Sunday, February 16, 2025

Here it Comes, the New World Order’s International Court of Law and the One World Religion


Letter from the Nascent Sanhedrin to President Donald J. Trump 

Jerusalem, Wednesday, February 12, 2025 

Dear Honorable President Donald Trump, 

…You have been elected, as Cyrus was in his time, to fulfill a heavenly mission: To unite all believers in God and foster ethical cooperation across all spheres of human activity. 

A Call to Establish an International Divine Court – IDC. 

We invite you to meet with the Sanhedrin Court Rabbis in

Jerusalem to discuss the establishment of an International Divine Court (IDC) for all nations. This court would be based on the seven universal commandments given to Noah and reaffirmed at Mount Sinai—a foundation for global peace and divine justice. 

May Hashem bless you with wisdom, strength, and success in your divine mission. 

Rabbis of the Sanhedrin 

Wow, prophecy is unfolding before our eyes! Let’s ponder this. First off, what are the seven universal commandments given to Noah that the letter references? 

The seven universal commandments are known as the Noahide laws and they come from the Talmud—a collection of teachings and opinions of thousands of Rabbis—not the Bible. 

1. Not to worship idols.

2. Not to curse God.

3. Not to commit murder.

4. Not to commit adultery or sexual immorality.

5. Not to steal.

6. Not to eat flesh torn from a living animal.

7. To establish courts of justice. 

Now take note of this analysis about the Noahide Laws; 

Significance of the Noahide Laws 

The Noahide Laws are considered a link between Judaism and Christianity 

They are also considered a basic concept in international law 

They are considered crucial elements to achieving a harmonious life 

Who are considered Noachides? 

Muslims are considered Noachides because of Islam's strict monotheism 

Christians are also considered Noachides because Trinitarianism is not forbidden to non-Jews 

There we have it, a request to President Trump by the religious leaders of Israel to enact the Noahide Laws, including establishing of an international court of law. And since the Noahide Laws are compatible with Christians and Muslims this will go hand in hand with the establishment of a one world religion. 

And who did they ask to do this?


And what was the date that they asked this? 

So, I believe the 1/28/2025 syncs and the 2/9/2025 Super Bowl syncs point to the coming antichrist, the moon child, and future events in sync with the moon and the 2/9/2025 halftime ritual…  

I believe dates that should be watched are dates around new and full moons. 

Full Moon: 2/12/2025 (It is called the snow moon, Lincoln’s Birthday, Lincoln is on the penny, on 2/9/2025 DT signed an order to do away with pennies, Lincoln is also on the $5 bill which was shown in IPG2, 322 days left in the year.) 

The New World Order, the IDC, the one world religion are all on the way and so is the antichrist who will rule the world and institute his mark of the beast worldwide financial system. And this will all happen before the rapture.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy (eBook $4.99).


  1. 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12. The Apostle Paul writes regarding this apostasy and should watch for the day he accepts their invitation to exalt himself.

  2. They may have sent this letter but that doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. President Trump is poised to put a death blow to the plans of the new world order!

    1. What will you think if he does what they ask in the letter?

    2. Keep drinking the koolaid

    3. The proof is in the pudding, everything President Trump has done over the last 8+ years has been to weaken and destroy the globalist new world order agenda. Until he bows down to the global cabal I will defend against this nonsense that he’s the antichrist. Now maybe the antichrist is living among us now and maybe he will have his way and kill President Trump and then move ahead with the great reset of 2030 agenda, but so far Presidents Trump, Putin, and Xi are kicking the new world orders butts.

    4. I am not saying DT is the antichrist. I do not know who the antichrist is. I will probably have to see the head wound and coming back to life event before I know. I am merely showing you facts. Do you think those facts point to DT as the ac?

    5. Trump signed the noahides his last presidency; he absolutely will again. And no idolatry sounds harmless, but go watch videos on Twitter of rabbis saying worship of Jesus Christ is capital punishment by dec@pitation.

    The Church is so apostate, so deluded, they can’t even get the Antichrist thing right. (2 Thessalonians 2:11) I mean, I’ve been studying & teaching this stuff for years, and the Bible (when you study all 66 books, as one) makes it real simple: look for the strongest gentile king in the world, from the strongest gentile nation (EDOM) in the world (USA)…he has to love Israel, and they must adore him—he takes them under his wing and protects them; comes in peace and not war—helps them build their Temple—forges a treaty between Israel and their neighbors (Daniel 9:27), then a similar union (ABRAHAM ALLIANCE) between the (D10) West and the (Sunni) East (Daniel 11)…

    …and yet, seconds from the Rapture, here’s Trump—fulfilling all these prophecies (and more)—and what does the thoroughly-apostate Biblically-challenged postmodern Church say?

    ‘It’s not him. Keep looking.’


    p.s. Kudos to Satan. Mission accomplished.

    1. And what goes hand in hand with the coming ac deception is the fact that most Christians have been deceived into believing in a pre-trib rapture and thus they believe they will not be around when the ac and the mark come on the scene. I have been fighting against this deception for about 20 years trying to awaken as many as I can.

    2. Hmm, b.b. or his cosigner of Abraham Accord?

    3. How do you know edom is the USA?

    4. Edom is NOT in the United States of America. It's modern day Jordan.

  4. To the previous Anon of 6:21PM. We see your "either/or dilemma" knee-jerk reaction here. Sometimes the correct answer is "both". The Divine Author who inspired our biblical text(s), can do so in such a way that there are sometimes two (or more) meanings, of the same verse(s). In regard to Edom, if you are well-versed in long-standing rabbinic interpretation, you would know that Edom is, among other things, a code name for "Rome". Just like "Babylon" is used in one of the Epistles of Peter, to refer to Rome. The Edom of Jeremiah 49:7-22 is Rome. I am not familiar with the application of Edom to the USA, so I have no opinion on that. The end-times Babylon of Jeremiah 50-51, is, in my opinion, primarily about the USA. (There is a vast wealth of info available via the Internet, about that.) In terms of geography, what Edom once was, obviously roughly corrosponds, to what modern Jordan now is.

  5. In regard to the "goat = Trump" image above, there is yet another "goat = Trump" image found in the Feb. 17 "Signs and Symbols Rule the World" blog post, of this ETF website. In a comment to that Feb. 17 post, it is pointed out that the Goat = Baphomet symbolism. Baphomet is a rather well known demon. As for the photo above, it looks very fake = photoshopped. Just who created that photo, and who is promoting it and for what reason?

    1. You sound like an ai bot

    2. I am who I am, and I definitely ain't aaaiii anything.

  6. Note that every single comment poster here aside from William, is Anonymous. In my own opinion, I don't think ai composed any of these comments. They are composed by real human beings, with sometimes passionate convictions. Trump inspires controversy, that is for sure. Love him or loath him. "Take sides", everyone!

    Hint: What does the wikipedia article "Dead Internet theory" say about ai?
