Wednesday, March 5, 2025

The Syncs of 3/14/2025; Is There a Bad Moon Arising? Updated 3x


Several synchronicities have come forth concerning Pi Day 2025—3/14/2025. Here is the data, there is a lot here, hold onto your hats. 

The Sign

First off, we had a highly synced date of 1/28/2025 in which I concluded that the 1/28/2025 event was the celestial sign that occurred on that day. Here is the pertinent info from the post; Here is What Happened on 1/28/2025 and at SB 59. 

…In realizing the propensity of the syncs and pondering the questions above I have come to the conclusion that the 1/28/2025 syncs were a time marker pointing to the celestial sign that occurred on that day of which I wrote. 

As you can see on 1/28/2025 the new moon/dark moon—moon child—was in front of the Goat. Did this “activate” the moon—moon child—so to speak and will events occur when the moon is involved in future celestial alignments—they love to plan events by the stars.


And who is the moon child? It is the antichrist, thus I believe this 1/28/2025 sign speaks directly to the coming of the antichrist, and that future antichrist events will be moon related… 

I believe dates that should be watched are dates around new and full moons… 

Full Moon: 3/14/2025 (It is called the worm moon, Lunar eclipse, Pi Day, and 33 days past SB 59) 

So, on 1/28/2025 the moon—moon child—appeared in the sky before Capricorn the goat and between the two was Mercury. And did you know that the element mercury is used to make some mirrors. 

Capricorn (goat)—Mercury (mirror)—Moon (moon child) 

And this picture was posted by Baron Trump a few days before the 1/28/2025 celestial sign. Is he making a statement? 


Speaking of Trump and a goat, this is what was displayed at Mar Lago, a goat covered in bills that said, "In Trump We Trust." Did you know that a judas goat is used to lead sheep to slaughter?

And here is another sync: 1/28 in hours and minutes is 1 hour, 28 minutes which equals 88 minutes and Trump = 88. The Back to the Future car that had the license plate OUTATIME had to reach 88 mph. There are 88 days between 1/20/2025 and 4/19/2025 our highly synced antichrist Great Tribulation date.  And 3/14/2025 is the midpoint of those two dates.

Leave the World Behind

And from the Comments section: 

Stan February 11, 2025 at 8:46 PM 

William...I was watching Leave the World behind and noticed the solar eclipse scene...however the USA flag on the moon could be seen as the sun was being eclipsed. Instead of the moon eclipsing the sun, it was the earth eclipsing the sun, but from the vantage point from the moon. Thus if you were on the earth, you would be seeing a blood moon eclipse. There is a blood moon eclipse visible to the western hemisphere on March 14th, 2025. I believe this film is making a connection with this coming blood moon... 

William Frederick, M. Div. February 12, 2025 at 11:24 AM 

Stan thanks for the info, the 3/14 lunar eclipse in Virgo is a date that definitely needs watching. Knowing that BO was involved in the making of that movie, asks the question, what does he know? Since it is in Virgo, and 33 days after SB 59, could it be the day of the Hoover Dam antichrist birthing ritual? 

And it just so happens that as of 3/2/2025 the blue ghost lander is on the moon and the athena lander is scheduled to land on the moon on 3/6/2025 and one or both may send pictures from the moon’s vantage of the upcoming eclipse. 

And let’s not forget that one of the points of the Mercedes logo on the Atlanta superdome goes directly to the Parthenon building in Nashville, TN that houses the 42 ft statue of athena. 42 is an antichrist number, as he will rule the world for 42 months.


Belphegor's Prime

And from the comments of the post; Signs and Symbols Rule the World. 

Anonymous February 18, 2025 at 11:59 PM 

…That mushroom obviously was intended to be perceived as a prediction, in addition to two other non-prediction meanings. But what day is it predicting? What is the day that the music dies? Don McLean's song gives us answers that are only cryptic. 

William Frederick, M. Div. February 19, 2025 at 11:16 AM 

Thanks for sharing, how about Pi Day!? 

William Frederick, M. Div. February 19, 2025 at 11:42 AM 

From SB 47 to 3/14/2025 is 4422 days

From SB 59 to 3/14/2025 is 33 days


From SB 47 to SB 59 is 12 yr, 6 d = 6+6, 6 

William Frederick, M. Div.February 19, 2025 at 3:05 PM 

And an upside-down Pi represents 1000000000000066600000000000001 which is called Belphegor's prime 

And speaking of Belphegor’s prime, a prime number named after a demon, which has an upside down Pi as it’s symbol, could that be a signal to a demonic event on a future Pi Day? Did you know that the first 144 digits of the number Pi add to 666? And the fractional equivalent of Pi is 22/7—7:22 was the time on the watch in the movie 2012. 

Super Bowl 47

And from the post; The Great Sleeping Giant: The Coming New Madrid Earthquake 

Anonymous February 26, 2025 at 6:28 PM 

Beyonce, the Illuminati songster and actress ( Feb. 3, 2013 ) 

…As for Beyonce, she was ritually murdered live on TV to conclude her 2013 Illuminati halftime stage act. She fell on her back as if she had been killed. As we would view it off to the right of the stage, or as Beyonce would see it on her left, someone aimed a long-barreled gun at her, and "shoots" her, with gun-fire visible. After some time on her back, she gets up and serenades the applauding N.O. crowd and TV audience. She quickly recovered from her faked head wound (like the AC does?!). That "death" of Beyonce, signified the AmPie "The Day the Music Died". Mercedes Benz halftime theatrics consultants and experts, knew exactly what they were doing, in orchestrating things the way they did. 

William Frederick, M. Div.February 26, 2025 at 7:39 PM 

Thanks for sharing I was not aware of all of that. I would suspect that the ac head wound would date sync with 2/3/2013 

And from 2/3/2013 to 3/14/2025 is exactly 4422 days or 12 yr, 1 mo, 11 da (12111), 4422 = 2x2211. And from what many consider to be the WW3 start date of 2/22/2022 to 3/14/2025 is 1116 days. Also, Super Bowl 47 syncs with President #47. SB 47 is when the lights went out, and on the night of the eclipse the light of the moon will "go out." 

The Super Bowl 47 Mercedes Super Dome also had a connection to the Hoover Dam--antichrist birthing ritual, the Georgia guide stones, and the Antares rocket explosion antichrist appearance--the little horn.

And since we are on the subject of date syncs, here is an interesting one; from the infamous 12/21/2012 to 3/14/2025 is 4466 days or 12 yr, 2 mo, 21 da (12221, which is the 212th palindrome). And another; from 9/11/2001 to 3/14/2025 is 8585 days. And another from the first jab on 12/14/2020 to 3/14/2025 is 1551 days. 

The Eclipses

And to add another well-known and talked about sync is that Donald Trump was born on the same day as a lunar eclipse—6/14/1946—that was also the same day that Crowley wrote a letter about the Moon Child. See the post; The Moon Child and 1/28/2025. 

Let’s take a look at the lunar eclipses involved which are 180 lunar eclipses apart.


And 15 days before the 1946 lunar eclipse and 15 days after the 2025 lunar eclipse, there was/will be a solar eclipse.


So, here is the pattern: Solar Eclipse—15 days—Lunar Eclipse—4109 weeks (4+1+9=15)—Lunar Eclipse—15 days—Solar Eclipse. 


I wonder what color the 3/14/2025 lunar eclipse will be, will it be reddish or orangish? Did you know that Jesus died at the time of a blood moon lunar eclipse? I wonder if anyone will die at this eclipse?

The 17 Death Sync

Stan emailed me the other day and alerted me to this video, which has a lot of amazing syncs and in the comments also. 


Donnie Darko

And here are a few more syncs to consider from the post, This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius, 8/13/2024, What Will Happen? 

Now consider this piece of data that I saw at The Big The One. 

On October 2, 1988, troubled teenager Donald "Donnie" Darko encounters a figure in a monstrous rabbit costume named Frank, who tells Donnie that the world will end in exactly 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, and 12 seconds.


Donnie wakes up the next morning on the green of a local golf course and returns home to discover that a jet engine has crashed in his bedroom. 

28 + 6 + 42 + 12 = 88 

It's no coincidence that they add up to 88. Several allusions are made throughout the film to "Back to the Future" (88 representing the end of time/time travel) and the "End of the World" (aka "End of Times"). 

Donald "Donnie" Darko represents Donald Trump. In the film he appears wearing a T-shirt that says "Triumph" which directly references TRUMP.


The etymology of Trump indicates that Trump is derived from "Triumph." It is also no coincidence that the letters in TRUMP add up to 88. 

In the film, there is a shot of a bottle of Donnie's pills on which is written the date 7/24/88 which contains precisely the date of Trump's assassination attempt 7/24, July 2024, associated with the number 88 which represents TRUMP and also the year 2024 which is the only year in the 21st century divisible by 88. 2024 = 88x23. 


As I said at the beginning, on 10/2/88 Donnie wakes up on the green of a golf course and returns home to discover that a jet engine has crashed in his bedroom. That is to say that Donald Darko, who represents Trump, has been spared from dying by chance, precisely what happened on 7/13/2024 when Trump did not die by chance. 

But Donnie does die at the end of the film. He dies 28 days later, 

And what happens at a lunar eclipse? The moon goes "Darko."  From the Trump assassination attempt on 7/24/2024 to 3/14/2024 is 233 days or 33 wk, 2 da, which makes a 233332.

A rabbit was mentioned above did you know that there is a rabbit head in the topography of the earth? 

 And from Trump Tower to the middle of the rabbit's nose is 1666.1 NM. Does that number sound familar?


And another thing to consider about 3/14/2025 besides being Pi Day and a synced blood moon eclipse is that it is also Purim. The Jewish festival of Purim is all about the Jews being saved from the evil attack of Haman and being able to take vengeance on their enemies. I believe that in the end times Purim will be fulfilled by the false messiah appearing to “save” the Jews. 

Did you know that some think that Donald Trump converted to Judaism? Is that why he did not put his hand on the Bible while swearing in?


And here is what a Rabbi in Jerusalem is saying in regards to the lunar eclipse and Purim. 

Rabbi Mordechai Genuth discussed the meaning of eclipses in Jewish tradition… 

Today, the Muslims set their calendar according to the moon, even more than the Jews, in a manner that leads their calendar to be imbalanced. So a lunar eclipse is closely connected to the Muslims and, in this case, is a warning for the Arabs,” Rabbi Genuth said. “It is more than a warning. They will be cut off from the moon in the middle of Ramadan. They will be dislodged from their belief and fall into discord and confusion. After the lunar eclipse, they will begin to see a chain of disasters in their war against Israel. 

A lunar eclipse in the month of Adar is a sign that there will be war among the Sons of Ishmael who are connected to the moon,” Rabbi Genuth said. “It is also a sign of famine and drought in the West… 

But since both eclipses will only be seen in the West and not in Israel, it is a warning to them that they will be judged in how they treat Israel,” the rabbi explained. 

A lunar eclipse over the US is also a warning to the Jews in the US. Before Purim, it is a reminder that when they are in exile, they are at the mercy of the non-Jews like Haman. They need to do teshuva and attach themselves to the fate of Israel.

The Infamous IPG2

As most of you are aware, IPG2 is all about the events surrounding the coming onto the scene of the false messiah, antichrist. Look what appears at 3:14, there are 2 scenes. The first shows the false messiah, the second the NW USA looking dancing man whose white mask turns reddish orangish possibly indicating a lunar eclipse.

And with 3:14 left in the film at the time of 4:16, this scene appears--a lunar eclipse. 

Let me explain, the on fire false messiah represents the sun, the black disc behind him is the earth and behind the black disc is the moon-colored object representing the moon. That is what occurs at a lunar eclipse, the earth comes between the moon and sun.

Not only that but a few seconds before the false messiah is shown directly below the moon-colored object. Is that a moon child connection?

And a few seconds before that we see an entity coming into the body of the false messiah, which I believe represents the devil entering into him.

The Bad Moon A-Rising

And Stan sent me this comment; this coming blood red moon in my opinion is indeed Creedence Clearwater Revival...hit song prophecy coming to pass as the Bad Moon Rising. 

Here are the lyrics. 

I see the bad moon a-rising

I see trouble on the way

I see earthquakes and lightnin'

I see bad times today


Don't go around tonight

Well, it's bound to take your life

There's a bad moon on the rise


I hear hurricanes a-blowing

I know the end is coming soon

I fear rivers over flowing

I hear the voice of rage and ruin


Don't go around tonight

Well, it's bound to take your life

There's a bad moon on the rise

All right


Hope you got your things together

Hope you are quite prepared to die

Looks like we're in for nasty weather

One eye is taken for an eye


Well, don't go around tonight

Well, it's bound to take your life

There's a bad moon on the rise


Don't come around tonight

Well, it's bound to take your life

There's a bad moon on the rise 


Well, that is the data that I have at this time, if you have anything to add, comment below. But overall, I am seeing a lot of antichrist connections. Will the 3/14/2025 Purim blood worm moon lunar eclipse on Pi Day be associated with a major antichrist event(s)? Will it be a “bad moon a-rising?” 

As I have said many times before, I cannot predict the future, all I can do is show you the syncs, it is up to you to come to your own conclusions and decisions.

I know for sure that the blood moon at the Sixth Seal will definitely be a bad moon rising, but not for those who are saved, it will be a good moon rising because that is when the rapture occurs.

Update: Steve Wilkin at Jesus Second Coming 2028 in response to this post sent me some amazing syncs. Here are a few.

Update #2

Stan has added a very important piece of information in the comments section. Here is some of what he wrote.

…I cannot begin to properly discuss the significance of the study of Esther. I strongly suggest going to Jarrett at Supernatural By Design youtube. He has 8 months ahead predicted the war in Ukraine starting in October 2022. He predicted months ahead of the invasion of Israel being in October 2023. He has now been predicting the about to start Israel/Iran war by his deep connections with the study of Esther. 

Here is where my verification gets EXTREMELY interesting. Williams deep study on this picture number coming up on the upcoming blood moon on 3/14 simply blew me out of my chair. But what I want to share that I just verified...blew me out of my home. Anyone, please do not just accept what I am going to type next...but please simply download the stellarium program and verify for yourself. I will send William some pictures of all my stellarium events. 

Esther became a queen in -478 BC. This I verified from other preachers more versed on this than I ever will be and Wikipedia agreed. 

There is this pi date blood moon in Virgo on 3/14/2025.


There is a blood moon on 3/14/-478 BC in Virgo.


On the precise dead center of this 3/14/2025 blood moon in Virgo....Jupiter is EXACTLY between the horns of Taurus...right at the crown of this bulls head .


On the precise dead center of the 3/14/-478 BC blood moon also in Virgo...Jupiter is again between the horns of Taurus, and EXACTLY at the same position on the bulls crown. 

On this upcoming pi date 3/14/2025 eclipse...Mercury, Venus, and Saturn closely join the sun in Pisces. 

On the pi date blood moon eclipse back in Esther's time on 3/14/-478 BC, Mercury, Venus and Saturn also closely join the sun in Pisces.

The EXTREME odds of this being another coincidence is almost next to impossible to compute....but two online computers had the astronomical odds of these planets Jupiter Saturn, Venus, Mercury, all in the same position in the heavens on the unique time aligning with of all events...a blood moon...on a pi date?? This is an EXTREME God wink in my opinion....and I can't help but strongly expect a significant event happening on or tying to this upcoming blood moon. Maybe it will be a hidden for now event, maybe it will be 7 days later?...40 days? ....Maybe nothing, as we just have been served another God wink to wake us up? All I know is this is not a coincidence. Take it to the Lord in prayer. 

GROK says the odds of the above are 1 in 52 trillion. ChatGPT says roughly the same astronomical odds.

And I would like to add that the Stellarium program incorrectly counts year zero, of which there was no year zero. So, in the program all BC dates are off by one year. So, 2 BC in the program is actually 3 BC. Thus -478 in the program is -479. 

And here is the Esther timeline; 

Esther became queen in the seventh year of his reign, 478 BC (Est 2:16). 

Haman hatched his plot to destroy the Jews in the 12th year of Ahasuerus. Because this happened in the first month of the year, it was likely less than five full years after Esther had become queen, probably early in 474 BC (Est 3:7). 

Finally, when Haman cast the lot to determine the date for the extermination of the Jews, it came up as the twelfth month of that year. Because their calendar began the New Year in March/April, the twelfth month would have been the equivalent of early 473 BC. Of course, this turned out to be the deliverance of the Jews, not their extermination. 

So, this sign preceded the events.

Update #3

Thought crossed my mind that 1 yr, 1 month, and 1 day past 3/14/2025 is 4/15/2026.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy (eBook $4.99).


  1. Tamra- Those are a lot of interesting connections to keep in mind with the 14th so close. That song would certainly fit well too.

    1. William...Thanks for another excellent compilation of connected articles. With Trump being born on 6/14/1946...
      , the very day Aleister Crowley sent that famous letter about the moonchild. being born on that same day....and a blood moon at that.

      There are several other connections that all just sync together, I will post some later.

      There simply is no shortage of it.

    2. Tamra, nowadays we can all link and listen in to an ocean of music via the Internet, but you gotta be old enough, like Stan and I are, to recall the days when Creedence Clearwater Revival tunes, were often listened to via radio and album.

      Jeremiah was a bullfrog
      Was a good friend of mine
      I never understood a single word he said...

      Early 1970s tunes. "American Pie" belonged to the era too.

    3. Stan : Jimmy Page, of Zep, was a disciple of Crowley. Boleskine House.

    4. Boleskine is an infamous haunted house. I don't know what the staircases look like inside of that house, but it wouldn't surprise me if one or more of them were of a "twisted" sort. You definitely would not find any Wiki = "Ladder of Divine Ascent" stairway / staircase, inside of that Boleskine "pilgrimage site" house. Crowley was 666 to the max.

    5. Anonymous??.... I find it interesting this Boleskine house. I looked up the date that satanically 666 connected structure burned down. It was on 12/23/2015. I find it interesting that from that date to this upcoming blood moon on pi day 3/14/2025 is 3369 days. That is a 666 connection. The first two numbers 33 added is the first 6. The next digit is another 6. The last digit is upside down 6.

      Also interesting is the fact that there are two major total eclipses outlining God's promised land to Israel. On 8/2/2027 is the amazing total eclipse path outlining the southern border from the Nile river down along the Red Sea. But, its the final total eclipse 7 years later ...outlining God's promised land as on 3/20/2034...a total solar eclipse outlines the SW to NE boundaries as it crosses the northern boundary of the Tigris Euphrates River. From this 666 satanic Boleskine house fire on 12/23/2025 to this 3/20/2034 total solar eclipse is 6663 days. It's like the 3 is noting the three 6's preceding it. This brings an obvious comment....this eclipse is only 3 days from it being 6666 days from that satanic 666 Boleskine house fire. Is there no end to God winks? No!

    6. Please excuse me repeating this comment. I posted it in the wrong part.

      I researched this satanic 666 inspired Boleskine home owned by Aleister Crowley and Jimmy Page..lead guitarist for Led Zeppelin. This home is built on the Loch Ness Lake ...home of the mythical or is it actually real....the famous Loch Ness monster? I am sure there are more connections, but I have life getting in the way....ha. Thank you "Anonymous " ...??..for enlightening me with this Boleskine house connection to Aleister Crowley.

  2. The two Trump = Goat, photos, seen above, are also seen in the Feb. 16 & 17 posts of this site, titled "Signs and Symbols..." and "Here it comes..." - Comments made to add to both of those posts, draw attention to the Baphomet symbolism involved. Wiki = "Baphomet".

  3. Wiki article = "Donald Trump Access Hollywood tape".
    As was comment-noted in the previous March 4 post = "The Mark"


    This is a blog post by Colin Buchanon of Ireland, dated Feb. 7, 2025. Therein, Musk & other elites in the Trump entourage, are described as being "many of the wealthiest frontmen on Earth" and as "those bizarre geeko-lizards of High Sham[an] Futurism".

    The previous ETF blog post here of March 4 = "The Mark" contains a hypertext link we see as "Trump Administration" which links to a solarireport article, which refers to Elon as being "President Musk". Musk seemed to be a "good guy" in opening up Twitter / X , to free speech. But some suspect that there is a more sinister side to him. It is interesting that "people in the know" thus perceive Musk to be president, with Trump as his vice-president. For anyone to become USA president, their campaign must be well funded. And Twitter definitely helped Trump. "Money power" controls (almost) everything we see on the surface level, on this earth. Divine grace and providence, work in hidden ways and at hidden levels, that seemingly very few people perceive with much of any clarity.

  5. The subsection "Purim" of this post. There is much more to say about that, and how the significance of a "leap Adar", is a big key to deciphering overall end-times chronology. But that key does NOT point to April 2025 or Sept. 2028. I plan to note more about that, later.

  6. I have an irrelevant observation. Why was Australia not settled by others until 1770? The Pacific islanders, Chinese and Indonesians all had boats and made long journeys all over the place. People went everywhere except Aus. There seems to be no stories, traditions or anything in other cultures of the place. What was so frighting that no one even talked about it. It does not even seem to be mentioned in the bible. Thus, it could be the black hole of the world and what comes out of a black hole is unlikely to be helpful. I would be observant and afraid.

  7. William....I have been studying from two other sources the significance of the story of Esther in the Bible and our present endtimes. It is an amazing deep study that I barely scratch the surface of. I came across a random comment from one of the viewers on another brethrens website. The person seemed to know what they were talking about as it aligned with my studies. Actually most of my time is verifying information before I pass it on to you or others.

    I do my best to verify. So....this commentator is well versed with the stellarium program that you William, and myself use often. The odds of what I am about to present...again, this is not my discovery at all....but my doggedly digging...and verifying stuff that makes me sit up in my chair. Stay with me as I get to the point.

    I can not begin to properly discuss the ificanceof the study of Esther. I strongly suggest going to Jarrett at Supernatural By Design youtube. He has 8 months ahead predicted the war in Ukraine starting in October 2022. He predicted months ahead of the invasion of Israel being in October 2023. He has now been predicting the about to start Israel/Iran war by his deep connections with the study of Esther.

    Here is where my verification gets EXTREMELY interesting. Williams deep study on this picture number coming up on the upcoming blood moon on 3/14 simply blew me out of my chair. But what I want to share that I just verified...blew me out of my home. Anyone, please do not just accept what I am going to type next...but please simply download the stellarium program and verify for yourself. I will send William some pictures of all my stellarium events.

    Esther became a queen in -478 BC. This I verified from other preachers more versed on this than I ever will be and Wikipedia agreed.

    There is this pi date blood moon in Virgo on 3/14/2025.

    There is a blood moon on 3/14/-478 BC in Virgo.

    On the precise dead center of this 3/14/2025 blood moon in Virgo....Jupiter is EXACTLY between the horns of Taurus...right at the crown of this bulls head .

    On the precise dead center of the 3/14/-478 BC blood moon also in Virgo...Jupiter is again between the horns of Taurus..and EXACTLY at the same position on the bulls crown.

    On this upcoming pi date 3/14/2025 eclipse...Mercury, Venus, and Saturn closely join the sun in Pisces.

    On the pi date blood moon eclipse back in Esther's time on 3/14/-478 BC..Mercury, Venus and Saturn also closely join the sun in Pisces.

    The EXTREME odds of this being another coincidence is almost next to impossible to compute....but two online computers had the astronomical odds of these planets Jupiter Saturn, Venus, Mercury, all in the same position in the heavens on the unique time aligning with of all events...a blood moon...on a pi date?? This is an EXTREME God wink in my opinion....and I can't help but strongly expect a significant event happening on or tying to this upcoming blood moon. Maybe it will be a hidden for now event, maybe it will be 7 days later?...40 days? ....Maybe nothing, as we just have been served another God wink to wake us up? All I know is this is not a coincidence. Take it to the Lord in prayer.

    Thank you again William for this platform.

    1. I failed to enter what GROK says the odds are of the above odds are. It says it's 1 in 52 trillion. ChatGPT says roughly the same astronomical odds.

    2. Stan thank you for sharing that information, that is a very important bit of information--very important! I am going to add it into the post above. I will check out that guys site.

    3. William.... That song Bad Moon Ris Heing...could be a the blood full moon rising ....or it could be a new moon rising on 3/29/2025...which is also a solar eclipse.
      Also..Hosea 5:5-7 speaks of Israel(lost tribes as the USA), Ephraim(Great Britain) falling in their iniquity, and then it says Judah( country of Israel) will fall WITH them.
      Back before Christ....Israel, Ephraim were split off as the northern kingdom. Judah
      was the southern kingdom . The northern kingdom of Israel and Ephraim were destroyed 130 plus years before Judah the southern kingdom was destroyed. So, Judah did not fall WITH them....but over 139 years AFTER the northern kingdom fell. Hosea 5:5 says Judah shall fall WITH them. That has not happened yet, but when Judah does fall, verse 7 says " now shall a MONTH devoured THEM with their portions. I am presently of the strong opinion that Hosea 5:5-7 basically says Great Britsin, the USA, and Judah(country of Israel) will fall within a month time. That could be a full moon to full moon....or a new moon to a new moon. Of courseI could be wrong, but watching now Great Britain is prodfing Russia, and Trump is either willfully or stupidly or by a false flag, see the USA put down along with Great Britain and Israel. I easily see once one nuke goes off...all bets are off.

      William, the site you are going to check out was Supernatural By Jarretts channel. He has the Edther connections...but unfortunately he is pretrib. Most of my sources are pretrib, but I do not throw out the baby with their pretrib bath water. Hopefully more of them will open their eyes and see, before the SHTF....and many will fall away unless they have a sound foundation in scripture.

    4. I find it interesting Trump being born on a blood moon on 6/14/1946. There are 28,777 days...(7000+7000+7000+7000+700+70+7) between that blood moon birthday and the upcoming eclipse on 3/29/2025....visible just on the upper east coast of the USA..including New York City as a partial eclipse.

      Also, it is interesting that Iran's Supreme leader Ali Khamenei was born on an annular solar eclipse on 4/19/1939.

      Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was born on a partial solar eclipse on 10/21/1949.

      So, the leaders of the very likely imminent conflict between Israel/USA versus Iran are all led by their leaders born on eclipses. The prophesy rubber .band
      keeps s--t--r--e--t--c--h--i--n--g

    5. This topic is like the Easter bunny... This Aleister Crowley /Jimmy Page 666 inspired home is built on Loch Ness....home of the mythical or real Loch Ness monster. My opinion has shifted now to more real.

      I bet there is plenty more that could be dug out of this rabbit hole, but I have a life also...ha

  8. Pay attention to the condition of Pope Francis now. He will be 88 years and 88 days old on March 15, 2025, which is the Ides of March and the 3rd day of Purim (Shushan Purim). Will the Pope die then? He has been in very poor health lately. And the name Francis is associated with the Francis Scott Key Bridge that collapsed on March 26, 2024, possibly a sign of the coming judgment of America. Was that a year of warning for America?? The time the Baltimore Bridge collapsed was 1:28 a.m., which gives the numbers 88 and 11. (1 hour + 28 minutes = 88 minutes & 1+2+8=11) Maybe 11 more days after Purim, which will bring us to March 26, 2025?? (exactly one year after the bridge collapse) Also, in the movie The Back to the Future after reaching 88 mph and a car passes by, the number 11 appears on the ground in flames and the license plate OUTATIME.

    Back To The Future - 88 Miles Per Hour

    1. According to Malachi's prophecy, Pope Francis is the last pope. Then the end of the world (Rome=world)

    2. Oli...You always add very interesting connections. In my opinion...this particular blood moon and subsequent solar elipse on March 29th, is a super storm of amazing biblical and worldly ties. I will be surprised if something major does not happen soon..that will then open the doors to much prophesy awaiting to be fulfilled.

      I picture bible prophesy as it is written on a giant rubber band.
      As one prophesy unfolds....that rubber band gets.... s--t--r--e--t--c--h--e--d..........
      Only God knows how long his divine amount of grace will let the world events continue until He says "enough"..and the rubber band snaps, letting the barrage of backed up prophesies to unfolds.

      Anyone with studies in prophesy can clearly see the built up tension on that rubber band from various high tension spots around the world. I have never seen such an accumulation of events, each putting tension on that rubber band. God may be at the point where He told Jeremiah in Jeremiah 11:14....and also in not even pray for His people as their prayers will be not answered. God's grace had its limits then, the big question is how close is His grace to being at its limits now, to be not granted anymore. Of course our prayers heard by God will not change prophesy...but those prayers can grant God's grace to let us witness these amazing signs...and have more people turning to him ...
      until He finds Himself once again telling us like He did Jeremiah
      ....not to pray anymore as those prayers will not be heard.

  9. 17 = 8 , 17= 8, 88

  10. Take a look at the upcoming movie releases for March 14, 2025. 👀

    1. RAF.....That just looks like the movies will fit current events.

  11. The dates 3/14-15 are the first 5 digits of Pi = 3.1415. So we have 2 days that can be expanded (in a couple of different ways, or in some combination of these two) into 3 days, because of the 24 time zones of each day. Pi day = 72 hours in total, at least in a certain manner of looking at it. Of course, that is the case every year.

    But this year, there are quite a few Youtube vids that have come out just in the past few days, whipping up anticipatory excitement about "Pi day" especially in relation to Esther. Well, well, well. We do not have long to wait = only about a week now, to see what, if anything, big, happens.
