The syncs for 1/28/2025 and Super Bowl 59 on 2/9/2025 were overwhelming. The magnitude of the syncs caused me to ponder, why were there so many syncs and what do they mean?
In realizing the propensity of the syncs and pondering the questions above I have come to the conclusion that the 1/28/2025 syncs were a time marker pointing to the celestial sign that occurred on that day of which I wrote.
As you can see on 1/28/2025 the new moon/dark moon—moon child—was in front of the Goat. Did this “activate” the moon—moon child—so to speak and will events occur when the moon is involved in future celestial alignments—they love to plan events by the stars.
And who is the moon child? It is the antichrist, thus I believe this 1/28/2025 sign speaks directly to the coming of the antichrist, and that future antichrist events will be moon related.
In regard to Super Bowl 59 and its many beyond coincidence syncs I believe they also point to the coming antichrist and the antichrist ritual that was performed during the halftime show.
Here is a video I ran across regarding the halftime ritual.
So, I believe the 1/28/2025 syncs and the 2/9/2025 Super Bowl syncs point to the coming antichrist, the moon child, and future events in sync with the moon and the 2/9/2025 halftime ritual.
Some antichrist events I am expecting to occur in the future are the Hoover Dam antichrist birthing ritual, alien disclosure, the great falling away, the antichrist head wound event, and the mark of the beast financial system.
I believe dates that should be watched are dates around new and full moons.
Moon: 2/12/2025 (It is called the snow moon, Lincoln’s Birthday, Lincoln is on
the penny, on 2/9/2025 DT signed an order to do away with pennies, Lincoln is
also on the $5 bill which was shown in IPG2, 322 days left in the year.)
New Moon: 2/27/2025
Full Moon: 3/14/2025 (It is called the worm moon, Lunar eclipse, Pi Day, and 33 days past SB 59)
Moon: 3/29/2025 (Solar eclipse, 3/28 is a Friday waning crescent moon, in the
past bad events have happened on Friday waning crescent moons.)
Full Moon: 4/12/2025 (It is called the pink moon)
New Moon: 4/27/2025
I also believe other esoteric dates should be watched:
Since there were plane crashes 9 and 11 days before SB 59, dates 9 and 11 days after should be watched.
2/16-17/2025: day number 1239, a 216 day (6x6x6=216)
2/18/2025: 9 days after SB 59.
2/21/2025: 11 days after SB 59.
2/22/2025: Washington's birthday, Washington on $1 bill, the number 222 is encoded on the dollar bill, folding the bill in a certain way shows a nuclear explosion.
2/25/2025: It is 1/28/2025 in the Chinese calendar.
3/1-3/2025: 42 days after Trump party and Inauguration.
3/3/2025: It is 22 days after SB 59
3/21/2025: 40 days after SB 59, also spring equinox.
3/22/2025: 322 illuminati day
4/18/2025: Good Friday
4/20/2025: Easter Sunday
If since 1/28/2025 the moon has “been activated” and if on 2/9/2025 the SB 59 ritual was performed and if 4/19/2025 is the day that the great tribulation begins, then any day between now and then needs to be watched, but especially the lunar and esoteric dates listed above.
the big question is, who is the antichrist moon child and when will he make his
appearance on the world stage as such?
ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all
these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36
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go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants
to save you; will you let him? Find out what you must do to be
saved, click here.
Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy (eBook $4.99).
William......I was watching Leave the World behind and noticed the solar eclipse scene...however the USA flag on the moon could be seen as the sun was being eclipsed. Instead of the moon eclipsing the sun, it was the earth eclipsing the sun , but from the vantage point from the moon. Thus if you were on the earth, you would be seeing a blood moon eclipse. There is a blood moon eclipse visible to the western hemisphere on March 14th , 2025. I believe this film is making a connection with this coming blood moon. There was a large ship that lost control and beached itself. Planes losing drive cars crashing...
ReplyDeleteStan thanks for the info, the 3/14 lunar eclipse in Virgo is a date that definitely needs watching. Knowing that BO was involved in the making of that movie, asks the question, what does he know?
DeleteSince it is in Virgo, and 33 days after SB 59, could it be the day of the Hoover Dam antichrist birthing ritual?
DeleteI don't know just who deserves the credit for originally discovering this gem (it's not me), but as many others have noted recently, the time lapse between the American Pie plane crash of Feb. 3, 1959, until the Feb. 9, 2025 New Orleans Super Bowl, was 66 years and 6 days. But there is MUCH more than meets the eye about this, if one just looks carefully. The time lapse between the Feb. 3, 2013 New Orleans Super Bowl, until the next N.O. S.B. of Feb. 9, 2025, is 12 years and 6 days. 12 + 6 = 18. And 18 = 6+6+6. But even all of this is merely an easy-going warm-up for the bottom-of-the-9th walk-off grand slam (?) = the clincher closing argument. [Ahem = will the marching band (as noted in "American Pie") give us a resounding drum roll, please.] And so, to conclude, the time lapse between the American Pie plane crash of Feb. 3, 1959, until the N.O. S.B. of Feb. 3, 2013, is exactly 54 years. And as it just so happens, 54 is the "666 hat trick" or trifecta or "unassisted triple play" number (!!!) How so? Well, 54 = 18 + 18 +18. And each 18 = a 6+6+6. QED. God seemingly must get the credit for orchestrating the two Sunday alignments involved. But the devil (?? or was it God ??) who orchestrated all the rest of this stuff, must be admired for being pretty clever, don't you think? - [To be continued in another comment...]
ReplyDeleteThat's pretty good sleuthing! Thanks for sharing. I know one thing for sure, that the SB and its ritual are ac connected. And when I saw that Lubbock TX, where Buddy Holly was from, was right on the line between the stadium and the Hoover dam, that said a lot! The Hoover dam birthing ritual is coming.
DeleteTo conclude the "666 hat trick" comment, don't you suspect that the Illuminati must have somehow known about all these rigged-numeric things all along, and which is why they decided to make such a big splash in their appearance at the halftime show this year? (You can see some of it, by watching the Youtube Illuminati video above, provided for us all by the ETF). The previous (= 2013) New Orleans S.B. Illuminati halftime show, was simply jaw-dropping = STUNNINGLY sophisticated in both thematic content and choreography. The English word "STUPOR" derives from the Latin "stupere", which essentially means, "to be STUNNED, or aghast, or awestruck, or dazed, or stupified". Like how we all must have felt after our first day of watching 9-11-01 video on a TV or Internet screen. George Bush Jr. was apparently shocked, so much so that it was decided that he should retreat ASAP via Air Force One, into a deep underground central USA Air Force nuclear fallout shelter bunker and command post. Helter-skelter! So we got to witness yet another Stupor (!) Bowl Illuminati halftime extravaganza this year. Why this year?! Are they telling us they have something planned for 2025? And why do we see a 666-666-666 three-peat?
ReplyDeleteBefore doing any deep dive into the Illuminati halftime stuff seen in the video above, perhaps it is worthwhile to draw attention to the 9 Feb. 2025 (= Super Bowl day) article by Steve Wilkins. Therein he states, inter alia, that: "in standard gematria, > Kansas City wins Three Super Bowls in a row." - In other words, they will three-peat. Oops! He also more than once states that: "Philadelphia appears destined to lose [at that point] giving them 666 wins [and] 666 losses." - Oops! Make that 667-665. Oopsy-doopsy. (But that's OK. At least he used the word "appears" instead of "is"). As one witty wag once put it, "Hindsight is the best insight (to foresight)". And so it is. And so, in Snopes-style reality check mode here: The score was 24-0 at the half. The Chiefs took refuge in a [American Pie] halftime [and American Pie (stadium)] fallout shelter, after being "blown off the field" (= "bombed") by "F-22 [= Philly] Raptors" in the first half. Why would anyone still want to stay tuned in, to such a Super Bore? Did we deliriously desire to be hypnotized or mesmerized by yet another Illuminati halftime worship ceremony? Or did we actually just want to be BOMBardED ourselves by watching scads of goofy commercials while in a drunk or drugged-up stupor? Does the "SB" in the blog title above, refer to "Super Bore" or to "Stupor Bowl" (?!)
ReplyDeleteFrom 666-665 to 667-665 ! Oh-so close. Close, but no cigar. Has any team ever had a 666-666 W-L record at any point in time on any day, in all of American professional (or college) football history? It appears that even the best laid plans of the devil, can be thwarted.
DeleteIn the wikipedia article "Super Bowl indicator", one can read about the year-by-year sync relationship that exists between the ring-winning team, and the ups and downs of the USA stock market. The coin toss to start the game supposedly has an unrigged 50% probability to be guessed or predicted correctly. The "Super Bowl indicator", as of 2022, had a 75% sync prediction success rate... And you thought "confirmation bias" was a pseudo concept? "Cognitive dissonance" anyone? = My oh my, wiki has matured into such a wonderful resource, hasn't it?
ReplyDeleteP.S. - This is basically SNL (= Saturday Night Live) skit-style humor, of which you can see a great many examples on Youtube. Snarky satire. Not so serious. Hahaha. In the very first sentence, wiki declares this Super Bowl sync to be "a spurious correlation".
Wiki article "Redskins Rule" = even more NFL sync info.
DeleteThis is just my seriously stupid attempt at lighthearted and self-deprecatory humor. Wiki articles "Tongue-in-cheek" and "Self-deprecation".
DeleteIt appears that the 666-665 claim HAS been officially verified. From the "Philadelphia Eagles Franchise Encyclopedia", we learn that right before SB 59 :
ReplyDeleteSeasons: 92 (1933 to 2024)
Record: (W-L-T) 638-639-27
Playoff record: 28-26
Moreover, in a X [= formerly "Twitter"] post by Bryan @iBelieve4498, we learn that:
Eagles: 666-665-27
Commanders [/Redskins]: 666-669-29
[Head coaches] Belichick [= Patriots, NFL] and Saban [= Alabama, Collegiate] both won ring #6 at 66 years old in the same exact building [= Mercedes-Benz stadium in Atlanta] 13 months apart [= Jan. 2018 and Feb. 2019]. Cape & Cope harder." --
These words of Bryan are linked/synced to those of Robert Griffin III [= RG3, the famous former Redskins QB]. RG3 noted on Jan. 29, on X, eleven days before SB 59, in both video words and print words, that: "The NFL is not rigged and the refs aren't cheating for the Kansas City Chiefs." - And that's that = RG3 locuta, causa finita (est). (N.B., these "game-rigging" accusations are also dealt with in the Wiki article "Super Bowl LIX"). That 666-666 did NOT happen, seemingly buttresses the case that RG3 is correct. And so, to conclude, Belichick and Saban are both apparently securely synced both to the AC and to hall-of-fame status, but no NFL team has ever 666 synced it. And RG3 nailed it in his short video.
Perhaps not so surprisingly, there is more to note. A comment about this 666-666-27 subject, published on a thread forum, and dated to about Jan. 29, by author "scorpiknox", is as follows:
ReplyDelete9 + 9 + 9 = 27
999 is 666 upside down.
27 upside down and inverted is LS.
LS = Lord Satan.
Illuminati confirmed.
Lord Satan = Prince Mephistopheles = PM = Patrick Mahommes.
Bet on the Chiefs. It's just good science.
Wow... Wiki "Down the rabbit hole" we go here, and with such rapid-fire adroit dexterity. But if scorpiknox was even 1% the smarty-pants bad-ass s/he apparently imagines himself to be, methinks he would have added that 27 + 27 = 54, which = the 666 hat trick or 666 three-peat master key number, noted in a previous comment above. And if "Sir Scorpi" actually had some intelligence, he would have bet (and bet big, with all he had) on the Philly Raptors winning it by 18. Why 18? Simply because 18 = 6+6+6. The final score was... 40-22 (!!!) So the NFL in general and NFL refs in particular, more or less obviously, rigged none of it. But it appears that the Illuminati rigged it all = not only orchestrating the halftime theatrics, but also, and even much more remarkably (?), the results of the entire football game itself! QED.