If you read the post, you will see that I believe the predictive programming points to the date of 1/28/2025 as the date of the west coast mega earthquake. And we may have gotten a confirmation of this date.


The Baltimore Bridge Collapse: Did We Just Get a Confirmation of the Date of the… 

In the 2012 film the cause of the mega earthquake was attributed to high level energy coming into the earth from outer space. An interesting piece of data has just surfaced which may support the scenario presented in the film. 

Scientists have detected cosmic rays with a jaw-dropping 40 TeV of energy—the highest ever recorded, striking Earth. 

Spotted by Namibia's HESS observatory, researchers traced the powerful particles using faint blue Cherenkov radiation trails, but their origins remain a mystery. 

40 TeV means the energy is about 40,000X, the energy of visible light… 

A Geologist with a government geological agency - we won't report form which country - told us "This amount of energy hitting the earth is going directly to our planet core.  This will result in greatly increased numbers of earthquakes and, worse, very powerful earthquakes.  Soon!"


Will this incoming energy, which I would surmise is from the approach of Planet X/Nibiru, result in major earthquakes including the west coast California mega earthquake?

BTW, from 1/28/2025 to 4/19/2025 is 2 months and 22 days (222) days.  

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here. 

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy (eBook $4.99).


  1. Hello William
    Interesting timing. As you know I have been watching and sharing with you and you also have shared the findings of a 188 day 7.0 or larger earthquake pattern over the years.

    Again, interesting timing.
    The next 188 day cycle give or take three days on either side of the actual day will be....

    January 31 2025
    Three days from your conclusion in the above post.

    So it is well advised for all of us to prepare in anyway we can.

    In the past we had to wait to see where the quake might hit and again we aren't sure but with the cosmic rays in play it could well be more then one very large quake in a very short time.
    The sixth seal comes to mind but this event should it occur could be a literal birth pang to the timing of the actual sixth seal.

    Romans 8:22-23
    For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now.
    And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.

    Thank you for all you have done are doing and will do.

    We are waiting
    We are watching
    We are seeing and will see

    Brent 188

    1. I agree that if there is a big quake in January that it will be a precursor to the Seal 6 quake that may be induced by a planet x passage.

  2. Hi William, can you remember our old friend Alberto11118? Of course the date he was believing to have found was wrong but... He was always repeating :" one one one - red" so 111 red and r+e+d = 27 = 9
    January 29th 2025 could be 1 - 11 - 9
    BTW, as you read the blog TheBigTheOne I would recommand to look careffully at some people who post comments: one in particular: Andreï Ivanovitch who signs his comments with a small blue square. I found another "nugget" between poeple who post comments: Aviel Krutinsky. I don't know if he is banned (like me...because I predicted to them in 2022 that Ukraine would be destroyed and dismembered into several parts recovered by neighboring nations) or if he decided to stop posting by himself but Andreï Ivanovitch is relaying his writings and till now, their links are not censured by that band of mythomaniac Talmudic Khazars who run this blog, which I continue to consult only for the comments, which are sometimes very instructive.
    In case you could not find it, here is the link of the last article from Aviel Krutinsky:

    Phil from France

  3. La Palma in the Canary Island is definitely something to be considered especially when Spain's isolation from Ukraine and support may perhaps be an unsettling event that could trigger unforeseen consequences of tidal wave along coastal regions.

    1. You are absolutely right there is a lot of predictive programming for a La Palma induced tsunami, or at least that it would be used as a cover for a tsunami torpedo.

  4. M 7.0 CA Earthquake 12/5/2024
    From 12/5/2024 to 1/28/2025 is 54 days (6x9)
    And on that day it will be 4,666,666 sec and also 4,696,969 sec
    777,777 minutes
    1313 hours
    It hit at 10:44 AM PST = 644 minutes into the day
    644 = 322 + 322 a double illuminati death number
    Possibility; look for 40-day warning event 12/19-21/2024

  5. Hey William, there was an earthquake yesterday in California that was a 7.0 Dec 5th

    1. Yes thanks for letting us know, it has syncs, check out the latest post

  6. Code 128 is 12/8, or December 8. Not January 28th. That January 28th can refer to Luke 1:28 but in that day is nothing which is related to Mother Mary. Instead, December 8 is related to Mother Mary.

    "On December 8, we honor Mary, our Mother. The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is a Catholic feast celebrating Mary's conception without sin."


    Also remember the Pieta scene from the IPG2 film, where Mother Mary holds the dead body of Jesus child in her arms and Mother Mary's head rests on her right hand, forming a Super Bowl trophy, which again refers to American football. In this Aijaa picture, that Pieta scene: (you can see, among other things, a sinking aircraft carrier)

    "A Hail Mary pass is a very long forward pass in American football, typically made in desperation, with an exceptionally small chance of achieving a completion. Due to the difficulty of a completion with this pass, it makes reference to the Catholic "Hail Mary" prayer for strength and help."

    Luke 1:28 (=Code 128)

    28 And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.

    1. I believe that the judgment of America will occur under President Biden, not at the beginning of Trump's term. Trump may be the Antichrist rising from the ashes of World War III.
