Showing posts with label america. Show all posts
Showing posts with label america. Show all posts

Friday, January 3, 2025

The President Carter Death Dream and the Collapse of America


As you have most likely heard, former President Carter died on 1/29/2024. Last year Rick Wiles of TruNews featured a dream account that involved the death of Jimmy Carter and the book, The Fourth Turning.

The fourth turning is a socioeconomic concept that involves the collapse of the USA Empire. The basic interpretation of the dream was that the USA would collapse after the death of Jimmy Carter. Here is the link.

The President Carter death and the collapse of the USA hypothesis fits into the hypothesis suggesting that 4/19/2025 is the beginning of the great tribulation.

Here is another dream that may fit into all of this. About 15 years ago I had the following dream that also involved a military parade.

A few years ago I believe that I had a prophetic dream regarding UFOs and the antichrist. I still remember it vividly--I was standing on a street and saw a spaceship going across the sky as if it was coming in for a landing. Then I saw a military parade coming down the street -- the parade was to honor the space traveler that came to earth in the spaceship. As he was passing by he stopped and stared at me with an evil look of anger. BTW he looked like a zombie. At that point I high tailed it out of there for I knew he was coming for me. I headed for the mountains and was able to escape.

Source: The War of the Worlds 

In retrospect the man that stared at me looked like a zombie or living corpse and was similar in appearance to the picture of President Carter above. So, maybe what I saw was a dead President Carter, maybe not, can’t be sure.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here. 

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy (eBook $4.99).

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Coronavirus (CoVid-19): The Predictive Programming Abounds!

There is a lot of predictive programming for the coronavirus—it abounds. Let’s get right to it.

The Denver Airport

Notice the gas mask.

The Simpsons

The beginning of the cartoon, where they are discussing the release of the virus, is eerily similar to what this man describes.


This is the name of a medical supply company--$$$

The Superbowl

From the post: Prophecy Watch February 2020

Super Bowl LIV

The date of the super bowl is 2/2/2020—lots of 2s. And 2/2/20 makes a 222. BTW; the M7.7 earthquake off the coast of Cuba on 1/28/20 was right at about 400 (40 x 10) NM from the Hard Rock stadium.  As in the past there will most likely be a half time ritual that will contain lots of predictive programming. The roman numerals LIV can be pronounced “Live” the opposite is “die.”

Update #1: A comment from below

Also, the movie Oblivion prominently featured the stadium "where the very last superbowl was played."

Ob LIV ion.

Furthermore, the movie starts off with a tech named Jack Harper #49.

The 49ers are in the Superbowl. It is Superbowl 54.

49 = DI
54 = ED

You have the word DIED, vs the word LIV--as you pointed out.

Update #2

Here is another comment from below

Hi , love your work , just wondering if you saw the Trumpet in his most recent rally say "10, 14, 18, 22" 14, 18 & 22 gematria being DEAD DIE and DIED

One of my replies was CDC = 10. I did a little more investigating; 10+14+18+22=64. Check this out.

Kansas City Chiefs; full reduction = 64
Forty Niners; full reduction = 64

Thus the super bowl may have been a signal to large amounts of death in the near future, including the coronavirus.

I Pet Goat II

There are lots of coronavirus signals in I Pet Goat II, see the post; The Coronavirus and the Crown. Here are a few examples.

Madonna Eurovision

A reader left a comment below to watch a Madonna video. I did not watch it all nor listen to the demonic music but I was able to see that it is all there.

Notice the crown on her head--signaling the corona/crown virus while she is standing next to people with masks on--again a signal to the coronavirus. Notice the x over the left eye a signal to death and the coming antichrist.

So the predictive programming abounds for the coronavirus and it does not look good for the world. Now here is a real “smoking gun” shocker. I already mentioned the “X” on her left eye as a signal of death and the antichrist who will be blind in his left eye. Guess what they are now calling the CoVid-19 coronavirus. They are calling it “Disease X.”

Coronavirus fits criteria for 'Disease X,' WHO expert says

The novel coronavirus has sickened over 80,000 people worldwide and killed at least 2,700, across 35 countries, leading one expert to say that it fits the criteria for “Disease X,”

Now we all know that is just a coincidence, right?

And what does the rest of the predictive programming in the video foretell? It foretells of the USA’s destruction.

Right after the mask scenes everybody falls down dead after everything is engulfed in fire. This is most likely a signal to WW3.

Next comes the signals to the destruction of the USA, which may involve a NYC tsunami bomb as indicated by all water.

And after the destruction of the USA they next signal the coming of the antichrist.

They end the song with "Wake Up."

I have written extensively about the role that America will play in the end times—she will be used by those aligned with satan to bring about the New World Order and then she will be destroyed. See the post; America is End Times Babylon.

Here is an excerpt from The Dollar Code that explains this;

…So I hope you are on board with the concept that money is encoded with secret information. In part one I revealed the map and word cipher on the dollar bill. Now I will reveal to you what I feel to be some of the most important information encoded on the dollar bill—the date ciphers.

I believe the date ciphers are very important in regards to the United States and the destruction of the Old World Order. As you may know, after the Old World Order and the sovereignty of all nations have been destroyed, the New World Order will arise. So let’s take a look at the dollar bill again to see what we can find.

There it is; the dollar bill, the trestle board for the destruction of the Old World Order and establishment of the New. There is a lot of symbolism and hidden information on the dollar bill, some of which we have discussed in part one of this article. Before we get to the date ciphers, let us first consider some of the esoteric aspects involved with the dollar bill. One of the most prominent and mysterious symbols on the bill is the pyramid, which as already discussed, is an illuminati symbol that represents the building of the New World Order. The capstone of the pyramid represents the antichrist indwelt by satan, who will be the leader of the New World Order, and will rule the world for 3.5 years.

How does the United States fit into the New World Order scheme? The illuminati chose the United States as the primary agent to accomplish its nefarious goal of bringing about the New World Order. This concept has been clearly stated in illuminati literature. For example Mason, Manly P. Hall wrote in The Secret Teachings of All Ages that:

Not only were many of the founders of the United States government Masons, but they received aid from a secret and august body existing in Europe which helped them to establish this country for a peculiar and particular purpose known only to the initiated few. The Great Seal is the signature of this exalted body—unseen and for the most part unknown—and the unfinished pyramid upon its reverse side is a trestle board setting forth symbolically the task to the accomplishment of which the United States Government was dedicated from the day of its inception.

That “particular purpose” for the United States only known to the “initiated few” by their own admission, is to bring about the New World Order. And they readily admit that the seal represents these ideas as stated below.

Each face (of the Seal) is a masterly harmony of all that is potent in symbolism and prophecy. It was originated and adopted by men who recognized the overshadowing presence of the Great Architect of the Universe and submission to His will as revealed in the Scriptures and the Laws of Nature. They planned a government in conformity to His great Plan. They recognized that America's greatest task was to go toward the goal of the Plan -- the eventual establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth."

Of course their “kingdom of god on earth” refers to the New World Order with the antichrist ruling the world. And what is their plan for the United States after they have used her to establish the New World Order? Their plan calls for her destruction.

The United States of America has served as a transitional homeland for the Israelites in Diaspora and a secure base of operations where the Knights Templar could establish a financial and military empire that would empower them to repossess the Holy Land. Now that the United States of America has fulfilled its purpose and the reconquest of the Holy Land is underway, the U.S. must be destroyed so that American Jews, which comprise 40% of World Jewry, will be motivated to relocate to Israel. There in the land of Israel they will encounter a False Messiah who will be enthroned as the reincarnation of King Solomon in the Temple of Solomon, soon to be rebuilt by the Knights of the Order of the Temple of Solomon.

I believe this destruction is described in scripture when the antichrist (little horn) destroys 3 horns, which I believe are the superpower nations of China, Russia, and the USA.

I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things. Dan 7:8

So the Pyramid represents the building of the New World Order and the United States has been chosen as the primary agent to bring this about, and when her task is finished she will be destroyed.

Before I reveal the dates to you, let me tell you that I found most of the dates years ago, and were found before the events occurred on those dates. As you will see these dates were significant. Several dates are in the future and may be dates of huge prophetic significance.

Notice I said may; let me make it clear that I do not claim to be a prophet, but what I do is try to integrate contemporaneous prophetic data in light of God’s Holy Word the Bible—the only standard for truth and doctrine. Based on that analysis and God’s leading, I have attempted to formulate a hypothesis concerning the encoded future dates. Remember, hypotheses can be right, or they can be wrong.

So what you are about to read is not “thus saith the Lord,’ neither is it a prediction. But what I will present is a hypothesis concerning future dates that may be right, partially right, or altogether wrong. Thus, if you cannot understand that, then just stop reading here.

Alright, if you are still with me, here we go. I will first show several numbers that are featured on the dollar bill. It is these numbers that we will use to calculate the encoded dates.

The Numbers…

End of excerpt.

Conclusion: The predictive programming for the coronavirus abounds! And as already mentioned in several previous posts, the coronavirus may be involved with the opening of the Seals of Revelation.  The Coronavirus Rode Through The Golden Gate!

And here is the latest from the CDC as reported by Hal

Americans should brace for the likelihood that the coronavirus will spread to communities in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned Tuesday.

“It’s not so much of a question of if this will happen in this country any more but a question of when this will happen,” said Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases.

She said that public health officials have no idea whether the spread of the disease to the United States would be mild or severe, but that Americans should be ready for a significant disruption to their daily lives.

“We are asking the American public to prepare for the expectation that this might be bad,” Dr. Messonnier said.

The secretary of health and human services delivered an equally sobering message on Tuesday. The secretary, Alex M. Azar II, told a Senate committee, “This is an unprecedented, potentially severe health challenge globally.”

Now this makes a lot of sense; the chart from the CDC as of 2/25/20.

Of course the coronavirus could mutate to a less harmful form and could fizzle out, and thus may not be part of the Seal 4 death, which I hope is the case. We will have to see how it progresses in the future. I think the definitive sign that the Seals have been opened is when we see the Seal 2 nuclear Mid-East centered war. But personally I would prepare as if it were part of the Seals—they will eventually be here sometime.

And if the seals are being opened then after the Seal 4 death of 1.9 billion, we will see the antichrist come onto the scene. And he will bring about his Seal 5 mark of the beast persecution against Jews and Christians. Then comes our deliverance at the Seal 6 rapture.

Is the coronavirus part of the Seals? Are we on the verge of seeing a pandemic, WW3, a worldwide financial collapse, famine, the destruction of the USA, and the death of 1.9 billion? Is the antichrist ready to come onto the scene and initiate his Seal 5 mark of the beast persecution?  Time will tell.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in?

Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.

Do you know what will happen in the end times and how to prepare for it? The Coming Epiphany is an easy to understand Bible prophecy book that will give you vital information you need for the end times. It is available in paperback, as an eBook, and even for FREE

To find out about The Coming Epiphany, click here.

About the author: William Frederick; M.Div. has been preaching and teaching the Word of God for over 30 years. He has dedicated his life to serving God and helping others come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and understand essential end times Bible Prophecy truths. He is the author of several books including The Coming Epiphany and The Dollar Code. His articles are originally published on The End Times Forecaster Blog. From there, his articles are published and referenced on various prophecy related websites. If you would like to republish his articles, please feel free to do so, just please include the original link to the article. The more people that see this information the better, and we need to wake more people up while there is still time.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Famine is Near, Are You Preparing? Updated

An interesting article popped up on TMIN entitled; Sonja Craighead Has Issued An Extremely Ominous Prophetic Warning About “The Next 2-3 Years”.

The article featured a letter authored by Sonja Craighead, who has a proven track record, in which she describes what she saw in a dream/vision. She is warning that America is on the brink and or the beginning stages of famine. What she is saying rings true with what I believe is coming and may be one of the reasons for the end times Aliyah that is calculated to occur in the Jewish year that coincides with 2019/20.

Here are some pertinent parts of what she wrote; you can read the rest at the link.

2019 has certainly been a year of changing and unusual weather patterns.  Areas throughout the US have had record rain, hail, flooding, heat, earthquakes, etc.  Multiple states were devastated this past spring with deadly flooding.  In December 2017 G-d had shown me that in the future, Nebraska  and the Dakotas would see horrendous losses of cattle lying dead in fields from terrible storms.  In early 2019 in grief we watched on TV the news reports showing drowned herds of cattle lying in Nebraska fields.  News reported that in Nebraska alone over 1 million cattle were estimated to have drown in the spring of 2019 from flooding…

In the coming 2-3 years there will be continued weather devastations of  the US’s crops.  There will not be enough animal feeds to feed American farmers’ and ranchers’ livestock.  In the 2017 Warning to G-d’s Remnant that G-d spoke through me, He showed me crops, especially corn, rotting in fields where flooding had occurred.  We have seen this summer (2019) news footage of corn standing bent and broken, and rotting in midwestern fields. ..

This summer (2019) G-d has reaffirmed to me that food shortages are here…!  Food shortages are not coming….they are here. Yet many of G-d’s people are still blind and cannot see what is already here.  In the June 8, 2019 warning the G-d gave me, He instructed me to tell His American Remnant to pray on our knees, “….and give us this day, our daily bread…”

G-d began speaking to me in early June about 2019 being His Summer of Change.  I asked Him what that meant.  He told me that a line had been crossed.  The hardness of heart of His people in America has reached a point where sin, disobedience to His laws, His statutes, and His word, are preferred by even many who claim to be His children, over repentance and obedience. During 2019’s summer, America has entered the times of food shortages, and the beginning stage of famine – without most people even understanding or realizing it…

The next 2-3 years are going to be rough and tough for everyone.  Seek G-d with all of your heart on how to prepare and protect yourself and your family and those that G-d puts into your care. We are not to hide in fear.  We are to warn those around us. Seek Him if you are to stay living where you are or to relocate. G-d is strategically positioning his Remnant to be in places to help those that He will put in their care as the famine increases to horrific levels. Repent! Spend time with G-d asking for His direction for your daily life.  Pray daily to have ears to hear and eyes to see what G-d is telling and showing you…

Lift up your eyes to G-d and ask Him for wisdom and knowledge for the days to come.  The final months of 2019 and forward each of us will feel the pinch of food shortages and the violence that will come with the panic when the population figures out the famine is here, and this is only the very beginning of food shortages. 

Blessings to each of you.  Pray, repent, prepare, and be obedient to G-d’s laws and statutes. Do not be deceived by the lies that we are being told.  Do no be lulled asleep by fools who are blind to see the destruction and judgments of G-d that are unfolding each day.

G-d’s wisdom and grace be over each of you and your families!

About 19 years ago, after 911, God spoke to my heart that the end times were coming soon. In response I cried out to God and asked Him to show me the truth about the end times. He opened my eyes to prophetic scriptural truths and showed me from His Word that the rapture will not occur until after Seal 6 is opened and that A Christian will be subject to Seals 1-5 and needs to prepare. He then burdened my heart to try and awaken as many as I can.

That is why I do what I do; to try and help awaken people to the reality of the end times. Some think because I have a book on Amazon I am rich and do this for money. Let me tell you the reality, last year I made about $350 on book sales and that was used to pay for The Coming Epiphany website. So the reason I do what I do is not to make money, but to try and awaken as many as I can to what is coming and to motivate them to prepare.

And yet I am ignored by many in the Christian community, even though many of my watches have come true, starting with the 3/11/11 tsunami and the latest being the 40 day eclipse judgment, yet I am largely ignored. Why? I believe it is because I do not believe in a pre trib rapture. Even though I have presented a scriptural proof  for a 6th Seal rapture, which has never been refuted, I am a persona not grata in the Christian community at large. One day they will have their epiphany—hopefully it will not be too late.

Have you prepared? The sins of America and the world have reached unto heaven, we are due judgment and they are already falling upon us. And I agree with what Sonja is saying about many Christians in America—they have crossed the line. Many are enamored with the world, selfish, self-centered, involved in satanic music, movies, books video games…, violating God’s clear commands, lazy, dress immorally, and could care less about someone’s soul. Many think they are doing service to God if they just show up for one service a week—like they are doing God a favor by coming to church.

Judgment is coming—have you prepared; are you in a right relationship with God, do you know what will happen in the end times, are you physically prepared for what will shortly take place in the world?

What Sonja is talking about may only be a prelude to Seals 1-5. When they hit it will take a day’s wages to buy a measure of grain, WW3 will occur, the New World Order will take over, 1 out of 4 will die and you will not be able to buy or sell without taking the mark of the beast. Those days are coming—are you watching, have you prepared?

BTW: In my last post I mentioned that the 40 day judgment—the Argentina financial crash—may spread to the rest of the world and wondered how much exposure Deutsche Bank had in Argentina. Because, as many of you are aware, a DB collapse could send the dominoes falling for a world financial wipeout.

Well, I did find out that DB has bank buildings in Argentina but am still not sure what their total exposure is. Last Friday its stock price closed at  $7.53 and today it closed at $6.69, that is an 11.1% drop. Remember what Charles Nenner Said;

Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner says if there was ever a global canary in the coal mine warning for the financial system, it is Germany’s Deutsche Bank (DB)…

If it breaks below $6.40, it can go out of business. So, it’s a very serious situation…

This is not a hyped prediction considering the IMF called DB the “most systemically dangerous bank” in the world in 2016. If DB does break $6.40, do we get a daisy chain of default around the world? Nenner says, “It is a very dangerous situation…

So in other words, according to Mr. Nenner  we are 29 cents away from a major world financial crash. Here is the post with all the details; The Wilkerson Prophecy: Are We One Dollar Away from the Worldwide Financial Collapse?

Update 8/15: DB stock closed today at $6.44

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you, will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.

Do you know what will happen in the end times and how to prepare for them? I wrote a book to help you. It is entitled The Coming Epiphany and will explain to you, in an easy to understand format what you need to know about the end times. The Coming Epiphany is available in paperback and as an eBook on and is also available for FREE here.

About the author: William Frederick; M.Div. has been preaching and teaching the Word of God for over 30 years. He has dedicated his life to serving God and helping others come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and understand essential end times Bible Prophecy truths. He is the author of several books including The Coming Epiphany and The Dollar Code. His articles are originally published on The End Times Forecaster Blog. From there, his articles are published and referenced on various prophecy news related websites. If you would like to republish his articles, please feel free to do so, just please include the original link to the article. The more people that see this information the better, and we need to wake more people up while there is still time.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Beware: This is It! The Final Blood Moon is Here!

1/17: Update added below

Remember the blood moon tetrad of 2014 and 2015? Prophecy watchers, including myself, were focused on the tetrad and were watching for the possibility of monumental prophetic events to occur in tandem or after the eclipse tetrad, just like they occurred with the two previous tetrads. The tetrads came and went with nothing major occurring.

Well what if the tetrads were part of a series of 18 eclipses with perfect symmetry—the symmetry of which no other tetrad in the history of the world exhibited? And what if the major prophetic events were not to occur after the tetrad, but after the entire series of 18 perfectly symmetric eclipses? Hmm…

Here is a depiction of the 18 symmetric eclipses centered around the tetrad. (Note; this chart is from a free e-book entitled God’s Perfect Signs—used with permission.)

Graphic 8 A: Biblical Blood Moon Tetrad during 2014-2015. There were 3 total lunar eclipses before and there will be another 3 thereafter. There were also 4 partial solar eclipses before and there will be another 4 thereafter. Source:

As you can see the last eclipse of the series just so happens to be the upcoming wolf blood moon eclipse of 1/21/2019, which will be visible over the Americas and parts of other countries as depicted below.

So what if this last eclipse in the series will be the final blood moon—a sign in the sky—before major prophetic events are about to occur. In other words could this last eclipse that finishes the perfectly symmetric once in the history of the world occurrence be a final warning and sign from God—who created and put the heavens in motion—that the end times are upon us?

I say yes, what say you? And if it is yes, then things could get bad pretty quick—how quick is yet to be seen. Here is the least of what will happen when the end times do arrive.

Seal 1: Conquering world power

1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.

2And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. Rev 6

Seal 2: WW3

3 And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.

4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. Rev 6

Seal 3: Worldwide financial collapse

5 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.

6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. Rev 6

Seal 4: Global pandemic

7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.

8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. Rev 6

According to the illuminati plan, those events are supposed to transpire within 91 days (13 weeks) after which the antichrist/UFO man will come onto scene to “save” the world.

Unfortunately the deception of the antichrist/UFO man filled with satan himself will lure the world into his trap and the world will make him their ruler.

5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. Rev 13

Under his rule no one will be able to buy or sell without his mark. Along with that he will wage war against Jews and Christians—Seal 5.

7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. Rev 13

9 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: Rev 6

Soon after Jesus will return to rescue His children at the rapture after Seal 6 is opened.

So with the last blood moon of the series about to occur, at the very least it is another sign, upon the already many signs, that the end times are approaching and major events could begin in the near future.

Exactly when is yet to be seen, but it would not surprise me to see something major occur in the very near future—economic, earth event, war, major terrorist event, the possibilities are many. 
However the most important consideration in regards to the end times is not if or when these things will happen, but are you prepared?

I wrote a book to help you prepare. It is entitled The Coming Epiphany and will explain to you, in an easy to understand format what you need to know about the end times and how to prepare for them. The Coming Epiphany is available in paperback and as an eBook on and is also available for FREE here. 

The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you, will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36