am so sick and tired of hearing how NESARA, and the QFS are a great financial
system from God that will restore all the money that the evil cabal took from
us and usher in a financial utopia. LOL!!! Whether or not NESARA is real or
just some psyop, I do not know, but regardless…
is a video example of the rhetoric being thrown around about how this new
coming financial system is from God. The self-proclaimed end times expert even
goes on to say that if you do not believe it is from God, you just do not
understand the truth.
if it is real, is NESARA from God or not? Let’s use a little discernment—just a
little. What is the source of NESARA, and the QFS? By their own admission the
white hats tell us it originates from and will be controlled by the Pleiadians.
Here is part of what I wrote about NESARA
and the Pleiadians in the post; Major Prophecy Alert: Here Comes the Black Swans, Seal 5,
and the End of the World!!!
Woe! Woe! This is a major intel drop and it conveyed that the world financial
systems are going to collapse in 2023. And after the collapse the old world
financial systems will be replaced by the New World Order Quantum Stellar
financial system that will be controlled by the Pleiadians who will be
telepathically connected to those who participate in the system!!!
are the Pleiadians? In case you were not aware of the Pleiadian concept, here
is a short explanation.
The Pleiadians of are
a collective of extraterrestrials from the star system the Pleiades. The Pleiadian
culture is ancient and was ‘seeded’ from another universe of love long before
Earth was created. They have formed a tremendous society which operates with
love, with ideas and ideals that we are yet unfamiliar with. The Pleiadians
call themselves our ancient family because many of us come here from the
Pleiades to participate in the new experiment of Earth. The Pleiadians are now
here as ambassadors from another universe to help Earth through her difficult
transition from the third dimension to the fourth dimension and to assert each
of us in our personal endeavors of awakening, remembering and knowing.”
Source: PDF File (irs.gov)
who are the Pleiadians? They are a bunch of fallen angels masquerading as
benevolent extraterrestrials. I have written about them in the past in relation
to QFS, NESARA, and GESARA. I recommend reading the post to familiarize
yourself with those concepts. Here is a quote from the post: NESARA, GESARA, the RV/GCR, and the
QFS; It’s Out of this World!
novelty about this system is that benevolent extraterrestrial Galactics
provided the Alliance with this system which does not run on a conventional
computer, but a quantum computer placed on a satellite. It is protected by SSPs
to prevent it from being hacked.
According to the Galactic Connection
“the activation of the
QFS, the Galactic Alliance will completely destroy the Central Banking System
that has been designed to destroy the world economy and put the world
population into perpetual debt slavery.” This will be the path to humanity’s
liberation from this kind of slavery.
according to their plan that was revealed in the video, the white hats and the
Pleiadians are going to dump 2.3 Quadrillion of debt onto the financial system
and wipe it out. And they are indicating that it will occur in late 2023. Did
you notice the 2.3 figure—another signal to 2023.
what did they say was going to replace the old financial system? The New World
Order Stellar QFS system which we know will be controlled by demons
masquerading as benevolent ETs, known as the Pleiadians.
of post excerpt.
you tell me, how can something that comes from demons masquerading as UFO alien
ETs be from God? It cannot!
cannot tell you if NESARA, the QFS, and Starlink are the mark or just a
precursor to it but it is definitely not from God.
to their own admission, here is what NESARA will entail and how it will be
He said NESARA
is just weeks if not days away.
are 7000 redemption centers across the USA.
There are millions of dollars just waiting for you to claim.
1: They will do a biometric scan on you to see if you are a “good person.” (I wonder if this scan will determine if you have the shot and if you are emitting a MAC address.)
2: You will be asked if you have any foreign currency.
3: You will receive a quantum access card that you will add your unique “vibration”
to. (I wonder if the card will link up to someone's MAC address.)
4: You will get a quantum computer that will link up to Starlink, and you will
get a quantum phone. You will turn it on, activate your account and see that
you have millions in money.
unbelievable, doesn’t it? If it is real, it is a TRAP!!! Just sign up to have
millions!!! It will only cost you to have every financial transaction tracked,
your body tracked, you giving them the ability to prevent you from buying if
they do not like something you did. And seeing it will be either the mark or
the precursor to it, it will eventually land you in hell.
let me remind you that they are saying that this system will run via Elon
Musk’s Starlink. And what were we told about that?
the lady when she was13 years old asked someone ‘in the know’ if Elon is the
antichrist. The response was; no, but he will present the mark, and when you
see him do that the antichrist will take the stage. Need a little more
convincing? Here is some more information from his nanny. Source: The Starlink to hell.
cannot tell you if NESARA is real or just a psyop, I cannot tell you if it is
the mark or just a precursor to it. But I can tell you that since its source is
People of the world,
and especially Christians, need to reject this NESARA notion and not promote it
or sign up for it. For; if you do promote it, and or sign up for it, you will
be promoting and signing up for something of demonic origin.
Note: look what popped up on radar today--I wonder if that is a sign from God for the east coast USA.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted
worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before
the Son of man. Luke 21:36
you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End
Times Bible Prophecy.
sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so
is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click
the Author: My name is William Frederick and my book entitled “The Coming Epiphany” is available on
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material contained in this article is for general information purposes only,
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