There are many synchronicities pointing to 4/19/2025 as the start date for the Great Tribulation and 9/30/2028 as the day of Armageddon. Below is a compilation of most of the posts showing the various syncs.
The antichrist and the False Prophet Will they Appear in 2025?
End Times Dream by an 11-Year-Old Boy Confirms the Timing of the Rapture!!!
2028 and Armageddon Updated: Confirmation Received!
The Apalachee High School Shooting and the Coming Sudden Death of America in 2028
The Bible on a Fence Post—Time to Get Right with God
Is This When the World Will End: Realigning Armageddon with the Day of Atonement
Trump, Katrina and Helene: Another Witness to the Day of Atonement in 2028
A Sign in the Heavens Reveals the Date the Antichrist Will Take Over the World?!
The Dollar Bill is Encoded with the Date that the Antichrist Will Take Over the World!?
Video: A Sign in the Heavens Reveals the Date the Antichrist Will Take Over the World!?
More Syncs to Confirm the Date; Dump Truck Dream, Lost, and the Great Tribulation
Belphegor’s Prime
Syncs with the End of the World! Updated
Will 4/19/2025 be the start of the
Great tribulation, will 9/30/2028 be the day of Armageddon? All I can do is show you the syncs, I will leave it up to you to make your own conclusions and decisions.
Watch ye therefore,
and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things
that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36
Not sure that you will go to heaven?
The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you;
will you let him? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.
Have you had your epiphany? You need
to be prepared for the end times! Read The
Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy (eBook
Hello William
ReplyDeleteAgain I ask how close do we have to be and for even more reasons this time.
My calculations showed 9-21-2017 the revelation 12 sign as a date and or timeframe to watch going back to the blood moons of 2014-2015.
9-23-2017 was what most called the exact date but in solarium there is very little difference.
On your blog 2-13-25 I posted some dates and again on 2-21-25 I pointed out a date.
I had left out a couple of upcoming dates not seeing there importance until just the other day and (this) these dates are right in the middle of the others.
What I left out was 7-11-25 , 7-27-25 and 8-11-25.
The date 7-11-25
Back in 2024 two pastors had visions of possible upcoming events that confirmed and witnessed to each other and one pastor gave a certain date that matched my timeframe to the day. 7-11-25.
The Pastors
Chris Reed who I don't think is a pastor any more and Terry Benet.
Just the other day a new and very compelling witness came to light.
Bo Polny made a connection to other connections to my connections.
So how close do we have to be?
9-21-2017, 9-23-2017, 9-27-2017
9-27-2017 is 4 days after what most would call the date for the Revelation 12 sign But....
9-27-2017 was exactly 7 years before 9-27-2024 the day that the Jacob star showed up.
7 years to the day.
Bo Polny pointed out that a 40 week gestation period would come to July 4 2025 and then if you waited for 8 more days for the circumcision of a child it would be 7-11/12 2025.
Then pastor Reed called his vision "the rebirth of America"
And Bo Polny is comparing these dates the same way.
The birthing process is very traumatic and what is coming and what we might have to go through in our very near future is a process that Jesus called the most tribulation that the world has ever known.
Thank you for all you do William
We are waiting
We are watching
We are seeing and will see
Brent 188
Thanks for sharing your research with us, things are definitely heating up.