Monday, August 12, 2024

The 8/8/2024 Japan Earthquake and Joe Brandt’s Dream


Japan is in the news again, by now you have probably heard about the 7.1 earthquake that they had on 8/8/2024—(888). It struck at 4:42pm local time—do you remember that number, we will discuss that later. But for the first time as a result of this earthquake this occurred. 

However, the quake prompted seismologists to hold an emergency meeting in which they reassessed and raised the level of risk of major quakes associated with the Nankai Trough east of southern Japan. 

The Japan Meteorological Agency issued on Thursday its first-ever warning of the risk of a huge earthquake on the country’s Pacific coast, following the quake that struck Kyushu. 


They issued the first-ever warning for a huge earthquake to occur in the near future. Upon hearing that, it immediately brought Joe Brandt’s dream to mind. Over the years I have posted many articles about his dream, but basically, he had a dream about a California megaquake which followed a Japan megaquake. 

I shut my eyes for a long time-I guess ten minutes-and when I opened them I saw Grand Canyon, that great big gap was closing in, and Boulder Dam was being pushed from underneath. And then, Nevada, and on up to Reno. Way down south, way down Baja, California, Mexico too. It looked like some volcano down there was erupting, along with everything else. 

I saw the map of South America, especially Colombia. Another volcano-eruption-shaking violently. Venezuela seemed to be having some king of volcanic activity. Away off in the distance, I could see Japan, on a Fault, too. It was so far off-not easy to see, because I was still on Big Bear Mountain, but 

Japan started to go into the sea. I couldn’t tell time, then, and the people looked like dolls, far away. I couldn’t hear the screaming, but I could see the surprised look on their faces. They looked so surprised. They were all like dolls. It was so far away I could hardly see it. In a minute or two it seemed over. Everybody was gone. There was nobody left. 

Source: Did God Allow Me to Decode the Date of the Coming California Mega Earthquake!? 

So, is this megaquake warning issued by Japan a sign that the Japan megaquake that Joe Brandt saw in his dream is near to occurring? Time will tell but let me tell you about the time of 4:42 that I earlier asked if you remembered that number. The number of 442 and 4420 (dropping the zero 4420 = 442) were both key numbers in the calculation that points to 1/28/2025 as the predictive programming date of the California mega earthquake. 

So, what are the odds that the 4:42 time of the 8/8/2024 Japan 7.1 earthquake would match the 442/4420 of the California megaquake predictive programming? Here are the odds from the post linked above for the 4420/442 sync alone. 

So, after you drop the zero “as they do” on the apartment number it is a match with the numbers on the time in minutes past noon or midnight on the watch--442. BTW: I calculate the odds of those numbers matching at 7,200,000 to one. 

And if we add in the odds that the time of the Japan earthquake hit at 4:42—720 to one—that would increase the odds of all those 442s to about 5 billion to one. So, was the 8/8/2024 Japan earthquake time of 4:42 a confirmation of the 1/28/2025 California megaquake and a confirmation that the Japan megaquake is near to occurring? 

And here is another sync; from the 3/11/2011 Japan 9.1 earthquake to 8/8/2024 it was exactly 700 weeks or 4900 days. And in California time the 9.1 Japan earthquake occurred on 3/10/2011 which is 700 weeks and 1 day, whose numbers match the 7.1 of the 8/8/2024 earthquake. 

And another sync; from the Scott Key Bridge collapse that occurred at 1:28am on 4/26/2024 to 8/8/2024 is exactly 15 weeks. And 15 weeks equals 2520 hours which is the amount of days in the last 7 prophetic years (360 x 7 = 2520.) BTW, the time of bridge collapse at 1:28 is a possible confirmation of the 1/28/2025 megaquake date. 

The Baltimore Bridge Collapse: Did We Just Get a Confirmation of the Date of the… 

And speaking of 1/28/2025; Joe in another dream account said this. 

When I looked at Grand Canyon, that great big gap was closing in, and Boulder Dam was being pushed, from underneath. And then, Nevada, and on up to Reno. Way down south, way down. Baja, California. Mexico too. It looked like some volcano down there was erupting, along with everything else. I saw the map of South America, especially Colombia. Another volcano—eruption— shaking violently. I seemed to be seeing a movie of three months before—before the Hollywood earthquake. Venezuela seemed to be having some kind of volcanic activity. Away off in the distance, I could see Japan, on a fault, too. It was so far off—not easy to see because I was still on Big Bear Mountain, but it started to go into the sea…  

And 3 months before 1/28/2025 is 10/28/2024--another 128 date. And let's not forget this picture.

And yet another sync; there are 7 months and 1 day between the 8/8/2024 Japan 7.1 earthquake and 3/10/2025 which is the calculated midpoint of the last 7 years as noted in the chart below. (See The Coming Epiphany for the details.) And the 7 months and 1 day matches the 7.1 magnitude.

So, was the Japan 7.1 earthquake that occurred on 8/8/2024 a sign that Joe Brandt’s dream is near to occurring? And is it a confirmation of the 1/28/2025 California megaquake predictive programming date and of the midpoint of the last 7 years? 

Time will tell.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.


  1. Economic crash, followed by earthquake, followed by typhoon? Too many coincidences.

  2. Thank you for this, William. Is the figure falling into the sea at 2:05 in IPGII wearing a kabuki mask representing Japan? Does the torn American flag mean the New Madrid will also go around the same time as Japan and California megaquakes?
    Is the flower on the wall beside Lily at 1:13 a gladiolus representing August?
    Whether the apple represents the city itself or the global economy falling is still unclear to me at this time

    1. ขอบคุณมากครับ

    2. The forbidden fruit morphs into a lotus. If the NWO digital passport and/or global currency has a lotus symbol, you’ll know what it actually is


  4. 7:22 snoop dog “L.A. 28” olympics closing ceremony

    1. Snoop was wearing a golden jeweled Baphomet around his neck at the Paris Olympics

  5. And the L.A. earthquake was a 4.4 and it was 4 days after.

  6. Did you know the date of the assasination attempt 7/13/24…..7+1+3+2+4=17
    17=Q the 17th letter

    1. President Trump? Yes I believe he’s part of it, He is Q+

  7. Comment from thebigtheone’s post about your 4420 post:

    Regarding the article itself. Code 4420 you say?
    The Simpsons Season 16 Episode 19 Thank God It 's Doomsday . Thank God it's the end of the world. Homer vang on the sign.
    comment image

    ( 2 + 2 b 2 ) - 1 44 .000 In total, we have 3 twos and the 44th number. and three zeros. Total: 4420 4420 4420 3 times!

    This is also the London dialing code

    1. “ London Calling." "London Calling" comes from the World War II introduction for BBC radio broadcasts to foreign countries: "This is London Calling.”

      It appears in the James Bond film Die Another Day and in countdown coverage for the 2012 Olympics

      Read More:

  8. Wake up!

    Aircraft carriers in the Middle East

  9. Barack Obama Produced And Co-Wrote ‘Leave The World Behind’ To Show You What His Fourth Term Will Look Like

  10. B-2 stealth bombers now at an air base in the Indian Ocean, within striking distance of Iran. Note: IPG2 film and the "mosque" scene.

    B-2 Stealth Bomber “Hot Pits” At Indian Ocean Air Base, Positioned Within Striking Range Of Iran (9 hours ago)

    And Luis mentions this news in his recent video. (9 hours ago)

    1. In this "mosque" scene from IPG2, three B-2 stealth bombers strike an Iranian nuclear facility that resembles a mosque.

  11. What happened on January 7, 2021? Democrat Joe Biden's victory was confirmed at about 03:30 local time (08:30 GMT) on Thursday in a joint session presided over by Republican Vice-President Mike Pence, who called the violence a "dark day in the history of the United States Capitol". And counting 1335 days from that event forward, we reach September 3rd 2024!! It's next week Tuesday. Then 1199 weeks have passed since the 9/11 attacks!

    1. Hello Olli
      It's interesting that you brought that time frame up.
      October 11 2017 Hamas agrees to give Fatah full control of civilians in Gaza strip. 2520 days later will be 9/3-4/24.

      May 14 2017 Israel's 69th anniversary of becoming a nation. 1335 days after was January 7/8 2021

      The next date just before 9/4/24 to look for in my research is 8/31/24.

      May 13/14 2018 Israel's 70th anniversary of becoming a nation. 2300 days later will be 8/31/24. There is more to this but for now it will have to wait till later.

    2. Yes, indeed the evil one.

  12. I throw out the thought of the skeleton scene from IPG2, which shows fireworks. Could the scene be referring to the fireworks ending Biden's inauguration day (January 20, 2021) with Katy Perry's song performance "Firework"?! And Biden has been a real death to the world since then with his Covid and Ukraine policies. The skeleton wears a hat that reminds us of Uncle Sam, which is the personification of the United States. And if Biden dies while in office, then he is a skeleton.

    Katy Perry Performs "Firework" As Inauguration Day Comes to an End | Biden-Harris Inauguration 2021 (1/21/2021)

    Notice how the centerpiece of the show is the famous Washington obelisk depicting a man's penis in an erection. In the IPG2 skeleton scene, we see penises lined up.

    Gerald Ford on How the U.S. Would Get the First Woman President

    The Coming PI Virus and Date That Kamala Harris Will Be President

    1. Here is confirmation of Gerald Ford's prophecy (probably no coincidence):

      Gerald Ford spoke at the Herbert Hoover Library and Museum in 1989. Herbert Hoover died on October 20, 1964. Kamala Harris was born on the same day!!!

  13. I recall President Ford's 1989 prophecy about how the USA would get its first female president. This is exactly what can happen before the November elections. Ford was a 33rd degree Mason.

    Gerald Ford on How the U.S. Would Get the First Woman President

    Here is confirmation of Gerald Ford's prophecy (probably no coincidence):

    Gerald Ford spoke at the Herbert Hoover Library and Museum in 1989. Herbert Hoover died on October 20, 1964. Kamala Harris was born on the same day!!!

  14. The first Woman President Kamala Harris, AKA Barack Obama's 4th term.

  15. Armed migrant gangs taking over U.S. cities.

    What The Media Won't Tell You About Aurora, Colorado

    How is it that Biden/Harris/ Mayorkas etc. have not been arrested, and await trial in a jail cell?


  17. Stormy Daniels has The Whore of Babylon tattoos on her body. Trump said that it's a calm before the storm about 7 years ago (October 5, 2017). The time is up for America, the great Babylon (Rev 18)!

    Trump, the calm before the storm, September 18th . 7 years up Oct 2nd feast of Trumpets 🎺

  18. Keep your eyes on the US quake activity.

  19. No one knows who the AC will be. But yes, the time is up for America, the great Babylon. Prepare accordingly.

    1. I think a big earthquake is part of the plan to bring down the countries of the old world order so the can be brought into the new world order at the leadership of the ac.

  20. LEAVE NOW!! ⚠️ California is SHIFTING - State of Emergency DECLARED - Power Out (an hour ago)

    1. The predictive programming may be indicating 1/28/25

    2. Daniel 12:12 and Revelation 6 : 9-11
