Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Brussels 3/22/16 Terror Attacks--The 11 Day Pattern Continues

Fox News
Events have been occurring at esoteric intervals before and past 11/11/15. The most prominent interval has been at multiples of 11. The latest event was the Brussels terror attacks on 3/22/16, which was 132 (11 x 12) days past 11/11/15. My thoughts and prayers are with those affected by this tragedy. Here is a list of some of the events that have been occurring.
          Myanmar Earthquake
2 Years before: 11/11/13
          Typhoon Haiyan
200 days before: 4/25/15
          Nepal earthquake
120 days before: 7/14/15
          The Iran deal
          Umpqua College shootings
          South Carolina Flooding
          The Paris attacks
          New Orleans mass shooting
          Worldwide ISIS attack thwarted
          San Bernardino shooting
          Fake Air Marshall attack thwarted
          Historic covenant between Israel’s Rabbis and the Pope
          L.A. Schools shut down over terrorist bomb scare
          China establishes the AIIB
          Pope called for the dividing of Israel
          9th USA Christmas full moon 88 days from the last blood moon
          Queen reported as saying “this will be our last Christmas”
          North Korean nuclear H bomb test
          De facto uniting of the world’s religions by the Pope
63 days after: 1/13/16 (11.3 on Jewish calendar and Economist cover)
10 Navy personnel captured and released by Iran
Strait of Hormuz temporarily shut down
65 days after: 1/15/16 (11.5 on Jewish calendar and Economist cover)
Burkina Faso terrorist attack
Iran sanctions lifted
Oregon Standoff—Lavoy Finnicum killed
Several important Israel Events
North Korean Rocket Launch
Super Bowl half time ritual
Large meteor explodes over Atlantic Ocean
18 day WW3 warning
94 days after: 2/13/16 (94 = 2x47, and day #44 of 2016 with 322 days left)
Supreme Court Justice Scalia died
Israel attacked Syria
Possible behind the scenes event
Delta force begins attacks in Iraq
Syrian ceasefire broken
111 days after: 3/1/16 (40 days past Jonas)
Worldwide military exercises begin
Key economic indicators show major stock market downturn imminent
113 days after: 3/3/16 (40 days past Jonas)
North Korea issued a decree to ready their nuclear weapons for use!
Shortly after 11/11/15 watches were posted at the The End Times Forecaster blog for events to occur. Here is a recent watch posted for 3/22/16.
The next watch day is:
3/22/16: 132 days past 11/11/15.
132 = 11 x 12.
In Jewish history in 11 BC Herod’s Temple was dedicated. On the evening of 3/22 the fast of Esther begins, followed by Purim, which begins on the evening of 3/23/16.
3/22/16 is also 88 days past the Christmas full moon that had many interesting 88 synchronicities associated with it.
President Obama is scheduled to be in Cuba that day—the first president to visit Cuba in 88 years.
It is the Whitehouse Water Summit. On March 22, 2016, in conjunction with the United Nations World Water Day, the Administration will host a White House Water Summit…
In history the Georgia Guide Stones were dedicated on 3/22/80, thus it will be its 36th anniversary this year. 3/22 was also the day that the healthcare law was signed.
Thus it looks as if the events at esoteric intervals past 11/11/15 are continuing, and the day is not over, more “events” could still come today. Another more important warning for a major event to occur on 6/6/16 has been issued by the ETF. The event on this day may involve a monumental event(s) associated with the coming false Messiah.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

The Venus Occultation Sign of the False Messiah on 6/6/16

Update added 3/20

A once in the history of the world sign in the heavens is going to occur on June 6, 2016— a rare occultation of Venus. Realizing that Venus has been associated with lucifer and just as heavenly signs foretold the arrival of the great God and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, so it makes perfect sense that the coming false Messiah would have a sign in the heaven too, albeit a demonic one. Thus this rare Venus occultation sign has the strong possibility to be a sign of the soon coming false Messiah, AKA the antichrist. If this is the case then 6/6/16 may be the day of a major antichrist related event.

The Data

Since this sign involves the planet Venus, let’s first establish that Venus has associations with satan—the false light bearer.

The word Lucifer is taken from the Latin Vulgate, which translates הֵילֵל as lucifer, meaning "the morning star, the planet Venus", or, as an adjective, "light-bringing".

Later Christian tradition came to use the Latin word for "morning star", lucifer, as a proper name ("Lucifer") for the devil; as he was before his fall. As a result, "'Lucifer' has become a by-word for Satan/the Devil in the church and in popular literature https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucifer

It is the morning star, the planet Venus—Lucifer—that will be in a rare alignment on 6/6/2016. How rare?  Here is an excellent email I received that details the rarity. (HT Stan)

Ok.....some words about Venus. Venus is a widely used symbol for much demonic worship as you know. The earth makes 8 orbits for every 13.004 orbits that Venus makes. You have to google this but you can soon find that the orbit of Venus makes a pentagram path.  Every 584 days one of the 5 lobes of the pentagram are formed.....and at 8 years....al 5 lobes of a pentagram are made. This ties the pentagram with Satan.

Venus is now on its way towards going behind the sun. On its way this coming 4/6/2016.....The moon occults Venus. You can find this on stellarium or other excellent sky charts. As the moon passes in front of Venus....it has a slender crescent shape. Just as Venus comes into view from behind the moons dark right side limb.....it makes the demonic Islamic sun/crescent moon/star sign that you see on many flags around the world. This sign is not extremely rare....but it happens to line up nicely this April.

Now Venus continues to go behind the sun as June 6th, 2016 approaches...or 6/6/16. The sun occulting Venus is not common...but also not extremely rare. Venus goes behind the sun frequently.....but only gets actually behind the sun 9 times every 105 years. This makes the odds of Venus being actually occulted by the sun 1/4261 days. I am going to lay out the odds starting with the one in 4261. This helps put into perspective the enormous odds of this upcoming 6/6/16 that blows my mind away.

Okay...we have Venus getting occulted by the sun once every 4261 days. This coming occultation occurring on 6/6/16 can show the amazing odds for this happening. Starting with 1/4261   odds.....having this happen on a month starting with a 6 multiplies the odds by 12 since there are 12 months. Having this occur on the 6th day has another multiplier of 30 since there are 30 days in a month.....

Having this occur on a year ending in a 6, causes another multiplier of 10, since there are 10 numbers. Multiplying 4261 x 12 x 30 x 10 equals odds of Venus being occulted by the sun on 6/6/16 as 1 in 15,340,000. If that isn't amazing in itself....there is more!

Astronomical programs, such as my Stellarium program shows this sun/Venus occultation happening right between the horns of Taurus the bull constellation. I have studied the pyramids for years and have a secular book written 40 years ago showing a stone statue carved 2500 years ago showing a cow with horns with a  sun disc between its horns....and a serpent in the middle of the sun disc. I don't have time to go off on that tangent...but it’s all about the goddess Hathor that you can google. I don't have access to the picture of this stone statue but this Stellarium screen shot showing this event is exactly how the statue was carved out. The odds multiplier for this event just happening to be in that one degree area of the sky is another 360 multiplier....and I wont even go into what fraction of a degree it aligns so precisely, the odds are getting off the charts....but there is more.

I was playing with this Venus occultation......and discovered some amazing tidbits that if NOTHING else was Gods way of answering my prayers. If what I convey next doesn't mean anything...then so be it...but it has been astounding to myself.

I noticed the time when Venus goes behind the sun on the suns right limb...the reappears on the suns left limb. I decided to split the difference just out of curiosity when Venus is DIRECTLY behind the sun.  My mind is always thinking and checking out such stuff. I had no idea what I would find. The time listed is UTC....or the time through Greenwich, England. By my best as I can do time calculations...here is what I found.   You can put a cross hair on Venus and I used that to precisely right down to the nearest minute when this cross hair lined up with the suns right side....then lined up with the suns left side. I came up with the centerline of Venus passing directly behind the center of the sun at 16:00   UTC. I didn't think too much of this until after thinking a bit...and realized that 16:00 is 16 hours into our 24 hour day. 16 is 2/3 into the day. 2/3 equals .666 into the day of 6/6/16! I feel this was by design to be more than a coincidence. Now I am skeptical even with my own findings...so I dug further. Since the earth is moving a little bit while I was recording the times of Venus going behind the right limb of the sun  and reappearing on its left limb....I concluded that there would only be a very small difference....but beyond my comprehension how to figure. But I then noticed the data on Stellarium. It shows the phase angle of Venus......In short....when Venus is dead centered behind the sun...its phase angle....or apparent disc size if you could see it....would be the largest. I noticed that the phase angle of Venus got down to only 23 arc seconds of angle at precisely 15 hours 52 minutes UTC time. This is only 8 minutes from being exactly 2/3 into the day at UTC.   Now depending on where on earth you are looking from...this changes slightly.

Next I took the date of 6/6/16 and used this as a .6616 multiplier.    When you multiply, 6616 times 24 hours ...you get 15.8784 hours.    .8784 hours is 52.704 minutes past 15 hours.  52.704 minutes calculates into 15 hours, 52 minutes, and 42.24 seconds into the day. The Stellariium program shows the phase angle the largest at precisely 15 hours 52 minutes and 55 seconds. This is only 12.75 seconds off using the .6616 multiplier into the day. Not that within 8 minutes wasn't close enough....now it can be shown it down to less than 13 seconds.  The odds are way into the high billions now!

There is more......I looked up each sun/Venus occultation......clear back to 1000 years before Christ and 1000 years into the future. This took me quite awhile! This upcoming occultation is by far the most centered of all of them! The mere 23 arc seconds of arc angle is very small....and is attributed to the orbit of Venus being inclined to earth’s orbit.....this causes most of Venus being missed by the sun completely...and as I originally stated...one 9 times every 105 years does any part of the sun occult Venus. But I personally verified to myself how this upcoming occultation is by far the most centered I could find in 4000 years of data. God is wonderful to me for letting me find this.

There is more...Just before Venus goes behind the sun on 6/6/16 the moon perfectly occults the star Aldebaran...the red eye of Taurus.    This is not earth shattering news....but it is an interesting coincidence to me.
There is much more......

I have studied the pyramids for 40 years and have always been fascinated by their design and how they were built. The pyramid has an ascending and descending shafts are at 26 degrees 17 minutes of angle. I am repeating what I have read and verified myself. I read that this angle points to Bethlehem/Jerusalem from the Great Pyramid. So the skeptical me went to Google earth and...it does. If you draw a line at the angle from straight east/west it goes right to Bethlehem. Amazing. Hey...there is so much more to this.....how these shafts point to certain stars by design...but that is another topic all together.

I also read that if you were to be at the Great Pyramid.....the sun rises on this line on....you guessed it 6/6/16. I googled this and about freaked out, Verify it for yourself. You can fly like a bird on a line from the Great Pyramid to Bethlehem....set to the date of 6/6/16.....and the sun will appear exactly rising on that line at the horizon.....I am not stretching this one bit.

William...the odds of the above have just easily passed into the trillions.   I don't need that much proof.......but I am amazed and humbled by my small part of the above that God let me find......and he caused me to verify for myself the rest.

In light of the information presented above, the odds of Venus being occulted by the sun on 6/6/16 with all of the above occurring would be:

Venus being occulted by the sun: 1/4,261.
On a year ending with 6: 1/10
On the 6th month: 1/12
On the 6th day: 1/30
At .666 into the day: 1/1,000
Phase angle at time of .6616: 1/10,000
Most centered in 4000 years: 1/343
Sun on the Pyramid Bethlehem line on 6/6/16: 1/360
Middle of the horns of Taurus: 1/360

This makes the total odds of this sign at 6.8 x 10 to the 21st power—6,800,000,000,000,000,000,000 to 1—6.8 Sextillion to one! Let’s not forget that this sign occurs in the Hebrew year of 5776 which has been dubbed “the year of lucifer.” It also occurs in the year 2016, which if you remove the zero becomes 216 = 6 x 6 x 6. These occurrences would further increase the odds.

Update 3/20: On 3/20/15, a year ago from today, another once in the history of the world sign occurred--a rare North Pole solar eclipse occured on the Spring Equinox. This 6/6/16 just so happens to be 444 days past this rare eclipse.

Thus we have a very significant sign in the heavens on 6/6/16. Now the question remains; what is it a sign of and will anything happen on that day? Before we answer that, let’s consider some more data about this day. Here are some interesting things that have occurred on 6/6 throughout history.

6/6/1850: (166 years ago) Levi Strauss made his first pair of Jeans. There is your super bowl connection—Levi’s stadium. There are 121 (11 x 11) days inclusive between Super Bowl 50 and 6/6/16.

6/6/33: (83 years ago) 1st pouring of concrete at the Boulder (Hoover) dam. 6/6/16 is 1 yr, 1 mo, 1 day past goat symbol projected on the dam on 5/5/15.

6/6/34: (82 years ago) SEC was established.

6/6/44: (72 years ago) WW2 D day.

6/6-7/67: (49 Years ago) Israel recaptures Jerusalem.

6/6/68: (48 years ago) RFK dies after being shot the day before.

6/6/80: (36 years ago) Israel invades Lebanon.

6/6/12: (3 years ago) the transit of Venus—the last of the 21st century. If you add this occurrence into the odds above, the odds would increase by at least another factor of 360, making the odds 2.44 x 10 to the 24th.

The date of 6/6/16 in Jewish history is 29 Iyyar. Here is what is listed as happening in Jewish history on that day.
Iyyar 29: The Omer, day 44.

Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 149. Genesis 7:24

Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 81.

Israelites eating quail for 30 days – Day 7.

Israelites, in Hezekiah's day, smash the sacred stones and cut down the Asherah poles.  2 Chronicles 30, 31:1

Yerushalayim was liberated, in the Six Day War, 5728 [1967]http://www.betemunah.org/feasts.html

That is quite a list of interesting occurrences. Again, what does all of this mean? As already mentioned this rare sign along with the interesting occurrences on 6/6 in the past seems to be indicating that there will be an event on this day, and that the event will be false messiah/antichrist related.

The Analysis

What antichrist event could it be? Before the midpoint of the 70th Week—the last 7 years—scripture tells us that the antichrist will be “as it were wounded to death” (Rev 13:3),  healed, indwelt by satan, sign the peace treaty, perform the abomination of desolation, and take over the world. Let me also mention that other sources indicate that as part of an antichrist birthing ritual, the Hoover dam will be destroyed. Let’s list them;

Antichrist birthing ritual—Hoover dam destruction.
Mortal wounding and healing of the antichrist
Signing of the peace treaty
Abomination of Desolation
Takeover of the world

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Lk 21:36

There are some things that you can do to prepare for the end times. The Coming Epiphany is an easy to understand end time Bible prophecy book that will help you to not only understand what is coming, but also to prepare for it. Please accept my gift to you and download a FREE copy of The Coming Epiphany today.

Do you know what you must do to be saved? Read a short message entitled God’s Gift of Salvation to find out what you must do to be saved.

There is secret information encoded on the dollar bill, including several dates, one of which is the date in which the antichrist may take over the world? Read The Dollar Code; Revealing the Secrets Encoded on the Dollar Bill.

Source: http://endtimesforecaster.blogspot.com/2016/03/the-venus-occultation-sign-of-false.html

Monday, March 14, 2016

The 11/11 Chronicles: Days 117 to 121

Watches were posted for days 117 to 121 past 11/11/15. Below is the original post followed by what happened on those days.
3/7/16: 117 days past 11/11/15.
It is 13 weeks, 91 days before 6/6/16 (will post about in future)
On the Katy Perry doomsday watch the hands were 66.6 degrees apart which equals .185 of a circle apart. In corresponding to a date, .185 of the year 2016 falls on day 67, which is 3/7/16.
3/9/16: 119 days past 11/11/15.
119 is a backwards 911.
It is day number 666 in the esoteric countdown that began on 5/13/14.
It is the day of a total solar eclipse, which will be visible in parts of the Pacific, including Jakarta (HT Matt)—where President Obama lived for 3 years, from 1968 to 1971. In fact, in Jakarta the maximum eclipse will leave a crescent moon shaped sliver of the sun visible. And in Jakarta the eclipse will take 66 (6x11) minutes to reach Max and another 66 minutes to end for a total of 132 (11x12) minutes.
It is a new moon super moon.
There is a possible asteroid “flyby.” Asteroid 2013 TX68 is raising some alarms with people. At present it is not expected to hit the Earth, but at last check its condition code was 8 out of 9—highly uncertain—and its closest approach to earth is predicted to occur on 3/8/16 at 6 minutes past midnight (+- 2 days).
3/10/16: 120 days past 11/11/15.
120 days before 11/11/15 was the Iran deal, thus 120 days after is a day to watch.
3/11/16: 121 days past 11/11/15.
121 = 11 x 11. It is the day of a Friday crescent moon—possible death day.
Here is what happened.
3/7/16: Day 117
Netanyahu cancels Washington D.C. meeting with Obama. This event caused quite a little stir in Washington. President Obama basically took it as an insult. This will more than likely be followed by other USA/Israel events in the future, one of which may be the USA not blocking a Palestinian state at the U.N.
3/9/16: Day 119
Iran launches 2 missiles with “Isreal must be wiped out” written on them.
3/10/16: Day 120
3/11/16: Day 121
This day is being heralded as the day that the civil war started in America. Take a look at these headlines.
In fact the Chicago riots had some very interesting number synchronicities as explained by The Daily Crow; Trump Rally – Paris Attacks – Mecca Crane And Dow Are Connected. 
The next watch day is:
3/22/16: 132 days past 11/11/15.
132 = 11 x 12.
In Jewish history in 11 BC Herod’s Temple was dedicated. On the evening of 3/22 the fast of Esther begins, followed by Purim, which begins on the evening of 3/23/16.
3/22/16 is also 88 days past the Christmas full moon that had many interesting 88 synchronicities associated with it.
President Obama is scheduled to be in Cuba that day—the first president to visit Cuba in 88 years.
It is the Whitehouse Water Summit. On March 22, 2016, in conjunction with the United Nations World Water Day, the Administration will host a White House Water Summit…
In history the Georgia Guide Stones were dedicated on 3/22/80, thus it will be its 36th anniversary this year. 3/22 was also the day that the healthcare law was signed.
Let’s also not forget the old saying, “beware the ides of March.” Along those lines The Daily Crow just put up a great article regarding the Ides of March, 153, and Tisha B' Av: 2016: Ides of March to Tisha B’Av 153 days.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Lk 21:36
There are some things that you can do to prepare for the end times. The Coming Epiphany is an easy to understand end time Bible prophecy book that will help you to not only understand what is coming, but also to prepare for it. Please accept my gift to you and download a FREE copy of The Coming Epiphany today.
Do you know what you must do to be saved? Read a short message entitled God’s Gift of Salvation to find out what you must do to be saved.
There is secret information encoded on the dollar bill, including several dates, one of which is the date in which the antichrist may take over the world? Read The Dollar Code; Revealing the Secrets Encoded on the Dollar Bill.