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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query katy perry. Sort by date Show all posts

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

The Katy Perry WW3 Watch; Another 11/3/2023 Synchronicity--UPDATED


Sometimes you look at something you are trying to figure out for a long time and then all of a sudden it clicks. Well, that may be what just happened. Do you remember the infamous WW3 Katy Perry watch? As you can see, it shows the time of 10:11:06. Many including myself have tried to figure out the date that it is a signal to. 

Also, do you remember all the syncs pointing to 11/3/2023 as a possible major WW3 event and or NYC tsunami? I was never able to establish a connection between the obvious predictive programming Katy Perry WW3 watch time of 10:11:06 and the 11/3/2023 syncs, or maybe I never tried—don’t remember, but may have just found one or been given one. 

First, some background info about the Katy Perry video. A long time ago a reader sent me a link to the Katy Perry video which I believe has many interesting WW3 signals/predictive programming in it.

(Note: At the time I did not even know who Katy Perry was, nor do I listen to any kind of music like that—demonic. So if you want to watch the video which depicts a lot of war, I do not recommend listening to the music. Here is the link; 

Here are some signals that I picked up on. Her car is a Volvo.


What does the Volvo emblem represent?

The male gender icon originated in ancient Rome, used as the astrological symbol for Mars (probably his sword and shield). During the Renaissance, it became synonymous with the male gender (the symbol for Venus being the female gender). However, alchemists used these icons for something else. 

Volvo’s logo is actually the ancient chemical symbol for iron. The company’s founders wanted a strong image for their vehicles. 

So, we have Iron and Mars connections--and we all know that Mars is the planet associated with war. And where is Mars on our date of interest—11/3/2023?


Mars is in Libra, the weighing scales, which I assume ancient ones can be made out of iron, and is right in between Mercury and the Sun and it is in conjunction with its star Zuben Al Genubi—which means the price which is deficient. That brings these verses to mind. 

25 And this is the writing that was written, Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin. 

26 This is the interpretation of the thing: Mene; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. 

27 Tekel; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. Dan 5:25-27 

On 11/3/2023 when this heavenly sign occurs, will the USA be weighed in the balances and be found wanting, and will our kingdom be numbered and finished shortly thereafter? 

Next let’s take a look at the license plate in the video; 2CON654. 

Matching the last numbers 654, with letters of the alphabet, the 6th letter is F, the 5th is E, and the 4th is D and the license plate becomes 2CONFED and switching the order of the letters it can become DEFCON2. And as you can see from the graphic below, DEFCON 2 means--"next step to nuclear war."


Another thing we see in the video is a red star on the gas station sign.


The red star has traditionally been used by China and Russia, who will undoubtedly be some of the major players in WW3. 

A red star, five-pointed and filled, is a symbol that has often historically been associated with communist ideology, 

Now let’s take a look at the phone number in the video; 347-555-0842.


Area code 347 is depicted below.



Does this suggest that NYC will be directly involved in WW3?

 And at what time in the video does the watch appear? It appears at the 2:23 time mark—a backwards illuminati death number of 322. This is a definite signal that the time on the watch is related to death. Also, not the video is 4:11 long--backwards that makes an 11/4 which with +- a day for time zones that is another sync.


To add another confirmation that the watch time is a signal; the watch time shows the minutes and seconds of 11:06. At 11 minutes and 6 seconds past the hour the minute hand is 66.6 degrees past 12:00. Here is the math 11/60 + 6/3600 =.185 x 360 = 66.6 degrees. 

Also 11 minutes and 6 seconds equals 666 seconds. So, we have a double 666 signal. 

In the beginning of the video a side view of a ring was shown which looks like a half moon. 


On 11/3/2023 the moon is near 3rd quarter—close to a half moon. The ring looks like an opal, which is associated with the constellation Libra mentioned earlier. 

Now let’s throw a little Gematria into the mix—we know they use it. 

The NYC phone number: 347 + 555 + 847 = 1744, In Jewish Gematria New York Nuked = 1744. 

In Jewish Gematria the name of her song Part of Me = 332.  Which matches with the Jewish Gematria of; Blood sacrifice, I Pet Goat, and lucifer. 

In Jewish Gematria Katy Perry Part of Me = 1468 which matches with the Jewish Gematria of; satan’s ministry of music, and the abomination that maketh desolate. 

Now here is the date sync I just found that links the Katy Perry watch time to 11/3/2023; The Katy Perry song—Part of Me—was released on 2/13/2012. 

The watch time of 10:11:06 = 611 min and 6 sec. 

From 2/13/2012 to 11/3/2023 it is 611 wks. and 6 days inclusive. 

That’s a match! So, is the watch time of 10:11:06 a signal to 11/3/2023? Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. We cannot know for sure, that is why this is not a prediction, just a watch. 

BTW; in case you were wondering why the rapture has not happened yet, you should read this; A Conversation About the Timing of the Rapture.

Update 7/30/23: A thought just occurred to me to check the moon phase on 2/22/2022, which is when I believe WW3 may have begun that is continuing to this day in Ukraine. On 2/22/2022 is within a few hours of 3rd quarter. A third quarter moon is what is depicted by the opal ring. And we also see a heart pendant which could be a signal to valentine's day and more specifically the first 3rd quarter moon after valentines's day--2/22/2022. So if that is when it begun then 11/3/23 may be the day of a big WW3 event.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here. 

Monday, September 27, 2021

The Katy Perry Doomsday Watch Time; Is It Signaling the Date of WW3?


A long time ago a reader sent me a link to a Katy Perry video that has many interesting WW3 signals/predictive programming in it, including a possible date for the start of WW3. 

(Note: At the time I did not even know who Katy Perry was, nor do I listen to any kind of music like that—demonic. So if you want to watch the video which depicts a lot of war, I do not recommend listening to the music. Here is the link; 

Here are the signals that I picked up on. Her car a Volvo.


What does the Volvo emblem represent?

The male gender icon originated in ancient Rome, used as the astrological symbol for Mars (probably his sword and shield). During the Renaissance, it became synonymous with the male gender (the symbol for Venus being the female gender). However, alchemists used these icons for something else. 

Volvo’s logo is actually the ancient chemical symbol for iron. The company’s founders wanted a strong image for their vehicles. 

Iron and Mars--and we all know that Mars is the planet associated with war. Next let’s take a look at the license plate; 2CON654. 

Matching the last numbers with letters it becomes 2CONFED and switching order it becomes DEFCON2--"next step to nuclear war."


Next we see the red star on the gas station sign.


A red star, five-pointed and filled, is a symbol that has often historically been associated with communist ideology, 

The red star has traditionally been used by China and Russia, who are thought to be some of the major players in WW3. Now let’s take a look at the phone number; 347-555-0842.


Area code 347 is depicted below.

Does this suggest that NYC will be directly involved in WW3?


At 2:23 in the video her watch, pictured above, is prominently displayed—Hmm, wonder why. It reads 10:11:06, with what looks like the date of the 10th

The illuminati death number is 322, the watch appears at 2:23 a backwards 322. A definite sign that the time on the watch is a signal and related to death. 

Further, I believe the time can refer to a date and specifically 10/11 of some year or backwards, 11/10 of some year. If the date on the watch dial is the 10th then the time may be indicating 11/10 of some year. Also adding 10 and 11 yields 21, which may be a signal to 10/11/21 or 11/10/21.

Also notice the letters ICE on the watch. ICE is an acronym for Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Some have speculated that one way WW3 can begin is for nukes to be smuggled across the border and detonated in USA cities.

To add another confirmation that the watch time is a signal; the watch time shows the minutes and seconds of 11:06. At 11 minutes and 6 seconds past the hour the minute hand is 66.6 degrees past 12:00. Here is the math 11/60 + 6/3600 =.185 x 360 = 66.6 degrees.

In the beginning of the video a side view of a ring was shown which looks like a half moon. 

On 10/11/21 and 11/10/21 the moon will be very close to a half moon.

Here is another interesting tidbit; Mars will be in conjunction with the Sun at the hand of Virgo on 10/11/21.

And Mars will be in conjunction with Mercury at the feet of Virgo on 11/10/21.

Now let’s throw a little Gematria into the mix—we know they use it. 

The NYC phone number: 347 + 555 + 847 = 1744 in Jewish Gematria, which matches with; New York Nuked. 

Her song name; Part of Me = 332 in Jewish Gematria which matches with; Blood sacrifice, I Pet Goat, and lucifer. 

Katy Perry Part of Me = 1468 in Jewish Gematria which matches with; satans ministry of music, and the abomination that maketh desolate. 


In light of all the data and connections, in my mind this video is clear predictive programming for the coming Seal 2 WW3. When will it begin? I do not know, but if the first Seal has been opened and the white horse is riding throughout the earth, which is highly possible, then Seal 2 is not far away. I also believe that the numbers 10 and 11 will be involved in it's timing and as stated could be a reference to 10/11 or 11/10 of some year. And if so, will it be October 11 or November 10 this year or another year in the future? Time will tell.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Katy Perry Video WWIII Signal 11/10?

A reader sent me a Katy Perry video that had an interesting “signal” in it. First off I do not even know who Katy Perry is, or do I listen to any kind of music like that, unless I am forced to at the grocery store, and then I try to over ride it with an MP3 player and headphones. So if you want to watch the video which depicts a lot of war, I do not recommend listening to the music. Here is the link;

Anyway at 2:23 in the clip her watch, pictured above, is prominently displayed—Hmm, wonder why. It reads 10:11 with what looks like the date of the 10th. Here is my interpretation; the illuminati death number is 322, the watch appears at 2:23 a backwards 322. Which leads me to believe the time may be backwards and should be 11:10—a signal of the date 11/10. I also believe the date of the 10th on the watch may be a confirmation of this.

And please spare me the diatribes about “signals.” Of course God is in control and nothing happens except by His allowing it. If you want to bury your head in the sand and ignore such things and be totally unprepared when they happen that is your choice. If some of us picked up on the 9/11 signals, that were numerous, maybe there would have been a different outcome. But as for me I will follow this admonition.

34. And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. 35. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Luke 21:34-35.

But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. 5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. 6 Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. 1 Thes 5:4-6.

I am going to watch and pray; how bout you?

Monday, March 14, 2016

The 11/11 Chronicles: Days 117 to 121

Watches were posted for days 117 to 121 past 11/11/15. Below is the original post followed by what happened on those days.
3/7/16: 117 days past 11/11/15.
It is 13 weeks, 91 days before 6/6/16 (will post about in future)
On the Katy Perry doomsday watch the hands were 66.6 degrees apart which equals .185 of a circle apart. In corresponding to a date, .185 of the year 2016 falls on day 67, which is 3/7/16.
3/9/16: 119 days past 11/11/15.
119 is a backwards 911.
It is day number 666 in the esoteric countdown that began on 5/13/14.
It is the day of a total solar eclipse, which will be visible in parts of the Pacific, including Jakarta (HT Matt)—where President Obama lived for 3 years, from 1968 to 1971. In fact, in Jakarta the maximum eclipse will leave a crescent moon shaped sliver of the sun visible. And in Jakarta the eclipse will take 66 (6x11) minutes to reach Max and another 66 minutes to end for a total of 132 (11x12) minutes.
It is a new moon super moon.
There is a possible asteroid “flyby.” Asteroid 2013 TX68 is raising some alarms with people. At present it is not expected to hit the Earth, but at last check its condition code was 8 out of 9—highly uncertain—and its closest approach to earth is predicted to occur on 3/8/16 at 6 minutes past midnight (+- 2 days).
3/10/16: 120 days past 11/11/15.
120 days before 11/11/15 was the Iran deal, thus 120 days after is a day to watch.
3/11/16: 121 days past 11/11/15.
121 = 11 x 11. It is the day of a Friday crescent moon—possible death day.
Here is what happened.
3/7/16: Day 117
Netanyahu cancels Washington D.C. meeting with Obama. This event caused quite a little stir in Washington. President Obama basically took it as an insult. This will more than likely be followed by other USA/Israel events in the future, one of which may be the USA not blocking a Palestinian state at the U.N.
3/9/16: Day 119
Iran launches 2 missiles with “Isreal must be wiped out” written on them.
3/10/16: Day 120
3/11/16: Day 121
This day is being heralded as the day that the civil war started in America. Take a look at these headlines.
In fact the Chicago riots had some very interesting number synchronicities as explained by The Daily Crow; Trump Rally – Paris Attacks – Mecca Crane And Dow Are Connected. 
The next watch day is:
3/22/16: 132 days past 11/11/15.
132 = 11 x 12.
In Jewish history in 11 BC Herod’s Temple was dedicated. On the evening of 3/22 the fast of Esther begins, followed by Purim, which begins on the evening of 3/23/16.
3/22/16 is also 88 days past the Christmas full moon that had many interesting 88 synchronicities associated with it.
President Obama is scheduled to be in Cuba that day—the first president to visit Cuba in 88 years.
It is the Whitehouse Water Summit. On March 22, 2016, in conjunction with the United Nations World Water Day, the Administration will host a White House Water Summit…
In history the Georgia Guide Stones were dedicated on 3/22/80, thus it will be its 36th anniversary this year. 3/22 was also the day that the healthcare law was signed.
Let’s also not forget the old saying, “beware the ides of March.” Along those lines The Daily Crow just put up a great article regarding the Ides of March, 153, and Tisha B' Av: 2016: Ides of March to Tisha B’Av 153 days.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Lk 21:36
There are some things that you can do to prepare for the end times. The Coming Epiphany is an easy to understand end time Bible prophecy book that will help you to not only understand what is coming, but also to prepare for it. Please accept my gift to you and download a FREE copy of The Coming Epiphany today.
Do you know what you must do to be saved? Read a short message entitled God’s Gift of Salvation to find out what you must do to be saved.
There is secret information encoded on the dollar bill, including several dates, one of which is the date in which the antichrist may take over the world? Read The Dollar Code; Revealing the Secrets Encoded on the Dollar Bill.

Friday, November 5, 2021

La Palma; Are They Playing Pac Man? Updated


How many hours have you spent playing Pac Man in your life? Pac Man is probably the most iconic video game of all time. And it is Pac Man that they may be “playing” against us with La Palma. Take a look at this pic, I gave it a good look this morning and a few things popped out at me.


Do you see the Pac Man figure up at the top? IMHO it definitely does not look like a natural cloud formation.


Do you see the ghost figure?


The main elements of the Pac Man game are the Pac Man figure, ghosts, and dots. This is exactly what we have in this pic. Are they playing La Palma Pac Man? 

Here is something else of great importance. Do you see the time stamp of 3:14? This is exactly the same time stamp that is on the IPG2 La Palma explosion scene when the explosion centers over the purple vial in the palm of Mary’s hand—more than coincidence!


Now look at the percent charge on the phone—100%. Does this mean that the probability that they will initiate their La Palma plan/game is 100%? Knowing about all the La Palma tsunami predictive programming, I would say yes, it is part of their plan. And the plan is to use it to bring forth the antichrist. 

La Palma; With This Bird Gone the Plan(e)t Will Be Mine! 

Now the most difficult part is to discern the date. Is there a date clue on the image? Here are a few thoughts; the 3:14 time stamp that was on both the NASA image and IPG2 image could be a date clue. Day number 314 of 2021 is 11/10/21. We are already watching this date, not only because it is day number 314, but also because of all the 111 signals and the Katy Perry Doomsday watch time. 

Here is another possibility, the date of the photo is 10/27/21, and up at the top we see 4G = 47, 47 days past 10/27/21, depending on how you count, is 12/12-14/21, which is another date we are already watching. However since 4G would be on most people’s phones this would not necessarily be a signal. 

Since the image contained Pac Man references another date possibility would be in relation to the release date of Pac Man. 

Midway Manufacturing subsequently agreed to distribute both Pac-Man and Rally-X in North America, announcing their acquisition of the manufacturing rights on November 22 and releasing them in December. 

So that adds another day to our watch dates—11/22/21—which just so happens to be the 58th anniversary of the JFK assassination. BTW; 58 has some interesting Gematria connections. 

English Ordinal 58 

Facebook (There is a Facebook icon in the photo.)

Phone (The photo is a screen shot from a phone)


English Full Reduction 58 


Secret Society


Nuclear weapon

Purple Rain (Phrase for judgment, nuclear fallout, syncs with purple vial in IPG2 and purple sky of Simpsons La Palma episode.) 

And God may have just given us a confirmation of the Pac Man theory. Look at this image that appeared. Looks like a Pac Man ghost to me.


Here is another thought; day 1 of the volcanic eruption at La Palma was 9/19/21. So could we see the La Palma event on a signaled day number of the eruption such as day number 58—11/15/21, 100—12/27/21, 111—1/7/22, 314—7/29/22, 3 months and 14 days--1/1/2022, or 3/14/22 itself?



In light of the predictive programming I am convinced that a La Palma induced tsunami is in their plans, and it will be used to usher in the false messiah—the antichrist. I am also convinced that this NASA screenshot contains coded information about the certainty of the event (100%), and maybe even a date cipher. 

The only question that remains in my mind about the La Palma event is; when? Here are all the possible dates of interest that the data can signal; 













My top pick is day number 314—11/10/21 followed by 11/22/21, what’s yours? Or if you see any other date possibilities please comment below. 

Whether or not it will be any of those dates, I do not know—we watch. But whenever it happens, be aware that the antichrist will take over the world shortly thereafter. And we know from scripture that the antichrist will take over the world at the midpoint of the last 7 years, and all of that will happen before the rapture, and I can prove it J. 

BTW; on 11/3/21 La Palma experienced the largest earthquake to date, which was a 5.1, and also had an earthquake that lasted for 20 minutes on that day. A new plume a mile away at Mount Cogote is emitting steam. Oh yea happy world tsunami awareness day—11/5/21.

Update: I decided to check the time stamp on the Simpsons episode. At 3:14 there is an explosion.

At 3:16 the voice says "game over." and you see the robots hand laying palm up--La Palma.

When the bird flies out the window to go to the Canary islands the time stamp is 13:04--same numbers as 3:14 dropping the zero just in a different order. 

BTW: a 3rd volcano has just sprung to life on La Palma.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.