Monday, February 17, 2025

Signs and Symbols Rule the World


Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy (eBook $4.99).


  1. Hello William
    I don't know how much I will have to offer in the next few months so I will leave you with my latest observation.

    In my last post I gave times and reasons for watch dates and we will have to wait and see what happens although I think at least 2 will be eventful.
    As my brain twisted and knotted today I remembered something and then found more.

    In the past the ninth of Av has been significant in history so I'm always trying to be watchful around that time.
    I leave you with this for now and thank you for this platform.

    August 3 2025 will be the ninth of Av.
    August 7 2025 will be the 1260th day after Russia invaded Ukraine and the next 188 day earthquake cycle.

    August 11 2025 will be the 490th day after the April 8th 2024 eclipse.

    We are waiting
    We are watching
    We are seeing and will see
    Brent 188

    1. William,
      Thank you for the diligence and for sharing with us the fruits of your work.
      Everything you contribute is worth so much, thank you. Do you have a special prayer request, as I pray daily for the people whose content blesses us?

    2. Yes, Jennifer I would greatly appreciate your prayers. Thank you

    3. Hi Jennifer
      Thank you for those kind words.
      May you father God bless us and keep us.
      May you Father God shine your face on us and be gracious to us.
      May You father God lift your face towards us and give us peace.
      In Jesus name.

  2. Another goat picture I’m assuming this is in maralago? You do realize g.o.a.t. Stands for greatest of all time? Which is what all of us refer to President Trump as a President. Everything he’s been doing is to reclaim American sovereignty and goes against the globalist new Nazi order agenda

    1. Yes, Mar Lago. Yes, I know what GOAT means. Would you allow that in your house, would you allow your name to be put in place of the name of God on a hundred dollar bill? What does the symbol of a goat covered with hundred dollar bills that say in Trump we trust communicate? Did you know that a Judas goat leads sheep to slaughter?

    2. To be fair President Trump insists on keeping “in God we trust” those are fake 100 dollar bills someone made for the campaign as collectibles

    3. I know that, but that is not the point. The point is that he allowed a goat covered with fake $100 bills that said in Trump we trust that displayed his name instead of God's name at his house. Would you allow God's name to be replaced by your name and display it in your house? And if you did, what would it mean, and say about you?

    4. Fake news? All fiat is fake/forged funny-money. Got PM's?

    5. Informed people know (and Trump does too) that the so-called "Fed" or "Federal Reserve Bank", is not really federal, and not really a reserve, and not really a bank. It merely poses as such. There is a very big difference between Constitutional money, and "Federal reserve notes". That goat appears to be decorated with Fed notes (whether real or forged). That said, just who or what is really being promoted or worshipped here? Yes, this all has an Illuminati smell to it. After all, by far and away the best known Illuminati symbol in the world, is that All-Seeing-Eye at the apex of the pyramid on the reverse side of the totally fiat ONE denominated "FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE". In "Dollars" We Trust.

    6. Yep the Fed is a private world bank, did you ever wonder why we have to pay interest to issue our own money. And yes constitutional $ is gold and silver.

      The dollar bill is loaded with a lot of hidden information which I detail in the book, The Dollar Code.

    7. "Got PMs?" noted above, is an allusion to William's Feb. 1, 2025 post on this ETF website. PMs = gold & silver... That the above-noted All-Seeing-Eye, is the best known Illuminati symbol in the world, is simply because the $ is the so-called "World Reserve Currency", even if de facto, and not de jure. But hundreds of millions of people outside the USA (= non US citizens) have very significant $ investments or savings. "Inflation" (= $ depreciation) is the name for the primary thing that the USA exports to the rest of the world. The USA defecates upon all other countries in the world, in this way. Now, Trump is weaponizing the $ with his tariff threats. I bet Trump knows how to use his nuclear football weapon too. Although, to be fair to him, the USA was not involved in a shooting war (but only various trade wars) during his first term in office. Biden, in contrast, was a warmonger and terrorist who totally wasted 100s of billions of $ on Ukraine, blew up the Nord Stream pipelines, etc., etc., ad nauseum.

  3. So Confucius say, that an image or picture speaketh 1000 (or more) words? He wasn't exactly a dimwit. He was reputed to be a wise man. Which brings us to the subject, of what is the Numero Uno preeminent iconic image or symbol or sign, in the world today? In my own opinion (for whatever it is worth) I would submit that it is the very image seen at the end of the "Update #3" of the SB Feb. 2 blog post on this website. The New Orleans Superdome, in this 2013 Super Bowl M.B. advert, is seen as a massive fireball in mid-air, while the print text of that advertisement is, quite simply, the stem of the mushroom. It's SO VERY blatant, YET probably scarcely 1 in 100 or 1000 people (?) who look at "it", will "see" it, before it is pointed out to them! And ETF William did not point it out (= he did not use the words "mushroom" or "nuclear"). And maybe on purpose, to try to avoid being later accused of making "a false prediction"?! -- "A great veil will fall from the eyes of men" we read in words that accompany an image in the above blog post here. And so it is with regard to that mushroom image, which image is also found in the ETF video of the Feb. 5 SB "Video" blog post of this website, at the 33 to 37 second mark. The most extensive analysis of that thermonuclear iconic image, is probably that given by Joseph Herrin in his "Parables" blog post of Feb. 6, 2013. It is hard to tell if Joseph "saw" "it", as he doesn't use or even hint at, the (apparently taboo?) word "mushroom". (The "henrymakow" link, linked to by Herrin, makes it clear though, and that link is still working, and has useful info). So Satan has been busy "signalling it" via Illuminati and other types of symbolism, for many years now; although who is it, who knows the exact day and hour, that "it" will suddenly transpire?!? ... As "The Day the Music Died" was the main theme of the 2013 Illuminati SB halftime show, and which is securely linked/synced to that iconic 2013 New Orleans mushroom image, let us recall that:

    No angel born in hell
    Could break that Satan's spell.
    And as the flames climbed high into the night
    To light the [multi-mushroom?] sacrificial rite,
    I saw Satan laughing with delight
    The day the music died. [= Revelation 18:22 ]
    And he was singing (with ultra-sardonic-RIP-laughter?),
    "Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye, Miss American Pie"...
    Drove my Chevy to the [N.O. Katrina-breached] levee...
    N.O. swamped out with water, and whiskey-tainted rye.
    Oh my, oh my, oh my, as... this'll be the day that I die.

    P.S. : William, you titled your Feb. 5 video in all-too-typical click bait fashion (= as just about everybody else seems to do too) as: "The Scariest Super Bowl Video Ever!" It would look better, if you had simply replaced your exclamation point, with a question mark! Such a video title with a shouting EXCLAMATION POINT, makes it look like you are predicting a 9-11 style dirty bomb nuke, or something like that! But the click bait did seem to work! It seemed to help you snag lots of views, compared to the view tallies of your other videos. And the magic mushroom we all see therein, looks magnificent... and even ominously mesmerizing. As you quoted from the disciple of Confucius, Manly P. Hall, above: "A great veil will fall from the eyes of men." - In other words, that mushroom is "hidden in plain sight" (!). That mushroom obviously was intended to be perceived as a prediction, in addition to two other non-prediction meanings. But what day is it predicting? What is the day that the music dies? Don McLean's song gives us answers that are only cryptic.

    1. From SB 47 to 3/14/2025 is 4422 days
      From SB 59 to 3/14/2025 is 33 days
      From SB 47 to SB 59 is 12 yr, 6 d = 6+6, 6

    2. And an upside-down Pi represents 1000000000000066600000000000001 which is called Belphegor's prime

    3. Now I get it. Pi Day = American Pie Day. 3.1415 ad infinitum = the day that never ever ends. And 3.14 obviously alludes to your 3/14/2025 date. But how in the heck did 666 get stuck in the middle of all those zeros??? Impossible, unless it's somehow rigged or unintelligent design junk science. Maybe we need to ask the "real" (!) scientific wizard (= AI) to solve all of our sync puzzles (?!)

    4. I was researching the 666th prime number which is 4973 and that number popped up in the search. And Belphegor is a demon.

    5. Belphegor. Baphomet. Beelzebub. We're certainly not dealing with the Better Business Bureau here, but rather, with a Luciferian-affiliated gangster trio. BTW, Baphomet is a figure with the head of a GOAT (!) and the body of a man. What does that tell you about the "goat" photo above?!?! ... I took your advice, William, and simply google searched: 666 prime 4973 , and Google AI Overview did indeed respond with info about B.P. There is even a Wiki article "Belphegor's prime". It is the most astonishing number I have ever seen in my whole life. Absolutely incredibly sophisticated. Only God could have rigged and synced that up. But what is the real world significance of that number for us today? How exactly do we sync it with all other 666 and 13 information?

    6. In the lengthy "mushroom" post above, we see the lines:

      I saw Satan laughing with delight
      The day the music died. [= Revelation 18:22 ]
      And he was singing (with ultra-sardonic-RIP-laughter?)
      "Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye, Miss American Pie" ...

      I googled up the word "sardonic" and was given the following as what one dictionary had for definitions of that word: "mocking, satirical, sarcastic, ironical, ironic, cynical, scornful, contemptuous, derisive, derisory, sneering, jeering, scoffing, taunting, scathing, caustic, trenchant, mordant, cutting, sharp, stinging, acerbic, tart, acid, wry, dry, sarky, mordacious, and acidulous."

      It was curious to see WRY and DRY toward the end of that listing. Why?

      Drove my Chevy to the levee,
      But the levee was DRY,
      And them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey in RYE

      Hopefully we don't need to listen to such sardonic RIP language, for all of eternity. That there are eternal things, even mathematicians tell us. You mentioned the number Pi, William. It is an irrational number. It starts 3.14, but it never ends. Even super-computers can calculate it out nowadays into the umpteen quadrillions of digits, but still, no ending is in sight. Wow, oh wow. The symbol of Belphegor's prime, is represented by the Greek letter Pi upside down, we see in the B.P. Wiki article. Completely mind-blowing and sobering stuff. Them good old boys, weren't being sober and alert.

    7. Here is a very interesting sync about Belphegor's prime. If you remove the zero's as they do in numerology you get 16661. That number is the 256th palindrome. The day of the year when there is 256 days left in the year in 2025 is 4/19/2025, which is our very important ac watch day!

    8. We will see. We will see. We will very soon see! That is a VERY interesting sync you (?) discovered, William, but it is also extraordinarily esoteric speculative guesswork. That is just one particular use of the number 256, out of potentially 100s or 1000s of different ways one could use that number. The speculative hat that you just tossed into the ring here, more or less presupposes that God, who rigged up the B.P. to begin with, intended all along, for us to understand it in your suggested way! That lots of people might have great difficulty swallowing that idea, is quite an understatement. Take the Jews (many of them) and / or the Chinese, for example, who utilize (a) totally different calendar system(s) than our papally mandated Gregorian calendar. They would laugh at your idea as being just a bunch of numeric gibberish. It probably would be an ultra-sardonic laughter too, of a sort just elaborated upon in the "American Pie" lyrics seen in the comment prior to your comment here. Anyway, about 2 months from today, we will all be able to see, whether or not your suggested sync, syncs to anything other than a mirage, or to the atmospheric oxygen on the dark side of the moon.

    9. And what calendar did all the 911 predictive programming use? There are several dates encoded on the dollar bill that use Gregorian dates. I am convinced the evil forces aligned with satan plan events with number syncs. God uses numbers with dates too, like 40. the devil perverts what God does. All I can do is point out the syncs, whether or not anything will happen on date syncs I do not know.

    10. Do we see some sort of "apophenia on steroids" here? (Wiki article "Apophenia"). Or is there actually something concretely real about William's interpretation of Belphegor's prime -- i.e., and which is not just some highly elaborate perceptual illusion? So here we all are now in AD 2025, on a 666-included (!) Apollo rocket ride to the Floyd Pink you-know-what. "Matter of fact, it's... (?!?!)

      P.S. For many years now, there has been an extensive amount of literature on the Internet, backed up with some seemingly impressive arguments and evidence, that the USA Apollo moon missions were faked in one or more earthly studios. Many claim that man has never set foot on the moon, and that we were all just duped into thinking that that had actually happened, many years ago. Joseph Herrin had a series of blog posts about this, in his "Parables" blog, that if I recall correctly, was titled "Lunacy in an age of deception" (or something like that). "Lunacy" is a pun on "lunar". Lunacy and lunatics are a major theme of that epochal and absolutely ingenious Floyd album.

    11. "There is no dark side of the moon, really.
      Matter of fact... it's all dark" (!!!) =
      End of subject = the very last album words we hear spoken.
      Can't you just hear Satan laughing with ultra-sardonic delight, in that haunting "American Pie" lyrical refrain that is repeated over and over again? Eternity awaits us all. Pi = Belphegor's prime upside down, and extends out until the "end" of eternity, as was noted above. Sobering. How will each of us spend our eternity? Together with Jesus, or with Satan?

  4. William....Lots of symbolism coming up in the next few days. Look at the far right conservative CPAC meeting held at the Gaylord Convention center this weekend in
    Washington, DC. Let's see what idolatry has been openly displayed before. Trumps
    Golden likeness of himself doesn't even need any comments.

    Or look up CPAC's stage in 2024 , not closely, but EXACTLY reproducing the NAZI "Odal Rune" theme....worn on Hiltlers henchmen labels, and reproduced as the Convention stage for the 2024 CPAC stage. They deny saying it's just a similar coincidence....I say it was a designed exact copy.

    This years CPAC convention ends on 2/22/2025... Is God being mocked that this
    Saturday, the EXACTLY ...777 months to the day of the largest recorded earthquake in history??? ...happening off the coast of Chile on May 22, 1960?

    Here we are having Trump declaring part of Israel...(Gaza), as his ground, to level off and rebuild into new Mediterranean Beach front property. Remember how Belshazzar defiled the Temple vessels by drinking out it them, praising their gods of gold, silver, and brass?? Do not people see the similarity here? If Trump were across the street I would leave the town till he was gone.

    I find it interesting that from this largest recorded earthquake in history on 5/22/ the 4/8/2024 eclipse crossing the New Madrid 23332 days....or 3333 weeks between. I also just happened to measure from the unique place at New Madrid, Missouri...called the Sleeping Giant Eddy...
    It measures EXACTLY 700 miles from that unique place on the south side of New Madrid, right on the banks of the Mississippi the center of the Gaylord Convention center in Washington DC. Is this "Sleeping gisnt" New Madrid earthquake going to be reawakened soon? These date alignments bring heightened awareness to God's grace growing less.....

    William....I am sending you by email supporting pictures for the above I just typed. God bless your tireless work.

  5. I forgot to also show how the first crossing eclipse across the New Madrid fault o 8/21/2017 also has an interesting number connection to the greatest recorded earthquake in history...a 9.5 EQ at Chile, on 5/22/1960...It is 20911 days between. These coincidences just keep accumulating as the prophesy written out on a rubber band keeps....... ...s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g.....

    1. Stan, thanks for sharing they are some ominous and amazing syncs. 2/22 is a watch day every year as 222 is a number encoded on the dollar bill, Washington's BD, Washington on dollar bill and the dollar bill can be folded to look like a mushroom cloud.

      2/22/2022 was our watch day and was the day the decree was issued by Russia to invade Ukraine.

      This year 2/22/2025 is 13 days from SB 59 ritual.

    2. Omg nazis Stan must be a leftist.

    3. Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember? Mk 8:18

    4. I am as far from a leftist as you can get. The last Biden Harris Regime was a disaster. Just because I refused to cast a vote for Trump...I cheerfully wrote in Ron DeSantis....who does not compromise on abortion like Trump....and everything is not about himself.

      I wish you that go under "anonymous" at least put a letter designate...I simply put my real name Stan.


    6. From the middle of the Great Sleeping Giant Eddy to the Trump World Tower is 770.07 NM. I think I should do a post about your info

    7. Oh a Ron! DeSantis simp even better, remember when we all thought Obama was the antichrist?

    8. anonymous troll...

      Why don't you just spew out all your guile right here and now...get it out of your system, as I have moved on and will not respond anymore to a coward hiding behind "anonymous."

    9. Stan, this nimrod obviously is the DEVIL'S HOAX, because obamanation lives in Dubai and knows their time is to expire as the Apostle Paul writes in 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12, when Christ Jesus returns and they are eliminated at the brilliance of Our Lord Jesus Christ!
      Revelation 22:20
      There's a reason for the world wide earthquakes and most notably is what's happening now in the Middle East turmoil.
      Read Isaiah 63:1 and Revelation 19:13.
      Basically, the devil, the antichrist and the false prophet which they always counterfeit the Holy Trinity, Our Triune God. Take care.

  6. Luke 10:18, "lightening" barack means lightening and counterfeit blessed.
    AC perhaps was invited by the Sanhedran, should be interesting especially regarding what happened on July 13th, 2024.
    False Prophet Jorge Ber"gog"lio plans to meet in Riyadh with his Muslim colleagues soon.

    So, things are about to get shaky, however, we know how it ends with Our Lord's return.

  7. "Just call me Jorge" = "Just call me George". You can google it up and see what I mean. He is obese and in very ill health, and will probably soon be dead. I do not know the date of his funeral. I thought his name was "Poop Francis", although some (especially among Catholic sedevacantists) think that to be his stage name. He has always insisted on doing his globe-trotting to meet and greet his "Muslim colleagues" and sundry others, by using a Vatican passport that identifies him as being merely "Jorge Bergoglio". It is as if he doesn't even consider himself to be a pope. Some regard this as a fake sort of humility... I've seen "Obamanation of Desolation" before, but this is the first time I've ever seen Ber"gog"lio. (Hey dude, among other things, your Italian pronunciation is off-base. The second "g" is silent = Bear-go-lee-oh. And who is Magog, in your estimation? Is the Vatican geographically situated in the correct place? Etc.) ... BO could very possibly turn out to be the AC. He's got the ultra-suave oratorical skills, and lots of other cred to be "the Man". He is well known, and popular the world over. He fled MAGA-USSA for a reason, right after the Trumpster was elected. The nightlife in Dubai must be better than anywhere else in the world. Haha. And, the last I heard, Riyadh is where the Trumpster plans to meet soon with both Muslim VIPs and his "good buddy" Vlad Rasputin. (= The "Russia-Collusion Hoax" dominated the USSA news cycle for most of his first term in office. Now they'll all get together to plot how to price-fix the future of oil prices. Ukraine appears to be over and done with, at this point.) Interesting times we live in, indeed. Take care, all of you. May God bless ya'll.

    1. My, my sounds like you're not so Holy after all and quite defensive now that we know the falsehoods of a person who isn't even Catholic and capable of being Pope. He isn't the first anti Pope in history, however, he may be the last as St. Paul writes about what occurs in Thessalonians 2:8-12.
      Cheer up, you and Jorge Ber"gog"lio are one in the same, wolves in sheep's clothing and Jesus who is Christ the King of the Universe gives you what you wanted all along in Matthew 7:21-23, to depart because He never knew you.

    2. I have considered BO as an ac candidate, but the ac has to be loved by the Jews and be their false messiah, BO is not loved by the Jews

  8. William, you speak here of "the Jews" as if they were some sort of stereotypical monolithic block, in regard to how they think and act in their personal and political lives. I would say there is a great variety amongst them. Many Israeli government officials, and probably a certain percentage of the Jewish people in general (whatever your definition of "Jew" is), are naturally somewhat suspicious about BO, given his Islamic background. In like manner, a somewhat substantial percentage of Protestants didn't trust JFK either, when it came to voting for him in the 1960 USA election. But that was then, and this is now. Nowadays, if Biden is Catholic, then the word "Catholic" seems to no longer admit of any clear meaning (= the meaning can be guessed at, but do our guesses agree? Many public opinion polls show that Catholic-somehow-affiliated women utilize contraceptives almost as much as Protestant-somehow-affiliated women do = who cares anymore what a pope says? Etc., etc.) I assume all of you get my general point about this.

    The Wikipedia article "Barack Obama religion conspiracy theories" is a mighty interesting read. Did you know that BO attended a Roman Catholic school for several years? He did. But so what? In the past several decades, BO has become a religious enigma that puzzles just about everyone. BO is super-duper "ecumenical". He is a religious chameleon. Maybe BO will turn out to be the "Secretary of State" or some other top lieutenant of the AC. Even if BO doesn't turn out to be the AC himself, it appears he would be quite an asset for the AC (to be in the upper-level entourage of the AC). Even though BO is keeping a low profile of late, that could change. (It was rather puzzling why Biden nominated Kamala, instead of BO.) Anyway, I am not someone who is obsessed with figuring out who the AC is, ahead of time. He will be, who he will be. We cannot control that outcome, so why engage in too much undue speculation about it? You have apparently written off BO as "a has been", William. He is still relatively young and apparently still in good health. I view him as "a might be". We'll see.

    1. Another AI chatbot comment above! This blog must be hitting the bullseye on many post, because AI is trying to infiltrate.


  9. Dear RAF : You are probably just suffering from paranoia, although I won't pretend to be a mental health doc trying to formally diagnose you. There is no reason for you or others to needlessly suffer. I see that you are trying to "sound the alarm" here, but there is simply no need to do that. I can tell though, from various other of your comments, RAF, that you mean well.

    Take care, each and every one of you. And God bless.

    1. Paranoia 🤣 God Bless you Anonymous and I pray I meet you in eternity. ❤️
