Thursday, March 26, 2015


Note: Update added 3/27 at end of post

The bad boys aligned with satan love to do things by the numbers. They believe that this gives them greater chances for success. By way of example; Weishaupt—father of the illuminati in America—believed the greatest Plan is doomed to failure if itis not carried out in the most numerically advantageous time. (HT Matt) 

One of the numbers that they love is 322. Why 322? Some believe it has connections to a satanic version of Genesis 3:22. This is the illuminati version of Gen 3:22; 

And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: 

Here’s how it should read; And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: 

So in light of their taking away from the Word of God, 322 comes to represent a statement of open rebellion to God, His Word, and His laws. Over the past few years I have encountered the number 322 in connection to many things. Here are a few. 

322 is the skull and bones number.
Well, according to the File and Claw breaking crew, "Bones is a chapter of corps of a German university. It should properly be called the Skull and Bones chapter. General Russell, its founder, was in Germany before his senior year and formed a warm friendship with a leading member of a German society. The meaning of the permanent number 322 in all Bones literature is that it was founded in '32 as the second chapter of the German society. 

322 is featured in the batman movie just before the destructions take place.

3/22 was the day that the Obama healthcare law was signed; 322, Health Care, and The Dollar Code 

3/22 was the day that the Georgia guidestones were erected.

322 was associated with the Friday crescent moon death day pattern; Beware 11/1/13; the Next Friday Crescent Moon Death Day  

322 has associations with a Yellowstone eruption; The Revealing of the Batman Map Strike Zones. 

322 has associations to the antichrist Hoover dam birthing ritual; Did We Just Get a Signal that the Hoover Dam is Aboutto Collapse? 

We started off this post with chapter/verse number 3:22 from the first book of the Bible, maybe it would be prudent to consider chapter/verse number 3:22 from the last book of the Bible. 

Rev 3:22 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. 

Do you hear what the Spirit is saying? Are you prepared for the end times? Let me help you prepare, please accept my gift to you and Download a FREE copy of The ComingEpiphany 

Do you know what you must do to be saved? Read God’s Gift of Salvation. 


  1. Bill, there is an article today at about the drought in the Southwest causing a huge draw on Lake Mead. With this extreme lowering of the Lake Mead reservoir behind Hoover Dam, will this have an effect on the birthing process that Jonathan Kleck has been promoting for so long?

  2. Interesting association of difference between 322 and 333 is 11
    The gestation of a swine is 3 months 3 weeks and 3 days
    That is all the occult really has is their numerology. They believe it is the source of their power.
    It was definitely cleared up on that day on Mt. Carmel when it was determined who was the Most High.

  3. This guy is also watching the day #500 - Sept. 24/25 because of the Jade Helm Exercise which is going to take place from July 15 to Sept. 15.
    Here is his explanation:

    And the jewish new year is on Elul 29, which is Sept. 13 (+ 11 days = Sept. 24)

    (Some people expect an economic collapse during this Elul 29. Maybe this is connected to the 500 day countdown and the Shemittah.)

  4. The situation with Saudi Arabia(Dedan) and Yemen(Sheba) looks to expand in light of Ezekiel's Vision or at least it could be laying the ground work for Gog's involvement in that area in the very near future. As a note, Russia and Iran are now demanding this "war" to stop.

  5. Yes Anon, this may well be the hook in the jaw of the King of the North. The entrance to the Bab-el-Mandib Strait is one of the most vital areas in the world.


  7. Well nothing happened over a year ago,so i do not put a lot of creed into this Friday as being anything either. These people are foolish luciferians, who do not have a clue. They are not God they are opposite of The Father. All lies to freak people out. Not to say the Sh*tt won't hit the fan; I believe the Christos will let His Children know before the Satanist's can accomplish any of their agenda.

    1. You remind me of the many that attack people without getting their facts staright. There was a monumental event on day #322--the Iran deal and more.

      But we know that what you say is right because you believe it, even naming Christ and cussing in the same sentence.
