The other day an idea came to my mind; what if they
consider 2022 to be 222? As you may be aware, occult numerologists drop the
zero as the image above suggests (HT Heaven Bound). And if 2022 is 222, what is
so special about 222 and why would that relate to the take down of the old-world order?
Well, it just so happens that 222 is encoded on
the dollar bill. You see, I have always had a feeling that the date of the
destruction of the Old-World Order, which is led by the USA, might be encoded
on the dollar bill, and if so, it would be connected to a number or numbers
encoded on the dollar bill, of which there are many. 222 is one of the encoded
numbers, could the date number be 222 related?
Here is an excerpt from The Dollar Code concerning 222 on the dollar bill.
Another number of great esoteric importance on
the dollar bill is 222. It is the area of the two halves of the Great Seal on
the dollar bill, each being 1.11 inches in area. It is the birthdate of George
Washington (2/22). It is the time on a sundial overlaid on the Seal as shown
below, and it is the time on the back of the old hundred-dollar bill. There are
also some interesting numerics associated with 222 such as;
222 x 8 = 1776
222 days is equal to 5328 hours = 3 x 1776 hours
= 8 x 666 hours = 24 x 222 hours = 48 x 111 hours.
And if you take the sine of 19.47, which equals
.333 and multiply it by 666 it equals 222.
So, as you can see 222 is an important number on
the dollar bill and also the hundred. And since it is encoded on both, it may
be related to what the trestle board of the dollar bill portrays—the
destruction of the old-world order, which is led by USA, and the subsequent birth
of the New World Order. Again, an excerpt from The Dollar Code concerning this.

There it is the dollar bill, the trestle board
for the destruction of the Old-World Order and establishment of the New. There
is a lot of symbolism and hidden information on the dollar bill, some of which
we have discussed in part one of this article. Before we get to the date
ciphers, let us first consider some of the esoteric aspects involved with the
dollar bill. One of the most prominent and mysterious symbols on the bill
is the pyramid, which as already discussed, is an illuminati symbol that
represents the building of the New World Order. The capstone of the pyramid
represents the antichrist indwelt by satan, who will be the leader of the New
World Order and will rule the world for 3.5 years.

How does the United States fit into the New
World Order scheme? The illuminati chose the United States as the primary agent
to accomplish its nefarious goal of bringing about the New World Order. This
concept has been clearly stated in illuminati literature. For example, Mason,
Manly P. Hall wrote in The Secret Teachings of All Ages that:
Not only were many of the founders of the United
States government Masons, but they received aid from a secret and august body
existing in Europe which helped them to establish this country for a peculiar
and particular purpose known only to the initiated few. The Great Seal is the
signature of this exalted body—unseen and for the most part unknown—and the
unfinished pyramid upon its reverse side is a trestle board setting forth
symbolically the task to the accomplishment of which the United States
Government was dedicated from the day of its inception.
That “particular purpose” for the United States
only known to the “initiated few” by their own admission, is to bring about the
New World Order. And they readily admit that the seal represents these ideas as
stated below.
Each face (of the Seal) is a masterly harmony of
all that is potent in symbolism and prophecy. It was originated and adopted by
men who recognized the overshadowing presence of the Great Architect of the
Universe and submission to His will as revealed in the Scriptures and the Laws
of Nature. They planned a government in conformity to His great Plan. They
recognized that America's greatest task was to go toward the goal of the Plan
-- the eventual establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth."
Of course, their “kingdom of god on earth” refers
to the New World Order with the antichrist ruling the world. And what is their
plan for the United States after they have used her to establish the New World Order?
Their plan calls for her destruction.
The United States of America has served as a
transitional homeland for the Israelites in Diaspora and a secure base of
operations where the Knights Templar could establish a financial and military
empire that would empower them to repossess the Holy Land. Now that the United
States of America has fulfilled its purpose and the reconquest of the Holy Land
is underway, the U.S. must be destroyed so that American Jews,
which comprise 40% of World Jewry, will be motivated to relocate to Israel.
There in the land of Israel they will encounter a False Messiah who will be
enthroned as the reincarnation of King Solomon in the Temple of Solomon, soon
to be rebuilt by the Knights of the Order of the Temple of Solomon.
BTW, here is what the dollar bill looks like
when you fold it in the esoteric way—it portrays the New World Order
represented by the pyramid being built upon the destruction of the old-world order led by the USA represented by the upside-down eagle.
And here is what the hundred looks like when it
is folded in the esoteric way.
Ok, so we have data to suggest that the dollar
bill is a trestle board for the destruction of the old-world order, which is led
by the USA, and the arrival of the New World Order. We also see that 222 is
encoded on the dollar bill and is on the hundred-dollar bill. We also know that
they drop the zero, so 2022 can be 222. And the esoteric folding of the dollar
bill and hundred-dollar bill supports these theories.
So, does all of this information suggest that
2022 is the year that the old-world order and the USA will fall? I do not know
but let me remind you of this piece of data; after the destruction of the old-world order occurs, then comes the New World Order along with its alien connected
“savior” of the world. And guess when it is claimed that he will show up? That’s
right, 2022.
“god Will Return On July 26, 2022”
And if it is 2022 here are a few possible date
conjectures. The first date that comes to mind is a double 222 date, which is 2/22/2022
George Washington’s Birthday and don’t forget that George is on the front of
the dollar bill.
Take note that 2/22/2022, if you drop the zero,
becomes 222222, which is a double 222. And then there is this; 2/22/2022 is 777
days (incl.) from the 4/8/2024 “X marks the spot American solar eclipse (HT
So that is one possibility, another is day #222
of the year, which would be 8/10/2022.
Another possibility is 5/23/2022 which is when
there are 222 days left in the year.
So, in light of all the dollar bill and 222 data
above we ask; is 2022 the year of the fall of the old-world order and the USA,
or will it be some other year? Time will tell. Oh, by the way there is an
encoded map on the dollar bill too. See The Dollar Code.
Note: I just came across this info and am adding
it in here (HT Hal Turner). Apparently 5G is being turned up on 1/5/22 and check out these
Also, some are claiming that on 1/6/22 President
Trump is to speak. And there is also some stir about movie listings. Check this
out. On 1/6/22 there are a whole bunch of pictures scheduled at my local
But on 1/7/22 there are only 2 scheduled.
The movies are:355: When
a top-secret weapon falls into mercenary hands,…
factory town is covered by chimney smoke, and as the townspeople haven't see
the sky in centuries, they no longer believe that stars exist. A chimney sweep
and a friendly monster named Poupelle decide to prove that stars are real.
So, the only 2 movies deal with a top-secret weapon and smoke. What does that add up to? Is that a signal or is it just an anomaly?
Update: 1/9/22 Guess what Alexa says will occur on 2/22/2022 at 2:22 AM, which is a Twosday? Alexa says there will be an alien invasion.
Alexa scary crazy earthquake, alien, anti christ predictions compiled - YouTube
Amazon's Alexa Predicted The Future (February 22.2022 @2:22AM) - YouTube
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye
may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and
to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36
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