The deal has been signed, judgment has accompanied it and I believe more judgments are yet to follow. If you are not familiar with what judgements have already occurred, here is a post with a rundown of what has happened so far.
The Peace Plan, the Palestinian State, the Western Wildfires, and Hurricane Sally
In regards to future judgments in association with this deal, I believe we have not seen the last of them. In the past I have observed judgments falling on esoterically important number of days past an event.
Case in point; the Japan earthquake and tsunami; The Nations Against Israel--An Evil Wind Bloweth.
Japan makes an official statement condemning Israeli settlements and supporting
the Palestinian state and they commit to aiding the Palestinians with a water
project and then 29 days and 11 days later respectively their country
experiences a huge earthquake and a tsunami--water disaster. These are the
facts, I will allow you to make your own conclusions.
I also found something else that I would like to show you. God prompted me to draw a line from the Japan earthquake location to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem…
The possible esoteric numbers that can be associated with judgment are many, each carrying their own meaning. Here are a few that are on my radar.
Days 3-6: 9/18/20 to 9/21/20
Beginning of Jewish Feasts and 3 years on Jewish calendar from the sign of the woman clothed with the Sun. Israel is in lock down, rumblings of war.
Top Rabbi: “The Messiah is Talking With Me,” Israel in Lockdown, War Coming
Day 13: 9/28/20
Yom Kippur—the traditional Jewish day of judgment.
Day 36: 10/21/20
All the numbers of 1 to 36 add to 666. Here is a post by Heaven Bound that focuses on that date; Our Hands Are Stained With Blood.
Day 40: 10/25/20
Many judgments have occurred at 40 day intervals.
Day 49/50: 11/3-4/20
Election Day and the day after—enough said. Also; the Nibiru earthquake watch period centers on 11/2/20 and runs from 10/23 to 11/12/20.
Day 88: 12/12/20
The 1188 pattern day, (Post forthcoming).
Day 91: 12/15/20
The Great Babylon Eclipse occurs on 12/14/20 (post forthcoming). There are 91 inclusive days from 9/15/20 to 12/14/20. 91 days = 13 weeks.
(Note: dates can be +- a day for time zones and inclusive and exclusive counting.)
So those are the dates that are on the radar for the near future. Whether or not anything will happen on those dates or another esoteric date, in relation to the signing of the Peace Deal, which presupposed the dividing of the land of Israel, I do not know—we watch.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy
to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son
of man.
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About the author: William Frederick; M.Div. has been preaching and teaching the Word of God for over 30 years. He has dedicated his life to serving God and helping others come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and understand essential end times Bible Prophecy truths. He is the author of several books including The Coming Epiphany and The Dollar Code. His articles are originally published on The End Times Forecaster Blog. From there, his articles are published and referenced on various prophecy related websites. If you would like to republish his articles, please feel free to do so, just please include the original link to the article. The more people that see this information the better, and we need to wake more people up while there is still time.