The highly synced date of 3/14/2025—the Purim Pi Day Blood Moon—has come and gone and most people think nothing happened and it was another failed watch day.
First off, these highly synced dates are significant in at the very least they are a witness to the fact that the major events of the end times are very near.
Secondly, something did happen the day after the Purim Pi Day Blood Moon. Some of the syncs pointed to war and that is exactly what we got—WAR!
Trump orders attacks against Houthis in Yemen
And we all know that the Houthis are an Iran proxy. So, if a country wanted to attack another country one of the tactics of war is to take out their proxies first.
Is that what just happened, is this the first step in the Iran war that our highly synced Purim Pi Day Blood Moon pointed to? Some dam breaks start with a trickle.
note: I have been super busy as of late, not much time to research and post.
But near future dates to watch for are 3/22/2025—does not need explaining—and
the date of 3/29/2025 when the moon—moon
child—blocks the light of the sun and brings darkness upon the land.
Update: I just read this at The Big the One, "However, as we noted in the previous article, the blow was purely ritual. On Sunday, U.S. National Security Adviser Mike Waltz said, "The next campaign in Yemen could target Iranian ships anchored off the coast of Yemen or the Iranian military training Ansar Allah."
It looks like the leak at the dam is getting bigger.
Update #2:
The world is on the verge of a grandiose shenanigan: the United States is gathering FOUR AUGS in the Middle East.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36
Not sure that you will go to heaven?
The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you;
will you let him? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.
Have you had your epiphany? You need
to be prepared for the end times! Read The
Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy (eBook
Here is a good word for those placing too much hope in Trump, or those suffering TDS.
I find it difficult to listen to anyone who says that God talks to them.
DeleteThere might be over a million (?) youtubers nowadays who talk like they have "a hotline to heaven". But the prophetic events they predict, either never seem to be fulfilled, or are such generically vague predictions, that sooner or later they are almost doomed to happen. The "date-setters" among them, seem to get things wrong, 99+% of the time. I not only "find it difficult to listen" as you put it, William, but 99% of the time, I simply STOP listening (to their relentless blabbering). It's time to tune out, and focus on something else worthwhile.
DeleteTDS = Trump Derangement Syndrome. I know lots of people
who are sadly afflicted with this (very widespread) malady.
The lunatic is on the grass.
The lunatic is on the grass.
Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs.
Got to keep the loonies on the path.
The lunatic is in the hall.
The lunatics are in my hall.
The paper holds their folded faces to the floor.
And every day the paper boy brings more.
The lunatic is in my head.
The lunatic is in my head.
You raise the blade, you make the change.
You re-arrange 'till I'm sane.
You lock the door,
And throw away the key.
There's someone in my head, but it's not me...
TDS = You re-ARRANGE me 'till I'm (in)sane (= as just noted)
DeleteWiki = "Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad"
DeleteThis phrase is so well-known, that even Adolf Hitler used it in a 1922 speech Munich, Germany (as noted in the wikipedia article).
Too many MAGA supporters are worshipping their 2nd coming of the Lord Jesus Trump. He is doing a few very good things so they can keep grooming his ego. His daughter Laura said the other day on Fox News that people ought to kiss his feet. Hitler swept the masses of Christians to follow him...and is de j a vu all over again.
ReplyDeleteSieg Heil! Heil Trump!
DeleteSieg Heil! Heil Trump!
Sieg Heil! Heil Trump!
Even Elon Musk "did the Nazi salute" recently! Heil Trump!
Wikipedia article = "Nazi salute"
Wikipedia article = "Elon Musk salute controversy"
Deja voodoo all over again.
Remember that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
DeleteStan notes that: "Hitler swept [up] the masses of Christians to follow him." - For the sake of accuracy in regard to the historical record, there was one Christian, at least, who was not in the least bit swayed by any of the "Sieg Heil!" hysteria.
DeleteWikipedia article = "Mit brennender Sorge" [= AD 1937}
Mention could be made of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, et al. , as well.
DeleteWikipedia article = "Martin Luther in Nazi Germany"
"Hitler reacts to Trump winning the election" , being a 4:35 vid, by youtuber "Hitler Rants Parodies" (Nov. 6, 2024, now at 678+K views).
Delete"Hitler phones Trump" , being a 5:11 vid, by youtuber "Hitler Rants Parodies" (Feb. 28, 2025, now at 465+K views).
"Hitler Vs Donald Trump" , being at the moment a 49 video youtube playset, compiled by the youtuber "Hitler Rants Parodies".
Wikipedia article = "Adolf Hitler in popular culture"
For more about Trump, one can consult various comments from the previous ETF blog post here, dated March 5, and titled "The Syncs..."
ReplyDeleteMarch 5, at 10:12PM
March 5, at 10:43PM
March 5, at 11:49PM
March 16, at 10:55PM
March 17, at 4:15PM
The March 16 comment was somewhat lengthy, and dealt with
That blog has been up in operation since 2010, and since 2016, the blogger "Elijah", who publishes books under the name "Horacio Villegas", has been telling anyone who would listen to him, that DJ Trump is the AC. Maybe 100-300 of his blog posts have had that as a primary message. I'm not saying that I agree with that. FYI I'm just pointing it out here.
Trump is a candidate, but so are many others. When we see the head wound and back to life event then I think we will know for sure.
DeleteWilliam....As per this upcoming partial solar eclipse on 3/29/2025. I just got on an interactive eclipse map. This eclipse is only visible in the NE part of the United States. New York City has just a little bite taken out of the sun. However, something very interesting is seen if you go to our most northern and eastern USA viewing....the north part of Maine. The eclipse starts before sunrise, but as the sun emerges from below the is looking out over the Atlantic ocean...or the "sea" to view this spectacular scene. It is a two horn eclipse as this remaining crescent of the eclipsed sun rises out of the sea. It looks as devil horns rising out of the sea. Max eclipse at Washington Bald Mountain, Maine is at 6:20 am on 3/29...and these devil horns have just risen out of the sea. William, I will send you a screenshot....but anyone can go look it up yourself. I find it an extremely interesting God wink that we have a celestial siting of the beast rising out of the sea as Revelation 13:1 states. This I believe is another God wink warning of that actual event soon to come....not necessarily on that date...but it's possible....or it's a yet another warning sign given to us.
DeleteStan, why did you decide to situate this comment here, as a sort of appendix to a "Trump section" of commentary, instead of at the bottom of the comments? Ah, I think I know why! Where is the Trump Tower located?! As you note, NYC. What is the distance in miles and kilometers between the Trump Tower and the "[George] Washington Bald [Eagle] Mountain", or the distance between that mountain and the "Rocky" statue of Philly Eagles fame? You might come up with a 363.636 type of number. That's possible. Give it a try.
DeleteI also think NYC is the "Great City" of Rev. 18. The "devil" is mentioned in the chapter. And the word "sea" is noted multiple times in that chapter, and also noted multiple times in your 3:12AM comment above. From sea to shining sea. Between the devil and the deep blue sea. What do we see here? Look carefully.
Annoyingymous....I clearly stated I am not going to reply on topic to just an that clear? Zero, Nada, Zilch to questions or something I would normally comment on. There are good anonymous comments and then there are annoying ones. If you really value my input and sincerely want me to reply to your inquires... then please address yourself other than anonymous. Thank you.
DeleteWilliam, I'd love to see a screenshot of what Stan is describing at 3:12AM above -- that is, if you feel led to point it out to us all via an update to this post (or, the subject of another post), and, whenever it might (or might not) be, that you find the time to do so...
DeleteTwo thoughts came to my mind, in light of what was just noted above. The first thing is Stan's words, "NYC has just a little bite taken out of the sun". One nickname of NYC = "The Big Apple". And a bite taken out of it, just as is/was seen in the Apple computer company logo, is imagery taken straight from out of the Garden of Eden and the forbidden fruit. Devil horns = devil = Eden serpent. A serpent has a "forked tongue" = "two-horned tongue". The same serpent appears again in the last book of the bible, in verses 12:9 and 12:15-16, the latter in the context of water, such as a "sea" contains. The word "sea" is mentioned 5 times in Stan's 3:12AM comment above. And in the 4:47AM follow-up comment, "sea" was mentioned as well.
My next point, IF Stan's words in any way concern Trump, is that Trump has spent the past 10 or more years of his life living in the (1) White House, and (2) Mar-a-Lago (FL), and (3) the Trump Tower in NYC. - Using your mapping software distance sync detector skills, when (or if) you get around to this, you could use the 3 Trump residences as starting points; and target as ending points, not only the "[George] Washington Bald [Eagle] Mountain" in Maine, but various other points on the eclipse line (if there is one) or in the eclipse area. To maximize your chances of getting a significant result, one could use miles and/or nautical miles, and kilometers. Significant numeric results would be 666, 999, 888, 111, and 22, OR what might possibly look like a significant (ad)mixture as such numbers, like 68686. (I assume that maybe long ago, you examined the map lines and distances between the 3 points noted above, and the place Trump was born.)
[George] Washington symbolically links to the White House. He is on Mount Rushmore, and on the $1 bill that you have so extensively sync-studied. And a Bald [Eagle] is on the $1 bill too. Washington MOUNTain (Maine) = Mount Rushmore SD) ?? Eagle = Rev. 12:14. Civil war or nuke war could destroy the USA, making Trump the last (= both "trump" and Prez.). If so, then George & Donald could then be the alpha & omega of US presidents.
Stan, it looks like you probably made a significant discovery.
William, thank you for all the hard work you've put in over the years on your website. I've learned a number of useful things from it, as I'm sure others have also. May God bless all of you reading this.
check out the latest post
DeleteSaint John, the Devil Horns of the Solar Eclipse, and the Moon Child
William....I took a screenshot of the eclipse at its max from New York City and sent it to you as"anonymous" requested. I did mention it looked like a bite was taken out of the sun, but ignorantly or too tiredly failed to say "bite out of an apple.". That just adds more to this....and whomever this "anonymous" is of thr many anonymous posters...this person needs a gold star. :)
ReplyDeleteThat is just plain foolish. The vast majority, myself included, of Trump
'voters', chose Trump instead of the lying perverted criminal cabal we all, knowingly or not, suffered for 4 grueling years. You can't blame people for having hope.
Did you ever hear of the good cop bad cop scenario?
Delete= Damned if you do, and damned if you don't? And so...
DeleteI 2x voted for Candace Owens. Look at her Wiki profile.
Stan told us he voted for the Floridian Ron Desantis, one of the good cops. But was that just wasting time on a "wasted" vote?
3 wasted votes. Candis very much dislikes Ron Desantis.
DeleteCandace, excuse me.
DeleteWilliam....I will not reply back to any anonymos...whether they are la ding a cheap shot or offering me $1000. Same action.......NADA, ZERO ZILCH!! :)
DeleteCandy is "kick ass". I was not aware that she supposedly (?) "dislikes" Desantis. Are you (= Anon 239) a Dis-Info agent? Do you have any non-tabloid source(s) to back up your claim?
DeleteStan referred to casting what was apparently a "write-in protest vote" for DeSantis, in a Feb. 19 at 12:03PM comment of the Feb. 17 "Signs and Symbols..." post. I noted that I cast my own write-in protest vote for Candy. I was well aware that someone might regard my OWN vote to be wasted. Which promptly happened! So as you can see, Stan, there is nothing "cheap shot" in what I noted. I'm simply quoting you, that's all. There was nothing wrong about voting for DeSantis. That was much better than voting for Kamala and her shot-gun political "wife" = "Tampon Tim" Walz. But "dissing" Candace by misspelling her name as "Candis" looks suspiciously like a gesture of disrespect, and not a typo.
DeleteETF William noted in two Feb. 14 comments to his Feb. 13 post "The Inner Earth and 1239" : "There is also a good alien, bad alien deception going on, so maybe good from the North and bad from the South?" & "Good witch / bad witch, white witch / black witch, good alien / bad alien, all are demonic fallen angels". --
DeleteWikipedia article = "Wicked Witch of the West"
Wikipedia article = "Wicked Witch of the East"
Wikipedia article = "The Dark Side of the Rainbow"
"The Dark Side of the Moon" was synced to "The Wizard of Oz".
Wikipedia article = "Good cop, bad cop" = an
Deleteexplanation of the 11:15AM comment above.
" Why are Trump supporters calling Walz 'Tampon Tim'? "
Delete= 1:46 vid by youtuber "The Washington Examiner" (8-7-24)
To claim that CanDIS DISlikes R.D. is definitely NOT a "typo".
Candace is both a "firefox" and a "firebrand". You go girl !!!
Wikipedia article = "Shotgun wedding". It ended in divorce several months later. But just how is it that one (or both?) of the (political) "lesbians" ended up being pregnant? A story also broke out into the national news media this past fall (and apparently not denied by Walz?) that he got a Chinese woman pregnant in his younger years. And then he refused to get married to her.
DeleteHello William
ReplyDeleteFrom the above "Some dam breaks start with a trickle"
March 14 2025
Russia, China, iran hold nuclear talks.
At this point nothing these do is anything but in their own best interest.
490 days after the last blood moon of 2015 on January 30/31 2017 China first called for an economic war against the United states.
Russia invaded Ukraine 2-24-2022
1150 days later will be April 19 2025
October 7 2023 Iran backed Hamas attacks Israel.
The Abraham accords August 13 2020
1290 days before was January 30/31 2017
The day China declared economic war on the United states.
1150 days after August 13 2020 the Abraham accords was October 7 2023 the day Hamas attacked Israel.
1290 days after August 13 2020 the Abraham accords was February 23/24 2024.
February 23 2024 prime minister Benjamin Netanyahus framework for postwar order in Gaza appears to keep his government on a collision course with the U.S. and much of the rest of the world.
1335 days after August 13 2020 the Abraham accords was April 8/9 2024 the great American eclipse.
A trickle a stream a river a wave, birth pains and biblical prophecy.
We are waiting
We are watching
We are seeing and will see
Brent 188
Great info thanks for sharing.
DeleteTo Brent 188 :
DeleteWe are waiting.
We are watching.
We are soon to see,
The arrival of Queen Esther.
She will gloriously reign.
Brent....As usual...very interesting stuff you post.
DeleteBut the various Anon comments, have nothing interesting to say?
Delete(In reference to your March 18 at 2:46PM comment above).
William....This pi day blood moon update of yours fits into the rapidly fitting into place of prophetic puzzle pieces. It is definitely an interesting time to be alive and see endtime events unfold. Hard to guess what will be talked about in the coming weeks and months. Thanks for all you do. :)
DeleteHi William, glad to hear from you regarding Middle East, and today it was announced during Trump's call with Putin that peace will be discussed when Trump travels to the Middle East which would coincide with Israeli Sanhedrin's plan in an earlier blog.
ReplyDeleteRemember, that Jesus promises to cut short these days for the sake of his elect. Matthew 24:22
That may indeed be the case. Yes come quickly Lord Jesus but that will not be until after the ac takes over the world
DeleteOne other thing that was reported was that during the Trump/Putin phone call is that Putin was going to be in the Middle East, so we may be looking at a potential Gog of Magog to occur rapidly and that would probably be what Paul spoke about in 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12.
ReplyDelete"Hitler finds out Trump has been cleared of conspiring with Russia", being a 4:07 vid, by youtuber "Hitler Rants Parodies" (Mar. 25, 2019).
DeleteMoreover, in regard to Trump - Putin collusion, and also what you refer to as "Gog of Magog", one can consult the Feb. 20 at 11:36PM comment, found under the Feb. 17 "Signs and Symbols..." post of this ETF site.
2 Thess. 2 (?) We are living through it right now.
Feast of the Annunciation is March 25, as well as the historical bird migration over in Israel March 23- 26, 2025.
ReplyDeleteThe major feast of St. Joseph is today = 19th. Remember him?
DeleteHe's the craftsman of a NM helix-curved multiple sync staircase.
The Feast of the Annunciation is not the Feast of St Joseph. Read what the commentr is and it only lets me know you're not a true believer in Christ Jesus.
DeleteThe significance is found in Ezekiel 39:17-20, as to be found watching and alert.
DeleteSo St. Joseph was not "a true believer in Jesus Christ" (?!)
DeleteWHO ARE YOU, a card-carrying Mormon, or a (Korean) Moonie?
Furthermore, YOU appear to accept the papally mandated date of a certain Feast Day. As such, you appear to be an avid supporter of devoutly praying the first (and all the rest) of the 15 decades of the rosary. Am I right about that? So are you a follower of, say, Ber"gog"lio; OR are you a Mormon/Moonie, or (???) Who are you?
DeleteAnd, furthermore, and just "winging it right off the top of my head" here, I would imagine that birds migrate in accord with their God-given instincts and the weather, and NOT in accord with any "Gregorian or Hebrew calendar syncs". Would you like to tell us anything more about that subject?
DeleteLuke 13:22-30. says it for me.
DeleteI wholeheartedly agree.
DeleteI'm going to post one more "sync" that fits with what I've written before. What I believe is that it points to the second seal having been opened. I don't mind if nobody else believes it, but here's my evidence.
ReplyDeleteThe "syncs" I've shared before may seem random or obscure, but they follow the same pattern. You are free to consider them as coincidences but I don't..
The last item is about a band called "The Second Horseman" playing a cover version of Van Halen's "Panama". I was baffled just to see this one connection, but every other of the connections I've written about is there!
Warning: The type of music in the video is not beneficial for the Spirit, nor is the environment in the video. I recommend pausing the video.
I've written about Van Halen's "Panama" connection in the previous article comment section.
In Revelation, after Christ opens the second seal, a bull-faced cherub speaks to the 2nd horseman.
I don't spend a lot of time finding the connections. They ARE there in my opinion.
The performance is terrible, but that's not the point! The parallels are, namely: They perform at Crystola Roadhouse. Crytola = Christ.
The logo of the place: A bull. Logos = speech, the speaking cherub, again.
In the last link there's a picture of the logo.
DeleteIt is amazing to think that satanists have been signaling about end times events for many years but yet seiing they do not see and hearing they do not hear
DeleteTrue. Satan wants to leave his mark on everything that God does.
DeleteIf we take at face value the numbers and stories they present us, we will find only find counterfeits.
NaP......You present some unique and interesting beyond coincidence connections. I am of the theory that there are sometimes dual lineups to scriptures...and you present a good case for such.
DeleteMy mind simply doesn't need any more convincing how powerful and true God's word is. Obviously satan influences his followers to produce and or perform certain lyrics, on certain dates, or places...or on astronomical alignments. It truly is a shame such a site as Williams is an outer fringe of those "apocalyptic believers."
They unfortunately will find out someday as every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
To NaP of 2:38PM above : What do you think about the possibility that the "Hoover Dam" story, should be understood as a diabolical counterfeit, but which William is somehow misconstruing "at face value" as a "God wink" (??). Is (the) DAMage to a dam, to be understood in a literal or symbolic sense? Or both, or neither?
DeleteI believe a Hoover dam break could represent the Antichrist taking over, or beginning of the tribulation, like William does (I think). With counterfeits I meant things like the satanic Simpsons, which hates humanity (simpletons). We only find fake clues and what they want us to find.
DeleteThanks for your response, NaP.
DeleteTo quote from Brent 188:
We are waiting.
We are watching.
We are seeing and will [all indeed very soon!] see =
"The countdown clock is ticking down, second by second.
Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock ..."
Yes, Hoover dam as ac taking over or beginning of great tribulation or some other noteworthy ac event
DeleteThank you for your kind words Stan, as well as your excellent comments. I'm going to take a break for now, and perhaps start commenting again some time.
ReplyDeleteNaP....You are most welcome...and that is for your kind words also. I don't blame you for wanting to take a is a lot of work digging out stuff...and I have your attitude also of not caring if anyone believes your view. We at least put it out their and let everyone take a gold nugget when they see it shining. Hope to see you back soon.
DeleteNaP...I meant to say that I have your attitude about not caring if others agrees with what we post. My stupid spell changer made it say I don't care if others don't believe your views that would be "snarky"....
DeleteStan, is there a POT of gold (and not just a nugget)
Deleteto be found at the end of the "Wizard of Oz" rainbow?
Remember, you just have to "follow the yellow brick road".
Moreover, you NEVER ever come across as being "snarky".
Trigger happy, sometimes, but never as stupid or snarky.
Stan, "Got PMs?" = the title of the Feb. 1, 2025 ETF blog post.
DeleteTheir valuations are now in "going to the moon" trajectory.
Fire & thunderous echoes of an Apollo @ C. Canaveral lift-off.
The fake "paper markets" of PMs will be BURNED DOWN.
The "yellow brick road" is real gold, not fake LedZep gold.
It is interesting to note that a former witch who be came a pastor stated that the wizard of oz was used as a training film for neophyte witches.