Friday, March 21, 2025

Saint John, the Devil Horns of the Solar Eclipse, and the Moon Child Updated


On 3/29/2025 a partial solar eclipse will appear over parts of the world as pictured below.


As most of you are aware a solar eclipse occurs when the moon comes between the earth and sun and blocks the light of the sun bringing darkness over the land.

God has told us that He has put signs in the heavens.

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: Gen 1:14

Will this year’s solar eclipse on 3/29/2025 be a sign? Let’s consider facts. First, let’s take note that President Trump has identified himself as a moon type involved in a previous solar eclipse.

Further his son Baron has identified his father as a moon type by posting this picture a few days before our highly synced date of 1/28/2025.


On that day a great celestial sign appeared, Mercury came between Capricorn and the moon. Realizing that the element Mercury can be used in some mirrors, the picture posted by Baron depicted what appeared in the sky on 1/28/2025.

Capricorn the goat—Mercury the mirror—the Moon Donald Trump.

Thus, it is clear to see that Donald Trump and his family have identified him as a Moon-type.

Now, let’s get back to the 3/29/2025 solar eclipse, when the moon blocks the light of the Sun. Let’s pick a prophetically connected place in the world to see what the eclipse will look like in that location. How about Saint John Newfoundland in Canada. Of course, you recognize Saint John as the writer of the book of Revelation. Here is what it will look like.


Wow, the devil horns will appear (HT Stan) while observing the eclipse from Saint John, and since St. John is very near the Atlantic ocean it will appear that the devil horns will arise out of the sea. Who does St. John say will arise out of the sea in the end times?

And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea… Rev 13:1

And right below the eclipse as the sun climbs higher in the sky Cetus the sea monster (beast) will rise out of the sea.

The devil horn eclipse occurs in Pisces, and after the beast rises up out of the sea will he not persecute God's children and Israel, which is represented by Pisces.

Ponder those facts for a while. Is this eclipse an antichrist related sign that is also related to the infamous beast rising up out of the sea told to us by God through St. John?

Oh, let me leave you with another piece of info, on 6/14/1946 Allister Crowley—the most powerful witch in the world at the time, wrote a letter about the moon child.


Oh, I forgot to mention the letter was written on the same day as a lunar eclipse and the same day that Donald Trump was born.

And there was a solar eclipse approx. 2 weeks before and after that lunar eclipse, one in the North Pole area and one in the South Pole area.

Here is another tidbit of info; did you know that the Muslim religion has a moon god connection? So, if the antichrist has a moon connection, will that be part of how he incorporates the Muslims into the one world religion?

Is this devil horn eclipse as it appears in the city of Saint John a sign of the coming antichrist? And if so, during or after this eclipse, will the moon—moon child—bring darkness upon the land? Is it a sign of the beast rising up out of the sea? Don’t forget it is the job of a Judas goat to lead the sheep to slaughter.

Also don’t forget; as the saying goes, signs and symbols rule the world.

Note: I am not claiming that any one particular person is the antichrist. I am merely showing you the facts and prodding you to ponder these things. I have been hyper busy as of late and have not had a lot of time to research this. If you have any facts to share about this eclipse add into the comments section.

Update: At the prompting of a comment on the last post I started checking some distances and found the following. The distance from the Saint John marker to the Trump World Tower is 999.27 NM, 27 = 9+9+9. That makes 999.9+9+9.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy (eBook $4.99).


  1. William.....I meant to also send you Revelation 13:11 to you.
    ."..and I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon."

    I feel this is symbolic of what is to come.

    1. William... I also sent a picture of the eclipse from New York City. Thanks to one of the "anonymous" suggesting to do so. I did not think of that...
      and didn't want to act like I did...

    2. But....that picture does indeed a bite out of an apple at max eclipse.

    3. William....Excellent find on you mentioning Cetus the sea monster rising out of the sea!!. This thing is gaining traction.!

    4. William.....I read Aleister Crowleys Moon Child book. Though I felt needing to take a bath after reading his satanic readings etc...
      I am convinced that the blood moon eclipse birth of Donald Trump at least fulfilled their sinister plot to have this Moon Child born on that 6/14/1946 blood moon eclipse. Whether he will be a counterfeit AC...or the actual one ...time will tell. I am in favor of the latter.

    5. More unfolding news....The news over 2 years ago came out about the corona borealis star soon to go nova as it explodes roughly every 80 years....making it around the 46th brightest star in the sky. The last time it exploded was on 2/9/1946. A few including myself are expecting this nova to explode on a significant date when it does go nova. It is expected to be as bright as the north star when it does explode. This star is roughly 3000 light years from earth and this upcoming anticipated explosion has already occured, but the light from that explosion is still traveling to earth.

      I just read a scientific report that this star has been giving visible clues it is getting ready for this explosion and the latest estimate is refined to happen next week on 3/27/2025. I find it interesting that this star blows into a nova roughly every 80 years....and the last year it went nova was in 1946......the year Trump was born. Even more interesting is this latest refined estimate of it going nova is now on 3/27/2025. Trump was born on a blood moon on 6/14/1946....the same date Aleister Crowley's famous Moon Child letter was sent. A date calculator shows that from Trumps blood moon birthdate on 6/14/1946 to this just now predicted nova on 3/27/ 28777 days inclusive. That is 7000+7000+7000+7000+777 days.

      Would that not be yet another amazing God wink if the scientists are correct on the coronae borealis going nova next week on the 27th or the 28th? I would expect some major event will be linked to this sign in the heavens as Genesis 1:14 says the stars are for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years.

      These God winks just keep accumulating, and are events in themselves, as those watching for clues see these, and know we are being given these warning signs.

  2. William & Stan, these are amazing check marks for signs we need to add to our lists. The sea connection is also supported by Trumps tower in NYC and Mar-a-Lago sitting on the sea. This recent close development and supreme loyalty with Elon is still another confirmation I am eagerly watching, since years before this alliance was made public, Elon’s nanny spoke of his purpose and preparation for the AC. Isn’t it also interesting Trump published his love for King Charles and his desire to become a member of the commonwealth this week? I am also watching this development of the Giza discovery (kept secret) for what purpose it will unfold in soon coming days. Much to watch for as revelation continues to unfold. -Tamra

    1. Tamra....I assume this is your anonymous marker that ties to the very interesting other anonymous posts that are from the same source? :)

  3. By the way, March 29th is the 88th day of the year. Do you remember 88 mph from the movie Back to the Future? The 88 mph in the movie can also mean 88+(8+8) days from the beginning of the year, or 104 days (code 104), which is also seen in this same movie at the same time as the clock on the tower strikes 10:04. The main characters rejoice when the car reaches 88 mph and the time is finally 10:04. The following is the scene from the movie.

    "Back to the Future" - Part 1 - "Clock Tower Scene" - 1985

    See also my Aijaa picture (my interpretation of the Osama scene in the IPG2 movie), which points to the 104th day of the year or 31 days after the Pi Day blood moon of March 2025.

    1. Good find with the 88 but I think the 88 +8+8=104 is a stretch
