Showing posts with label hundred dollar bill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hundred dollar bill. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

The Great Sleeping Giant: The Coming New Madrid Earthquake



Could a giant earthquake rip the USA in half? That is what many people have had dreams of and believe will happen sometime in the future along the New Madrid fault line. 

Many including myself believe this will occur when we divide the land of Israel and bring about the much talked about two-state solution, but that is yet to see. 

Stan left a great comment on a recent post that touched on the New Madrid seismic zone. I will comment afterward. 

William....Lots of symbolism coming up in the next few days. Look at the far right conservative CPAC meeting held at the Gaylord Convention center this weekend in

Washington, DC. Let's see what idolatry has been openly displayed before. Trump’s Golden likeness of himself doesn't even need any comments. 

Or look up CPAC's stage in 2024, not closely, but EXACTLY reproducing the NAZI "Odal Rune" theme....worn on Hitler’s henchmen labels, and reproduced as the Convention stage for the 2024 CPAC stage. They deny saying it's just a similar coincidence....I say it was a designed exact copy. 

This year’s CPAC convention ends on 2/22/2025... Is God being mocked that this Saturday, the EXACTLY ...777 months to the day of the largest recorded earthquake in history??? ...happening off the coast of Chile on May 22, 1960?... 


I find it interesting that from this largest recorded earthquake in history on 5/22/ the 4/8/2024 eclipse crossing the New Madrid fault 23332 days....or 3333 weeks between. 

I also just happened to measure from the unique place at New Madrid, Missouri...called the Sleeping Giant Eddy...

It measures EXACTLY 700 miles from that unique place on the south side of New Madrid, right on the banks of the Mississippi the center of the Gaylord Convention center in Washington DC. 

Is this "Sleeping Giant" New Madrid earthquake going to be reawakened soon? These date alignments bring heightened awareness to God's grace growing less..... 

I forgot to also show how the first crossing eclipse across the New Madrid fault of 8/21/2017 also has an interesting number connection to the greatest recorded earthquake in history...a 9.5 EQ at Chile, on 5/22/1960...It is 20911 days between. These coincidences just keep accumulating as the prophecy written out on a rubber band keeps....... ...s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g..... 

So, let’s start with the CPAC convention and the “Odal Rune” that Stan mentioned. Here is what he was referring to.


That certainly is an interesting coincidence in light of this post.

The Coming Greatest Deception in the History of the World; Hitler 2.0 

And Stan let us know that from the greatest earthquake ever recorded, that it is 777 months from 5/22/1960 to 2/22/2025. 

Here is the comment I left for Stan about 2/22 dates. 

Stan thanks for sharing they are some ominous and amazing syncs. 2/22 is a watch day every year as 222 is a number encoded on the dollar bill, Washington's BD, Washington on dollar bill and the dollar bill can be folded to look like a mushroom—mushroom cloud. 

2/22/2022 was our watch day and was the day the decree was issued by Russia to invade Ukraine. 

This year 2/22/2025 is 13 days from SB 59 ritual. 

I forgot to add that the old hundred-dollar bill had the time on the clock on the back of the bill at the time of 2:22. And when the hundred is folded in the esoteric way it shows the aftermath of an explosion.

And regarding the eclipse and the New Madrid, Stan wrote, 5/22/1960 to the 4/8/2024 eclipse crossing the New Madrid fault 23332 days....or 3333 weeks between.

And it just happens that 23332 is the 323rd palindromic number and 3333 is the 123rd palindromic number. And 23332 = 2 x 11666.

And in an email Stan wrote the following: Well...what about the total solar eclipse passing over New Madrid, Missouri on 4/08/24?  I went directly to the Georgia Guidestones...exactly where it was...and dropped a point and measured it to the same point on the Mississippi river, right in front of New Madrid, and it measured exactly 408.24 miles...the same as the 4/08/24 date. 

And as Stan pointed out from 5/22/1960 to the Great American Eclipse of 8/21/2017 it was 20911 days. Does that make a 2nd 911? 

And from when the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed on 3/26/2024 to 2/22/2025 is 333 days.

And Stan found that from the Sleeping Giant Eddy in New Madrid, MO to the CPAC Gaylord convention site that ends on 2/22/2025 it is exactly 700 miles.


And I found that from the Sleeping Giant Eddy to the Trump World Tower it is exactly 770.07 NM.


And let me remind you that from the Buddy Holly airplane crash site--Bye Bye Miss American Pie--to the Trump World Tower is 1011.66 miles.

And a line from Trump Tower in NYC to the Super Dome where the 2 wreaths join is exactly 1019 NM long--a backwards 911.

And from the bank of the river at Sleeping Giant Eddy to a place where I lived in the past is exactly 777 Miles. And I have a 128 connection to the Chile earthquake.

So, what does all this mean? I cannot tell you, all I can do is to show you the syncs; you can come to your own conclusions.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy (eBook $4.99).

Friday, October 18, 2019

Prophecy Watch: All Eyes on 10/30 to 11/3, 2019 *Updated 3x*

There are a lot of synchronicities, signals, and predictive programming pointing to the time period from 10/30 to 11/3 of a future year. Some of those are pointing to 10/30 to 11/3 of this year, and from what I am seeing this time period has great potential for the occurrence of major events. Here is the data.

The $100 Bill

USA money has been encoded with information which has included the Pentagon attack and the 911 attack. The new $100 dollar bill has the time of 10:30 on the back. The old $100 dollar bill had the time of 2:22 The new time of 10:30 may be a signal to a financial event on 10/30 of some year. With all of the warnings from economists that the stock market and economy could crash at any time, this raises the possibility that 2019 may be the year of a major financial event.

Here is an interesting 10/30/19 date sync; from the 7/2/19 eclipse to 10/30/19 is 119 days (incl). If you remember, that eclipse was followed by a 40 day financial judgment--Argentina suffered a financial collapse.

The Golden Gate

Depending on your time zone, the moon goes through the Golden Gate flanked by Jupiter and Saturn on 10/31/19 or 11/1/19. Bad events have occurred in the past when the moon has gone through a gate flanked by Jupiter and Saturn. The latest example is the Turkey Syria war in which Turkey began amassing troops and military equipment on the border of Syria the day after the Golden Gate crossing.

Note: This will be the next to the last time this Golden Gate crossing will occur in many many years and thus heightens the possibility for major events to follow in its aftermath. For more details see the posts; The Crescent Moon, Jupiter, Saturn Out of Retrograde and The Golden Gate, and The Events of the Golden Gate Crossing on 10/4/19.

Steve Quayle 2019 Halloween Warning

Steve believes that Halloween 2019 will be an especially evil time and warns people to not participate--listen to hear why.


1994 Film Without Warning
A 1994 TV movie called Without Warning depicts the events of a meteor that breaks in 3 pieces after the world tries to blow it up, with all 3 pieces hitting the earth on Halloween night, all on about the same parallel—43/44.

Later it is discovered that the meteor was sent by Aliens who are following in a 4th incoming object. Assuming this to be predictive programming, then a meteor UFO event would be something to watch for every year at Halloween time. You can read about it here.
Brexit, the Economist, I Pet Goat 2, and the Torah Reading
The researcher in the videos below shows various synchronicities and predictive programming pointing to Brexit, 10/31/19, and what he believes will follow.



The infamous A-113 that has appeared many times in several films amy be a date signal. 

From the book of Thoth “A” = 111, and thus A-113 becomes 111-113 which can be configured to 11/1-11/3 and could be a signal to 11/1 to 11/3 of some year.

The 11/1 Signals Abound

There are many instances of predictive programming pointing to 11/1, which leads me to believe that on 11/1 of some year in the future a major event(s) will occur. Here are a few of the many.


The Dooms Day Clocks

The dooms day clocks both point to 10, 11, and 6. The 10 and 11 after removing the zero becomes 111 and can be a signal to 11/1. The 6 can stand for 60, on 11/1 there are 60 days left in the year.

The Day of the Dead

The Day of the dead is celebrated from 10/31 to 11/2, 2019 and centers on 11/1/19. Many think that the Day of the Dead is referenced in I Pet Goat II.

444 Signals

11/1/19 is the 4th day of the 44th Week of 2019

305/35/53 Signals

11/1 is day number 305 of the year.

231134421 Be Ready

In the infamous 231134421 Be Ready video the pattern suggests that the next 911 will occur on 11/1 of some year. BTW; this post is #911 on my blog.

I Pet Goat II signals

In the IPG2 film at 1:11 seconds into film the flag pole and ripped American flag is shown and it is at 111 degrees.

Time of 111 seconds flag at 111 degrees

BTW; I Pet Goat II in simple English gematria is 111 and in English Gematria is 666.

166 Signals

November first in Gematria is 166. A backwards 166 is 661, the time of 11:01 in minutes is 661 minutes. Gematria of "alien disclosure " is also 166.



111 Gematria Centered Around New York City.

Rockefeller =110 the CEO of Chase Manhattan Corporation =110 died on March 20th 2017 at the age of 101 from Congestive Heart Failure =111 in his home at Pocantico Hills New York =111. The British Royal Family =111. Jorge Mario Bergoglio =111. David Rockefeller, Illuminati AF and the grandson of John Davison Rockefeller =1011 (the richest person in modern history), died 1011 days after his brother Richard died in a plane crash. Westminster Palace is 1001 years old and the Westminster Attack happened 1110 days after the disappearance of Flight MH-370. Donald John Trump =1110. Saxe-Coburg and Gotha =1110. David Rockefeller was the man who proposed the construction of the 110-story World Trade Center =1110 in New York =111. He’s considered by many to be one of the masterminds behind the Nine Eleven False Flag =111. New York City Eleven =111. 9/11 leaves 111 days remaining and Queen Elizabeth was born on the 111th day. Nine One One =110. Osama Bin Laden =110. Darwinism =110, which the Rockefellers heavily promoted to justify their elitism. Dollar Crash =111

11/1/18 Signals

Further, some of the 11/1 signals more specifically pointed to 11/1/18.

Nothing major happened on 11/1/18, but what if the 11/1/18 signals are a signal to November 1, 18 years past the highly signaled and esoterically profound 911(2001). Then 11/1/18 would be a signal to 11/1/19. (Note: Another possibility is 11/1/18 could be a signal to the first day 11 months and 18 years past 9/11/01, which would be 8/11/20)

There are many more signals to an 11/1 date and 11/1/18, which as I stated could be a signal to November first 18 years past 911, see the post;
28 Reasons to Beware of November 1, 2018! The Predictive Programming, Signals, and Signs Abound! Will It Be Another 911?

Rosemary’s Baby

The image above is self explanatory as a siganl to 11/1 of some year, but there were also a lot of syncs with Rosemary’s baby and 11/1/18, which again could be a signal to 11/1/19. BTW; Kate and William’s baby was also related to all of this and there are 555 days between 4/23/18 when the baby was born and 10/31/19.

See this post for the details; Rosemary’s Baby; Another Signal to 11/1/2018!

The Presidential Alert

India Times image

If you live in the USA and have a Smart phone most of you probably received the Presidential Alert that went out at 2:18 PM EST on 10/3/2018. Here are some interesting syncs.

The test was originally scheduled for 9/20/2018 but was postponed 13 days until 10/3/2018. (13 is the number of rebellion, apostasy, defection, corruption, disintegration, revolution, or some kindred idea)
 The postponed date of 10/3/2018 to 11/1/2019, is 1 year and 29 days. 29 = 2 + 9 = 11, thus it becomes 111 or 11/1

From the time of 2:18; using the numbers 2 and 18 you can make some very interesting number combinations.


2:18 adds to 2 + 1 + 8 = 11


2 x 18 = 36. All the numbers from 1 to 36 add up to 666.


2/18 = 1/9 = .111

18 = 6 + 6 + 6
18 – 2 = 16. 16 reversed is 61. Starting with the last day of the year and counting backwards 61 days you come to 11/1
 On a traditional clock as pictured above I have calculated that at 2:18 there are 39 degrees between the hands. 39 = 13 x 3 (Illuminati number)
I do not know the exact second that the message went out at, but at 18 minutes and 30 seconds past the hour the minute hand is 111 degrees around the dial.
11 seconds before 2:18 is 2:17:49. The degrees between the 2 hands at that time calculates to 38 degrees. The other way it would be 322 degrees—the illuminati death number.
In the middle of both hands is the 3. 3 = 1 + 1 + 1 = 111 and can stand for 11/1.
If you rotate the clock 180 degrees the time becomes 8:48.

The time of 8:48 appeared in the Jurassic World film. At the time of 11:01 in the film the time of 8:48 was shown.

With 10:11 left in the film, which is 11/1 in European date reckoning a very interesting statement is made; "we have entered a new era.” 

11/1/19 Date Syncs

Here are some interesting 11/1/19 date syncs;

10/14/10 Chile mine rescue to 11/1/19 is 3305 days (incl)

10/24/16 ISIS terror attack to 11/1/19 is 1103 days

9/15/17 London Terror attack to 11/1/19 is 777 days

3/1/18 Putin Invincible Missile Announcement to 11/1/19 is 611 days (incl)

8/14/18 Italy bridge collapse to 11/1/19 is 444 days

3/7/19 Venezuela blackout to 11/1/19 is 239 days

3/23/19 China Factory blast to 11/1/19 is 223 days

7/5/19 Ridgecrest M7.1 earthquake to 11/1/19 is 119 days

8/8/19 Russian nuke accident to 11/1/19 is 86 days (incl)

239 Signals

The 239 signals abound! 11/1/19 is 2 years and 39 days past 9/23/17--the sign of the woman clothed with the sun.

Invictus Games Obama/Queen Commercial 



Seattle Attack Signals for 11/3/19
A researcher believes that various pieces of predictive programming are indicating an attack on Seattle, WA on 11/3/19. I know nothing about this man and am including his videos FYI. Note: IMHO, the more exposed a possible future event becomes the less likely it is to occur, which is a good thing.




Here are a few interesting syncs associated with things mentioned in the videos above; from the Black Sunday movie release on 4/1/1977 there are 2222 weeks till 11/1 and 2222 weeks and 2 days till 11/3/19.

The Seattle football stadium does not have a section #322. This may be a signal to the Batman movie that had section #322 blow up.

Vault 113

And here is another piece of 113 or 11/3 predictive programming.

I did a Google search on 113 and prophecy and a Rock band came up called Vault 113. Above is a screenshot from Spotify. Notice the name of the songs; The Blast, Purple Sky, The Prophecy..., also notice the UFO lights.

11/3/19 Date Syncs

Here are a few 11/3/19 date syncs;

11/3/19 is 2 years, 2 months, and 2 weeks past the Great American eclipse on 8/21/2017.

11/3/19 is 35 days past Rosh Hashanah 9/29/2019.


As you can see there are a lot of syncs, signals, and predictive programming pointing to 10/30, 10/31, 11/1, and 11/3 of some future year, and especially 11/1. This leads me to believe that in a future year we will see major events one or more of those dates. Some of the syncs point to the possibility that we could see major events on those dates in 2019.

What, if anything, of major consequence will happen on those dates in 2019 is yet to be seen. However, considering that there is a possibility that we may be entering into the last 7 years on 10/19/19, the watch for those days is elevated.

Again; this is not a prediction, this is a “watch.” Synchronicities do not mean an event will occur, only that it may. That is the data that I have at this time. If you have any more information regarding these dates please post in the comments section below.

Update #1; 10/21:

You probably heard about the tornado in Dallas last night. It did a lot of damage and thankfully nobody was killed. There are some interesting facts about this tornado that I would like to point out.

It occurred on 10/20/2019, which was 3 days from President Trump's visit to Dallas. They reported that the winds reached a speed up to 111 mph. Why not say 110, why 111? This could be a signal to 11/1. There are 11 days between 10/20/19 and 11/1/2019. Counting inclusively it is 13 days.

If you draw a line through the tornado path and extend it north eastward it goes right to Washington, D.C. (I will try and post a picture of the path and the line tonight.)


Update #2; 10/21

The 111th major earthquake of the year occurred today, 10/21/19, which is 11 days to 11/1/19. It was a M6.4 in Vanuatu, it was the second M6.4 in October and in our Nibiru earthquake watch period. Now here is something interesting if you draw a line from the 6.4 today to the first M6.4 in October, the line goes directly to Israel, the Gaza Strip, and Gaza city. Hmm...those are some interesting connections.

Are these two events signals to a major pending event(s) on 11/1/19? If so will the events involve Washington D.C., Israel and or Gaza?

Update #3 10/23

A M6.3 earthquake just occurred in the South Atlantic at 1.11 S

End of updates

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36
Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you, will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.
Do you know what will happen in the end times and how to prepare for them? I wrote a book to help you. It is entitled The Coming Epiphany and will explain to you, in an easy to understand format what you need to know about the end times. The Coming Epiphany is available in paperback and as an eBook on (If you cannot afford one please email me)
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About the author: William Frederick; M.Div. has been preaching and teaching the Word of God for over 30 years. He has dedicated his life to serving God and helping others come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and understand essential end times Bible Prophecy truths. He is the author of several books including The Coming Epiphany and The Dollar Code. His articles are originally published on The End Times Forecaster Blog. From there, his articles are published and referenced on various prophecy news related websites. If you would like to republish his articles, please feel free to do so, just please include the original link to the article. The more people that see this information the better, and we need to wake more people up while there is still time.