Showing posts with label 2025. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2025. Show all posts

Friday, January 3, 2025

The President Carter Death Dream and the Collapse of America


As you have most likely heard, former President Carter died on 1/29/2024. Last year Rick Wiles of TruNews featured a dream account that involved the death of Jimmy Carter and the book, The Fourth Turning.

The fourth turning is a socioeconomic concept that involves the collapse of the USA Empire. The basic interpretation of the dream was that the USA would collapse after the death of Jimmy Carter. Here is the link.

The President Carter death and the collapse of the USA hypothesis fits into the hypothesis suggesting that 4/19/2025 is the beginning of the great tribulation.

Here is another dream that may fit into all of this. About 15 years ago I had the following dream that also involved a military parade.

A few years ago I believe that I had a prophetic dream regarding UFOs and the antichrist. I still remember it vividly--I was standing on a street and saw a spaceship going across the sky as if it was coming in for a landing. Then I saw a military parade coming down the street -- the parade was to honor the space traveler that came to earth in the spaceship. As he was passing by he stopped and stared at me with an evil look of anger. BTW he looked like a zombie. At that point I high tailed it out of there for I knew he was coming for me. I headed for the mountains and was able to escape.

Source: The War of the Worlds 

In retrospect the man that stared at me looked like a zombie or living corpse and was similar in appearance to the picture of President Carter above. So, maybe what I saw was a dead President Carter, maybe not, can’t be sure.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here. 

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy (eBook $4.99).

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Apalachee High School Shooting and the Coming Sudden Death of America in 2028


Prophetic researcher Steve Wilkin, whose work has been featured on this blog in the past, sent me some interesting information that I would like to pass onto you. The information points to 9/30/2028 as the date of the sudden destruction and end of America the Babylon.

Let’s start with the tragic Apalachee school shooting—may our prayers be with those who are suffering. Here is some of what he sent me.

Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Jude 1:7

Wow those are some amazing syncs and Steve firmly believes that they point to 9/30/2028 as the date of America’s final destruction.

Steve further explains this date conjecture in this article, which was linked in his email.

Here are a few tidbits from the article that involve the only two sudden death super bowl games, super bowl 51 and 58, which point to the “sudden death” destruction of America the Babylon on 9/30/2028.

      See prior article >  <

 Here is a new revelation of just how precisely these two SUPERBOWLS are encoded in the Bible.

Wow, that is pretty amazing. So, as you can see there is a lot of data pointing to 9/30/2028 as the date of America’s destruction and I further conjecture and have put forth previously that 2028 is also looking like it will be the year of Armageddon.

Let me explain; if you take a look at the Jewish calendar for the fall feasts of 2028 you will see that Rosh Hashanah begins on 9/20-21/2028, the Day of Atonement on 9/29-30/2028, and the Tabernacles on 10/4-5/2028.

My prophetic research has led me to believe that since the major redemptive events of Christ’s first coming aligned with and fulfilled the spring feasts of the Lord, that subsequently the major events of Christ’s second coming will also align with and fulfill the fall feasts of the Lord.

With this in mind, and not going into too much detail, I have aligned Armageddon with the second day of Rosh Hashanah on 9/22/28 and the first day of the Millennium on the first day of Tabernacles on 10/4-5/2028. And the day of Atonement—9/29-30/2028 is in-between those two dates. For a more detailed explanation, and what events will most likely align with the Day of Atonement, see The Coming Epiphany.

In light of this data, we therefore need to ponder and ask ourselves the question; is the Apalachee school shooting and the two sudden death super bowl football games a witness to 2028 as the year when Christ will return to the earth at Armageddon, and the year when America the Babylon will suffer her final destruction, and the year that the Millennial kingdom will begin?

If so, then other Biblical date parameters infer that the antichrist will take over the world in 2025 and the great tribulation will begin—Seal 5. The rapture will occur after Seal 6 has been opened and will be our rescue from the great tribulation.

BTW, there is other data to suggest that 2025 and 2028 are the prophetic years of importance.

2028 and Armageddon

Is 2028 “the end of the world,” will the antichrist arise in 2025? Time will tell.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.

Monday, July 15, 2024

A Man Had a Vision of Trump Being Shot in the Ear 4 Months Ago! Listen to What Else He Saw.


Ran across this video at The Big the One in which a man named Brandon Biggs had a vision of President Trump being shot in the ear, which was posted 4 months ago. He also saw several other things such as the financial collapse, the New Madrid earthquake and a revival breaking out in America. Here is the video, the Trump info starts at about the 8 minute mark and the New Madrid at about the 20 minute mark. I will comment below.

So there we have it; he saw Trump shot in the ear, Trump elected, and then an orchestrated financial collapse. He also saw the New Madrid earthquake taking place 3 days after the dividing of the land of Israel.

How does his information fit into an end times chronology? If we are in the last 7 years, which I believe that we most likely are, then the financial collapse would be part of Seal 3, which I believe the eclipses signaled.

The Message of the Geometric Points of Intersection of the Eclipse Triangle

Thus if the vision is valid then the financial collapse could occur as early as November. And realizing that the Biden administration has been pushing for a 2 state solution, the New Madrid earthquake would occur 3 days after the decision is made, and the decision could happen quickly.

Over the years I have spoken about the consequences of dividing Israel, one of which I also believe will be the splitting of the USA via a large New Madrid earthquake..

The New Madrid earthquake may also occur in tandem with the California Mega earthquake. Predictive programming may suggest the date of 1/28/2025 for the CA mega earthquake.

Did God Allow Me to Decode the Date of the Coming California Mega Earthquake!?

Some thoughts; because one prophecy came true does not mean all the others will, but it heightens the possibility.

The world teacher is supposed to appear in 2025; 2025 and the World Teacher.

The Age of Aquarius is supposed to start on 8/13/2024; The antichrist and the false prophet; Will they Appear in 2025?

If the last 7 began in 2021, then the midpoint will be in 2025 and Armageddon in 2028; 2028 and Armageddon Updated: Confirmation Received!

So, what can be concluded from all of this information? To me it says that we are getting close to seeing major prophetic events occur. Even so come quickly Lord Jesus. We will be rescued at the 6th Seal rapture.

May many be brought to repentance and accept the free gift of salvation before it is too late.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Bubble of all Bubbles Will Burst! Here’s When!


Economist Harry Dent has been saying for a while that the economy will crash, and he gave a timeframe of the end of 2024. He updated his forecast and said that the bubble will burst from early to mid-2025 and it will be epic. 

"I think we're going to see the S&P go down 86% from the top, and the Nasdaq 92%. A hero stock like Nvidia, as good as it is, and it is a great company, [goes] down 98%. Before this is over," Dent stressed. 


Now the big question is; if the crash occurs as he predicts from early to mid-2025, how would it fit with end times Bible prophecy? 

I would see it as one of the events designed to usher in the antichrist, bringing forth his taking over the world and his ushering in a new financial system—the mark. 

The early to mid-2025 timeframe that Dent gives fits right in with the 2028 Armageddon hypothesis, which presupposes a 2025 antichrist takeover the world date. 

2028 and Armageddon Updated: Confirmation Received! 

Personal note: I have been extremely busy with little time to sit at the computer and may be that way for the next month or two. 

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

The antichrist and the false prophet; Will they Appear in 2025?


Several pieces of prophecy data are indicating that 2025 may be the year that we see the false prophet appear, and the antichrist arise and take over the world. Let me show you the data, you can make your own conclusions. 

First off, God’s Word tells us that the antichrist false messiah will perform the abomination of desolation, take over the world and begin his Seal 5 mark of the beast persecution around the midpoint. And working right alongside of him will be the false prophet. 

After the antichrist takes over the world, he will rule the world for the last 3.5 years—times, time, and half a time—the last 42 months of the 70th week or the last 7 years. 

And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. Rev 13:5 

And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. Dan 7:25 

And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. Rev 12:14 

And in case you were wondering, it is clear from scripture that the antichrist and false prophet will reign in the last half of the last 7 years, not the first half—for they will reign until Armageddon and then be defeated and thrown into the pit. Armageddon is at the end; and 3.5 years before the end is the midpoint, thus they will start circa the midpoint. 

And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. Rev 19:20 

Several prophecy watchers, including myself, believe that we are in the last 7 years now, and that we are approaching the midpoint. Here are the date calculations for important dates in the last 7 years based on end times number parameters given to us in scripture. For a full explanation for the reasoning behind those numbers and calculations I refer you to The Coming Epiphany.

Notice the 2025 midpoint scenario in the chart above has the last 7 years starting in 2021 and ending in 2028. The calculated dates of interest around the midpoint are day numbers 1230, 1260, and 1290, which respectively are 2/8/2025, 3/10/2025, and 4/9/2025. 

If 2025 is the year that the antichrist will take over the world, then those are the dates of interest we are watching for major antichrist events to occur. Now here is the data that suggests we will see the antichrist arise and take over the world in 2025.


The Red Heifer 

Passover 2024 which runs from 4/22/2024 to 4/30/2024 is when the Red Heifer may be sacrificed. 

The Red Heifer and Passover 2024  

The ashes of a Red Heifer are needed for the third Temple to be dedicated. The temple needs to be in place for the antichrist to perform the abomination of desolation. 

Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 2 Thes 2:4 

So, if a red heifer is sacrificed during Passover 2024 that would enable for there to be a Temple in 2025. That in turn would pave the way for the ac to perform the abomination of desolation in 2025. 

(Note: If they sacrifice the Red Heifer on 4/22/2024 (Nisan 14), how sad and ironic it would be, because the real Messiah was sacrificed for them exactly 1991 years earlier on Nisan 14 in 33 AD.)


The Signs of the Seals of Revelation


On 5/19/2024 a sign appears in the heavens of what I have interpreted as a sign of Seal 5—Jupiter conjuncts with the sun on Pentecost in Taurus. 

Heavenly Signs of the End Times Part 2 

This will be the fifth sign of a series of Jupiter conjunctions that I believe let us know that Seal 5 will follow sometime soon afterward. Seal 5 is when the antichrist takes over the world, establishes his mark of the beast, and wages war against Jews and Christians. The sign in 2024 paves the way, so to speak, for this to occur in 2025. 


The Age of Aquarius


According to the 1969 hit song, The Age of Aquarius, the song proclaims 8/13/2024 as the date of the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. As the song says, "When the moon is in the Seventh House, And Jupiter aligns with Mars...This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius." And those astrological conditions occur on 8/13/2024. 

The Age of Aquarius is all about the new world order and has connections with demonic so-called ETs and a new era in which the world teacher is amongst us. So, watch out for possible UFO ET connected events around that time. 

This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius 

BTW, 8/13/2024 is also Tish'a B' Av, the day when both temples were destroyed, and is the 4-year anniversary of the Abraham Accord. This day is a watch day for major temple events to occur.

Thus, the Age of Aquarius beginning in August of 2024 would be a necessary prerequisite for the antichrist to appear at a subsequent date including 2025. 


The Devil Comet


There is a comet out there that is being called the devil comet and will draw a 666 in the sky and many believe is a sign of the coming antichrist. 

A Great Sign of the Arrival of the antichrist has Appeared in the Sky 

And where will the devil comet be in the early part of 2025? It will be in the constellation Ara the altar from about 1/1/2025 to about 5/5/2025.

Is this a sign that the devil, through the antichrist, will perform the abomination of desolation on the temple's altar and eventually sacrifice many people? Yes, I believe it is, we know that he will do those things, the only question is when. Will it be in 2025 when the devil comet is in Ara? 


The Mercury Mars Venus Alignment

On 2/6-7/2024 the same configuration of Mercury—Mars—Venus occured as occurred at the time of the crowning of the woman clothed with the Sun sign, which occurred on 9/23/2017—the Sabbath of return. 

Another Sign of the antichrist Appears in the Sky 

I believe that the 2/6-7/2024 crowning of the antichrist sign is another witness that the end times are upon us. Is it a sign that the antichrist will be crowned ruler of the world in 2025? 


2028 Syncs 

A fellow prophecy researcher by the name of Steve Wilkin believes that Jesus will return to the Earth on 9/30/2028. He bases this hypothesis on many syncs that he has found that point to the Day of Atonement in 2028, which is on 9/30/2028. 

Will it be 2027 or 2028? 

Are all of these 2028 syncs a sign that the second coming is in 2028, if it does, then it infers the midpoint and arrival of the antichrist will be in 2025? 


The Perfect Numbers 

In mathematics there is what is called a perfect number. A perfect number is a number whose factors, not including the number itself, add up to the number. Here is the first one, 6—the number of man. 

6 has factors of 1, 2, and 3. 1 + 2 + 3 = 6 

How many perfect numbers are there? Between 1 and 33 million there are only 4.



As you can see the first two are 6 and 28. And so far, only 51 perfect numbers have been found in all the possible numbers that exist, and all 51 of them end in either a 6 or 28. 

Is the perfect number data featuring 6 and 28 a witness to and does it confirm that the end of the 6000 years allotted to man will be in 2028? And is it a witness that Jesus will return to the earth at the battle of Armageddon to set up His Millennial kingdom—the beginning of the 7th 1000-year period of time? 

Will it be 2027 or 2028? Part 2 

So, are the perfect numbers a witness to 2028 being the year Jesus will return, which infers the antichrist will arise in 2025?


CA Mega earthquake watch day


A great earthquake could precede and be a catalyst to the arrival of the antichrist. Data is indicating that 1/28/2025 may be the day of the California mega earthquake. And if the last 7 years began in 2021, then as already shown the midpoint would be in 2025 and thus a great earthquake on 1/28/2025 could serve to help usher in the antichrist. 

Did God Allow Me to Decode the Date of the Coming California Mega Earthquake!? 

If the last 7 began in 2021 then the calculations suggest that the last 7 years began on 9/28/2021. And from 9/28/2021 to 1/28/2025 is exactly 40 months. As most of you know 40 can be associated with a period of warning that can result in judgment. As Jonah declared, "Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown." 

There are many other syncs, which can be seen at the link, that suggest that 1/28/2025 is the day of the California mega earthquake. And if so, this would serve the purpose of the antichrist to take over the world a few months later—order out of chaos. 


The End of the Sovereignty of the USA


A new dollar code calculation has been put forth based on 777—the number of judgment—that yields the date of 4/10/2025. The 777 dollar code date may point to one of the greatest satanic events during the end times—the takeover of the world by the antichrist. Is this date encoded on the dollar bill, which is represented by the capstone being placed on the pyramid depicted on the back of the dollar bill? This would also mean that all nations of the world including the USA lose their sovereignty. 

The End of the Sovereignty of the USA and the Arising of the antichrist: a New Dollar Code Date to Ponder. 


The year of the Snake


Four Chinese years are shown in I Pet Goat II, The year of the tiger (2022), rabbit (2023), dragon (2024), and snake (2025). 

In the film the snake was the only one that was alive all the rest were inanimate. That signals to me that the year of the snake is the year that the main event of IPG2—the revealing of the antichrist—will occur. 

Did God Allow Me to Decode the Date of the Coming California Mega Earthquake!?


Mr. 555


From 6/21/1982 to the calculated Armageddon date of 9/20/2028 is exactly 555 months. And if Armageddon is in 2028 then the midpoint will be in 2025. 

Mr. 555 and Armageddon 


The World Teacher and 2025


The new agers are heralding the arrival of the world teacher in connection to 2025. This demonic world teacher will most likely be the false prophet or the antichrist. So, their data is another confirmation of the 2025 theory. 

2025 and the World Teacher 



So, is the spring of 2025 the time that the antichrist and the world teacher will come onto the scene and take over the world? Time will tell, but if so, then things are going to get really bad between now and the spring of 2025—really bad. 

Have you prepared physically, mentally, and spiritually for that time. And if you are wondering about the rapture, it will not get here until after the antichrist takes over the world and after Seal 6 is opened. 

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Have you prepared for the end times! I want to help you to prepare for the end times. Read The Coming Epiphany today before it is too late. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you. Find out what you must do to be saved, click here. 

Thursday, February 15, 2024

2025 and the World Teacher


New agers are heralding the appearance of the world teacher in connection with the year 2025. Will 2025 be the year that the world teacher shows up, and if so, what are the prophetic implications. Let’s first consider what they are saying. 

Theosophy and Alice Bailey 

There is a famous Theosophist (Theosophy is a demonic cult) named Alice Bailey that used telepathy (demonic communication) to receive messages about the coming world teacher and the New World order. The date that came up over and over in her writings was 2025. Here are a few excerpts from her writings. 

World evil has not yet been sealed away. The main thrust of work among people of goodwill is to make fundamental changes in human thought and the public aware of a spiritual direction for the planet that underlies the events of the times. This is being vigorously opposed by materialistic interests at present, but it is possible of attainment, and will continue until 2025.

We only need more light to offset the more materialistic interests. The intensification of light will continue until 2025, after which a relatively stable period will intervene. [That intensification of light is what has contributed to much of the present world unrest]. 

The concept of a world federation of nations is rapidly forming, and will be universally recognized, desired and worked for by 2025. It will not be perfect, but its outline will be in place by that time. [Watch for the words spoken by world leaders in that regard.] 

Very great changes will be seen to have taken place until 2025 (from post WWII years) and have increased in activity and speed. In 2025 in all probability, the date will be set [sometime into the future] for the first stage of the reappearance of the spiritual hierarchy on Earth in physical form... 

And to add to that, we have another person—one of her followers—who is also a seeker and subject of telepathy and had these things to say about 2025.


To reiterate;

…the world teacher to reappear physically all link to 2025…

…He talked about that he said in 2025 the world federation…I suspect that they will meet in 2025…and make the decision for the world teacher to reappear.

And just who is this world teacher? The Bible tells us that the three main demonic players in the end times are the false prophet, the antichrist, and the devil. 

And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. Rev 16:13

Thus, the world teacher is most likely either the antichrist or the false prophet. And since he is heralded as a teacher, he may be the false prophet.

So, what are we to make of what these new agers are saying? Will the world teacher make his appearance in 2025? 

Well, it just so happens that several pieces of prophecy data are indicating that 2025 may indeed be the year that we see the false prophet appear, and the antichrist arise and take over the world, and this world teacher info may be a confirmation of the 2025 hypothesis. Time will tell. 

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Have you prepared for the end times! I want to help you to prepare for the end times. Read The Coming Epiphany today before it is too late. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you. Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.