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Updated 3/8
There is a lot of chatter going on about an RV/GCR, NESARA, GESARA, and the QFS. These possible future events, if they occur, will most likely be end times Bible prophecy related. So let’s take a look at them and evaluate them in light of God’s Word. (Image source: https://marilynjwilliams.com/nesara-gesara-in-simple-words/)
What is NESARA and GESARA?
National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA) was a set of proposed economic reforms for the United States suggested during the 1990s by Harvey Francis Barnard. Barnard claimed that the proposals, which included replacing the income tax with a national sales tax, abolishing compound interest on secured loans, and returning to a bimetallic currency, would result in 0% inflation and a more stable economy. The proposals were never introduced before Congress.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NESARA
Some claim that this law was passed in 2000.
NESARA is an acronym for a law Goodwin claims Congress secretly passed in 2000. According to Goodwin, the law would eliminate the IRS, forgive credit card and mortgage debt and declare peace. To prevent its announcement, she says, the Bush administration planned and conducted the Sept. 11 attacks and started the Iraq war. https://www.thenewstribune.com/news/special-reports/article25855087.html
GESARA is the same thing but on a global scale, Global Economic Security and Recovery Act (GESARA)
What is the RV or GCR?
is a belief that one day the U.S. dollar will collapse, which will affect the
entire world financial system. As a result currencies around the world will be revalued
and currencies will be backed by gold and other assets.
What is the QFS?
QFS stands for Quantum Financial System… it’s an off-world monetary system which cannot be rigged, in contrast with the current financial system. As it cannot be compromised – despite the many attempts to do so by the cabal – the cabal’s corrupt central banking will collapse. The cabal will have no access to this system. This system will allow the transfer of the new asset-backed currencies after the Global Currency Reset which will replace the US-controlled Swift system with all its ills of usury and manipulation. https://massawakening.org/the-global-currency-reset-and-our-liberation-from-the-debt-slavery-financial-system/
so now we have an idea of what these things are and how they are related. It
sounds like a great thing, doesn’t it? Here is how one website perceives all of
& Gesara in simple words explains the most ground breaking reformation
sweeping the world in its entire history!...
It’s SO
exciting and definitely the best thing to ever happen to all people worldwide.
We have all regarded the way the NWO has been treating us as normal, without
realising that what they were doing was completely unlawful in every way.
more! Their end is near!
patient people for the list below to be fully realised, as first the complete
removal of the evil satanic-worshipping cabal tyrants that have been running
our world.
& Gesara… here we go:
forgiveness (Jubilee). All illegal banking and government activities such as
credit cards, mortgage and loans or fees forgiven
No more
Income Tax
Abolish tax collection agencies…https://marilynjwilliams.com/nesara-gesara-in-simple-words/
Wow; “the complete removal of the evil satanic-worshipping cabal tyrants that have been running our world,” Now that sounds like a great thing, right? Before we jump on the bandwagon let’s evaluate all of this in light of God’s Word and end times Bible prophecy. First check this out;
The novelty about this system is that benevolent extraterrestrial Galactics provided the Alliance with this system which does not run on a conventional computer, but a quantum computer placed on a satellite. It is protected by SSPs to prevent it from being hacked.
to the Galactic Connection site
“the activation of the QFS, the Galactic Alliance will completely destroy the Central Banking System that has been designed to destroy the world economy and put the world population into perpetual debt slavery.” This will be the path to humanity’s liberation from this kind of slavery.
Hmmm… benevolent extraterrestrial Galactics! Wow, that tells me all I need to know. Many Bible prophecy researchers, including myself, are fully convinced that ETs, whether benevolent or not, are nothing more than fallen angels/demons masquerading as beings from other planets. Their mission is to lead the world into an end times trap through acceptance of the ET messiah antichrist and all that it entails.
So realizing that ETs are involved in these things sends up many red flags! Think about what God tells us is coming in the future during the end times in regards to a financial system—the mark of the beast, where no one will be able to buy or sell without it.
14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Rev 13: 14-18
This beast mark financial system will come about after the opening of Seal 5 when the antichrist takes over the world at the midpoint of the last 7 years. And how do you think they are going to keep track of everyone on earth and control their finances so that people without the mark will not be able to buy or sell? Does the QFS fit the bill? Look what else they are promising will go along with all of these coming financial changes.
to Disclosure Israel on Facebook, these are a few technologies which will soon
be released:
beds – these medical beds use universal energy and scan your entire body
any and all genetic / cancer/ ailments / limb regeneration/ allergy that is
You can
also choose to be age regressed so you can have a quality of life and live
machines are already being built.
If you
have eye sight issues, blood issues, any ailment whether you were born with it
or gained it at some point. It will be healed
the med beds they use universal energy to create food and drink
simply explain to the machine what you wish to eat and it is created
can create anything
small objects and clothing
No more
rubbish or waste. (all waste is placed back into the replicator)
the need to wash dry and store clothing. You replace the clothing and shoes in
the replicator after use. To be recycled back to the universe – into energy
replicators create buildings and transport
is no limit to what humanity can create
All of
the technologies coming will work with Gaia not against her.
Removing the impact we have caused to the animal kingdom and Gaia’s resources”.https://massawakening.org/the-global-currency-reset-and-our-liberation-from-the-debt-slavery-financial-system/
“Hey have we got a deal for you; we will cancel all your debts, restore your health, give you free goods, food, and energy, give you free money and get rid of the evil satanic-worshipping cabal tyrants that have been running our world. And all you have to do is join the system, take the mark, and bow down and worship.”
Are you getting the idea? Sounds like an end times good cop/bad cop routine. And how far are we away from seeing these things come to fruition? I do not know, but check out this video. (Note: In the video Charlie says God will be doing these things. God may allow these things but it will not be Him doing them.)
As you just heard Dr. Charlie Ward says the QFS is very close; if it is, and if it is the Seal 5 beast mark system, and not a forerunner of it, then realize before it happens we will see WW3 (Seal2), a global financial collapse (Seal 3), and the death of ¼ of the world’s population (Seal 4).
And if it is imminent that would also mean that we are in the last 7 years now, as this post suggests; Where Are We in the End Times?
So what are we to make of all of this; is the RV/GCR, NESARA/GESARA, and the QFS the coming beast monetary system described in scripture, or is it just a forerunner of it?
Realizing that ETs are connected to all of this alerts me to be very wary, because I realize that even though something may appear good on the outside, it may be rotten on the inside.
And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. Gen 3:6
Don’t get me wrong, I am not against fiat money being backed by precious metals or commodities, nor am I against free energy machines, and medical advancements, etc. But just because something appears to be good, does not mean that it is; one has to consider the source and the ramifications.
As a kid, before I was saved, I remember watching the Wizard of OZ movie; it was a good witch bad witch drama. (Note: For many reasons I do not recommend watching that movie, one of which is because it is used as training for neophyte witches.)
The point I am trying to make, which the film portrays, is that there are witches that do bad and there are witches that do good. But according to God’s Word, both are bad, because they derive their power and abilities, whether they know it or not, and or how well-meaning their intentions are, from satan.
So just because NESARA/GESARA, RV/GCR, and the QFS appear to be good on the outside, we must examine their source and their ramifications. If their source is ETs and their ramifications are that they are the beast system, then it should be opposed and not participated in.
So at the very least all of this RV/GCR, NESARA/GESARA, and the QFS needs to be watched very closely, it may be a fore runner of the beast system, or it may be the beast system itself. And if it is the beast system it should be opposed. And if it is imminent, then the horses of Seals 2-4 are ready to be released to trample upon the earth.
Update 3/8: QFS With Nicholas Veniamin & Charlie Ward – Dr. Charlie Ward
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36
Do you want to understand what will happen in the end times and when, so you can be prepared? Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy.
Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.
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Hi William,
ReplyDeleteYes. How fitting that you bring up the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
I suppose Stalin looked like a great option to some at the onset, yet killed many. Free everything, but I get you soul and no churches allowed!
I have been kind of watching the GESARA/NESARA conversation; and I really have to wonder where these people get this information. I see it's all tied into new age GAIA movement, but where do they get this information that common people have no idea is going on. I had seen the quantum computer in outer space bit and new money supply convention, a few months back.
Certainly the technology is there. Crazy stuff and one again looks to link to nanobot tech in vaccine for track and trace and hook up to quantum computer.
I do know a couple things about evil people. They always want you to eat their bread, because first they pray over it to satan, so kind of a reverse Blood / Bread of Jesus communion.
I think people should sincerely be aware of this. That is why it was one of the three greatest temptations ever; turn these stones into bread, if you really are the Son of God..yada yada.
satan well knew God could do that, that was not the sole temptation going on there. The gist of matter was, at whose command are you fed, the hidden trick and obviously he knew Jesus was hungry after no food for 40 days.
You have to wonder if that first tree was really an apple, or the bread fruit tree.
Anyway, they clearly want everyone to join in and eat their bread that will likely be plentiful until all designated sign up; then it will be kill to get your food allowance.
Alas, the days are evil.
DeleteThanks for sharing your insights. The update video by Charlie Ward says it is close--really close--we will see. If it is then the fireworks will begin soon.
Charlie Ward has been saying "it's close" for a very long time now. It is July 19,2021 and he's still saying it and get the damned popcorn and enjoy the show. When I heard that Donald Trump did the warp speed of the vaccines, he was not aware that there would be terrible side effects and even death. I knew that way before and I cringed when announced warp speed to save us from lockdowns. Trump had every opportunity to know this fact but he continued with it anyway. You see, my daughter was one of the first warp speed victims and I will hold Trump guilty of crimes against humanity forever. How's that for warp speed. Unless I see different by August 1, 2021, I will not believe a word this damned government puts out. That goes for Nesara and the QFS too. I hope I'm wrong but at this point, I don't think so. BTW, I've heard of depopulation since I got into this in 2005 so it's nothing new to me.
DeleteWhat happened to your daughter?
DeleteUpdated Summary of End Time Dates (my theory)
ReplyDeleteThe restart of Daniel’s 70th Week on 9/21/17 can be used to calculate the rest of the Revelation and Daniel dates (1260, 1290, and 1335 days)
September 21 - 23, 2017 Revelation 12:1-2 sign
March 24 - April 3, 2021
10 days of tribulation (Rev 2:10) before the Great Tribulation begins
EBS, Beast vs Harlot War, War in Heaven, False Messiah revealed, Two Witnesses appear
The Antichrist will be restrained and Israel protected by the Archangel Michael from 09/21/17 until 03/24/21.
On 03/24/21 the Archangel Michael will arise (Daniel 12:1), his protection over Israel will be lifted and the restrainer of the Antichrist will be removed. Once the restrainer (Archangel Michael) is removed on 03/24/21, the Antichrist/False Messiah will deceive many. Satan is cast down and possesses the Antichrist on 04/03/21.
April 3, 2021 - 1290 days after the Rev 12 sign
(Passover/Unleavened Bread)
Abomination of Desolation, Great Tribulation and Satan’s Wrath begins
May 18, 2021 - 1335 days after the Rev 12 sign
(Pentecost) - the exact date will be unknown due to a 12 hour or more delay in the earth’s rotation
Planet7X arrives (cosmic disturbance), Seal 6 opens, Rapture and Resurrection, God’s Wrath and Day of the Lord begins, America (USA) “Daughter of Babylon” is destroyed
September 14, 2024
1260 days after 04/03/21
(Day of Atonement)
Battle of Armageddon
See my estimated timeline for more details:
Thanks for sharing. My 2017 scenario aligns Armageddon w feast of trumpets in 2024 on 10/2-3/24. Day of atonement is on 10/12/24.
But it could also be another year--time will tell.
How are you going to have seal 2,3,4 and 5 between now and May 18th....with the greatest of respect that is impossible..
DeleteSo what if WW3 breaks out nukes fly and it is over in 72 hours, then stock market collapse, banks crash, prices skyrocket in a week, then a bio weapon is released or sprayed and many die within a few days. Then onto the scene comes the ac and his new monetary system--Seal5 begins.
DeleteNow I agree that with each passing day that scenario becomes less likely to occur this year, which is a good thing.
You can't live in fear and not watch the wizard of oz...what a fool you are. Where is the indication that Nesara, Gesara requires one to worship the system! Try to educate yourself foolish one!
ReplyDeletePeople that were used in the brain washing techniques by the Cabal used the wizard of oz to manipulate them and control them. There are things that go deeper in the world of the Cabal than you have any idea of apparently! He is not wrong, you are. Years of researching thousands of hours to learn from many sources and you come here and say he is wrong?? Nough said on your comment...
DeleteHave been looking for this info. So glad you posted this. I saw this before and lost the info and it needs to be sent out on FB and messenger to people, but as we know there are some who will remain deaf, dumb, and blind. Some of us have felt trump will come back and all this was a set up putting biden in so that he messes things up badly of course then the savior Mr.T comes back to save us all! One big lie! And this will be a part of what he will do and lead the country to hell. Many want him back and he is an anti christ figure too. German jew that is not a true jew. We are in serious trouble! Thank you for all the work you do to keep us informed, and especially about this...
ReplyDeleteI don't like how you twisted the last 8 years about money.. I'd say that Covid shot that changes your DNA and cannot be reversed even in a BioHealing bed is the Mark of the Beast..
ReplyDeleteSo refresh you thoughts about liberating the planets.. you're missing 171 books of that bible you're quoting..
God who created the universe with the power of his Word can also preserve His Word for us to read--the Bible.
DeleteThis only makes sense if you believe the Jesuit Futurist eschatology false doctrine. There is no 7 year future Trib... and where is the Antichrist (one man) in the Bible? Most Futurism is set up using Daniel and most of that is prophecy concerning the First Coming of Messiah. You ever wonder why Mega Pastors and such pushed the Left Behind nonsense? A Historicist view of eschatology was what was believed by those who "came out of her"--those who did not conform to the Great Harlot-- who did not bow to the papacy...they were known by many names, but primarily Protestants-- heretics --- to be beheaded and/or burned at the stake or imprisoned/tortured until they did conform and bow the knee to the Holy See (Sea). Anyway, stop looking for an ANTICHRIST.."he" has been and is no more as Trump and the Military have arrested the Pope and 80+ Cardinals for Crimes against Humanity--- Sex Trafficking and FRAUD. TO GOD THE FATHER AND THE LORD JESUS CHRIST BE ALL THE GLORY! A-MEN!
ReplyDeleteI'm late getting here, but have seen "Quantum Financial System" and "Alliance" many times the last few days! If NESARA and GESARA do happen then I truly believe Trump is the 1st beast in Revelation 13!
ReplyDeleteOk, now I know what RV also stands for. Thanks.