Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The Baltimore Bridge Collapse: Did We Just Get a Confirmation of the Date of the…


The Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed on 4/26/2024 at 1:28 AM. Does the time of 1:28 ring any bells? The date of 1/28/2025 is the date that I believe God allowed me to discern as the date the predictive programming is pointing to for the California mega earthquake and subsequent collapse of America, which I believe the collapse of the bridge is a symbol of. 

The odds that the 1:28 numbers match is 1440 to 1. Now let’s throw this into the odds. From 3/26/2024 to 1/28/2025 is exactly 44 weeks and on that day, it will be 444,444 minutes. And do you also see that the ship was crashing into the bridge pier at the 44 second mark. Now what are the odds? 

Was the bridge collapse a sign and warning? You can read the California mega earthquake post here:

Did God Allow Me to Decode the Date of the Coming California Mega Earthquake!?

Update: From the comments below.

The collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge occurred 128 days before Francis Scott Key's August 1st birth date.

Remember the girl on the tennis court with the "We Have 1028 Days Left" t-shirt? (Another 128 numerologically)

Don't forget the Fern Hollow Bridge collapse on 1/28/22.

The ship's name involved with the Key Bridge was "Dali." Salvador Dali had a famous painting called "The Broken Bridge and the Dream" which Equals 128 in full reduction gematria.

Obama's movie, Leave the World Behind, was released on Net Flix on 12/8/23--128. It contained a scene in which a container ship lost power and crashed. The ship Dali crashed at 128 and the movie was released on a 128 date, what are the odds? 

The North Tower of the Twin towers collapsed at 10:28 --128.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.


  1. The collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge occurred 128 days before Francis Scott Key's August 1st birth date.

    Remember the girl on the tennis court with the "We Have 1028 Days Left" t-shirt? (Another 128 numerologically) From June 2, 2022 when that happened, 1028 days later puts us at March 26, 2025, exactly a year after the bridge disaster.

  2. Don't forget the Fern Hollow Bridge collapse on 1/28/22.

    The ship's name involved with the Key Bridge was "Dali." Salvador Dali had a famous painting called "The Broken Bridge and the Dream" which Equals 128 in ordinal gematria.

  3. Joe Lieberman just died.

    Joseph Isadore Lieberman = 128 in reverse reduction gematria

  4. Yes, lots of sycronicties of Satan and his evildoers but we have this BLESSED hope that at JESUS'S RETURN. appearance does DESTROY Satan and ALL who follow him into the abyss
    Therefore. the millennial Kingdom was ser at the Crucifixion.

    1. 11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. Eph 5

      Hopefully people will se what is coming and turn to Jesus.

  5. If DC were attacked now, how would this bridge collapse affect an evacuation of the area? I’m assuming that the Moscow Crocus City Hall attack demands a similar retaliation.

    1. If there was an east coast tsunami incident, many people wouldn't be able to cross into Ohio, West Virginia, Southern Maryland, and Pennsylvania.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Here's a good analysis from Steve Fletcher who advocates a Pre-trib rapture.

    Code 128 & The April 8 Eclipse - Rapture Watch April 7-9, 2024

  8. Here is mentioned the exact time of the collision of the Dali container ship with the Baltimore Bridge.

    "At 1:28:45 a.m., the ship struck a support column of the bridge, beneath its metal truss and at the southwest end of its largest span, at roughly 8 knots."

    So 88 minutes and 45 seconds had passed since the day. Both these numbers are the numbers of the Antichrist Donald J. Trump! Simple gematria value from his name Trump is 88 and he was the 45th president of the USA. And HH (Heil Hitler) is 88 because H is the 8th letter.

  9. Decoding with Kodi today: towards end of new video he warned to be alert for a taking down of the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco area next.

  10. The number 239 is shown everywhere in movies, commercials, etc. Would it first mean date September 23, 2017, when the sign of Rev. 12 was visible in the sky, and then counting 2390 days forward from that we arrive at April 9, 2024, which is just after the American solar eclipse. 2390 = 239 because the zeros are dropped out.

  11. Watch this clip from The Simpsons and you'll notice that the calendar on the wall is missing August 27th, which is the 239th day of the regular year. At the same time, the American eagle is shown.

  12. I believe that the Baltimore bridge collapse is a sign pointing at the October 2nd eclipse that will go over Easter Island in the Pacific Ocean.

    Francis Scott Key was inspired to write the poem that eventually became the Star Spangled Banner from a War of 1812 battle in Baltimore harbor that happened on September 13 and 14, 1814. September 14 was the day before Rosh Hashanah. The October 2nd eclipse this year will also happen on the day before Rosh Hashanah.

    Fort McHenry, where the battle occurred, is located on Locust Point in Baltimore. We are being warned of God's coming wrath.

  13. Something else I am watching.... Pluto, where the word plutonium comes from, has an orbital period of 247.94 years or more precisely, 90560 days.

    Pluto will be on the same position it was on July 4, 1776 on this June 14th, which happens to be Donald Trumps birthday.

  14. Hi William,

    I've been doing some tinkering with Stellarium on the Internet and as you may know, tomorrow, April 8th, the day of the eclipse, the Sun is centered directly above the constellation Cetus, the whale. What is interesting about this is that the biblical scholar Donald Wiseman had speculated that a solar eclipse took place around when Jonah arrived in Nineveh and urged the people to repent, otherwise the city would be destroyed. Of course, the people of Nineveh (Assyria) had a good memory of how an angel destroyed 185,000 soldiers in one night and when Jonah arrived with an eclipse and a warning that God would destroy them in 40 days unless they repented, they had reason to be worried that this guy was probably telling the truth, so they repented! Now this brings me to some dates to watch. We know that Nineveh had 40 days. Forty days past April 8th is May 18, 2024. You may have heard this before because you are a man of numbers but the number 68 turns up for major world wars. For example, WW1 was 7-28-1914. If you add 7 + 28 + 19 + 14 it equals 68. WW2 was 9-1-1939. If you add 9 + 1 + 19 + 39 it equals 68. When Russia invaded Ukraine it was 2-24-2022. If you add 2 + 24 + 20 + 22 it equals 68. Now 40 days after the solar eclipse is May 18, 2024. The very next day after the 40 days are over is May 19, 2024. If you add 5 + 19 + 20 + 24 it equals 68. Therefore, a possible watch date for WW3 will be that day. As is known right now, Israel is on its highest level of alert. Russia has moved troops to the Israeli/Syrian border and has obviously begun its movement from the North as was prophesied in Ezekiel 37 & 38. This passage together with Psalm 83 is getting closer to fulfillment. Add to this that Israel has made strikes on Damascus too. Now that they've begun this, it will be easier for them to hit it again and move the world closer to the fulfillment of Isaiah 17. This is not Armageddon but is a prelude to it. Really, all these wars are the part of the same war that's been going on since the rebirth of Israel. The sum total of all of them will end up at Armageddon.


  15. Lastly, I have found out from sources in Israel that the Temple Institute has definitely identified a 'cohanim' who qualifies to perform the red heifer sacrifice. This person must have been born at home because if they were born in a hospital where a dead body might exist, they would be unclean and unfit. Also, they must never have entered a cemetery. They also must be at least 15 years old because it takes a fair amount of strength to slaughter a cow. There are at least 4 remaining red heifers from Texas that are without blemish and all are in their 3rd year. Originally, there were 5 shipped in 2022. They cannot be in their 4th year. The men of the Institute had a conference in March and know they must do something this year. They have divulged that the qualifying descendant of the Levite Tribe is undergoing intense training right now! Someone has purchased a parcel of land on the Mt. of Olives to perform this sacrifice and note that they do not need a temple to perform this despite non-Jewish opinions. This year has been declared to be the year of the red heifer. Currently, there are claims that the sacrifice will begin either just before April 22nd on Passover, or 50 days later on Shavuot. They know they must do something because each day they wait, 2 hairs could grow that are black or white on the cow and make it unfit. They have also said that for political & religious reasons everything is being kept secret about when it will happen. Believe it or not, they claim that they have just as much resistance from the Jewish right as they do from the Jewish Left and the Arab world. Shabbat Parah for Hebrew Year 5784 began on Friday, 29 March 2024 and ended on Saturday, 30 March 2024 . Shabbat Parah (“Sabbath of the red heifer”) takes place on the Shabbat before Shabbat HaChodesh, in preparation for Passover. Many things happening right now. CERN will fire up their Hadron Collider on April 8th too. One of the Directors indicated that it is possible that something may come out of it or that they could place something into it. There are sinister things associated with CERN as you may know. CERN is situated in France in a town called “Saint-Genus-Poilly.” The name Pouilly comes from the Latin “Appolliacum” and it is believed that in Roman times a temple existed in honor of Apollo, and the people who lived there believed that it is a gateway to the underworld. It is interesting to note that this this Latin word is equivalent to the word 'apollyon' from Revelation 9:11. Wow, 911. The name means 'destroyer' in Greek. Outside of the CERN building is the statue of Shiva, the Hindu goddess/god of destruction and is associated with the 3rd eye, with which it can destroy its enemies with fire.

    Well, need to get ready for church. Lots of things happening!!

  16. One other comment. The bridge in Baltimore was officially opened to traffic on March 23, 1977. Does this mean that it was declared complete on 3-22? An interesting number!

    1. Skull and bones

    2. Great info and research, thanks for sharing. I have quoted some of your info in the latest post.

  17. Thank you Mike. Very interesting and thought provoking. Maranatha

  18. Code 128 is 12/8, or December 8. Not January 28th. That January 28th can refer to Luke 1:28 but in that day is nothing which is related to Mother Mary. Instead, December 8 is related to Mother Mary.

    "On December 8, we honor Mary, our Mother. The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is a Catholic feast celebrating Mary's conception without sin."


    Also remember the Pieta scene from the IPG2 film, where Mother Mary holds the dead body of Jesus child in her arms and Mother Mary's head rests on her right hand, forming a Super Bowl trophy, which again refers to American football. In this Aijaa picture, that Pieta scene: (you can see, among other things, a sinking aircraft carrier)

    "A Hail Mary pass is a very long forward pass in American football, typically made in desperation, with an exceptionally small chance of achieving a completion. Due to the difficulty of a completion with this pass, it makes reference to the Catholic "Hail Mary" prayer for strength and help."

    Luke 1:28 (=Code 128)

    28 And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.

    And also notice the date 4/26/2024 when it is reduced. 4+2+6=12 & 2+0+2+4=8 -> 12/8 (December 8th)

    I believe that the judgment of America will occur under President Biden, not at the beginning of Trump's term. Trump may be the Antichrist rising from the ashes of World War III.

  19. อาจจะ สึนามิ ลาพัลมาเมื่อ 28/1

    1. Translation: Maybe tsunami La Palma at 28/1

      I agree that is also a possibility
