Showing posts with label 88. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 88. Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2025

The Moon Child and 1/28/2025


Did you ever hear of the concept of the Moon Child? I had not until yesterday. I was alerted to a video about the Moon Child which I found to be very enlightening (HT Olli). Here is the video, I will comment on it and 1/28/2025 below.


Woe, that was some eye-opening information. Is DT the Moon Child? Was 1/28-29/2025 an important esoteric day, did an important secret ritual take place on that day or was it a time marker? 

In regards to 1/28/2025, I have never seen a day with more synchronicities than that day had. It had numerous date syncs, number syncs, and predictive programming syncs. And since it had so many syncs I thought for sure that we would see an event.  And with all the California earthquake syncs, I was not sure, but I thought we could possibly see the CA earthquake on that day. 

Obviously that theory was wrong, but there were so many syncs that I thought we would at least see something major happen on that day, which again we did not, unless the day was a very important esoteric time marker upon which other events will follow. 

One thing is for sure all of those 1/28/2025 syncs, of which there were many, did mark the beginning of the Chinese year of the snake. And in IPG2 there were 4 animals depicting Chinese years, and the snake was the only one shown alive.

Thus, maybe all the 1/28/2025 date syncs were signifying that this is the year that major prophetic events will occur including the CA earthquake. 

Another possibility is that all the 1/28/2025 syncs, along with pointing to the year of the snake as “the year,” maybe it also points to dates in the Chinese year such as the date of 1/28/2025 in the Chinese year of the snake, which is 2/25/2025 (225225). 

Another occurrence on 1/28/2025 was the celestial sign of the dark moon in front of the Goat with Mercury between them, which the significance of and its associations with DT was presented in the video above.


As you can see on 1/28/2025 the new moon/dark moon—moon child—was in front of the Goat. Did this “activate” the moon—moon child—so to speak and will events occur when the moon is involved in future celestial alignments—they love to plan events by the stars.


Will an event occur when the Moon occults Saturn/satan on 1/31-2/1/2025 or maybe the day after? And since Saturn represents satan will an antichrist—satan event occur?


Some antichrist events that we are expecting are the Hoover dam destruction antichrist birthing ritual, and his head wound and coming back to life by satanic power, to name a few. 

Consider this comment that Olli left in regard to 1/28/2025, 88, and 1/31/2025. 

Nothing happened yesterday and hardly anything today either. But I must remind you that the 188-day earthquake cycle will not be completed until January 31, 2025, American time. So when you count the days from, for example, the great earthquake in Japan on March 11, 2011 (it happened on March 10, California time) to January 31, 2025, you get 5076 days (5076 = 27 x 188). That code 128 does not necessarily mean a date but the number of days from some moment. And that number of days is 88, I think, because the code 128 is the same as the time 1:28, which is 1 hour and 28 minutes (remember the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore last March). Since one hour is 60 minutes, the bridge collapsed 60+28=88 minutes past midnight. So we get the number 88. Similarly, in the movie Back to the Future from 1985, the number 88 plays a significant role in one scene, when the remote-controlled car finally reaches a speed of 88 mph and the main character Marty McFly's (Michael J. Fox) friend Doc Brown says before that: "If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits eighty-eight miles per hour... you're gonna see some serious s**t." Reaching this speed then brings joy and at the same time a license plate falls from the car that reads "OUTATIME" or "time is up for normality". Clearly predictive programming for this time. The number 88 mirrors President Trump, as the gematria value of his name with simple gematria (A=1, B=2, etc.) is the number 88. Could it be that since Trump won last November, we have to count 88 days forward from the presidential election?! Now it so happens that if we include Election Day on November 5th, it will be 88 days until we reach January 31st!! So that counting would put us right on the 188-day earthquake cycle. 

Thank you Olli, so, again I ask the question, will a major event occur on 1/31-2/1/2025 or the day after on 2/2/2025? 

The next celestial alignment after the occulting of Saturn occurs when the Moon occults Mars (war) on Super Bowl Sunday on 2/9/2025? Note: I have found several syncs for the Super Bowl, will post soon.


Will an event occur when the lunar eclipse occurs in Virgo on 3/14/2025, which is Pi day?

Will an event occur on 3/29/2025 when the solar eclipse occurs?


There are other moon alignments, but in light of all the 1/28/2025 syncs and the moon child information it may be prudent to keep an eye on the moon and the moon child—whoever that turns out to be. 

In considering the moon child information let me also remind you of this information; 

The Coming Greatest Deception in the History of the World; Hitler 2.0

Update: A thought just occurred to me; was the 1/28/2025 event a declaration in the skies of who the ac is? 

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy (eBook $4.99).

Sunday, November 10, 2024

The Synchronicities of 11/23/2024


From time-to-time various synchronicities become evident that point to a certain date. Sometimes events happen on the date, sometimes they don’t. In this post I will show some syncs for 11/23/2024. We will start with the infamous 231134421 video. If you have never seen it, here it is.

(Note: did you see the date of April 19? That will be addressed in the next post.) 

That video sent predictive programming sleuths scrambling to try and figure the date of the signaled event—Sector NY Water—Run Away. I also attempted to figure it out and the conclusion of my latest attempt pointed to 11/23/2023. 

Alas that was not correct, and I had not even thought about it until Olli left a comment stating that possibly the last 5 numbers of the code 231134421 were a zip code in reverse—12443. 

If you go to Google Earth and put those numbers in the search bar this is what comes up.


Hurley, New York, which as you can see is located very near the Ashokan Reservoir.  

The Ashokan Reservoir (/əˈʃoʊkæn/; Iroquois for "place of fish")[1] is a reservoir in Ulster County, New York. It is at the eastern end of the Catskill Park, and is one of several in the region created to provide the City of New York with water. It is the city's deepest reservoir at 190 feet (58 m) near the dam at the former site of Bishop Falls. 

So, that is very interesting that a coded video about a NY water disaster of some sort would have a possible connection to a reservoir that supplies water to NYC.



Another interesting sync regards the infamous shoes of the evil woman in IPG2 that display XXX. Olli alerted us to the fact that the XXX may have referred to 10/24/24 as X is the 24th letter of the alphabet and X is also the Roman numeral 10.


Thus, we were watching 10/24/2024 and on that day there was a fire at a nuclear plant in Iran and 2 days later Israel bombed Iran. Olli further alerted us that since there are 2 shoes they may refer to 30 (XXX) days after 10/24/2024 (XXX) which is 11/23/2024. So, that is another possible sync. 

IPG2 also shows the sun in Scorpios. Interestingly enough the sun is only in Scorpios this year from 11/23/2024 to 11/29/2024.


Also remember we are in the Chinese year of the wood dragon. The wood dragon was featured on the classroom wall in IPG2, the wall also signaled an East Coast USA event. Putting the two together signals the East Coast event in the year of the wood dragon.


Predictive Programming 923/239:


And here is another sync, I am sure we all remember the many instances of 923,239 predictive programming, of which there is a lot. In another comment on a post Olli reminded us that in the Roman calendar the 9th month is November, thus 923 can be a signal to November 23 (11/23).


Moon Cycles:


And Stan brought out the fact that since the occurrence of the 9/23/2017 sign of the Woman clothed with the sun, that 11/23/2024 is in the 88th moon cycle since that date. And 88 has been a greatly signaled number and was the speed that the time machine car in Back to the Future had to reach to time travel.

And here is another that I found; the Moon is in the exact same phase it was on the morning of 9/11/2001 as it will be on 11/23/2024—it was at age 23.0


113 Configurations:


Here are some interesting comments left by Olli regarding a possible sync with 113 and 11/23/2024. 

I think 113 or 311 is the code for the date 11/23. First of all, the number must be divided into two parts, 11 and 3. This 11 can mean the 11th month i.e. November and then 11=2 (note the Roman numeral II or 1+1=2) and it is combined with the number 3 -> 23. 

And you probably remember the Invictus Games commercial video from 2016 featuring Prince Harry and Queen Elizabeth II. They're looking at a phone screen at runners wearing the numbers 223 and 239 on their race shirts. This is definitely predictive programming. Both of these numbers give the date 11/23. Since 2=11, then 223 = 11/23 and since November is the 9th month of the Roman calendar, then 239 = 23/11. This is how they operate covertly but it is in the plain sight.

Also, when you have these numbers: 223 & 239, they both have the number 23 in common. When you subtract 23 from both numbers, the numbers 2 and 9 remain. And when you combine these, i.e. 2+9, you get the number 11. So this is also how we get the date 11/23. 

So, we can see that there are many syncs and predictive programming associated with 11/23/2024.

What does it all mean; will a major event happen on 11/23/2024? I cannot tell you the answer to that question, all we can do is watch. Synchronicities only heighten the possibility that an event will occur, not that it will.

BTW, there are a lot of syncs for 11/25-26/2024 too.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Beware of the Moon Going Through the Golden Gate: 8/11/2019

A very important day in the history of the world is upon us. In the near future the moon will cross through the Celestial Golden Gate flanked by Jupiter and Saturn. Now here is why it is significant; on 9/11/01 the moon crossed through the Celestial Silver Gate while being flanked by Jupiter and Saturn. As you will see the upcoming Celestial Golden Gate crossing of the moon has even greater implications for the Earth than the Silver Gate crossing at 9/11.

Note: I do not adhere to or promote astrology realizing it is of satanic origin. However I recognize that the evil forces aligned with satan sometimes bring about destructive works in accordance with celestial alignments. And in order to watch and prepare we are not to be ignorant of his devices, lest Satan should get an advantage of us. 2 Cor 2:11

With that in mind, we will start with an examination of the Celestial Silver and Golden gate concept.

Where then is this gate in heaven located? It is located at one of the two points where the two great celestial circles appear to intersect. The first great circle is that of the zodiac. This is the circuit on which the sun proceeds through the heavens during its annual cycle. It is named the ecliptic. The other is the circle of the Milky Way or circle of our galaxy. Its center line is named the galactic equator.

The intersection of the circles between Taurus and Gemini is known as the silver gate of heaven.

The intersection of these two circles between Scorpio and Sagittarius is known as the golden gate of heaven.

The galactic center lies visually from our solar system along a line that passes through the golden gate.

Tradition holds that major historical events have occurred after the sun has crossed one of these gates, such as the flood of Noah.

in 4004 BC at the creation of man, according to E. W. Bullinger's chronology, the sun was located above the star Nashira in the east of Capricorn. In the flood year of 2348 BC the sun was located in the west of Capricorn on the winter solstice…

The fact that the sun crossing heaven's golden gate on the winter solstice signaled the end of corrupted man's tenure on earth was fairly common knowledge in the ancient East.

And here is a more recent important event that aligned with a Golden gate crossing that has implications for the near future.

On September 11, 1990 at 9:09 PM, President George Herbert Walker Bush spoke before a joint session of Congress, regarding the Persian Gulf War. Among other topics, he stated that the war presented an opportunity for a “New World Order” to emerge. Eleven years later — to the day — the twin towers of the World Trade Center would fall, creating yet another “opportunity” to move.

Unbeknownst to the general population of the Earth this speech of ideas was unfolding under the alignment of “The Golden Gate” which is considered the entrance into the Heavens.

It is no accident this particular alignment was chosen to introduce the world to the concept of a “New World Order.”  The time of the speech appears to be carefully timed to coincide with “The Golden Gate” alignment over Washington, DC.

At this alignment the moon was very close to the gate and was flanked by Jupiter and Mars. It went through the gate later that night.

So as we have seen lunar celestial gate crossings can align with important events. As already mentioned on 9/11/01 the moon crossed through the Silver Gate over New York City and was flanked by both Saturn and Jupiter. IMHO, this was beyond coincidence—as their saying goes; “as above so below.”

It is apparent there is a star knowledge being used in conjunction with these events. They are carefully planned to coincide with the gateways in and out of the Heavens. For all we know there is a dual ritual occurring at the same moment in time. Whomever, is behind these events know the stars are necessary to bring their intentions into the material world. George H.W. Bush, used “The Golden Gate” to plant the seed of the new world order into the gateway. The idea was bound on Earth and loosed into Heaven. “The Silver Gate” released what was loosed in Heavens and bound it on Earth.

Now that we have established the fact that celestial alignments with the gates are important and have seen that they have aligned with major events in the past, let’s look above to see what may transpire below in the near future.

On 8/11/19—our important 40 day judgment watch day--the moon will cross through the Golden Gate flanked by Jupiter and Saturn.

 This is similar to what happened on 911; the moon was flanked by Jupiter and Saturn but went through the Silver Gate. The moon goes through the Golden Gate about once every 28 days, so that is not a rarity, but being flanked by Jupiter and Saturn makes it special and rarer. (Stan; maybe you could investigate this rarity for us?) Here is what the alignment looks like over the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.


So what does all this mean? In light of the 8/11/19 data and the past history of Celestial Gate alignments and the fact that Saturn and Jupiter are present, as was the case on 911, I believe this crossing is significant. At the very least the Golden Gate alignment with the Moon, Saturn, and Jupiter on the day—8/11/2019—in which much data, predictive programming, and signals are pointing to, is significant and adds greatly to the watch for that day.

Whether or not anything will happen on that day, I cannot tell you—but the data is indicating the possibility of the occurrence of a major event(s)—that is why we watch.

All of the data above adds to the watch for a major event(s) to occur on 8/11/19. The possibilities are many, including but not limited to one or more of these; war, natural disasters (tsunami, earthquake, volcanoes, hurricanes, and storms), financial collapse, terrorist attack, Temple/Israel event, to name just a few. Whether or not anything will happen on that day I do not know, but I will be watching…

As the Moon goes through the Golden Gate

with Saturn and Jupiter to seal our fate

Will the evil ones work their plan

And bring desolation upon our land?

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36
Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you, will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.

Do you know what will happen in the end times and how to prepare for them? I wrote a book to help you. It is entitled The Coming Epiphany and will explain to you, in an easy to understand format what you need to know about the end times. The Coming Epiphany is available in paperback and as an eBook on and is also available for FREE here.

About the author: William Frederick; M.Div. has been preaching and teaching the Word of God for over 30 years. He has dedicated his life to serving God and helping others come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and understand essential end times Bible Prophecy truths. He is the author of several books including The Coming Epiphany and The Dollar Code. His articles are originally published on The End Times Forecaster Blog. From there, his articles are published and referenced on various prophecy news related websites. If you would like to republish his articles, please feel free to do so, just please include the original link to the article. The more people that see this information the better, and we need to wake more people up while there is still time.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

The July 2nd Solar Eclipse: Yet 40 Days and Judgment; Beware of August 11, 2019!

Remember the Great American Solar eclipse of 2017 that occurred on August 21, 2017? Do you also remember the judgments that occurred at esoteric intervals past the event?  Based on the facts surrounding the eclipse several warnings were issued by The End Times Forecaster blog for the possibility of major judgments occurring afterward, which you will find linked below.

3 days—Hurricane Harvey

21 days—Hurricane Irma

29 days—Hurricane Maria (Note: this was also part of an 1188 judgment that this blog warned about 2 years prior to the event.)

40 days—Las Vegas Massacre

There is another solar eclipse that is going to take place on July 2nd, 2019. This eclipse is being called “The Great South American eclipse.” And based on the facts surrounding this eclipse the End Times Forecaster blog is issuing a warning to the world of the possibility of major judgments following the eclipse, of which the most prominent looks to be 40 days afterward—8/11/19. Remember tradition teaches that Solar eclipses are warnings to the Gentile nations and lunar to Israel.

We will start by taking a look at a few interesting facts about this eclipse.

Looks like a sad face on the earth

Like its North American predecessor, it also crosses the whole continent from west to east.  It starts in the Pacific Ocean, and will pass over the Pacific Coast of Chile, crossing the entirety of both Chile and Argentina, before abutting the Atlantic Coast in the east. 

The path of totality—the ribbon of darkness in which the sun will appear completely covered from an earth-based observer's perspective—is nearly twice as wide as the Great American Eclipse (125 vs 71 miles), will last nearly twice as long to a stationary observer (4 minutes, 33 seconds vs 2 minutes, 40 seconds) and will cover such cities as San Juan ("Saint John," the author of the Book of Revelation), Sancti Spiritu ("Holy Spirit"), Lobos ("wolves"), and San Miguel del Monte ("Saint Michael of the Mountain," the archangel who will cast Satan out of Heaven from a celestial place figuratively called Mount Zion in the Book of Hebrews and other biblical passages)

It appears there are some interesting end times connections with this upcoming eclipse. Now take a look at these connections.

The Great American eclipse occurred on the exact day that the Trump team began its push for the Deal of the Century Peace plan, which at present is scheduled to be released on 6/25-26/2019.

The 8/21/17 eclipse also occurred 33 days before the sign of the woman clothed with the sun, which occurred on 9/23/2017. And it just so happens that 92 weeks and 3 days after 9/23/17 is The Great South American eclipse on 7/2/19.

Here is another interesting fact; the two eclipses are 1 year, 10 months and 11 days apart, (1111) or 22 months and 11 days apart. As many of you are aware 11 is a Bible number which marks, disorder, disorganization, imperfection, and disintegration.

Alternatively the eclipses are 680 days apart; 680 = 40 x 17. 40 is a Bible number associated with a period of probation, trial, and chastisement. And 17 is associated with the perfection of spiritual order.

The 7/2/19 eclipse is a Saros 127 eclipse. The last Saros 127 eclipse was on 6/21/2001. From 6/21/01 to 9/11/01 there are 2 months and 22 days (222). From 6/21/01 to 7/2/19 there are 18 years and 11 days or 216 (6x6x6) months and 11 days.

Remember the great Venus occultation sign of the false Messiah which occurred on 6/6/16—there are 1122 days from 6/6/16 to 7/2/19.

Here are some interesting syncs;

8+2+1+1+7 = 19         8+2+1+17 = 28

7+2+1+9 = 19              7+2+19 = 28

Let me also mention that July 1/2 of 2019 marks the middle of the year.

In light of the facts above I believe that the 7/2/19 eclipse is a harbinger of judgments to follow, just like the 8/21/17 eclipse was, which had judgments follow it at esoteric intervals, as was shown in the beginning of this post.

One of the events that occurred after the Great American eclipse was the Las Vegas massacre, which occurred 40 days after the eclipse. Thus the 40 day point after the July 2nd eclipse, which is 8/11/19, needs special watching. (Note: all dates are +- 1 day due to time zones) 

Now here is an interesting fact; 8/11/19 is Tisha B’ Av—a 11/9 (9/11) Hebrew date. Most of you are aware of the importance of that date—a historically bad day for Israel and the Temple—which has shown history can repeat itself.

Here are some interesting connections involving August 11, 2019. 8/11/19 is 720 days past the 8/21/17 eclipse. 720 = 40 x 18 (6+6+6). Also the date of 7/2 makes a 72 and 8x1x1x1x9=72. 8/11/19 is 30 months and 22 days (322) past the Trump Inauguration.

Now here is something else of great importance. The Islamic year 1440 began on September 11, 2018—a backwards 9/11/18 is 8/11/19 and 9x1x1x1x8=72 which matches the 72 from 7/2 and the 72 from 8x1x1x1x9=72 .

Exactly 11 months after 9/11/18 is August 11, 2019. That makes August 11, 2019 to be an 11/1 date—the first day 11 months after 9/11/18. Thus in that respect 8/11/19 can be considered as an 11/1/18 date. And most of you are aware that 11/1/18 has been signaled greatly as a day for massive events to occur! (Note: 8/11/19 is 12/10/1440 in the official Islamic calendar)

11/1/18 to 8/11/19 is 9 months and 11 days. One of the 11/1/18 signals is pictured here. Notice that this can also be an 8/11 signal.

Let’s continue down the trail; a commenter left this comment about 11/8/19 in another post.

Anon June 2, 2019 at 11:43 PM

I have no doubt that something significant will happen in Sept. However August 11th is also being hinted at multi-contextually in all forms of media programming.

HUGE watch date. 8/11. 8x11=88.


William Frederick, M. Div. June 4, 2019 at 10:48 PM

8/11 has also come up in my research. I would appreciate if you would please share or email the info that you have regarding 8/11

In response to the comment I did a search for “8/11/19 prophecy” and some very interesting numeric and predictive programming information about 8/11/19 popped up. I will not repeat the research, which is excellent, but here are the links. I highly recommend checking out the info. (Note: the website would not open in Internet Explorer; I used Google Chrome to open it)

In reading the info I say; Wow, there are some amazing synchronicities in that information and in light of the eclipse information, at the very least; it leads us to focus on the possibility of a major 40 day judgment occurring on 8/11/19. Here is the researcher’s conclusion.

It's on! Believe what you want, coincidence theorist, but this day is glowing from afar like Sirius in the night sky. And all the stuff I showed you is not even the end of it. It is only the tip of the iceberg. Internet, Gematria tools and an awakening human hivemind make it possible to see all these patterns as clearly as we do. Thanks to everyone who helped to gather this knowledge.
I don't know what is going to happen but. Whether something will happen in the physical realm we will yet have to see. But the numbers clearly speak for themselves. So much, that my Pineal Gland hurts.

Just as the prophet Jonah long ago delivered his message to Nineveh, I believe the information surrounding the 7/2/19 eclipse and 8/11/19 is heralding to the world; “yet 40 days till judgment!” And it would not surprise me to see other judgments occur at other esoteric intervals past 7/2/19 such as 3, 9, 11, 21, 29, 33, etc. days past, as occurred with the last eclipse.

Let us also remember that the Trump peace plan is scheduled to be released on 6/25-26/19 and if the plan divides the land of Israel judgment is surely to follow.

And why and how do judgments fall? Because of our sin. The world is shaking its fist in God’s face and rushing headlong into wickedness. As a result God will remove his hand of protection and allow satan to bring attacks against the world.

9 And at what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it;

10 If it do evil in my sight, that it obey not my voice, then I will repent of the good, wherewith I said I would benefit them. Jer 18

But God also offers a solution to the problem.

7 At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, and to pull down, and to destroy it;

8 If that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them. Jer 18

This sin—judgment—repentance—restoring theme is given many times in scripture.

11 Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel? Ez 33

13 If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people;

14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. I Chr 7

Will America and the world heed the warning of the eclipse and repent of their many sins? I doubt it, and thus I look for judgments to fall upon the world at esoteric intervals past the eclipse.

And what are the possible judgments to follow; War, natural disasters (tsunami, earthquake, volcanoes, hurricanes, and storms), financial collapse, terrorist attack, Temple/Israel event, to name just a few. (Note: the researcher featured above believes a Golden Gate bridge event in San Francisco has been signaled).

Whether or not something major will happen on 8/11/19 or another esoteric day after the eclipse, I do not know, but from what I have seen let me echo part of the conclusion above; “it is clearly some massively important moment in time.” And in light of the sins that the world is involved in, I say; Repent world, lest judgment fall upon you!

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you, will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.

Do you know what will happen in the end times and how to prepare for them? I wrote a book to help you. It is entitled The Coming Epiphany and will explain to you, in an easy to understand format what you need to know about the end times. The Coming Epiphany is available in paperback and as an eBook on and is also available for FREE here.

About the author: William Frederick; M.Div. has been preaching and teaching the Word of God for over 30 years. He has dedicated his life to serving God and helping others come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and understand essential end times Bible Prophecy truths. He is the author of several books including The Coming Epiphany and The Dollar Code. His articles are originally published on The End Times Forecaster Blog. From there, his articles are published and referenced on various prophecy news related websites. If you would like to republish his articles, please feel free to do so, just please include the original link to the article. The more people that see this information the better, and we need to wake more people up while there is still time.