Showing posts with label 555. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 555. Show all posts

Sunday, January 26, 2025

The Five Door Ritual, 222, 555, California, and 1/28/2025


Here is another witness to the possibility of a major event on 1/28/2025 sent to me by Steve Wilkin of Jesus Second Coming 2028.


That is the data; it is interesting to note that 222 is encoded on the dollar bill.


And 555 was the time on the Simpsons doomsday clock

That is the new 1/28/2025 data. Will a major event occur on 1/28/2025? And if so, will it be the date of a major California earthquake or will it be some other event? 

Please keep in mind that synchronicities do not mean that an event will it occur they only heighten the possibility that it may. I cannot predict the future, nor am I trying to do so, I am merely showing you data that shows synchronicities, you can draw your own conclusions and make your own decisions. 

Here are all the posts that involve 1/28/2025 syncs. 

Did God Allow Me to Decode the Date of the Coming California Mega Earthquake!? 

The Baltimore Bridge Collapse: Did We Just Get a Confirmation of the Date of the… 

The 128 Code Appears Again 

2012; It’s Happening! Beware 1/28/2025 

Video: The Revealing of the Date of the California Mega Earthquake 

California Earthquake Date of 1/28/2025 Syncs with the Coming Great Tribulation Dates 4/19/2025 to 9/30/2028 

California Mega Earthquake Syncs (Video) 

More 1/28/2025 Synchronicities: The Challenger Disaster, Back to the Future, the 2nd 911, the Skull and Bones Clock, and the pope Opening Door #5 

More Amazing Bible Syncs: Psalm 73:19, 1/28/2025, 9/11/01, and 9/30/2028!!! 

Prophetic Signs: Kansas History, Chiefs, and 12/25/2025 Sync to 1/28/2025, Super Bowl 59, 4/19/2025 and Start of the Great Tribulation… 

Another Witness to 1/28/2025 

Three Lightning Strikes and the End of the World 

More Syncs to Confirm the Date; Dump Truck Dream, Lost, and the Great Tribulation 

The Great Tribulation, Lightning, and the California Earthquake 

Another 1/28/2025 Witness 

It Won't Be CERN’s Fault! 

URGENT: Major Earthquake Warning for Southern California Issued by the EQ Prediction Center! 

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36  

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here. 

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy (eBook $4.99).

Monday, February 12, 2024

Mr. 555 and Armageddon


Armageddon and 555, what do they have to do with each other? Well, it appears that 555 and repeating 5s are numbers of importance to the evil forces aligned with satan. For example, as some of you may recall, the triple death number time of 5:55 was on the Simpson's 911 clock. Right side up the clock reads 5:55, upside down the hands pointed to 9 and 11, and the clock face made a 0, and the clock mount made a 1—signaling 9/11/01.


And here is another example from The Dollar Code.

12.555 x 19.471 = 244.458405 = 244 and 167 days 

July 4, 1776 + 244 years and 167 days = December 14, 2020. 

And what happened on 12/14/2020? That was the first day the shot was given.

In a recent post a reader left a comment and listed a website that showed many amazing synchronicities, which you can read at the link below. Some of the amazing syncs that he showed involved 555—the occult triple death number—and some involved combinations of 5. 

From 6/21/1982 to the death of Princess Diana on 8/31/1967 is 5550 days. 

From 6/21/1982 to Diana’s funeral on 9/6/1997 is 5555 days. 

At the exact minute Diana's coffin passed him, within twenty seconds accuracy, he became 8,000,000 minutes old, which is 5555.5555 days old, precisely. 

Intruder Fagan talks with the Queen on her - 11,111th DAY: 

11111 / 2 = 5555.5555 

5555.5555 / 2 = 2777.777 

From the exact time of Diana's death to the night Charles and Camilla intended to get married, at the time 10.40 pm, two hours after maximum eclipse was 2777.77 DAYS 

Now here is a sync that I found: 6/21/1982 to 9/20/2028 is exactly 555 months. 

And what is so special about 6/21/1982? A famous person was born on that day, and it was the day of a solar eclipse from Saros series 117. Eclipses of that series are 18 (6+6+6) years and 11 days apart. 

And here is what is so special about 9/20/2028.


Let me remind you that the devil, the antichrist, the false prophet, and the armies of the world will deceive themselves into thinking that they can defeat God at Armageddon. I know that they also believe that doing things in accordance with numbers give them power and victories. 

So, does this 555 sync suggest that Armageddon is on 9/20/2028, and if so, do they think that this number 555 will give them the victory at Armageddon? 

BTW, they do not have a chance, it is impossible for a finite power to defeat an infinite power. 

19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army. 

20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. 

21 And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh. Rev 19:19-21 

And if Armageddon is in 2028 then the antichrist will arise and take over the world 3.5 years earlier in 2025. So, are all of these 555 syncs another witness to the antichrist arising in 2025 and the Millennium beginning in 2028? As always, time will tell. 

Now ponder this from the website linked above—a prediction from a famous false teacher. 

In the spring of 1982 the Scotsman Benjamin Creme placed advertisements in many of the worlds major newspapers saying, "The Christ is now here". According to Creme the "Christ", whom he also called "Maitreya", would announce his existence on world wide television broadcasts. Creme stated in these newspaper advertisements that the Second Coming of Christ would occur on Monday, 21 June 1982. His is one of ten to make it on to Wikipedia's page of unfulfilled religious predictions in the 20th century. 

Do you think that maybe he was right after all? Is Mr. 555 the one, or will it be another? In other words, is Mr. 555 also Mr. 666?

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Have you prepared for the end times! I want to help you to prepare for the end times. Read The Coming Epiphany today before it is too late. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you. Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.


Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Has the Second 911 Already Begun? Will Billions Die?


Are we living in the midst of the second 911, and will it result in billions dying? I have to admit, those are some bold questions, but let me show you why it might be true. 

First off, since seeing the infamous I Pet Goat II film, we have all been on the lookout for a second 911 . As you know Pres Bush was reading the children’s book I Pet Goat to a group of school kids when the first 911 occurred. So when the film I Pet Goat II came out, by virtue of its name and content, many have been on the lookout for a second 911. 

Now here is why I think the second 911 may have begun and why billions may die. Last year I gave a heads up for 12/14/2020 as a date to watch for an important event to occur as detailed in this post. 

From the post: Another 12/14/20 Great Babylon Eclipse Synchronicity. 

I will keep this short and sweet, another synchronicity has become evident. It deals with the esoteric number 12.555 and the Great Babylon eclipse on 12/14/2020. 

In The Dollar Code, information was presented that showed that various important dates were encoded on the dollar bill by way of the numbers and encoded map that were present on the bill. Here is an example of one of the encodings—the date of the sign of the woman clothed with the sun.


19.471 x 12.3889 = 241.2242 = 241 yrs and 81 days 

7/4/1776 + 241 yrs and 81 days = September 23, 2017 


(Note: the Latitude of Washington DC is 38.89, which corresponds to the eye of the eagle on the one dollar bill.) 

Now here is another date encoding that points to the Great Babylon eclipse.


19.47 x 12.555 = 244.4485 = 244 yrs and 163 days

7/4/1776 + 244 yrs and 163 days = December 14, 2020 

(Note: using the more exact 19.471 yields 12/20/2020) 

And what is so special about 12/14/2020? It is the day of the Great Babylon eclipse and it is the Electoral vote day. So to say the least, in light of that information and the encoding, that increases the watch for that day. 

In case you were wondering 555 is the illuminati triple death number, 555 x 2 = 1110, and the time of 5:55 was on the Simpson’s doomsday clock--upside down 911.


What if anything will happen on 12/14/2020, I cannot tell you but the potential for the occurrence of major end times events seems to be on the increase. 

BTW: from 9/11/01 to 12/14/20 is 1005 weeks, which after removing the zeros, as they do, reduces it to 15, and 15 = 5 + 5 + 5—555. 

And then we have this from the comments on the post; Prophecy Watch: December 2020 

Note these comments: 


The total eclipse on 12/14/20 will be in the constellation of Ophiuchus. Ophiuchus, the „serpent bearer“, represents Apollo or Asclepius. Medicine and healing are associated with Apollo und Asclepius. The poison of the snake is possibly a sign for the covid V. 

Several states will be ready for the covid V on 15.Dec 2020. This is exactly one day after the total solar eclipse! 

William Frederick, M. Div. 

Thank you for that information, that is a very interesting sync. The serpent bearer--snake fang is like a needle that injects poison. A sign for sure--as above so below 

Thus since 12/14/2020 was the day of the Great Babylon eclipse, was encoded on the dollar bill, and its celestial connections, it was a very important watch day. And what happened on the 12/14/2020 watch date? The electoral vote and the jab began. 

Now check out this video (HT Karen) and in light of the info above ponder the question; did the second 911 begin on 12/14/2020?




Let’s review the data; the Simpsons 911 doomsday clock shows 5:55—the triple death number—upside down it reads 911. Using 555 in dollar code date calculations yields 12/14/2020. The video above showed us that The Knowing clock and the I Pet Goat II—911 #2—film points to 12/14/2020. 

(Note: The clock company is JADCO, but with the hand right over the D the name looks like JAbCO.)

We also have the 12/14/2020 eclipse occurring in the snake bearer constellation—think snake venom which is injected into the snake’s victims. And if we also take into account that many doctors and virologists are telling us that the V may lead to billions of deaths. 

Some Important Shot Info; Behold the Pale Horse? 

Stop the Jab Mandate Madness 

Putting all this data together causes us to somberly ask the question; did the second 911 begin on 12/14/2020 and will it eventually lead to the death of billions? 

Action point: Let’s beseech the Lord that He would end these Vs. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:16b 

If this theory is correct and billions will die, then we are most likely looking at the set up for Seal 4 in which 1 out of 4 will die—1.9 billion. Further if this is the beginnings of Seal 4, then Seal 2—WW3—and Seal 3—worldwide financial collapse—will precede  it and could be part of the 1.9 billion deaths.

And don’t look for the rapture to rescue us from these things. Thessalonians tells us that the rapture happens at the Day of the Lord. 

17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 

18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words. 

1 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. 

2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 1 Thes 4, 5 

1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, 

2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. 2 Thes 2 

Acts 2:20 tells us that the moon is turned to blood and the sun is darkened before the Day of the Lord begins. 

20 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come: Acts 2 

The moon is turned to blood and the sun is darkened after Seal 6 is opened. 

12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; Rev 6 

Therefore we are not rescued via the rapture until after Seal 6 is opened.

BTW: a few dates on the radar screen are 9/11/21, 9/22,23/21, 10/29-30/21,  11/3/21,  and 12/21/21. Potential events are false flags, alien/UFO events, natural disasters, WW3, financial collapse, etc.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Do you want to understand what will happen in the end times and when, so you can be prepared? Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.


Monday, November 23, 2020

Another 12/14/20 Great Babylon Eclipse Synchronicity


I will keep this short and sweet, another synchronicity has become evident. It deals with the esoteric number 12.555 and the Great Babylon eclipse on 12/14/2020.


In The Dollar Code, information was presented that showed that various important dates were encoded on the dollar bill by way of the numbers and encoded map that were present on the bill. Here is an example of one of the encodings—the date of the sign of the woman clothed with the sun.


19.471 x 12.3889 = 241.2242 = 241 yrs and 81 days 

7/4/1776 + 241 yrs and 81 days = September 23, 2017 

(Note: the Latitude of Washington DC is 38.89, which corresponds to the eye of the eagle on the one dollar bill.) 

Now here is another date encoding that points to the Great Babylon eclipse. 

19.47 x 12.555 = 244.4485 = 244 yrs and 163 days 

7/4/1776 + 244 yrs and 163 days = December 14, 2020 

(Note: using the more exact 19.471 yields 12/20/2020)

And what is so special about 12/14/2020? It is the day of the Great Babylon eclipse and it is the Electoral vote day. So to say the least, in light of that information and the encoding, that increases the watch for that day. 

In case you were wondering 555 is the illuminati triple death number, 555 x 2 = 1110, and the time of 5:55 was on the Simpson’s doomsday clock--upside down 911. 

What if anything will happen on 12/14/2020, I cannot tell you but the potential for the occurrence of major end times events seems to be on the increase. 

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Do you want to understand what will happen in the end times and when, so you can be prepared? Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

The Significance of the Jupiter-Mercury-Regulus Conjunction on 8/7/2015

There is another important end times sign that will occur in the heavens on Friday August 7, 2015. It is a conjunction between Jupiter, Mercury, and Regulus. As you will shortly see this conjunction is numerically placed at an appropriate time to let us know of its significance and the significance of future events in the end times timeline. 

Before I show you its significance let me start by saying that my time to write has been limited as of late, and I am quickly putting this together—so here goes. 

let’s start with the data provided by permission from Daniel Matson. 

In the last update a few weeks ago attention was brought to the coming conjunction this Friday on August 7th between Jupiter-Mercury-Regulus. Conditions will have to be ideal on the western horizon just after sunset to see this conjunction. Those in the Southern Hemisphere are more likely to observe this event. However, one item escaped observation of this coming date.

The conjunction this Friday was noted to be 777 inclusive days before the Feast of Trumpets 2017 and that it was also one lunar year (354 days) after the first significant conjunction of Venus-Jupiter on August 18, 2014. These times added together are 1131 days, which is also equal to 360 x pi days before the Feast. Then other calculations of pi concerning the Feast of Trumpets 2017 were demonstrated in relation to the second significant conjunction of Jupiter-Venus on July 1, 2015 (814 days = 7 solar years dived by pi). This was a fair amount of pi(e)!

There is another constant that is found in nature and that is phi. Phi is equal to 0.618 or 1.618. It is the ratio of the golden rectangle and the ratio found throughout the human body and nature. It is also called the golden proportion. One’s elbow lands at the phi ratio of one’s arm and then the wrist between the elbow and finger tip. The ratio spans Creation. That ratio has been found many other times in this ongoing work and now it has been found again.

The 777 days before us until The Feast of Trumpets 2017 are pretty unique. Those days run through the phi calculation are reduced to 480 days. Those days inclusively before this Friday will bring us back to April 15, 2014. This was the day of the first eclipse of the lunar tetrad. It is indeed amazing how that works so nicely.

To get more precise in the equation, the lunar eclipse on April 15, 2014 was at 7:44 UTC. This Friday's meeting of the three looks to be closest at about 17:44 UTC on August 7, 2015. At that time the three form an equilateral triangle. That duration then comes to 479 days and 10 hours. This would mean that at noon in Jerusalem on the Feast of Trumpets (10:00 UTC) it would then be another 775 days and 16 hours duration from August 7th. This comes to 11,506 hours to be divided by 18,616 hours. This results in 0.61807048. Plus or minus a few minutes, the calculation of the Friday’s conjunction of the three is at the precise phi ratio of the time from the first lunar eclipse of the tetrad until the Feast of Trumpets 2017. Adding 42 minutes after noon local time in Jerusalem on the Feast of Trumpets would make it at 0.61800000.

Is this a random chance? Those who fail to believe will think that it is, but it is not just the golden proportion, it is all of it factored together. The odds are literally astronomical, but it happens because of the One who is in control of that astronomy. God is warning us and we have many witnesses that we are on the precipice of the Day of the Lord. Now is the time to make sure you have put your trust in Jesus the Messiah, the Savior of the world.

The last update can be found here: 

Wow! That is a good piece of research. Let me make a few comments. I find it very significant that the sign is 777 days away from the feast of Trumpets in 2017. I believe the feast of Trumpets in 2017 that will be accompanied by the sign of the woman clothed with the sun is an important end times marker.

 Notice that Mr. Matson stated that the conjunction forms an equilateral triangle. Equilateral triangles are also equiangular, thus the angles are 60, 60, 60, which makes a 666. 

The ratios the event forms with other events is astounding. The mention of the golden ratio brought to my mind that in the past some major disasters have occurred in golden ratios. 

August 7, 2015 also just so happens to be 7 days from the blue moon that occurred on July 31, 2015. Researcher Luis Vega has identified this blue moon as another significant prophetic sign. 

The purpose of this study is to highlight some very peculiar day counts from the Blue Moon of July 31, 2015. Blue Moons are somewhat rare and occur when there are 2 full Moons in a given month. The color of the Moon is not ‘blue’ but it has been named as such when this phenomenon occurs… 

The timeline presented will demonstrate the amazing symmetry and mathematics regarding the feast of Tu B’Av on a Blue Moon. The Blue Moon on July 31, 2015 will be exactly 44 days out from the partial solar eclipse that starts the civil New Year on Rosh Hashanah. This occurs on September 13, 2015 and ushers in the Jewish year 5776. What is particular about this count is two-fold. On one hand the calendar dates mirror each other, July 31 and 13 of September. On a different level, the number 44 has some prophetic and occultic significance to it. The Tu B’Av Blue Moon could thus be insinuating that a political betrayal and economic change by way of a collapse is set to occur. The name ‘Blue’ comes from the Old English word belewe, meaning to betray, because the Blue Moon ‘betrays’ the usual 1 Full Moon per month count.

The end times are approaching fast and it is vital that you know what will occur and when. Please accept my gift to you and download a FREE copy of the end times Bible prophecy book entitled TheComing Epiphany.   

The devil is setting a trap for the souls of men. Do you want to escape it? Read a short message explaining what you must do to be saved.   

Want to know America’s destiny in the end times? It is encoded on the dollar bill.