Showing posts with label 333. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 333. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

The Great Sleeping Giant: The Coming New Madrid Earthquake



Could a giant earthquake rip the USA in half? That is what many people have had dreams of and believe will happen sometime in the future along the New Madrid fault line. 

Many including myself believe this will occur when we divide the land of Israel and bring about the much talked about two-state solution, but that is yet to see. 

Stan left a great comment on a recent post that touched on the New Madrid seismic zone. I will comment afterward. 

William....Lots of symbolism coming up in the next few days. Look at the far right conservative CPAC meeting held at the Gaylord Convention center this weekend in

Washington, DC. Let's see what idolatry has been openly displayed before. Trump’s Golden likeness of himself doesn't even need any comments. 

Or look up CPAC's stage in 2024, not closely, but EXACTLY reproducing the NAZI "Odal Rune" theme....worn on Hitler’s henchmen labels, and reproduced as the Convention stage for the 2024 CPAC stage. They deny saying it's just a similar coincidence....I say it was a designed exact copy. 

This year’s CPAC convention ends on 2/22/2025... Is God being mocked that this Saturday, the EXACTLY ...777 months to the day of the largest recorded earthquake in history??? ...happening off the coast of Chile on May 22, 1960?... 


I find it interesting that from this largest recorded earthquake in history on 5/22/ the 4/8/2024 eclipse crossing the New Madrid fault 23332 days....or 3333 weeks between. 

I also just happened to measure from the unique place at New Madrid, Missouri...called the Sleeping Giant Eddy...

It measures EXACTLY 700 miles from that unique place on the south side of New Madrid, right on the banks of the Mississippi the center of the Gaylord Convention center in Washington DC. 

Is this "Sleeping Giant" New Madrid earthquake going to be reawakened soon? These date alignments bring heightened awareness to God's grace growing less..... 

I forgot to also show how the first crossing eclipse across the New Madrid fault of 8/21/2017 also has an interesting number connection to the greatest recorded earthquake in history...a 9.5 EQ at Chile, on 5/22/1960...It is 20911 days between. These coincidences just keep accumulating as the prophecy written out on a rubber band keeps....... ...s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g..... 

So, let’s start with the CPAC convention and the “Odal Rune” that Stan mentioned. Here is what he was referring to.


That certainly is an interesting coincidence in light of this post.

The Coming Greatest Deception in the History of the World; Hitler 2.0 

And Stan let us know that from the greatest earthquake ever recorded, that it is 777 months from 5/22/1960 to 2/22/2025. 

Here is the comment I left for Stan about 2/22 dates. 

Stan thanks for sharing they are some ominous and amazing syncs. 2/22 is a watch day every year as 222 is a number encoded on the dollar bill, Washington's BD, Washington on dollar bill and the dollar bill can be folded to look like a mushroom—mushroom cloud. 

2/22/2022 was our watch day and was the day the decree was issued by Russia to invade Ukraine. 

This year 2/22/2025 is 13 days from SB 59 ritual. 

I forgot to add that the old hundred-dollar bill had the time on the clock on the back of the bill at the time of 2:22. And when the hundred is folded in the esoteric way it shows the aftermath of an explosion.

And regarding the eclipse and the New Madrid, Stan wrote, 5/22/1960 to the 4/8/2024 eclipse crossing the New Madrid fault 23332 days....or 3333 weeks between.

And it just happens that 23332 is the 323rd palindromic number and 3333 is the 123rd palindromic number. And 23332 = 2 x 11666.

And in an email Stan wrote the following: Well...what about the total solar eclipse passing over New Madrid, Missouri on 4/08/24?  I went directly to the Georgia Guidestones...exactly where it was...and dropped a point and measured it to the same point on the Mississippi river, right in front of New Madrid, and it measured exactly 408.24 miles...the same as the 4/08/24 date. 

And as Stan pointed out from 5/22/1960 to the Great American Eclipse of 8/21/2017 it was 20911 days. Does that make a 2nd 911? 

And from when the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed on 3/26/2024 to 2/22/2025 is 333 days.

And Stan found that from the Sleeping Giant Eddy in New Madrid, MO to the CPAC Gaylord convention site that ends on 2/22/2025 it is exactly 700 miles.


And I found that from the Sleeping Giant Eddy to the Trump World Tower it is exactly 770.07 NM.


And let me remind you that from the Buddy Holly airplane crash site--Bye Bye Miss American Pie--to the Trump World Tower is 1011.66 miles.

And a line from Trump Tower in NYC to the Super Dome where the 2 wreaths join is exactly 1019 NM long--a backwards 911.

And from the bank of the river at Sleeping Giant Eddy to a place where I lived in the past is exactly 777 Miles. And I have a 128 connection to the Chile earthquake.

So, what does all this mean? I cannot tell you, all I can do is to show you the syncs; you can come to your own conclusions.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy (eBook $4.99).

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Beware 11/11/2024: End of Wars, Blood Moons, & the End

click to enlarge
From time to time information presents its self that stands out as being very important. One such collection of information is presented below and is entitled “One” by Daniel Matson. It shows some very important synchronicities that may have great prophetic importance in the future.

Daniel has done some great work on 9/23/17 and the sign of the woman clothed with the sun, and this is another piece of great work that relates to that date and points to 2024 as another possible time of great prophetic importance.

Remember it has been theorized that the sign of the woman clothed with the sun could be the beginning of the 70th week or the middle, this information seems to point to the 9/23/17 sign as being the beginning. Here is his information; used by permission.

Years ago is when I first heard of the phenomena of seeing repetitive digits on the digital clock in the night or at a coincidental moment of some sort. I would have dismissed this if I had not experienced it myself a number of times and hearing others wondering what the significance might be. As research here has progressed in the day counts related to endtime signs, repetitive digits have surfaced numerous times and can be easily seen in the many diagrams on this website. So many have surfaced that it seems to validate the experience of seeing the phenomena, but one has surfaced recently that was to another degree of amazing (thanks to Mike Hartl for sharing them).

World War 1 ended on Armistice Day at 11:00 am on 11/11/1918. It is held in the studies here that World War 1 is the first endtime sign that began the sorrows of the end of the age—just as Jesus had said it would in Matthew 24. What is very remarkable is that 11,111 days from 11/11/1918 will be found to have landed on the day of the first Blood Moon of the 1949-1950 tetrad on 4/13/1949. For a refresher, a tetrad is the rare event of four consecutive total lunar eclipses that all land on the Feast of Passover and Tabernacles. Only a handful have occurred since the time of Christ. The most recent occurred in 2014-2015 with much anticipation and maybe equal parts disappointment when the hype seemingly failed. Before then, the last tetrad was in 1967-1968, 1949-1950 and then the time of the Spanish Inquisition. All were at moments of importance for the descendants of Israel. Israel became a nation 333 days before this eclipse timed 11,111 days from the end of WW1.

Before this finding of 11,111 days was shared, the first blood moon eclipse in 1949 was found in Israel: The Handwriting in the Heavens to be spaced in other repetitive digits. It was found to be 6,666 X pi + 6,666 days prior to what appears to be Day 1290 from the time of the Abomination of Desolation. Day 1290 in 2024 looks to be none other than the anniversary day of the end of WW1—November 11, 2024. This day comes 30 days after Day 1260, which is the Day of Atonement 2024. 3,333 days before November 11, 2024 was the last blood moon eclipse on September 28, 2015. 3,333 days before that eclipse was the end of Israel’s 33- day war that ended on the anniversary end of WW2 on August 14, 2006. Coincidence?

So to review, from Armistice Day 1918 it is 11,111 days to the first blood moon of the 1949-1950 tetrad. 6,666 X pi days later Israel ends its 2006 War on the end date anniversary of World War 2. 3,333 days later is the last blood moon eclipse of 2015. 3,333 days after that is the anniversary end of World War 1 that looks to also be Day 1290 and the end day of significance in the aftermath of the worse war earth will ever see.

Some have asked where and how these figures of pi and 6,666 were found. They were first found comparing the significant times and wars of 1949, 1967, 2006, and other indicators pointing to 2024. This was documented in the first book. From the end of Israel’s 300-day Independence War on March 10, 1949 there was 6,666 days between it and the end of Israel’s Six-Day-War. 6,666 days times pi would then span from the end of the Six-Day-War until the Day of Atonement 2024. Flipping this calculation to do 6,666 days x pi from the end of the Independence War in 1949 (same start point as the last) will result in the start date of Israel’s 2006 war with Hezbollah. Then 6,666 days later is the Day of Atonement 2024.

So as we go back to the first blood moon eclipse on April 13, 1949, it was also discussed in the previous article on this site to be 25,000 days before the Sign of the Woman in Revelation 12 that will occur on September 23, 2017. For more on this see the previous article. Instead, let us look at other repetitive uses of 1.

If we begin again from the end of World War 1 (11/11/1918) and advance 111,111/pi days, we will find ourselves at September 11, 2015. This is 17 days short of the last blood moon of the last tetrad (9/28/2015), but this is the date of the Mecca Crane Accident. “Strangely” 111 people died in the crane collapse accident. 394 were also injured. So another repetitive 1 shows up within the accident itself. But this is not all with one.

There were also other significant days within World War 1. One such date was December 11, 1917 when General Allenby walked into Jerusalem and took the city for Britain and ended Turkish control at exactly 400 years. If we go another 11,111 days we will find that the next day Is May 14, 1948 and the reestablishment of Israel! This would also mean that it was 333 days between Allenby’s entrance and the end of World War 1.

There is also another use of repetitive ones. It was also shared by Mike Hartl that from Hitler’s death on April 30, 1945 by inclusive count (adding start and end days) it is 1,111 days until May 14, 1948. This would mean that it was 10,000 days from Allenby’s entrance to the death of Hitler and the first celebrated end day of World War 2 in the European theater.

So if there was ever an excuse for not being able to keep events of the end straight, this is “ones” method to clear it all up. This in conjunction with all of the other items should lead us to the high believability that our time is very short and numbered. At least it should make us think twice. Hopefully it leads to some action to better serve our Lord in these last days.

11,111 days from Armistice Day to the first blood moon of the 1949-1950 tetrad.

111,111/pi days from Armistice Day to Mecca Crane Accident killing 111 on 9/11/2015.

11,111 days from Allenby’s entrance of Jerusalem to reestablishment of Israel.

1,111 days from Hitler’s death to the reestablishment of Israel.

Daniel Matson

36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

Do you know if you will be able to stand before the Son of man? Do you know what you must do to be saved? Read a short message entitled God’s Gift of Salvation to find out.

Have you prepared for the end times? The Coming Epiphany is an easy to understand prophecy book designed to help you prepare for the end times. You can download it for FREE at this link; The Coming Epiphany.

Did you know that there is a secret map and several dates ciphered on the dollar bill? One of the dates is the infamous 9/23/17; another is the 6/6/16 false messiah date. See The Dollar Code for more information. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Beware of Day Number 343

Update 4/18 at end of post

A countdown has begun and events are occurring on esoterically important day numbers. As I have stated in previous posts, the countdown may also be the countdown of the 70th Week. Here is what has happened so far in the countdown.  

Day 1: 5/13/2014; beginning of countdown.  

Day 8: (2x2x2) 5/20/2014; The 2014 Jos bombings. 

Day 27: (3x3x3) 6/8/2014; The Las Vegas shootings 

Day 125: (5x5x5) 9/14/2014; Isis beheading; U.S. lines up allies against Islamic State 

Day 216: (6x6x6) 12/14/2014; Sydney café Isis hostage siege; 2014 Sydney hostage crisis 

Day 240: (.666 x 360) 1/7/2015; Charlie Hebdo Shootings 

Day 322: (Illuminati death number) 3/30-31/2015; 7 end times prophecy related, events occurred, including the Iran deal, and all have the potential to develop into major prophetic occurrences! See the post; END TIMES ALERT! Look What Happened On Day Number 322! 
Day 333: (3x111) 4/10-11/2015; A day of warning—Isis, CERN, and Japan Mega earthquake. The Warnings of Day Number 333.

The next day in the pattern is day number 343 (7x7x7)—April 20/21, 2015. I do not know if anything will happen on that day, but I believe the day bears watching. Here are a few noteworthy facts about those days; 

April 19 - May 1 is when a blood sacrifice to the beast is performed, with a fire sacrifice required on April 19/20. There is a long list of “events” in recent years that have happened on those days like Waco, the Oklahoma City bombing, Deepwater Horizon, and Columbine.

Update 4/16; Here is a great list of all the significant events that have occurred April 18-21.
Here are a few interesting things in regards to the number 343 that may or may not be significant; 

Strong’s Hebrew number 343; ed: distress, calamity. The first appearance of the word is in Deut 32:35. 

To me belongeth vengeance, and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste. 

Strong’s Greek number 343; anakaluptó: to unveil. The first appearance of the word is in 2 Cor 3:14. 

But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which vail is done away in Christ. 

7 appears in 343 verses in the Old Testament. Note: this is a clear example of God using numbers; satan perverts the use of numbers.  

There are 7 Seals, 7 trumpets, and 7 Bowls in Revelation. 

At this writing I have 343 emails in my junk email folder. 

343 firefighters were killed in 911. (HT Commenter)

In light of the countdown pattern and the historical and occult significance of the day I believe that the day bears watching. Again, what will happen, if anything, on day # 343 I do not know, but with each event that occurs on an esoterically important date in the countdown, it confirms to me that a countdown has begun and strengthens the possibility that the countdown may be the countdown of the last 2520 days—the 70th Week—the last 7 years. 

Let me put it plainly; we may be in the 70th Week—the last 7 years. Are you ready for the end times? Have you prepared spiritually, mentally, and physically for the end times? I have written a book to help you get ready, which you can read for FREE. Please accept my gift to you and download The Coming Epiphany today. 

Do you know what you must do to be saved? Read God’s Gift of Salvation.

Update 4:18

I was reminded (HT Matt) of an article I posted from a guest writer. Here is the link and here are a few excerpts.
1.       The first clue was the seven mounds on the grass before the Capital building.  To the ancient mystery religions the Pleiades constellation is known as the seven sisters and plays a critical role in their lore.         The ‘mounds’ would indicate that the Pleiades are below the horizon and this only happens in late April and into May. The Pleiades apparently below the horizon late April till May...

Purim + 15 days = Solar eclipse + 15 days = Blood Moon + 15 days = 19 April 2015                     1+5= 6   1+5=6     1+5=6    666
 I was also reminded that the Pleiades below the horizon.  April 19th also has a dark past.

Here is the analysis of the events of day number 343;

Monday, April 13, 2015

The Warnings of Day Number 333

A countdown began on May 13, 2014, and since that day events have been occurring at esoterically important day numbers as shown in the quoted list below from the post; Beware Day #333 in the Countdown. 

The countdown I am referring to began on May 13, 2014 and was explained in this post; BEWARE Day 322! The Countdown Has Begun, the Pattern Has Been Discovered, Events Are Happening NOW! Here is what has happened so far in the countdown. 
Day 1: 5/13/2014; beginning of countdown. 
Day 8: (2x2x2) 5/20/2014; The 2014 Jos bombings.  
Day 27: (3x3x3) 6/8/2014; The Las Vegas shootings
Day 125: (5x5x5) 9/14/2014; Isis beheading; U.S. lines up allies against Islamic State
Day 216: (6x6x6) 12/14/2014; Sydney café Isis hostage siege; 2014 Sydney hostage crisis
Day 240: (.666 x 360) 1/7/2015; Charlie Hebdo Shootings
Day 322: (Illuminati death number) 3/30-31/2015; 6 end times prophecy related, events occurred, including the Iran deal, and all have the potential to develop into major prophetic occurrences! See the post; END TIMES ALERT! Look What Happened On Day Number 322! 
I think that the next day number of esoteric importance is day number 333, April 10-11, 2015. Here are some of the reasons why I feel that this day bears watching. 
As you read above, I posted a watch for day # 333 (April 10/11, 2015) and here is what happened; 

Isis Was on the Offensive 

Isis takes control of Iraq’s largest oil refinery

Isis released a video the destruction of the ancient city of Nimrud 

Cern Started to Lose Control 

156 Melon Headed Whales Beached Themselves/Japan Earthquake Watch 

Despite a lack of scientific evidence linking the two events, a flurry of online commentators have pointed to the appearance of around 50 melon-headed whales — a species that is a member of the dolphin family — on Japan’s beaches six days before the monster quake, which unleashed towering tsunami and triggered a nuclear disaster.

In the post about day # 333 I wrote; 

What will happen on day #333, again I am not sure, but it is a day that I will be watching especially in light of what this man believes is the Biblical meaning of 333.
“Many people around the world keep seeing the number 333. I believe the spiritual significance and meaning of the number 333 is profound! In Chapter 33 of the Bible book of Ezekiel, God commissioned the prophet to warn the Jewish people of coming tribulation… Could it be that God is using the number 333 as a present day angelic warning, a trumpet call, an end time SOS? I believe this to be true...” 
If when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blow the trumpet, and warn the people; Ezek 33:3. 
I believe that God is warning us that the major events of the end times are approaching fast.
Thus in light of the meaning of 333 and what happened on day #333 I believe the events on day #333 are warnings.
A warning that the problems with radical Muslims will increase to all out war.
I know for sure that a countdown has begun. I also believe that it is possible that the 70th Week began on the same day and the evil ones are trying to pervert, as they always do, what God is bringing about—time will tell. Remember God sometimes does things by numbers and satan perverts it.
The Next day to watch is day # 343 (7x7x7).
Your prayers appreciated; the devil has been hitting me hard.
BTW; I just found another event to add to day number 322—The Temple Institute performed a practice sacrifice.