Showing posts with label Roswell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Roswell. Show all posts

Thursday, February 13, 2025

The Inner Earth and 1239

Image credit: The Big the One

Have you ever heard of Agartha and the inner earth theory? A while ago I ran across a possible piece of predictive programming that may show the date of an event involving aliens and or a race of “aliens” living in the inner earth. And in case you were not aware, the coming antichrist will be alien UFO connected.

The Inner Earth—Agartha

Do you believe in an inner earth? Some do, some don’t. The inner earth concept has been floating around for a while. There is the supposed Admiral Byrd inner earth encounter that some say is reported to be a fictional story. Here it is in case you have never read it.

The first public scientific evidence occurred in 1947 when Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the United States Navy flew directly to the North Pole and instead of going over the pole, actually entered the Inner Earth. In his diary with other witnesses, he tells of entering the hollow interior of the Earth, and traveling 1700 miles over mountains, lakes, rivers, green vegetation and animal life. He tells of seeing monstrous animals resembling the mammoth of antiquity moving through the underbrush. He eventually found cities and a thriving civilization.

His plane was finally greeted by flying machines, the type he had never seen before. They escorted him to a safe landing place and he was graciously greeted by emissaries from Agartha. After resting, he and his crew were taken to meet the Ruler of Agartha. They told him that he had been allowed to enter Agartha because of his high moral and ethical character. They went on to say that ever since the United States had dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they had been very concerned for their own safety and survival. They had decided that it was time to make greater contact with the outside world to make sure we didn't destroy this planet and their civilization with it. They had been allowed in for this express purpose, as a way of making contact with someone they trusted.

To make a long story short, Admiral Byrd and his crew, upon their visit, were guided by their hosts in their plane back to the outer world, and their lives were changed forever .  

Here a video about the supposed Admiral Byrd’s journey to the inner earth.

Whether the story is true or fictional is yet to be seen, but in 2017 there was an inner earth symposium in NYC in which the inner earth ambassador made an appearance, and it was stated that “This will be the first step in a public disclosure initiative from those from the inner earth—The Kingdom of Agartha.”

BTW, this symposium began on 8/25/2017, which was a date I had found beforehand encoded on the dollar bill. That encoding just so happened to use the key number of 1947.

I also found a hidden map on the dollar bill, and it leads to Agartha and the inner earth! You can read about it in this post; Agartha Inner Earth Disclosure Date Is Encoded On The Dollar Bill!

Below is an inner earth video that contains some recent inner earth information and encounters.

So, whether or not you choose to believe in an inner earth or not, is your choice. Regardless, I believe I have possibly run across a number that may correspond to a date of an inner earth or alien UFO event. And keep in mind, as already mentioned, the coming antichrist will have UFO alien connections. I also believe that the amazing syncs surrounding Super Bowl 59 point to the coming of the antichrist.

Here is the predictive programming that I believe is inner earth and or UFO alien related—it is the number 1239—and it was signaled in the movie the Santa Clause.

The Santa Clause

The above screenshots are from the 1994 movie, The Santa Clause, which was released on the esoteric date of 11/11/94. In the movie the numbers 1239 were prominently shown and were used on a keypad to gain access to Santa’s village at the North Pole—an inner earth village inhabited by elves.

Santa’s village of elves inside the earth is a clear signal to the inner earth and its demonic alien inhabitants.  Ask yourself why they would prominently display the number code 1239 to enter Santa’s inner earth village. The obvious answer: it is a signal.

So, assuming 1239 is a signal to an inner earth event and may be related to the antichrist I believe it would most likely take place in the last 7 years near the midpoint before he takes over the world on day number 1239 of the last 7 years. 

And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. Rev 13:5

The latest prophecy data suggests that the last 7 years may have begun on 9/28/2021 and thus Armageddon would be on 9/30/2028.

So, based on that theory, day number 1239 would be 2/16-17/2025. Or it could be 1239 before 9/30/2028, which would be 5/10/2025.

Of course, if the last 7 years did not begin on 9/28/2021 then 2/16-17/2025 or 5/10/2025 will not be day #1239. And it is also possible that the 1239 that was shown means something else or nothing.

One thing is for sure the antichrist is on the way, do not be deceived, he will appear to be good and do good, but it will all be a deception. Also be wary of his mark of the beast financial system, of which all who participate will be damned to hell.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.

Do you know what will happen in the end times and how to prepare for it?The Coming Epiphany is an easy-to-understand Bible prophecy book that will give you vital information you need for the end times. Click here to find out more about The Coming Epiphany.

Monday, December 18, 2023

The End of the Sovereignty of the USA and the Arising of the antichrist: a New Dollar Code Date to Ponder.


Is the date of the end of the USA and the arising of the antichrist encoded on the dollar bill? In this post I will present another dollar code date calculation that may infer just that. As many of you are aware several prior dollar code calculations have predicted major prophecy related events. First, I will show some of the dates from the past and their associated events, and then I will show you the new date calculation. 

As you will see below the dollar code calculations are based on two numbers encoded on the dollar bill; 19.47 and 12. And then various esoteric numbers are added to 12 and multiplied by 19.47 to obtain the results. 


19.47 is the latitude north and south of pyramids found all around the world and on Mars. It is also; the latitude of areas abundant in volcanic activity on celestial bodies, the latitude of the swirling spots on Jupiter and Neptune, the latitude of many sunspots, the year of the Roswell incident, the year that Aleister Crowley and Nicholas Roerich died, the year that Admiral Byrd took his flight to the inner earth, and the degrees of the points of the star of David when placed in a circle and aligned with North and South. 1947 is also the year that the U.N. decreed for Israel to become a nation.


12 is the number of levels in the pyramid not including the foundation and capstone. When the pyramid is finished the old world order will be destroyed and the New World Order represented by the capstone will be put in place just as the folding of the dollar bill indicates. 


Here are a few examples of past dollar code dates that have major prophetic events associated with them. 

The Agartha inner earth symposium; August 25, 2017


This date cipher was found by multiplying 19.47 by 12 plus .3853 (38 degrees and 53 minutes is the exact latitude of Washington, D.C., and Washington D.C. is on the map that is encoded on the dollar bill.) This yields 241.1418, which corresponds to 241 yrs. and 52 days. Adding that amount of time to 7/4/1776 brings us to 8/25/2017—the date of the Agartha inner earth symposium.


19.47 x 12.3853 = 241.1418 = 241 years and 52 days 

July 4, 1776 + 241 years and 52 days = August 25, 2017.


As previously discussed at this blog and in The Dollar Code; the map on the dollar bill leads to Agartha and the inner earth. 

Here is another dollar code date calculation. 

The decree by Russia to invade Ukraine; February 22, 2022


This date cipher was found by multiplying 19.47 by 12 plus .616. An alternate antichrist number is 616. This calculation yields 245.633, which corresponds to 245 yrs. and 232 days.


19.47 x 12.616 = 245.633 = 245 years and 232 days 

July 4, 1776 + 245 years and 232 days (exclusive) = February 22, 2022. 

February 22, 2022 was the day that Russia issued the decree to invade Ukraine of which they entered 2 days later. Note: Several watches were issued in advance of this date. The ensuing ongoing proxy war involves many nations and has brought much destruction of lives and property and has the potential to spiral out of control. 

There are several other encoded dates that can be read about in The Dollar Code. Now, here is the new dollar code date calculation: 

The day of judgment; April 10, 2025 

12.777 x 19.47 = 248.76819 = 248 years and 280 days. 

7/4/1776 + 248 years and 280 days = 4/10/2025. 

Why 777, what is so special about that number? I assert that 777 in the Bible is a number that can be associated with judgment. The only time 777 appears in scripture is in regards to Lamech. 

And all the days of Lamech were seven hundred seventy and seven years: and he died. Gen 5:31 

He died at the age of 777, and then the flood came. Also in Revelation there are 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets, and 7 Bowls making a 777, which again is associated with judgment. 

Also, the occult likes 777. Aleister Crowley—proclaimed to be the greatest Satanist of all time, wrote a book about 777 and its connection to occult practices. 

777 is a qabalistic dictionary of ceremonial magic,oriental mysticism, comparative religion and symbology.It is also a handbook for ceremonial invocation and forchecking the validity of dreams and visions. 

777 itself contains, in concise tabulated form, an overview of the symbolism of the major world religions, as well as the system of correspondence of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. In short, it is a complete magical and philosophical dictionary—a key to all religion and practical occultism. 

I guess you get the idea about 777. So, what might the dollar code date calculation based on 777 point to? 

If the last 7 years began in 2020, then the antichrist will take over the world in the spring of 2024, and a date in the spring of 2025 could be one of the trumpet judgments. 

Or the 777 dollar code date may point to one of the greatest satanic events during the end times—the takeover of the world by the antichrist. Which on the dollar bill, would represent the capstone being placed on the pyramid. Could that be the event the calculation based on 777 points to? 

Let’s consider this; if the last 7 years began in 2021 then the calculated takeover the world by the false messiah date, is 4/9/2025.

And taking into consideration time zones and inclusive and exclusive timing, that can be considered a match. Note: The 4/9/2025 date is based on end times Biblical date parameters presented in The Coming Epiphany. 

So, is the dollar code calculation based on 777, which yields 4/9-10/2025, the date that the antichrist will take over the world? Or will another major end times event occur on that day such as one of the trumpet judgments, or will that day pass with nothing major happening. Time will tell. 

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Here Comes the Great Falling Away


Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 2 Thes 2:3 

God clearly tells us in His Word that during the end times a falling away is going to occur. Some have called this event the “great falling away.” And if what is planned for June 25, 2021 occurs, then I believe we are very close to seeing this event unfold right before our eyes. 

First let’s get a handle on what this falling away involves. 

The Falling Away 

Two other events in scripture that must occur before the great Day of the Lord are found in 2 Thessalonians 2:3. God, through the apostle Paul, in referring to the Day of the Lord, says, “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.” The Thessalonians had been deceived into thinking that they missed the rapture and were in the Day of the Lord period. Paul tells them that the falling away must occur before the Day of the Lord. 

The word used in the Greek for falling away is apostasia, from which we get our word “apostasy,” which basically means “backsliding.” Clarke’s commentary describes it like this: “a dereliction of the essential principles of religious truth—either a total abandonment of Christianity itself, or such a corruption of its doctrines as renders the whole system completely inefficient to salvation.”  The great falling away will be a time when professing Christians, in large numbers, will turn away from the faith. “The article makes it even more significant; this is not a falling away, but the falling away, the great and final rebellion.”  J. Hampton Keathley, III , Th.M. describes the coming apostasy like this: “The apostasy or rebellion clearly refers to a special departure and rebellion against the true God. This will become a worldwide movement and will provide the seed bed for the great system of revolt which will be headed up in the person of the Beast who will be the very personification of satan himself.”  In order for a great falling away to take place, I believe that an alternative belief system to the true gospel will be promoted with such believability that nominal Christians (not true Christians) will reject the God of the Bible. The Coming Epiphany p. 27 

Now that we have a feel for what the great falling away is, let’s consider what might cause it. 

We can only speculate as to the exact reasons for the “falling away,” but there are many plausible theories.

One such theory involves aliens. Specifically, I am talking about the theory that aliens are real space beings and are the originators of life on earth. While many believers may initially bristle at this outrageous suggestion, there is much support for this theory that “another gospel” will come at the hand of what many mistakenly believe to be alien beings. It might sound crazy at first, but it is highly likely that much of what we hear about regarding “aliens” is really demonic activity.  If you have ever researched the UFO phenomena, what is compelling is that, consistently, alien theology, as recounted in many “close encounters,” parallels the plans and purposes of satan as presented in scripture. These manifestations present themselves as angels of “light and intellectual illumination,” claim to provide leadership and hope to a suffering world, provide a source of awe, wonder, and worship that is an alternative to the God of the Bible, and even claim to be the originators of life on earth. Here is an interesting quote from a website promoting this alien theory containing an actual message from on of these aliens. 

In other words, they look like us, and we look like them. In fact, we were created "in their image" as explained in the Bible. He told Rael that: "We were the ones who designed all life on earth. You mistook us for gods. We were at the origin of your main religions. Now that you are mature enough to understand this, we would like to enter official contact through an embassy.” 

The messages dictated to Rael explain that life on Earth is not the result of random evolution, nor the work of a supernatural 'God'. It is a deliberate creation, using DNA, by a scientifically advanced people who made human beings literally "in their image" -- what one can call "scientific creationism." …For example, in Genesis, the Biblical account of Creation, the word "Elohim" has been mistranslated as the singular word "God", but it is actually a plural word which means "those who came from the sky", and the singular is "Eloha" (also known as "Allah")… 

Leaving our humanity to progress by itself, the Elohim nevertheless maintained contact with us via prophets including Buddha, Moses, Mohammed, etc., all specially chosen and educated by them. The role of the prophets was to progressively educate humanity through the Messages they taught, each adapted to the culture and level of understanding at the time. They were also to leave traces of the Elohim so that we would be able to recognize them as our Creators and fellow human beings when we had advanced enough scientifically to understand them. Jesus, whose father was an Eloha, was given the task of spreading these messages throughout the world in preparation for this crucial time in which we are now privileged to live: the predicted Age Of Revelation. 

If satan’s demonic hoard can mask as alien beings presenting a false gospel, and if this will cause many in the world to follow satan at just the right point in history to accomplish his goals, he will do it. For more information on this topic, visit  By the way, NASA has recently released video clips of several “alien encounters” lending more credence to the alien theory  Many people in the world have already been deceived to some degree and believe that aliens are really outer space beings, and unfortunately many Christians believe the same. The Coming Epiphany p.28 

Now that we know what the great falling away is and what might cause it, let’s consider why it may be imminent. 

Steve Bassett, who has tirelessly worked to end the 74-year embargo of classified information on UFOs, told The Sun Online he believes intelligence agencies are preparing to lift the lid on extraterrestrial encounters… 

The US Senate Intelligence Committee has asked the Director of National Intelligence to work with the Defense Department to provide a report by June 25 on unexplained sightings by the military… 

Since then, defense officials have confirmed a number of UFO sightings - and even released stunning videos which show unexplained encounters in the sky, now often known as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP)… 

Bassett, the executive director of Paradigm Research Group and a lobbyist on this issue, says he believes US intelligence is about to end what he called the 74 year truth embargo. 

And he said such a release of information may be the "most profound" moment in the history of mankind. 

Hmm…”the most profound moment in the history of mankind,” hardly, I would say the opposite. But realize this; if the UFO/alien information is released on June 25, 2021 and it is substantiated by the governments of the world, we could be looking at the imminent occurrence of the great falling away. 

And after the great falling away occurs, what would be next? 

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 2 Thes 2:3 

Answer: The revealing of the man of sin, the son of perdition—the antichrist. And this will probably tie into all of this;  “god Will Return On July 26, 2022” 

An alien visitation on July 26th 2016 changed everything; the being spoke telepathically. All answers are in the NASA photo and this is where his story begins: aliens return to Earth July 26th, 2022, in Jerusalem, at the Temple Mount. 

Another Hmm… note the dates; June 25, 2021 to July 26, 2022 is 1 year, 1 month, and 1 day apart—the infamous 111—hardly by coincidence. And from 10/19/19 to 7/26/22 is 1011 days—another 111. And from 10/19/19 to 6/25/21 is 88 weeks. (Note: 10/19/19, as you will see below, is a possible start date for the last 7 years.) 

So are the great falling away and the revealing of the antichrist imminent? Time will tell but if it is, then so are the Seals of Revelation, which includes WW3, a worldwide financial collapse, and the death of ¼ of the world’s population. This will be followed by the takeover of the world at the midpoint for 3.5 years by the antichrist. This will be followed by his Seal 5 persecution of Jews and Christians. And this will be followed by our rescue at the Seal 6 rapture event. Here is an overview of how all of this might work out; The End Times: When?








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Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Do you want to understand what will happen in the end times and when, so you can be prepared? Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.