Breaking Update 10/1
Updated 9/30, 10/1, 10/2
There is a lot of information swirling in my head—I pray and trust that God will speak through me. I believe I have just received a major confirmation of Joe Brandt’s dream and clarification of the same. The new data also helps establish a definite timeline for events leading up to the California mega earthquake, of which these events have already begun. Further I will present a hypothesis for a possible date(s) for its occurrence.
Note: this is very important information, please do not take it lightly, it may happen in the very near future. OK here we go, hold onto your hats.
Several years ago I became aware of a dream that a 17 year old boy by the name Joe Brandt had in 1937. I have written about this dream on several occasions. From the start I believed that his dream was a prophetic warning and now it has been confirmed. Let’s review the dream and then I will show you the confirmation and then discuss the ramifications.
Joe’s Dream
Here are a few pertinent excerpts from the dream, the entire dream account can be read here;
I remember, vaguely, the fall from my horse—Blackie. As I
lay there, pictures began to form in my mind—pictures that stood still. I
seemed to be in another world…I thought about Hollywood Boulevard, and I found
myself there. Whether this is true, I do not know, but there were a lot of guys
my age with beards and wearing, some of them, earrings. All the girls, some of
them keen-o, wore real short skirts…
I noticed there was a quietness about the air, a kind of
stillness. Something else was missing, something that should be there. At
first, I couldn't figure it out, I didn't know what it was—then I did. There
were no birds…I saw a newspaper on the corner with a picture of the President.
It surely wasn't Mr. Roosevelt. He was bigger, heavier, big ears… I wondered if
I went into a movie (since nobody could see me) if I'd like it. Some cardboard
blond was draped over the marquee with her leg six feet long...
It was ten minutes to four. Something big was going to
happen…More like early spring…There was a funny smell. I don't know where it
came from. I didn't like it. A smell like sulphur, sulfuric acid, a smell like
death. For a minute I thought I was back in chem…It was five minutes to four on
a sunny afternoon… The ground shook, just an instant. People looked at each
other, surprised. Then they laughed. I laughed, too. So this was what I had
been waiting for. This funny little shake. It meant nothing…
There was that smell again, coming up from the ocean. I
was getting to the 5 and 10 store and I saw the look on the kids' faces. Two of
them were right in front of me, coming my way. "Let's get out of this
place. Let's go back East." He seemed scared.… One young lady just sat
down on the sidewalk all doubled up. She kept saying, "earthquake, its the
earthquake," over and over….
Then, when it came, how it came. Like nothing in God's
world. Like nothing. It was like the scream of a siren, long and low, or the
scream of a woman I heard having a baby when I was a kid. It was awful. It was
as if something—some monster—was pushing up the sidewalks… But then I saw the
streets of Los Angeles—and everything between the San Bernardino mountains and
Los Angeles. It was still tilting towards the ocean, houses, everything that
was left…. I knew it was going to happen to San Francisco—it was going to turn
over—it would turn upside down. It went quickly, because of the twisting, I
guess. It seemed much faster than Hollywood…
When I looked at Grand Canyon, that great big gap was
closing in, and Boulder Dam was being pushed, from underneath. And then,
Nevada, and on up to Reno. Way down south, way down. Baja, California. Mexico
too. It looked like some volcano down there was erupting, along with everything
else. I saw the map of South America, especially Colombia. Another
volcano—eruption—shaking violently. I seemed to be seeing a movie of three
months before—before the Hollywood earthquake. Venezuela seemed to be having
some kind of volcanic activity. Away off in the distance, I could see Japan, on
a fault, too. It was so far off—not easy to see because I was still on Big Bear
Mountain, but it started to go into the sea…
Then, I saw again. Boulder Dam, going down—pushing together, pushing together breaking apart—no, Grand Canyon was pushing together, and Boulder Dam was breaking apart. It was still daylight. All these radio stations went off at the same time—Boulder Dam had broken…
Quite the dream—before I comment, here is the confirmation of his dream—Mike’s dream (HT Karen).
Mike’s Dream
In case you do not have time to listen, here are some pertinent notes from his dream that I took in regards to the CA Mega earthquake.
His latest dream was in June of 2020.
He saw a casket draped in a flag on stone steps
with people standing around. He said that Ruth Ginsburg’s casket on the stone
steps of Supreme Court fulfilled this part of the dream.
Next he saw a person who was standing next to the casket, was then in the casket and the flag went in also. In other words this prominent person standing next to the casket died. After this event the USA will go into turmoil--flag going into casket.
He saw the face of the person in the casket but would not mention his name publicly, but said it was easy to figure out who this prominent person was.
He then saw military in the streets in response to the great turmoil in the USA.
After the prominent person dies he heard a great physical cracking of the USA.
There will be a Mexico border event of some kind as a precursor to the big earthquake.
There will be swarms of small earthquakes in Mexico and California.
The crack in Mexico that just happened, is the start of the geophysical destabilization that
is going to occur.
He saw two volcanoes going off in Chile. Chile is like a shim when it starts to go off, then the big geo events will follow.
In regards to the CA Mega Earthquake, on the day of, there will be a small tremor that people will scoff at, and think nothing more is coming. Birds will disappear, there will be a bad smell, and then in the time frame of 3:30 to 4:30 the big one will hit. A large hunk of CA will break off tilt and slide into the ocean. He saw small cars on the highway.
He also saw the following events:
The Grand Canyon closes in on itself.
Rome is destroyed.
A Japan island will disappear.
Meteor storms are imminent. (My note: Halloween is a signaled time for this to occur.)
Nuclear incident is imminent. (My note: Chattanooga, Washington DC, Charleston SC, Phoenix, Philadelphia, and NYC have been signaled as nuclear incident locations)
Let’s start off by comparing the dreams. Both dreams saw a California Mega earthquake with CA lifting up, tilting, and going into the ocean.
Both featured a bad smell, which is most likely methane that can be released before large earthquakes.
Both noted the absence of birds.
Both noted the scoffing of people at the first tremor.
Both saw the earthquake happening between 3:30 and 4:30.
Both noted small cars.
Both saw precursor events in Mexico and South America.
Both saw the Grand Canyon closing in on itself. (My note: This may also involve the antichrist birthing ritual/destruction of the Hoover dam)
Both saw a Japan island disappearing.
Thus in my mind, Mike’s dream is a direct confirmation of Joe’s dream—the California Mega earthquake is coming. Now let’s consider the timing.
There are several time markers in the dreams, first Joe’s horse was named Blackie, this could be a reference to the Third Seal of the apocalypse—the black horse. This may indicate that this event will occur during the last 7 years at or after the opening Seal 3. BTW: The last 7 years may have already begun; See The Rider on the White Horse was Given a Crown! Has Seal 1 Been Opened? Or What “End Time” Is It? Are We There Yet?
Mike saw the CA event after the prominent person was in the casket and the USA was thrown into turmoil. Based on his information I would surmise that the person that he saw in the casket was a president. Joe saw a President on the front page of the newspaper. Putting this together leads me to believe that the CA Mega Earthquake will follow the death and or assassination of a president, after which the country will be thrown into turmoil.
Both saw precursor geologic events in Mexico and
South America. Mike specifically mentioned Chile. Mike also mentioned
earthquake swarms in CA and Mexico.
The Hypothesis
Now let me present a hypothesis for exactly when this CA mega earthquake may occur. Here are the two dates; 12/21/20 or 12/21/21. Now here is the why--predictive programming.
I hate predictive programming; it is the devil flaunting in our face what he is going to do. And it is predictive programming that led me to those 2 dates.
In the infamous movie 2012, that featured CA falling into the ocean—predictive programming in its self—just as Joe and Mike saw, I believe that the film has many instances of predictive programming, some of which have already happened. Here is one—a signal to the 3.11.11 Japan earthquake and tsunami.
The man says, “So this time, we hit Japan,”
and then a little tsunami comes rolling in and it violently and unexpectedly
rocks the big cruise ship—a clear signal to the Japan earthquake and tsunami.

The 2012 movie was released on 11/13/2009, about a year and a half before the Japan tsunami that hit on 3/11/2011. In my mind this was a clear and blatant signal to the Japan tsunami especially in light of the words spoken in the film.
Here is another instance of predictive programming
in the film; the 2012 film also showed a model of a cruise ship on its side. A
real cruise flipped on its side—you may remember that the Concordia flipped
on its side on 1/13/12. The time between the movie release date and the
Concordia disaster was exactly 113 weeks—a backwards 3/11.
So the film had at least 2 blatant instances of predictive programming that were fulfilled on dates connected to the release date of the film.
Ok let me show you what I believe is the predictive programming for the date of the California Mega Earthquake from the movie 2012.
The apartment #4420 was shown just after an
earthquake cracked open the ground—dropping the zero “as they do” yields 442.
Now look at the time on the watch given to the
airplane pilot to rent the escape plane before the big earthquake hit—7:22.
The time of 7:22 equals 442 minutes. (7 hours x 60 minutes = 420 minutes + 22
minutes = 442 minutes.)
So there is a match with the numbers on the apartment building of 4420 and the
time on the watch of 442 minutes. BTW: I calculate the odds of those numbers
matching at 7,200,000 to one.
Here are a few more
possible signals; at the time of 4:42 in the film (matches the 442 from the
watch discussed above) the cause of the coming earthquake is stated—that
particles entering the earth are acting like microwaves and heating it up.
At the time of 44:20 in
the film (matches the 4420 house number discussed above) look what is
spoken—“California is going down!”
I believe these numbers, times and the words spoken are all predictive programming for the date of the Mega Earthquake.
In my research I have become aware that timing of events can be calculated from
the release date of the film. If we add 4420 days to the release date of the
2021 movie we get:
11/13/2009 + 4420 days = 12/20/2021 or 12/21/2021 (excl).
If we add 4420 days to
the trailer release date we get:
11/12/2008 = 4420 days = 12/19/2020 or 12/20/2020
(Note: all dates are +- a
day for time zones)
Are any of these valid dates for the California Mega Earthquake? I do not know, but let’s consider a few more pieces of data?
Let’s not leave out the Great Conjunction of 2020, which features a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn that occurs on 12/20-21/2020. They are heralding that great changes will take place. If you remember the movie 2012 featured a planetary alignment at the beginning of the film. BTW: Saturn and Jupiter are shown in alignment at the beginning of the film.
One of the changes they are heralding includes a “divine” UFO government in Washington DC in early 2021. If that is true then that would mean that the government structure we have now in Washington would no longer be there. I wonder what would bring that about, Hmm…
In light of the synchronicities of these 2 dreams I firmly believe the California Mega earthquake is coming soon. When exactly I cannot tell you, if I have discerned the predictive programming correctly, then it will be the winter solstice of 2020 or 2021. If not, then it could be any time after the precursor events.
But the exact timing is not the important thing, the most important thing is to realize that the California mega earthquake is coming and it may be soon—prepare accordingly. After it happens life will become very difficult in the USA.
So when you see the border event, earthquake swarms in CA and Mexico, The Chile volcanoes go off, and the death of “the prominent person,” realize then that the CA mega earthquake is imminent.
Here is a subtle confirmation I ran across at The Big The One today—a 50 year old prophecy that involves war in the Caucasus, which by all accounts just broke out, and mentions the CA mega earthquake.
Most likely, there is a global party behind the conflict,
so the escalation will increase and we predicted it in the summer in materials
on the topic: the Caucasus on the threshold of big
military events and the war of Armenia and Azerbaijan may end in the Far East. And although not all readers
agreed with our conclusions - everything goes as we predicted, not as the TV
promised. And what will happen next - we also said, more precisely, everything
was predicted almost 50 years ago by Osip Tereley:
... A terrible war was predicted at the beginning of the
21st century. The Virgin showed a map of Russia in a ring of fire. The fires
blazed in the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Baltics and across the Far East,
where China became An enemy of Russia. A Russian leader named Vladimir will
start a war with Israel. There will be a
devastating earthquake in California. After all the terrible cataclysms,
the "golden age" will begin...
Another signal; Clock at midnight could be a signal to 12th
month of December, and reversing gives 21 and may be a signal to 12/21.
Then flag shown being ripped with one star being removed, may be a signal to a state being physically ripped from the USA—California.
A major earthquake swarm is occurring in Southern CA. In the last 24 hours they have been hit with 224 earthquakes! The biggest being a 5.0. As explained above Mike's dream foresaw earthquake swarms in CA. He then said they would die down and the big one would follow.
Update 10/2
The swarm involves all of CA and Nevada
Mike said a precursor to the big one would be some kind of border event. Looks like caravans of people are coming from the South headed to the USA.
End of updates
The California mega earthquake is coming and so are many other end times events. I have written a book entitled The Coming Epiphany to help you understand what will happen and when, so you can be prepared.
Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.
I repeat the California mega earthquake is coming and so are the other events of the end times—have you prepared.
Watch ye therefore,
and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things
that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36
About 25 years ago a friend, a very humble, honest and true Christian told me about 3 visions/locutions that she just had. I won't get into the first one. It was a vision with an audible message. It was about her husband and also an authentication from God that all 3 were from Him. The 2nd was just an audible locution that said the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse are coming soon - do all you can for Jesus while there is still time. The 3rd and last was also just an audible locution and said that after the President is assassinated all hell is going to break loose. I always believed that these 3 visions/locutions that my friend had were from God. I believed this way more than she did. I thought they would have happened long ago. I am now convinced that they are at the door.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing. Another witness.
DeleteI shared this with everyone and included David Carswell in Chile. His community page on YT always contains pertinent information. I also thought of Brandt's dream as I was listening to Mike last week. Excellent compilation, Bill.
ReplyDeleteThank you, I appreciate all your help.
DeleteHi, I hope you are feeling better. I just wanted to bring up the information on the 2017 Economist magazine cover.1st card. In this card, The Tower card, it is mocking the Protestant Reformation, and you can see a mock of the 96 Thesis s of Martin Luther nailed to the doors. Martin Luther nailed those to the Pope's doors on October 31st. So this 1st card corresponds to October 31st. The 2nd Card. This is the Judgment Card, which is Mocking Trump sitting on the world. It corresponds to November 1st. The real Tarot Judgement Card is the picture of the Rapture, with graves being opened and a Trumpet sounding off. So, this Rapture card corresponds with November 1st. The 4th card is shown and its The Hermit card. The Moon is in the constellation of Leo. That would correspond to the date NOVEMBER 21,2020 (if they are referring to this year). At the right lower corner, there is a crack in the United States. The Magician (enchanter) is present, so what the elites are saying is that the antichrist figure is on the scene by or on November 21st.?? I thought that this magazine cover was in line with the information that you just brought about cracks in North America.
ReplyDeleteWow, thanks for the great info. Your analysis is plausible. Might have to put that in a post :)
DeleteIn my timeline, the Fall of Babylon (America) is on Nov 20th, so the card showing the crack in America on Nov 21st matches up with what I have.
DeleteNovember 20-23, 2020
Messages of the Three Angels (Rev 14:6-13)
The first angel brings the gospel and a call to worship God - this is the fulfillment of Matthew 24:14, the gospel is preached to the whole world by the first angel
The second angel announces the fall of Babylon the Great
The third angel warns of the wrath of God upon all who worship the Beast and take the Mark of the Beast
Perseverance of the saints, “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on” believers that are martyred will be clothed in white garments
Mark of the beast implemented
November 20, 2020
Fall of Babylon the Great
God destroys America in one day, in one hour (Revelation 18), judgment of the great prostitute
Trump or Pence recently died
California/Cascadia Mega Quakes, 5.7 off CA coast (occurred on 9/22/17 same date as Rev 12:1-2 sign, 3 year warning), 7.5 in CA, 9.1 Cascadia Fault, 12.2 in CA
New Madrid quake splits America
New York City and DC are struck by asteroids/nukes
Obama (King 8/False Messiah/Antichrist) is placed back in charge of America and rules from Denver, CO for a short time, and then eventually rules from Jerusalem
November 23, 2020
Seal 4 - opens 11/23/20
Rider/Death (Greek thanatos) on a pale (greenish yellow) horse and Hell follows him, pale horse is the Sun (yellow) and a comet (green), rider is Scorpius (Scorpion/death), the Sun moves through Scorpius from 11/23/20-11/29/20, in addition the comet Neowise (C2020 F3 NEOWISE) is in Scorpius during this time, the rider Scorpius is “sitting” on the pale horse/the Sun (yellow) and comet Neowise (head of comet is green) during this timeframe.
Mercury (dark gray planet/Hell/Hades) follows the Sun through Scorpius.
Death is given authority over “the fourth part of the earth” (America) to kill by the combination of the first four Seals: Seal 1 disease/pestilence, Seal 2 civil unrest/violence, Seal 3 famine, and Seal 4 death (Christians are martyred) by “the wild beasts of the earth” (beasts = False Messiah/Antichrist and the False Prophet) Rev 13:10
For millennia Europeans believed that the world consisted of three parts: Europe, Africa, and Asia. But occasionally they hinted at a “fourth part of the world”, that was later discovered to be America.
Revelation 2:18-29, The Message to Thyatira (Corrupt Church), these are instructions for Seal 4, God knows your deeds, He sees your love, faith, service and patient endurance, your last deeds are more numerous and greater than your first, but God has this against you: some of you permit that woman (Jezebel/ False Prophet?) to mislead you into immorality and idolatry, anyone who perpetuates her teachings with be struck with sickness and great distress unless they repent, her followers will be killed by pestilence so that all believers will know that God can see the innermost thoughts and searches the hearts/minds and gives each according to their deeds, those that don’t follow the corrupt teachings and have overcome the world through believing that Jesus is the Son of God (those that don’t take the Mark of the Beast) must remain steadfast in your faith and hold tightly to your crown until Jesus returns
Sherri; What is the reasoning for 7.5, 9.1, 12.2?
DeleteThe 7.5, 9.1 and 12.2 were from a combination of prophetic dreams.
Those earthquakes are mentioned in the prophetic dreams at this link here:
Here is what I’ve found regarding the The World in 2017 (Economist) 8 Tarot Cards. The crescent moon near Leo is actually Nov 10-12, 2020.
Delete(1) The Tower - Oct 31, Martin Luther nailed 95 Theses to door on this date, the lightening bolt represents Satan/False Messiah (fake alien arrival?), the two groups are the militant American patriots (on the right) led by the White Magic Luciferians, and the Socialist Antifa/BLM (on the left) led by the Black Magic Luciferians that will battle (or have already started battling) against each other in a massive civil war, the Tower tarot card is ruled by Mars (Roman god of war), value 16 (7 = assessment, knowledge)
(2) Judgment - Nov 2, we see Trump ruling the world (The Emperor tarot card, value 4 = manifestation, Aries), but the real Judgment tarot card signals All Souls Day/ Day of the Dead which is Nov 2, False Light awakening/falling away from the faith/apostasy, a time great distress/suffering is coming, the Judgment tarot card is ruled by Pluto (Roman god of the underworld) and the fire element, value 20 (2 = duality, balance)
(3) The World - no date, Revelation 17 The Great Harlot (sun) rules over and oversees the 7 mountains/heads of the Beast and controls them worldwide, the 7 mountains/7 heads on which the harlot sits are: Business, Government, Family, Religion, Media, Education, and Entertainment, the World tarot card is ruled by Saturn (Roman god of capital, wealth, agriculture, liberation and time), value 21 (final card in the Major Arcana, 3 = groups, growth)
The Great Harlot sits (on the Beast) on many waters, these many waters are “people and multitudes and nations and tongues” (many waters = melting pot = America)
Great Harlot = Black Magic Luciferians/secret Evil cabal/Elites/NWO
The Beast = White Magic Luciferians/False Light “Saviors”/Alliance/Patriots/Antichrist
(4) The Hermit - Nov 10-12, the crescent moon near the Leo constellation occurs on these dates, the protesters are marching holding signs that show the world economy will or has already been halted/reset (Seal 3), hidden around the corner is the globe with the crack in America, the crack could be caused by massive civil war, protests, economic collapse, or an earthquake, (value 9 = fruition, fulfillment, Virgo the virgin)
(5) Death - Nov 23, the death tarot card is ruled by Scorpio, we see a blood red sun, the sun is in the Scorpius constellation from from 11/23/20-11/29/20, this is when Seal 4 opens, the 4th Seal rider is Death, value 13 (4 = manifestation)
Death is given authority over “the fourth part of the earth” (America) to kill by the combination of the first four Seals: Seal 1 disease/pestilence, Seal 2 civil unrest/violence, Seal 3 famine, and Seal 4 death (Christians are martyred) by “the wild beasts of the earth” (beasts = False Messiah/Antichrist and the False Prophet) Rev 13:10
(6) The Magician - Dec 25, False Messiah and False Prophet are in control, The Magician card is ruled by Mercury, the sun is behind the man on the card, both the sun and Mercury are under the Ara (altar) constellation on this date, this is when Seal 5 opens, one year from the date of the first Seal opening, value 1 (new beginnings)
(7) Wheel of Fortune - the illusion of choice in the political system, political actors, value 10 (1 = new beginnings), Jupiter (king plant, associated with thunder, lightening and storms)
(8) The Star - March/April 2021, Planet7X cosmic event (6th Seal) and the rapture of believers, value 17 (8 = action, accomplishment), Aquarius (waterbearer, cupbearer, associated with water/floods)
Following the numerology clues:
Delete(1) The Magician - Satan rules this earthly kingdom
(1) Wheel of Fortune - political system is a sham, leaders are political actors
(2) Judgment - some leaders will be taken out, others will take their places
(3) The World - everything is connected and ruled by Satan, One World Government, One World Religion
(4) Death - many people will be killed
(4) The Emperor- (hidden card) Satan will arrive as a False Messiah to lead the world
(7) The Tower - the False Messiah will tear apart our reality, and will strike down the towers of political and religious illusions, many will pledge their allegiance to the False Messiah and take his mark to survive the famine
(8) The Star - Planet7X and the rapture are coming
(9) The Hermit - leaders will go into their bunkers to ride out the destruction of America, collapse of the economy, geophysical calamities, etc.
DeleteThanks for sharing, we will soon find out.
Just saw your update after writing the below.
ReplyDeleteSo, I have an earthquake app on my phone. (Live in Alaska and downloaded it after our "big one" in 2018.)
Starting at precisely on September 30 at 3:00pm Alaska Standard Time (4:00pm on West Coast) there have been 76 earthquakes near Westmorland, California 3.0 and greater. The last one above 3.0 was at 2:47pm AST today.
Since I've had this app, I've seen a lot of aftershocks in areas after a large quake, but I've never seen so many centered in one place at 3+ for such a short period of time. The thing is there were no large earthquakes in the Westmorland CA area before these started rumbling. Oh, and Westmorland sits right on the San Andreas fault just south of the Salton Sea.
Wish I knew when this earthquake was going to happen. I'm supposed to fly to Phoenix Oct 6/7 for a two week stay with family. I've been feeling uneasy about this trip since I made the reservations.
If the dream holds true then the prominent person must die first that is probably the best precursor indicator. But then it could be a while after that. You know my thinking.
DeleteOH, BTw there are over 2000 EQs on the map in the update above
DeleteI don't doubt it! Mine was just registering 3.0 and above. There have been more since and I'm sure there are a lot under as well.
DeleteInteresting that the President and First lady have tested positive for covid and will be under quarantine. William, do you think that is a cover for going in to hiding? An odd development at this particular time in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts exactly, that is a definite possibility. Something big may be in the works for next week. Interesting that the feast of tabernacles starts today.
DeleteCheck out "Rapture 2021" by Gerald Eastwood. He points out the week of Nov 1st, 2021 as being a high probability for the Rapture through his study of cryptology.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the input for the rapture to occur on 11/1/21 we would have to see Seals 1 to 4, the ac take over the world, Seal 5 persecution between now and then.