Note: This post contains a hodge podge of information related to the first 2 posts of this series; The Next Big Event and The Next Big Event Phoenix Confirmations. I have kind of put it together chronologically as things have occurred so it may seem a bit choppy but I believe that you will be amazed as I was.
The picture below of the Washington Mall that I showed in a previous post seemed strange to me. I did a little investigating of the picture; here is what David Bay of Cutting Edge said about the picture of The Mall.

However, we find it most troubling, upon further contemplation, that The Mall was created in a form that strongly resembles Death in the form of the Masonic Coffin. You see, Masons have also used another symbol of Death to represent the United States. Did you know that our American Eagle was originally depicted as a Phoenix Bird [Doc Marquis, former Black Magick Satanist]. The Phoenix Bird is an Egyptian mythological bird that reportedly lived for 500 years; when it came time to die, the Phoenix Bird would cause its own immolation. The dying bird would catch on fire, and would burn completely to a pile of ashes. Suddenly, a new Phoenix Bird would form out of the ashes and fly away. Literally, the new Phoenix Bird is formed out of the ashes of the old.
Occultists have always viewed the United States as a Phoenix Bird. After leading the world into the doorway of the New World Order Kingdom of Antichrist, is their plan that we would self-immolate, burst into flames and be reduced to a pile of ashes? However, out of the pile of ashes another Phoenix Bird would arise, a global Kingdom of The Christ, this time! We believe key, inner-circle Founding Fathers understood this occult plan perfectly, that the United States would be called upon to die at the very end of the cycle to produce Antichrist, and out of our ashes the truly global New World Order would arise. Cutting Edge News Article #1399
As you all know the main line in The Mall points directly to Phoenix, Arizona.
Another thought that has come across my mind is the time on the back of the hundred dollar bill. It is 2:22. Some think that this number is related to when America will be destroyed. Some think the number is in reference to the constitution. The constitution was ratified 6/21/1788. Thus we have been under constitutional law for 222 years, we will reach 223 years 6/21/2011. Also look at how the hundred dollar bill looks when folded a certain way!

In thinking and praying about all that God has showed me over the last few weeks I believe that one day Phoenix, Arizona will be the target of an attack and will be involved in the destruction of this country so that the USA can become part of the New World Order--and I could be wrong and hope I am wrong and have been praying she would be spared.
Again I think Israel and Iran may be related to this and Israel attacking Iran or vice versa would be a good time marker for this event. BTW, Netanyahu met with Biden on Nov 8 in New Orleans—the city of death built on tombs—about how to stop Iran.
In regards to Washington D.C. being the target of a terrorist attack there are many who have had dreams of such an event and there have been many threats by various terror groups against Washington. Let me also mention that many have had dreams regarding a stadium attack. Could the two be related? Look at the map of the stadium. What jumps out at you?

Jericho! Remember “the walls came tumbling down!” BTW; the Jericho city and Jericho road are part of the Jericho Baptist Church complex. The word Jericho also brings to mind the TV show by the same name. I have never seen the show but Pastor Chuck Baldwin has written about it.
A friend recently turned me on to the CBS television series, Jericho. I watch so little network television that I confess to never having seen the show before this week. Obviously, then, I am quite uninformed as to the overall plot and previous episodes. What I saw Tuesday evening, however, stunned me. Why? Because it very aptly depicted what could become a very real-life scenario for these United States in the not-so-distant future.
If I accurately picked up the basic plot of the show, average, freedom-loving citizens in the Western U.S. are fighting against tyrannical elements of their own government, including military forces. The State of Texas has declared its independence from the corrupt new government and another civil war is breaking out in America. And all this was predicated upon a nuclear attack, which some believed was an inside job. Am I close?
Contributing further to my amazement was the way Jericho used real-life political events to depict America's fall into tyranny. I was flabbergasted to see the characters of Jericho refer to the Continuity of Government act as the foundation for the government's declaration of martial law after the nuclear attack had occurred. Chuck Baldwin Newsletter
So guess what I did next? I drew a line between the Fed Ex stadium in Washington to the Fed Ex World Service Center at the Phoenix Arizona airport. The line is at 270 degrees. In Washington D.C. I noticed that it passed between the Exorcist house and a restaurant called Tombs! I do not know if it is significant but that is what I found.

After writing the above except for it's final edit. I felt prompted to draw a line from where the California "missile" was launched to Phoenix Arizona and then extend the line. What I found shook me. The missile Phoenix line hits New Orleans exactly!
Why did this shake me? Netanyahu was in New Orleans on Monday Nov. 8 the same day the missile flew. In the speech that he gave he was heckled badly about settlements. The line between the missile and New Orleans cuts right through Phoenix. I believe the message is clear; Netanyahu heckled about settlements and a missile flies and Phoenix is directly between the two. I believe this was a strong warning from God; If we do not support Israel's right to her land we will bring judgment down upon our heads.
I felt impressed to draw another line. I drew this one from the ancient city of Jericho in Israel through the Fed Ex Stadium in Washington D.C. next to our Jericho city. Look where the line hit--right where Katrina hit! Many feel Katrina was direct judgment for the United States forcing Israel to demolish some of her settlements. Need I say more?

Are the evil ones scoffing at God by bringing disasters upon mankind that are similar to Bible events as outlined in the Next Big Event? Are they going to mock Israel’s first victory at Jericho with an attack on our Jericho city? Are they going to bring down this nation represented by the phoenix bird by destroying Phoenix so she can raise out of the ashes and be reborn into the New World Order? I hope not. Again I am not predicting anything, just raising possibilities so that others are not caught unawares. I wish for nothing bad to happen and hope that many will escape satan’s traps. May God be glorified and many brought to repentance. Sixth seal maranatha, come quickly Lord Jesus
Are we on the road to Jericho? I pray not.
BTW: God took me to Jer 18 today here is what stood out; At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, and to pull down, and to destroy it. (Jer 18:7)
Read The Coming Epiphany!
Link to part 4: A Coin, A Tower, and A Ship