New agers are heralding the appearance of the world teacher in connection with the year 2025. Will 2025 be the year that the world teacher shows up, and if so, what are the prophetic implications. Let’s first consider what they are saying.
Theosophy and Alice Bailey
There is a famous Theosophist (Theosophy is a demonic cult) named Alice Bailey that used telepathy (demonic communication) to receive messages about the coming world teacher and the New World order. The date that came up over and over in her writings was 2025. Here are a few excerpts from her writings.
We only
need more light to offset the more materialistic interests. The intensification
of light will continue until 2025,
after which a relatively stable period will intervene. [That intensification of
light is what has contributed to much of the present world unrest].
concept of a world federation of nations is rapidly forming, and will be
universally recognized, desired and worked for by 2025. It will not be perfect, but its outline will be in place by
that time. [Watch for the words spoken by world leaders in that regard.]
great changes will be seen to have taken place until 2025 (from post WWII years) and have increased in activity and
speed. In 2025 in all probability, the date will be set [sometime into the
future] for the first stage of the reappearance of the spiritual hierarchy on
Earth in physical form...
And to add to that, we have another person—one of her
followers—who is also a seeker and subject of telepathy and had these things to
say about 2025.
To reiterate;
world teacher to reappear physically all link to 2025…
…He talked about that he said in 2025 the world federation…I suspect that they will meet in 2025…and make the decision for the world teacher to reappear.
And just who is this world teacher? The Bible tells us that the three main demonic players in the end times are the false prophet, the antichrist, and the devil.
And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. Rev 16:13
Thus, the world teacher is most likely either the antichrist or the false prophet. And since he is heralded as a teacher, he may be the false prophet.
So, what are we to make of what these new agers are saying? Will the world teacher make his appearance in 2025?
Well, it just so happens that several pieces of prophecy data are indicating that 2025 may indeed be the year that we see the false prophet appear, and the antichrist arise and take over the world, and this world teacher info may be a confirmation of the 2025 hypothesis. Time will tell.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36
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My cheap 2 Canadian cents worth ;
ReplyDeleteI see anti-christ(Dragon), false prophet and beast as imposters of the truth.
Christ was called teacher many times. I would say the anti-christ (Dragon) could be this "teacher"
That would leave the false prophet, which to me points to a copy-cat of someone like John the Baptist talking about and promoting the coming Messiah. I think we have seen King Charles go on about this unless King Charles was promoting the coming false prophet. Although I would have thought the Pope would take this role.
That leaves the Beast, which, in my opinion, must be an imposter Holy Spirit. The Beast system may connect everyone to the singularity essentially controlled by AI
I'm just thinking out loud to get this ball rolling.
On 5 7 23 it was given to me, "Mary, your prayer has been heard". I have been in and under attack for quite some time.
DeleteAs I went over the Mary it might be, one idea that I have after all this time since is that Mary the mother of Jesus represents the flesh or carnal nature of mankind. Those who worship Mary are worshipping the beast. The beast is the flesh under the evil ones headship. The Collective or its manifestation aka the the beast system is this developing matrix.
This was exactly three months before the beast qualified my mother for death because of the collective good.
Don't expect a large group to rally for the lost.
May it be that the spirit be poured out that many might live.
Trumps $399 golden sneakers 300 from 666. 300th day of 2024 is also 65/66 days 5x13 puts us right at 2025
ReplyDeleteSneakers have soles
DeleteThe 399th Prime number is 2741
STRONGS NT 2741: καυσόω
καυσόω, καύσω: (καῦσος); to burn up, set fire to; present participle passive καυσουμενος, 2 Peter 3:10, 12 (A. V. with fervent heat).
DeleteThat’s a huge stretch
DeleteThe truth though is that the globalists are panicking right now because they are on respirators and they are a dying breed