Thursday, February 13, 2025

The Inner Earth and 1239

Image credit: The Big the One

Have you ever heard of Agartha and the inner earth theory? A while ago I ran across a possible piece of predictive programming that may show the date of an event involving aliens and or a race of “aliens” living in the inner earth. And in case you were not aware, the coming antichrist will be alien UFO connected.

The Inner Earth—Agartha

Do you believe in an inner earth? Some do, some don’t. The inner earth concept has been floating around for a while. There is the supposed Admiral Byrd inner earth encounter that some say is reported to be a fictional story. Here it is in case you have never read it.

The first public scientific evidence occurred in 1947 when Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the United States Navy flew directly to the North Pole and instead of going over the pole, actually entered the Inner Earth. In his diary with other witnesses, he tells of entering the hollow interior of the Earth, and traveling 1700 miles over mountains, lakes, rivers, green vegetation and animal life. He tells of seeing monstrous animals resembling the mammoth of antiquity moving through the underbrush. He eventually found cities and a thriving civilization.

His plane was finally greeted by flying machines, the type he had never seen before. They escorted him to a safe landing place and he was graciously greeted by emissaries from Agartha. After resting, he and his crew were taken to meet the Ruler of Agartha. They told him that he had been allowed to enter Agartha because of his high moral and ethical character. They went on to say that ever since the United States had dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they had been very concerned for their own safety and survival. They had decided that it was time to make greater contact with the outside world to make sure we didn't destroy this planet and their civilization with it. They had been allowed in for this express purpose, as a way of making contact with someone they trusted.

To make a long story short, Admiral Byrd and his crew, upon their visit, were guided by their hosts in their plane back to the outer world, and their lives were changed forever .  

Here a video about the supposed Admiral Byrd’s journey to the inner earth.

Whether the story is true or fictional is yet to be seen, but in 2017 there was an inner earth symposium in NYC in which the inner earth ambassador made an appearance, and it was stated that “This will be the first step in a public disclosure initiative from those from the inner earth—The Kingdom of Agartha.”

BTW, this symposium began on 8/25/2017, which was a date I had found beforehand encoded on the dollar bill. That encoding just so happened to use the key number of 1947.

I also found a hidden map on the dollar bill, and it leads to Agartha and the inner earth! You can read about it in this post; Agartha Inner Earth Disclosure Date Is Encoded On The Dollar Bill!

Below is an inner earth video that contains some recent inner earth information and encounters.

So, whether or not you choose to believe in an inner earth or not, is your choice. Regardless, I believe I have possibly run across a number that may correspond to a date of an inner earth or alien UFO event. And keep in mind, as already mentioned, the coming antichrist will have UFO alien connections. I also believe that the amazing syncs surrounding Super Bowl 59 point to the coming of the antichrist.

Here is the predictive programming that I believe is inner earth and or UFO alien related—it is the number 1239—and it was signaled in the movie the Santa Clause.

The Santa Clause

The above screenshots are from the 1994 movie, The Santa Clause, which was released on the esoteric date of 11/11/94. In the movie the numbers 1239 were prominently shown and were used on a keypad to gain access to Santa’s village at the North Pole—an inner earth village inhabited by elves.

Santa’s village of elves inside the earth is a clear signal to the inner earth and its demonic alien inhabitants.  Ask yourself why they would prominently display the number code 1239 to enter Santa’s inner earth village. The obvious answer: it is a signal.

So, assuming 1239 is a signal to an inner earth event and may be related to the antichrist I believe it would most likely take place in the last 7 years near the midpoint before he takes over the world on day number 1239 of the last 7 years. 

And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. Rev 13:5

The latest prophecy data suggests that the last 7 years may have begun on 9/28/2021 and thus Armageddon would be on 9/30/2028.

So, based on that theory, day number 1239 would be 2/16-17/2025. Or it could be 1239 before 9/30/2028, which would be 5/10/2025.

Of course, if the last 7 years did not begin on 9/28/2021 then 2/16-17/2025 or 5/10/2025 will not be day #1239. And it is also possible that the 1239 that was shown means something else or nothing.

One thing is for sure the antichrist is on the way, do not be deceived, he will appear to be good and do good, but it will all be a deception. Also be wary of his mark of the beast financial system, of which all who participate will be damned to hell.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.

Do you know what will happen in the end times and how to prepare for it?The Coming Epiphany is an easy-to-understand Bible prophecy book that will give you vital information you need for the end times. Click here to find out more about The Coming Epiphany.


  1. Yes, I went down the center of the earth rabbit hole years ago actually, and you have provided a nice start for those that haven’t yet. I do believe there is a lot of stuff going on under the dome earth, because our Bibles talk about “under the earth”, not inside the spinning ball earth. And of course that is where the “Aliens” will be coming from to deceive from, because no one gets to leave our dome earth that our Most High placed us on. He is with us, and is very involved knowingly in everything that goes on here, not billions or trillions of miles away. And “Aliens” are not coming here from galaxies away either. It’s so refreshing and reassuring to finally come to truths in Gods Word. Praise Him for the things He reveals to us!
    Pray you are Blessed!

  2. I William. Amiral Byrd visited Antarctic continent not Artic. (cf Operation HighJump) It makes all the difference. Of course, if the "PTB" allowed that story to stay in plein sight till today, we can guess it was because "they" had inserted false informations to hide the truth. In my opinion it could be something related to a flat earth with magnetic energy generating a power which is sold to us as "the gravity" and which could as well sustain another world on it's opposite face. Or maybe there is no opposite world under our world but another world (or other worlds?) is existing after the ice wall of the Antarctic continent. In that case, our universe would be flat as well and "planets" could look like fried eggs in a pan. I know it can sound crazy but not more than the fact nobody is allowed to approach antarctic coasts.

    1. There is also a good alien, bad alien deception going on so maybe good from North and bad from South?

    2. Good alien = God's angel and bad alien = fallen angel. But we know it's pure deception. What do you think about quantum computer? Several truth seekers are warning it could be in fact a direct link to demonic spirits and that A.I. would be just the tool those demonic spirits will be allow them to directly rule our world. Many are warning that ChatGPT and others AI are just demonic spirits "kindly" talking with humans, just to tame humanity to interact with kind entities... This whole ChatGPT thing irresistibly reminds me of Aladdin's lamp and the "good" genie hidden inside

    3. Good witch/bad witch, white witch/black witch, good alien/bad alien, all are demonic fallen angels

  3. Just found this yesterday!

    Something Sinister is Happening - UFO's, Shadow Beings & The Hidden Agenda

  4. By the way, what happened on September 28, 2021 to make that the starting point?

  5. Hello William
    There is a 7 year 2520 day tribulation with the last 3 and half 1260 days called the great tribulation by my understanding.
    We have what are called harbingers and they corelate in some timeframe that lead up to and show themselves before actual events.
    (I know you know this)
    I found something yesterday about the last 2 blood moons and the solar eclipse within the 4 blood moons in 2014-2015 that I believe are showing with hindsight possible harbingers to the main event of the 7 year tribulation. Only time will tell.
    I ask the question. How close do we have to be?
    My calculations showed that 2-26-2022 would be a watch day.
    2 days before on 2-24-2022 Russia invaded Ukraine.
    Daniel 13 says an angel told Daniel that a vision would last 2300 evenings and mornings or 1150 days. From 2-24-2022 to 4-19-2025 your watch day will be 1150 days.
    Now that's exact but how close do we have to be?
    From 2-24-2022 back 490 days was 10-22-2020.
    From 10-26-20 forward 1260 days was April 8 2024 (within 4 days)

    From 2-24-2022 back 1260 days was 9-13-2018
    From 9-15-2018 forward was 3-27-2022
    The Negev summit (to establish an alliance against a nuclear Iran) within 2 days.

    From 2-24-2022 back 2520 days was 4-2-2015 within 2 days of the third blood moon on 4-4-2015

    1150 days after 2-24-2022 will be your watch date 4-19-2025

    1260 days after 2-24-2022 will be 8-7-2025
    8-11-25 is 490 days after 4-8-2024.
    Within 4 days

    1290 days after 2-24-2022 will be 9-6-2025
    9-8-2025 will be 1260 days after the Negev Summit. Within 2 days
    In the above close examples we have
    2 April 8 2024 syncs
    2 Negev Summit syncs
    2 blood moon syncs (1260 days before March 28 2022 was October 15 2018. October 15 2018 was 1290 days after the third blood moon on April 4 2015. 1290 before March 28 2022 was September 15 2018 September 15 2018 was 1260 days after April 4 2015 the third blood moon)
    1 exact sync yours
    And 1 major ongoing war.

    And now as Paul Harvey used to say, the rest of the story (to be continued)

    1. (continued)
      Watch days ahead

      August 30 2021 the last U.S military aircraft left Afghanistan.
      2300 days before August 30 2021 was May 14 2015 the 67th anniversary of Israel becoming a nation.
      2520 days before August 30 2021 was October 6 2014 2 days before the second blood moon on October 8 2014.
      1290 days after August 30 2021 will be March 12 2025. On March 13/14 2025 there will be a total lunar eclipse over north America and just out of sight of Israel and I mean just out of sight.
      1335 days after August 30 2021 will be April 26 2025.

      March 20 2015 the solar eclipse in the middle of the blood moons. 1150 days later was May 14 2018 the 70 anniversary of Israel becoming a nation.From May 14 2018 2520 days later will be April 7/8 2025.

      On December 25 2018 Israel announced early elections for April 10 2019.

      I don't want to make this to long but look at that date (April 10 2019)

      April 10 2019 early elections in Israel.
      April 11 2019 a private Israel space craft crashes on the moon.
      490 days before April 10 2019 was December 6 2017 and Trump declared Jerusalem Israel capital.
      1290 days before April 10 2019 was September 28th 2015 the last blood moon on Sukkot/Tabernacle
      2300 days before April 10 2019 was December 21/23 2012 the Galactic Alignment///

      490 days before December 25 2018 was August 21 2017 the first great American eclipse.
      1335 days after December 25 2018 was August 21 2022. August 21 2022 was 2520 days after the last blood moon on September 28 2015.
      2300 days after December 25 2018 will be April 12 2025 and the start of Passover.

      March 27/28 2022 the Negev Summit.
      1150 days later will be May 21 2025

      Those are some watch dates with some good evidence that there is something to watch for.
      Especially with all that is going on.

      We are waiting
      We are watching
      We are seeing and will see
      Brent 188
