Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Video: The Synchronicities of Super Bowl LIX

Visual presentations of information get more views than written presentations. So, in order to possibly reach more people; I put the SB 59 syncs into video format and added in some additional info. HT to all that added info in the comments.



Please help reach others with this information and the Gospel by forwarding to as many as you can.  

Here are the links referred to in the video:

God's Gift of Salvation

The Coming Epiphany


  1. so is there supposed be something that happens on Sunday before, during or after the Super Bowl, I am not sure what these syncs mean what are you thinking?

    1. I cannot predict the future, I can only show you the syncs, it is up to you to come to your own conclusions and decisions.

    2. At the very least these syncs point to the soon coming of the antichrist false messiah

  2. I never watch visual presentations; you cannot speed read so it is time consuming and usually dull.

  3. I can read. Thanks for the information you are trying to share. Ignore stupid comments if you can, and God bless you as you press on brother!

  4. Unbelievable coincidences.

    Superbowl 59 Very High Watch Date (Volcanic eruption, Plane crash or Something else?)

  5. I've been watching the Netflix series Outer Range. This morning I noticed a mining company logo called BY9. I'm pretty early in the series so not sure what happens but the numbers are interesting.

    B = 2
    Y = 25
    Then you have the 9

    Interesting, because it could signify 119-25 or actually a date 2-9-25.

    As I opened the blog site on my phone I noticed the time in the top left corner.

    Also, here is the BY9 logo.

    The capital Y is interesting also, because yesterday I saw it in the Outer Range season 1 episode 4 (on a corpse), and linked it to another series called The Fringe.

    I believe the Y is the flux capacitor. Why? Because in The Fringe season 2 episode 19 (there is that 2 19 again) the Y was shown on a corpse. The Y incisions are standard practice during autopsies. This Fringe episode has a 911 phonebooth scene, the Y incision on the corpse, Pinewood Savings bank with one pine tree as their logo, and finally a red toy convertible car used as a prop.

    Not one post on the internet has made the connection from this Fringe episode to the movie Back to the Future, yet the evidence is overwhelming.

    Both episodes aired on April 22.

    There are many more syncs, but will stop here.


  6. It's curious to learn that Commander in CHIEF[s] Trump, is planning on attending the game. Supposedly, the "nuclear football" always accompanies him. Trump also gave a video speech to the WEF on Jan. 23 where the EAGLE[s] image behind him on screen, in left-right orientation, conveys a "war eagle" as opposed to a "peace eagle" (predictive programming?) message.

  7. To recapitulate a few things here: a black hawk [= raptor bird] chopper, with crew CHIEFS onboard, rammed high-speed into American EAGLE[S] [= raptor bird[s]] Flight 5342, which incident some think is some sort of "Dark Knight Rises" or "Sum of All Fears" black-swan-theory portentous omen scenario. Everyone involved died more or less in the twinkling of an eye. Literally. In a big blast. Can we (?) translate this as: the Chiefs are fated to three-peat by defeating the Eagles in sudden death overtime? Or will a cyber attack lead to a Blackout Bowl II ? Or, will we see a last second successful Mahomes Hail Mary TD bomb? Or will Trump fumble his football? Or, will it be something else nobody is expecting? Stay tuned...

  8. Hello William
    On January 25 2025 there was a rare celestial event with 6 planets aligning in what is called a planet parade. January 25 2025 was six days before the 188 day earthquake cycle pattern. In the past I have taken note that it seemed like the 188 day cycle could be before or after such events throwing it off by days.
    Also in the past the 188 day cycle has been off by as much as six days. Today January 8 2025 eight days after the 188 day cycle a large 7.6 has hit in the cayman islands. Could that be the one we were waiting for? Yes I think so.
    I would like to point out something else that I have observed and was trying to figure out.
    January 31 2025 was the 188 day earthquake cycle pattern date.
    And as of now there have been hundreds of large earthquakes in Greece in the same area which started on January 31 2025.

    Thank you for all you do William
    We are waiting
    We are watching
    We are seeing and will see
    Brent 188

  9. For all of you Super Bowl syncs aficionados, Cindy of , published a 2-2-25 blog post titled "Is Superbowl 59 Doomed?" It has lots of sync info, and also her comments in the comment section at the end of that blog post.

  10. I saw this on the Mark Allison 88 video, the lyrics of the song American Pie by songwriter Don McLean. Check out the lyrics, it gave me the chills.

    The repeated phrase "the day the music died" refers to a plane crash in 1959 that killed early rock and roll stars Buddy Holly, The Big Bopper, and Ritchie Valens, ending the era of early rock and roll; this became the popular nickname for that crash.

    The plane crash happened on February 3rd 1959. I did the date calculation to today.

    From and including: Tuesday, February 3, 1959
    To, but not including Sunday, February 9, 2025

    Result: 66 years, 6 days excluding the end date.

    Also interesting, all of the plane crashes that occurred recently.



    1. To Anon RAF : Your date calculation has been noted by others before, including cindybythesea a week ago. You could also start the day count as the first day of the count ending on Feb. 4, 1959, and still arrive at the exact same Feb. 9, 2025 end date. Additionally, "American Pie" was much discussed in connection to the previous New Orleans Super Bowl held on Feb. 3, 2013, as that was the 54th anniversary day, exact to the day.

    2. Look at the updates in the SB 59 post by the ETF

  11. Lots happened. Lots didn’t happen. Father’s God’s time is not our time. His ways are not our ways. We should all pray the Litany of Humility to guide us and guard through these very serious times that are upon us. Stay joyfilled and remain humble. God looks with favor on the lowly.

    “ Jesus! Meek and humble of heart, Hear me.
    From the desire of being esteemed, From the desire of being loved,
    From the desire of being extolled,
    From the desire of being honored,
    Deliver me, O Jesus.
    From the desire of being praised,
    From the desire of being preferred to others,
    From the desire of being consulted, “
    From the desire of being approved,
    From the fear of being humiliated,
    From the fear of being despised, “
    From the fear of suffering rebukes,
    From the fear of being calumniated,
    From the fear of being forgotten, “
    From the fear of being ridiculed,
    From the fear of being wronged, “
    From the fear of being suspected,
    That others may be loved more than I,
    Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
    That others may be esteemed more than I,
    Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
    That, in the opinion of the world, others may increase
    and I may decrease,
    Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
    That others may be chosen and I set aside,
    Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
    That others may be praised and I unnoticed,
    Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
    That others may be preferred to me in everything,
    Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
    That others may become holier than I, provided that I
    may become as holy as I should,
    Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it. Amen.”

    1. Amen
      John 3:30
      He must increase, but I must decrease.
      James 1:22
      But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
      Luke 1:23
      And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.
      John 6:63
      It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profits nothing:the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life.

  12. I believe we are being duped. These dates come and go, with so many syncs to each one. The enemy knows we are watching and he uses these date misses to discourage us. We then give up on ever discovering the truth.

    Don't let this discourage you, instead let it fuel your desire to find the truth, to show the world who really runs this place. The enemy is running out of time, so he can only delay for so long. Ultimately, God's timing or the fulfillment of his promises will be fulfilled.

    March 31, 2025 is a BIG watch day for me.

    God Bless.

    1. You may be right about the duping, another possibility is that the dates become too discovered and they change to an alternate date. Like if someone says I think someone is going to rob a bank on a certain day, the robbers will probably change their date. Another possibility is that the date is just a time marker to a future event. Another possibility is that there was something done behind the scenes.

    2. A potential significance of the Philly Raptors win, is noted in a comment in the comments section at the end of the 2-2-25 cindybythesea blog post. "Raptor" and "rapture" derive their meaning from the same Latin word.

  13. The wikipedia articles "Data dredging" and "Testing hypotheses suggested by the data" will help you to understand some of the reasons for "sync prediction failure rates." To quote from Simon and Garfunkel, "A man sees what he wants to see, and disregards the rest." - We saw the exact same thing happen in the late 1990s with the Michael Drosnin "Bible Codes" hoopla.

    1. Hello AI bot how you doing today?

    2. Are you for real?! AI probably "thinks" that "hoopla" relates to basketball hoops and March Madness. As concerns "three-peats", Michael Jordan and his fellow Chicago Bulls hoopsters accomplished that feat a couple of times, but Pat Mahomes and his fellow Chiefs pigskinners, just fell flat and came up short. I am not a bot and never will be one.

    3. Not all dates have syncs, so when dates stand out with a lot of syncs that are beyond coincidence it begs to ask the question, will something happen? Maybe they mean something, maybe they don't. That is why I just show the syncs and leave it up to the reader to decide for themselves.

      You said, "A man sees what he wants to see, and disregards the rest." So, I showed you the syncs what did you see? I never said something was going to happen. Did you think something was going to happen based on the syncs? If you did, then you saw what you wanted to and disregarded the rest.

  14. Will the real anonymous please quote at least a distinguishing name
    ..such as Stan? ha

    In my opinion...Just having amazing beyond coincidence odds happening....
    is a miracle in itself. Yes, I have assumed more than once that something
    would happen....then nothing. But later, either more amazing coincidences
    happen that just could not happen if you tried. I am not talking about
    someone's cat twitching it's tail 7 times...but stuff happening that are millions
    , billions or even greater to one odds. I feel these are indeed God winks to keep
    us on our toes.
