Showing posts with label 222. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 222. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

The Great Sleeping Giant: The Coming New Madrid Earthquake



Could a giant earthquake rip the USA in half? That is what many people have had dreams of and believe will happen sometime in the future along the New Madrid fault line. 

Many including myself believe this will occur when we divide the land of Israel and bring about the much talked about two-state solution, but that is yet to see. 

Stan left a great comment on a recent post that touched on the New Madrid seismic zone. I will comment afterward. 

William....Lots of symbolism coming up in the next few days. Look at the far right conservative CPAC meeting held at the Gaylord Convention center this weekend in

Washington, DC. Let's see what idolatry has been openly displayed before. Trump’s Golden likeness of himself doesn't even need any comments. 

Or look up CPAC's stage in 2024, not closely, but EXACTLY reproducing the NAZI "Odal Rune" theme....worn on Hitler’s henchmen labels, and reproduced as the Convention stage for the 2024 CPAC stage. They deny saying it's just a similar coincidence....I say it was a designed exact copy. 

This year’s CPAC convention ends on 2/22/2025... Is God being mocked that this Saturday, the EXACTLY ...777 months to the day of the largest recorded earthquake in history??? ...happening off the coast of Chile on May 22, 1960?... 


I find it interesting that from this largest recorded earthquake in history on 5/22/ the 4/8/2024 eclipse crossing the New Madrid fault 23332 days....or 3333 weeks between. 

I also just happened to measure from the unique place at New Madrid, Missouri...called the Sleeping Giant Eddy...

It measures EXACTLY 700 miles from that unique place on the south side of New Madrid, right on the banks of the Mississippi the center of the Gaylord Convention center in Washington DC. 

Is this "Sleeping Giant" New Madrid earthquake going to be reawakened soon? These date alignments bring heightened awareness to God's grace growing less..... 

I forgot to also show how the first crossing eclipse across the New Madrid fault of 8/21/2017 also has an interesting number connection to the greatest recorded earthquake in history...a 9.5 EQ at Chile, on 5/22/1960...It is 20911 days between. These coincidences just keep accumulating as the prophecy written out on a rubber band keeps....... ...s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g..... 

So, let’s start with the CPAC convention and the “Odal Rune” that Stan mentioned. Here is what he was referring to.


That certainly is an interesting coincidence in light of this post.

The Coming Greatest Deception in the History of the World; Hitler 2.0 

And Stan let us know that from the greatest earthquake ever recorded, that it is 777 months from 5/22/1960 to 2/22/2025. 

Here is the comment I left for Stan about 2/22 dates. 

Stan thanks for sharing they are some ominous and amazing syncs. 2/22 is a watch day every year as 222 is a number encoded on the dollar bill, Washington's BD, Washington on dollar bill and the dollar bill can be folded to look like a mushroom—mushroom cloud. 

2/22/2022 was our watch day and was the day the decree was issued by Russia to invade Ukraine. 

This year 2/22/2025 is 13 days from SB 59 ritual. 

I forgot to add that the old hundred-dollar bill had the time on the clock on the back of the bill at the time of 2:22. And when the hundred is folded in the esoteric way it shows the aftermath of an explosion.

And regarding the eclipse and the New Madrid, Stan wrote, 5/22/1960 to the 4/8/2024 eclipse crossing the New Madrid fault 23332 days....or 3333 weeks between.

And it just happens that 23332 is the 323rd palindromic number and 3333 is the 123rd palindromic number. And 23332 = 2 x 11666.

And in an email Stan wrote the following: Well...what about the total solar eclipse passing over New Madrid, Missouri on 4/08/24?  I went directly to the Georgia Guidestones...exactly where it was...and dropped a point and measured it to the same point on the Mississippi river, right in front of New Madrid, and it measured exactly 408.24 miles...the same as the 4/08/24 date. 

And as Stan pointed out from 5/22/1960 to the Great American Eclipse of 8/21/2017 it was 20911 days. Does that make a 2nd 911? 

And from when the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed on 3/26/2024 to 2/22/2025 is 333 days.

And Stan found that from the Sleeping Giant Eddy in New Madrid, MO to the CPAC Gaylord convention site that ends on 2/22/2025 it is exactly 700 miles.


And I found that from the Sleeping Giant Eddy to the Trump World Tower it is exactly 770.07 NM.


And let me remind you that from the Buddy Holly airplane crash site--Bye Bye Miss American Pie--to the Trump World Tower is 1011.66 miles.

And a line from Trump Tower in NYC to the Super Dome where the 2 wreaths join is exactly 1019 NM long--a backwards 911.

And from the bank of the river at Sleeping Giant Eddy to a place where I lived in the past is exactly 777 Miles. And I have a 128 connection to the Chile earthquake.

So, what does all this mean? I cannot tell you, all I can do is to show you the syncs; you can come to your own conclusions.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy (eBook $4.99).

Sunday, January 26, 2025

The Five Door Ritual, 222, 555, California, and 1/28/2025


Here is another witness to the possibility of a major event on 1/28/2025 sent to me by Steve Wilkin of Jesus Second Coming 2028.


That is the data; it is interesting to note that 222 is encoded on the dollar bill.


And 555 was the time on the Simpsons doomsday clock

That is the new 1/28/2025 data. Will a major event occur on 1/28/2025? And if so, will it be the date of a major California earthquake or will it be some other event? 

Please keep in mind that synchronicities do not mean that an event will it occur they only heighten the possibility that it may. I cannot predict the future, nor am I trying to do so, I am merely showing you data that shows synchronicities, you can draw your own conclusions and make your own decisions. 

Here are all the posts that involve 1/28/2025 syncs. 

Did God Allow Me to Decode the Date of the Coming California Mega Earthquake!? 

The Baltimore Bridge Collapse: Did We Just Get a Confirmation of the Date of the… 

The 128 Code Appears Again 

2012; It’s Happening! Beware 1/28/2025 

Video: The Revealing of the Date of the California Mega Earthquake 

California Earthquake Date of 1/28/2025 Syncs with the Coming Great Tribulation Dates 4/19/2025 to 9/30/2028 

California Mega Earthquake Syncs (Video) 

More 1/28/2025 Synchronicities: The Challenger Disaster, Back to the Future, the 2nd 911, the Skull and Bones Clock, and the pope Opening Door #5 

More Amazing Bible Syncs: Psalm 73:19, 1/28/2025, 9/11/01, and 9/30/2028!!! 

Prophetic Signs: Kansas History, Chiefs, and 12/25/2025 Sync to 1/28/2025, Super Bowl 59, 4/19/2025 and Start of the Great Tribulation… 

Another Witness to 1/28/2025 

Three Lightning Strikes and the End of the World 

More Syncs to Confirm the Date; Dump Truck Dream, Lost, and the Great Tribulation 

The Great Tribulation, Lightning, and the California Earthquake 

Another 1/28/2025 Witness 

It Won't Be CERN’s Fault! 

URGENT: Major Earthquake Warning for Southern California Issued by the EQ Prediction Center! 

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36  

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here. 

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy (eBook $4.99).

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

The Implications of the North Korean Missile Test on 11/2/22


On Wednesday 11/2/2022 North Korea launched 23 missiles—the highest number yet for a single day. A message is being sent, are we receiving it? 

North Korea fires 23 missiles in busiest launch day ever; 1 lands off ROK coast 

North Korea fires 23 missiles, one landing off South Korean coast for first time 

North Korea fired the highest number of short-range missiles in a day, says South Korea 

Why were there 23 missiles and why on 11/2/22? Remember there can be messages in the numbers. 

Consider this piece of data; a post from 11/23/2010—North Korea and the Antichrist, note the 222 connection between the date of 11/2/22 and the info below, there is even a 23 connection. 

Now, let us return to our subject of North and South Korea. On page 222-3, of his book, Lemesurier makes a very cryptic statement about Korea. "But then war will seldom be absent from the world-scene during the last twenty years of the century. There will be numerous local conflicts in the Far East, the Middle East, and Africa. A hair-raising nuclear confrontation in Korea may, towards the end of the period, threaten man's very survival."

The book that he is referencing is The Armageddon Script by Peter Lemesurier which is suppose to be a blueprint for what the evil ones are going to bring upon the world to produce antichrist. The page number 222 caught my eye--that is the time on the clock on the back of the hundred dollar bill which when folded looks like the aftermath of a nuclear explosion. 222 is also ciphered on the dollar bill which I detail in The Dollar Code. I just remembered--God brought to mind--that I had an occurrence with 222 and North Korea which I wrote about in The Dollar Code.

(Note: One evening while I was in my car I was praying about what I had found on the dollar bill and what it might entail for the United States. As I was driving my car odometer reached 66622.2 at that exact moment I had the radio on and was listening to Dr. Savage and his guest was talking about the North Korean nuclear threat.)

Will the conflict that started today escalate into the "hair-raising nuclear confrontation" envisioned in the book? Will it escalate into WWIII? If this conflict escalates what might the eventual scenario be? Here is how David Bay of Cutting Edge envisions how it could develop.

In other words, the New World Order Plan envisions a staged nuclear confrontation in Korea. This statement places at least the North Korean Government inside the New World Order Plan, and probably South Korea, as well....

Thus, the outlines of this scenario are all to plain to see:

1) North and South Korea begin a short period of a 'war of words'

2) Both sides begin to move massive numbers of men and material up to the front

3) Led by the U.S. President, the Western world swings in solidly behind South Korea, and the U.S. begins to move additional military units to South Korea.

4) After proper posturing, North Korea attacks. After penetrating some short distance, North Korean troops begin to be destroyed as American troops, equipped with the same lopsided margin of capability as we had against Saddam Hussein, rapidly kill North Koreans by the tens of thousands.

5) In desperation, North Korea then launches a limited number of nuclear weapons or threatens to do so.

6) America rapidly comes to the aid of South Korea, rushing in nuclear capability

7) China, likewise, backs North Korea

8) Now, the confrontation is between China and America, both threatening each other with nuclear annihilation. The world panics -- At the same time, in the Middle East, Israel is annihilating her Arab protagonists, setting the stage for the planned appearance of Antichrist. The world panics -- At the same time, Arab terrorists strike American and European cities with wide-spread terrorism, and threatening to use nuclear devices. The world panics -- At the same time, riots erupt in American cities. America panics -- Maybe the Stock Market goes into a free fall, reacting badly to the out-of-control events. The world panics -- Possibly, we learn that unidentified craft from outer space are approaching the Earth. Possibly, UFO's and Aliens are seen all over the world. The world panics.

9) China suddenly invades Taiwan, now that U.S. forces are stretched to the breaking point between the conflict in the Middle East and the Korean Peninsula. Since America does not have adequate Naval carrier groups to adequately defend Taiwan now that we are fully committed between the Middle East and Korea, China is fully willing to "seize the moment" to attack Taiwan.

Now, this planned war is truly a "World War". The world is going through the final birth pangs to produce Antichrist. [Matthew 24:8 is being fully fulfilled]

Suddenly, amidst all this panic, we learn of a "Man of Peace" who has arisen East of Jerusalem, claiming to be the Jewish Messiah, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Buddha, and other world avatars, all in one person. And, to back up his claim, he is dazzling the peoples of the world with displays of supernatural power.


Are you seeing the connections? Now take a look at this piece of data from the post; The NUKING of Yellowstone—BEWARE the antichrist “Ring of Fire” Birthing Ritual—Our Greatest Threat. 

Here is another one; the day after I heard about the last North Korea nuclear test, I felt prompted to draw a line from Aurora, CO, where the batman movie theatre shootings took place, to the North Korea nuclear test location. Remember Yellowstone is strike zone 2 on the batman map. Here is the line, and I am sure you already guessed what it aligned with. 


What does this line say to me; that a nuclear bomb and or North Korea may be involved in the Yellowstone event. From all that I have read I do not think it is out of the possibility that North Korea could tip a missile with a nuke and lob it into Yellowstone Lake, or that they could supply terrorists with a nuclear bomb that they could place in the lake. 

With all of this data about North Korea and Yellowstone in mind, let me show you what I just found. I felt prompted to look around the Yellowstone area to see if I could “see” anything that would confirm the theory that North Korea may be involved in a terrorist action against Yellowstone. What I found startled me.


Looks like a panda bear to me. Think about it; why would God allow the area around Yellowstone to look like a panda bear? What country is represented by the panda bear? China. And who do many people believe is China’s proxy against the west? North Korea. Is this panda bear a sign and warning from God that North Korea is planning on turning Yellowstone Lake into a “sea of fire” causing Yellowstone to erupt?

Yet there is more; I wonder what that panda bear is looking at? Let’s draw a line in the direction of his sight path and see where it goes.


It goes right to North Korea and beyond that China, how about that. We have a panda bear encompassing Yellowstone and it is looking right at North Korea and China. 

Thus, I believe all the data is pointing to North Korea as the most likely culprit in a Yellowstone attack, and I further believe this panda bear is a sign and warning from God of this attack. Now the only question that remains for me is when. Let me show you the data in that regards. 

What stood out to me were the faces featured in the Super Bowl halftime show that looked like the faces in the Reunification Arch in North Korea.

This may possibly point to a North Korean involvement in this "water breaking" ritual. Another thing mentioned in the video was the song "Nuclear" that was to be part of the halftime show but was removed. I believe that is significant in light of what North Korea has threatened in the past. 

Thus, North Korea may be implicated in the ritualistic “breaking of the water” to birth the antichrist onto the world scene. 

Are you seeing the connections? And do you remember this post? 

Did They Shoot a Missile at Yellowstone? 

So, with the North Korean launch of 23 missiles on 11/2/22 I believe there is a message, how about you? 

Note: this missile launch event on 11/2/22 may have been the special confirmation I was looking for in regards to... 

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here. 

About the Author: My name is William Frederick and my book entitled “The Coming Epiphany” is available on  

When you purchase this book you help to support the work that I am doing, and one way that you can really help is by sending digital copies as gifts through Amazon to family and friends.  

Time is short, and I need help getting these warnings into the hands of as many people as possible.  I have published thousands of articles on The End Times Forecaster Blog which are read all over the world. 

 I always freely and happily allow others to republish my articles on their own websites, but I also ask that they include this “About the Author” section with each article. 

The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only, and readers should consult licensed professionals before making any legal, business, financial, or health decisions.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Is 2022 the Year?


Is 2022 the year, and if so the year for what? A researcher believes that there is a masonic code associated with the dimensions of the Washington Monument and it indicates that 2022 is the year. Here is the info, I will comment below. (HT Groomsdayprepper)


As you just heard the researcher believes 2022 is the year, and he believes it is the year of Armageddon. Well, 2022 may be the year, but it will not be Armageddon. Armageddon will not occur until after the antichrist takes over the world, it will also be after the rapture and it will be at the last judgment—bowl 7. So we are not at that prophetic time point, so it will not be Armageddon. 

But if 2022 is the year, what could it be the year of? Regular readers of this blog may remember this post. 

2022: Is It 222 And Will It Be The Year That The Old-World Order Is Destroyed? 

…So, does all of this information suggest that 2022 is the year that the old-world order and the USA will fall? I do not know but let me remind you of this piece of data; after the destruction of the old-world order occurs, then comes the New World Order along with its alien connected “savior” of the world. And guess when it is claimed that he will show up? That’s right, 2022… 

In that post it was conjectured that 2022 may be the year of the destruction of the old world order. In subsequent posts watches were specifically posted for 2/22/2022. And look what happened on that date.

And look what just happened on our highly anticipated watch day of 2/22/2022, which I previously stated that it may be the day that Seal 2 is opened. 

MOSCOW, Feb 22 (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin ordered his defense ministry to dispatch Russian forces to "perform peacekeeping functions" in eastern Ukraine's two breakaway regions, according to a decree published early on Tuesday after he said Moscow would recognize their independence. 

The decree to enter Ukraine was issued on 2/22/2022, and if you are following the news you know what followed that decree—WAR.

The 2/22/2022 war decree could be the beginning of a series of events which could eventually bring down the old world order, especially if it goes nuclear. BTW; on 5/23/2022 there are 222 days left in the year. 

So, will 2022 be the year of the destruction of the old world order, which would also include its monetary system? In light of recent world events I see that as a definite possibility. And we all know what country is the leader of the old world order and what monetary instrument is the base currency for the old world order. 

And if 2022 is the year of the fall of the old world order then the New World Order and its antichrist ruler will not be far behind. Of course there is always the possibility that 2022 is not the year. Time will tell. 

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.

Monday, February 14, 2022

A Few More Twosday 2/22/2022 Synchronicities; Pluto and 888 Updated 4X


That's not the Moon, it's Pluto

There are many synchronicities pointing to Twosday 2/22/2022 which I have detailed in previous posts. I just came across two more, Pluto and 888. I believe all of these syncs are foretelling the strong possibility of a major event and or the beginning of a series of events. Here is a post explaining the Twosday syncs already found, and then I will show you the new syncs.

Another Twosday 2/22/2022 Synchronicity



I am sure you have all heard of the “no longer a planet” Pluto that is now just considered a dwarf planet. But did you know that Pluto will be in its exact same position that it was on July 4, 1776, as it will be on 2/22/2022. 

The February 22, 2022, date marks when Pluto will enter the same exact degree it was in on July 4, 1776, Astrodim says, which was 27 degrees Capricorn.


We know Pluto orbits the sun about every 247 years, so this is the first time since the inception of the USA that this has happened. Hmm… now that is an interesting sync. If it would occur on any old day, I would have probably thought it was no big deal but for it to occur on the already highly synced 2/22/2022, it may be worth noting. 

We do know that God has put signs in the heavens to let us know important things are happening on earth, with the classic examples being the famed star of Bethlehem and the woman clothed with the sun. So, is this Pluto sync a sign for the USA? 

Now let me be clear, the stars do not exude energy to cause changes on earth or upon men as astrologers believe and promote. The alignment of the stars does not affect us, but the alignment of the stars can be for signs. 

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: Gen 1:14 

So, this Pluto alignment will not cause any changes, but it may be a sign for the USA, this is especially true since it lands on the highly synced 2/22/2022.



In the post Recalculating the End of Days…I Wonder If This Is It!? An end times chronology was presented. In the chronology 9/19/2019 was theorized to be a possible start date for the last 7 years. Based on that start date 2/22/2022 would be day number 888 of the last 7 years. 

And what is so special about the number 888. First off 2 x 888 = 1776, and secondly it has been regarded as the number of Jesus because Jesus in Greek gematria = 888. So, since we are not at the time when Jesus could appear at the rapture, because we know that the false messiah antichrist must come first, thus if there is an event on that day connected to 888 then it may be antichrist related.



So, here is what we know about 2/22/2022. 

Alexa says, things will get much worse, there will be an alien invasion, the antichrist will be born. 

The dollar bill contains many encodings of 222 

The hundred-dollar bill contains a 222 

1776 = 2x2x2x222 

2022 = 222 

It is George Washington’s birthday. 

Putting the alternative antichrist number of 616 into the dollar code formula yields 2/22/2022. 

The position of Pluto on 7/4/1776 matches its position on 2/22/2022. 

If the last 7 years began on 9/19/19 then day number 888 is 2/22/2022



What are we to make of all these synchronicities? Are they all just by coincidence or are they signs that major changes are brewing? And if so, will a major event occur on 2/22/2022, or will it be the start of a series of events? And if there is an event, will it be a USA event, a dollar event, a UFO event, an antichrist event, a nuclear bomb terrorist event, a or a combination of events or since 2s are involved, will it have something to do with Seal 2/WW3? And there is always the possibility of the occurrence of “hidden” event. 

Those are some interesting questions to ponder of which I do not know the answer. All I can do is point out the syncs, and just because there are syncs does not mean an event will occur. But if a major event does occur, then it may give credence to the 9/19/2019 start date theory. As always, time will tell, we wait and watch.

Personal note: Still no job for my wife, interview tomorrow, I have another tooth acting up--your prayers appreciated.

Update: Here are a couple of other syncs, HT Stan 

"Man didn't discover Pluto until February 18th, 1930. So when our country was founded in 1776...Pluto could not even be a sign back then...not until 1930. But....I entered that date Pluto was discovered into a day calculator....and entered the day that Israel became a nation on May 14th,1948. Guess how many days?? 6660 if we need another wink from God."

And he also alerted us to the fact that from 2/22/2022 to the X marks the spot eclipse on 4/8/24 is 777 days.

Update #2

Here are a few more syncs, 444 days before 2/22/2022 is 12/5/20, which was when Biden was declared President. 777 days before 2/22/2022 is 1/7/20, which is when the Iran missile attacks took place.

Here are a few more interesting facts; the “pandemic” was declared on 3/11/2020 and from that date to Twosday it will be 1 year, 11 months, and 11 days (11111). And from the Japan earthquake and tsunami, it will be 10 years, 11 months, and 11 days (dropping the zero; 11111). And if we add all the digits in the day and month (2/22) we get, 2+2+2=6, in the year (2022) we get 2+0+2+2=6, and the time (2:22) we get, 2+2+2=6, and that makes a 666.

Update #3

Not sure if this has any bearing but here is a list of the moons of Pluto and the meanings of their names, they are all underworld/hades related.

Charon: Boatman who carried souls of dead across river Styx to the underworld.

Styx: A river in the underworld

Nix: A shape shifting water spirit

Kerebos: A hound of hades

Hydra: A water serpent with 9 heads that when cut off grew back 2 heads.

GDP also pointed out there is a heart on Pluto may be related to the IPG2 heart

Update #4

There are 89718 days between 7/4/1776 and 2/22/2022. (8+9=17, 1+7=8) (7+1=8) (8) so the number configures to 888.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here. 

If you appreciate this article perhaps you might consider a gift to The End Times Forecaster for the intelligence we provided today.