I received a few emails on various end times subjects in the last few weeks that stood out to me in one way or another. With the writer's permission I am posting them here for your consideration.
1) Oct. 2007-- I was dreaming and all of a sudden I felt like I was being sucked out of this world, it was taking my breath away and I woke up gasping for air and choking. That was all. My senses tell me I was dreaming about the Rapture.
2) Sept. or Oct. 2007 -- I live in AZ and the weather seemed to put this dream in the cooler time of year which is late Fall or Winter according to what I was wearing in my dream (jeans and longer sleeves). I was in my house with other people. I didn't recognize them and they were in the Dining Room and I was in the Kitchen but nothing was on the counters. The time of day seemed like it was afternoon going towards evening, before the sun went down. I suddenly went to the window and looked out the window. We lived on 4-acres. In the distance (about 1,000 ft.) was a very thick, dirty-billowy cloud which extended from the sky to the ground. I don't know what caused it (an explosion from a terrorist attack, volcanic ash or a very bad dust storm). I felt very fearful at that moment. My attention at first was on one area of this huge dirty looking cloud and then to the right "inside" the cloud appeared a vertical, extremely brilliant white-light which shone from the top to the ground. I cried out to my husband in a joyous exclamation, "He (Jesus) is here!" I then turned around and was taken up.---- (Something bad is coming and I don't know how long we are involved in it but we are taken up at that time during the day and hour don't know?)
3) May-2008 --I dreamt that I was in my house (empty of furniture completely bare) and my dog was barking on the back porch (dog is deceased now). I looked out and saw a man in a Green/Creme/Brown & Black pattern (very new) Camouflage Military Uniform with cap and boots moving from right-to-left across my backyard with an armed military rifle positioned at his right-eye and aimed at me. His skin tone appeared to be darker than a Mexican though not black (Latino, S.A.-Nicaraguian). I yelled out I'm going to call the police and they ran to the side of the house out of view. I went to get my dog in and suddenly to my surprise he was already inside! He came through the door supernaturally (ghost like). This dream was so vivid and in Techni-color and it was a beautiful clear blue-sky day--temperature-not sure time of year. I don't recall ever dreaming in techni-color. (I believe this is about Martial Law coming.)
4) Nov 19, 2008--I dreamt the baseball part of this dream twice.-- First, I suddenly had what appeared to me a white missile launching with the black tip nose and some red marking right below the capsule part on one side or maybe going all around like a stripe and coming right at me (I was up above it and it was coming right at me) and another one was getting ready to launch off to the right of it. Then, I was taken to a baseball field at night and standing half-way up on a bleacher which was on the pitcher's mound area under a moon-lit night sky (it could have been a full-moon or almost). My attention was taken to the white lines on the field from the 2nd base to the 3rd base and my attention was more on the lines going towards the 3rd base in which the lines were very bright and illuminating. Suddenly, I looked up into the sky and an all solid grey swooped back-wing fighter jet was coming down right at me. He came so close I felt like I could touch him. The jet came right in front of me and seemed suspended and still in air. He looked right at me with his flight helmet on and visor down (the moon's brightness was reflecting off the visor. The jet glowed on top with the moon shining and illuminating on it. He seemed to fly by me in slow-motion. He came around and whipped in front of me and up into the sky. I followed him up and could see that there were many other jets flying with their tail-lights flickering in the night-sky. The temperature out was comfortable. This dream was very eerie and surreal. Black and white dream.
5--One afternoon in April 2012, I was going to lay down for a short nap. When my head touched the pillow (still awake), I heard men's voices and it sounded like they were right outside my bedroom in the hallway and it startled me. My dogs were lying beside me and nothing is bothering them. I check my bedside radio to see if it is on and it is OFF. I am rather confused and wonder what is going on and a little scared! But these voices are talking in a low and secretive way and then I hear one say, "War will be on Tuesday or Thursday." It was a little garbled but the day of the week started with a "T" and it sounded more like Tuesday. That was it. They were speaking in English and I don't know where or when or who this is implying to, but I am interested to see if this plays out in the near future as well.
6--Also, March of this year at 2:30 a.m. I was woken to a extremely loud noise outside my bedroom and it sounded like someone was holding a humongous piece of sheet metal and whipping it in the air. The whipping noise lasted for 3 seconds, quit and started again for another 3 seconds. There was nothing outside because I checked. That following morning I went to the Internet and learned that along the coast of Mexico there had been an earthquake 6.0 + at 11:30 p.m. which was 2 1/2 hrs before I heard that extremely loud metallic noise. The earth is definitely moaning in birth-pangs!
A Message to Awaken
Hi, William
I don't know if it was the absence of pain or the words I heard that woke me before it was light out this morning. It could have been around 5 a.m. I'm not sure.
But as this short phrase came to me, I knew it was something special because I was not feeling any pain. In fact, I noticed how unusually comfortable I was and content. At first I thought He had answered my prayer for healing or that I was about to leave this earth.
The feeling was simultaneous with the words and it was the first word that was emphasized and simultaneous with my actions.
"AWAKE." This is what I heard as I woke from a deep sleep and tried to look into the dark room.
"Awake...He is coming soon ! ! !"
The prayer I had gone to sleep praying was, "How will it be? Will it be sooner or later?"
Was this a random dream or a message that He intends to come sooner rather than later? In any case, it was the "Awake" that seemed of greatest importance.
When I was fully awake, I went to the computer and did a word search for the word, "awake." The closest I could come to a definition was, "to rouse" or "to motivate" or "to call." That is what I sensed...as usual...that there is something I need to be doing...something God is calling me to.
All very interesting emails, indeed. And all pointing to what may come to pass sometime in the future--major end times events. Do you have questions about the end times? Would you like to know what is going to happen and when? Do you think it is too hard to understand? Are you having a hard time discerning what and who to believe? I want to help you understand what is going to transpire during the end times. I have written an easy to understand explanation from scripture of what is going to transpire during the end times. Please accept my gift to you and download a FREE copy of the end times Bible prophecy book The Coming Epiphany, so that you can know what will happen, and you can prepare for what is coming.
Showing posts with label martial law. Show all posts
Showing posts with label martial law. Show all posts
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Saturday, January 29, 2011
New Madrid Fault--Connecting the Dots
Remember doing dot to dot as a child. All you saw was a bunch of dots and numbers follow the numbers connect the dots and the picture appears. Recently I have become aware of several "dots" regarding the New Madrid Fault. Connecting the New Madrid "dots" has led to a "picture" that I want you to see.
The Masonic death tomb line originating in Washington D.C. (see The Next Big Event--The Road to Jericho) goes straight through the New Madrid seismic area.
So let's connect the dots--what picture do you see? I am not predicting anything, but there is a lot of information suggesting that the New Madrid Fault may once again cause a serious earthquake in the future. When I do not know. What might some immediate precursors be? The USA forcing Israel to divide her land and create the Palestinian state--if you see that happen look out! Also, we know in the past there have been other immediate signs of earthquakes like birds leaving the area, erratic dog and animal behavior including great frog migrations and strange looking rainbows.
Again I am not predicting anything just wanted you to be aware of what I have found.
Are you ready for the end times? Read The Coming Epiphany today for FREE!
bible prophecy,
bird fish death,
end of the world,
end times,
gulf mexico,
martial law,
new madrid fault,
united states,
Monday, November 15, 2010
The Next Big Event--A Dream and a Missile
11/16; Breaking News Update about Ohio State University Bomb threat added below--It's on the line.

Why, why, why? Why does the New York missile -- Phoenix line go through the tower and the boat voyage course? Why does the California missile -- Phoenix line hit New Orleans where Netanyahu was on that day? Why does the main line in Washington, D.C. go through a statue of what looks to be burnt people and a phoenix bird from above and continues and goes through Phoenix? Why, why, why? All three lines intersect where? Why? I could go on with many other questions that all point to the fact that all of the things that have been outlined in this series of posts is way beyond coincidence. From there you can draw your own conclusions.
Note: What is my purpose in posting these things: For God the Lord Jesus Christ to be glorified, to awaken Christians to essential end times truths so that they are not caught unawares and to bring the unsaved to salvation. God called me to this ministry years ago after I was awakened to the fact that the rapture will not be until after the sixth seal is opened and that Christians will have to live through the first 5 seals, and they must prepare lest they are caught unawares. That is why I wrote The Coming Epiphany Recently God is showing me things about what will shortly transpire in this country. As a faithful watchman I must show others what God has shown me, even if it is "doom and gloom." I am merely trying to help others escape as much as possible the evils that will be coming against us. I know the message is not pleasant, but it is better to know a hurricane is coming and prepare than to sit idly by and be wiped out.
Breaking News Update added 11/16:
Just saw on Fox News where there is a bomb threat at Ohio State University, I hope nothing happens. But I wanted you to be aware that parts of the University are on the green line in the pics above. That is the line that goes from the New York missile through the Ohio Edison tower through the Ohio Masonic Home through Phoenix and then to the middle of the ill fated Journey of the Carnival Splendor ship. It is too early to tell the significance of this. Just found out that one of the buildings evacuated was The William Oxley Thompson Memorial Library that is within 500 feet of the line.

This is getting intense, I do not even know how to begin to write...
The Dream
I received the following correspondence on November 14. I never met or corresponded with this individual at any time in my life before this time. In the correspondence the following is referred to.
I have also been thinking about the 77755.5 that God showed me as discussed above. In thinking and praying about all that God has showed me over the last few weeks I believe that one day Phoenix, Arizona will be the target of an attack and will be involved in the destruction of this country so that the USA can become part of the New World Order--and I could be wrong and hope I am wrong and have been praying she would be spared. If the attack occurs when would it most likely occur? I am not certain but if the USA is to be integrated into the New World Order within the next few months—which is highly possible, especially with the collapsing economy and currency--then the attack will most likely be in the next few months. The Next Big Event--the Road to Jericho
Here is the correspondence I received posted with permission.
I like to think of myself as a Christian and I like to go to church when I can. I am a single mom of two and I am still young, I have sinned a great deal and not a day goes by that I dont worry about my status with God. However, the point of this email is absolutely bizarre to me as I still can not believe what I am about to write.
Today is November 14,2010.. About two this morning I had a terrible dream that martial law had occurred. My family was taken to a concentration camp where if we mentioned God or tried to escape we would be killed. In my dream one of my kids was taken from me and in this dream i could feel the sadness, the gut wrenching pain, I cried and I cried and I wanted to die so bad but I was so afraid to die, I started to pray to God and kept asking for forgiveness and that I needed him, I seen a dove come into my heart... & God told me its okay that in Heaven I could kiss and rock my children for all eternity.. I asked him how long I had left and he said about 55 days...
Then I woke up, amazed that it was just a dream, i couldnt believe it bc everything was so real..
Anyways, I couldnt let this dream go, so about an hour ago i decided to count 55 days fom today which takes me to Jan 7 2011. I googled that date along with martial law beside it and I came across your page. At first I didnt see anything that came to me that would help me with this dream untill I seen the paragraph where you put 55.5 days. Then I really started to read. Then as soon as I seen you added on 55.5 days onto todays date considering you wrote that along time ago I started to freak out quite a bit. Im still in shock, i dont know what to think, or what to do, this means this really was a dream from God which scares me so bad. I cant just pass this off as some dream, this is not a coincidence, it cant be, the odds are way to great for that. I did not dream anything about arizona, the only thing i dreamed was martial law took effect, my family was in a camp, it was evil, horrible suffering, and the conversation with God and he told me I had ABOUT 55 days left. 55 days till an attack, 55 days till martial law, 55 days till i die, all I know is HE said about 55 days left.
I hope this makes sense to you and please write me back...
Here is my response
Hello *
Thank you for sharing your dream with me. I do believe that God is speaking to you. I have good news for you. You can become one of God's children and receive forgiveness for all your sins today.
We are all going to die someday and it is important to make sure that when we die that we will go to heaven. I would like to briefly explain to you what the Bible teaches about how one can know for sure that he or she will go to heaven when they die. There are 4 things we must know to be able to go to heaven when we die.
1. We are sinners. As the Bible says, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). Sin is falling short of God’s perfection. Everyone has sinned many times in life. We have all lied, or stolen, or cheated, or done something wrong at some time in our lives. “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one” (Rom. 3:10).
2. We deserve Hell. Realize that there is a punishment for being a sinner, and that punishment is death. “For the wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23). Not only a physical death, but also a spiritual death. The place of spiritual death is called Hell. “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death” (Rom. 21:8). There is probably no person alive who can say that they never told a lie. We all have sinned and we all deserve the punishment of Hell for our sin.
3. Jesus died for our sins. “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom. 5:8). Jesus willingly went to the cross, shed His blood, and died for our sins. He paid the price for our sins. He suffered the punishment that we deserve. When He was on the cross, Jesus suffered Hell for us. Hell is a place of total separation from God. When Jesus was on the cross, God the Father separated Himself from God the Son. That is why Jesus cried out “with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? That is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Jesus was experiencing separation from God the Father. He was suffering the Hell that we deserve. He was paying for our sins.
4. We must receive Christ by faith. In order to become a Christian, it is not enough to know that we are sinners, that we deserve Hell, and that Christ died for our sins, but we must receive Christ by faith. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast” (Eph 2:8,9).
Notice that we cannot earn our way to heaven. We obtain salvation through faith, not by works. Faith basically boils down to placing your trust in something or someone. If you are sitting down while reading this, you are placing your faith or trust in the chair that you are sitting upon. Faith requires more than just an intellectual belief; it involves an action of your will. For example, if there were a pond covered with ice, and there were people standing around saying that the ice could hold them up, but they were not willing to walk on the ice, then they would only be demonstrating an intellectual belief and not faith. If they stepped out onto the ice, they would be demonstrating faith.
One can place their faith in Christ by simply calling out to Him in prayer, for the Bible says, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
I expressed faith in Christ by sincerely praying a prayer like this: “Dear Jesus, I am a sinner. I deserve Hell. Thank you for dying for my sins. Save me. Come into my life. Make me the kind of person that you want me to be. I thank you that you have and that you will take me to heaven when I die. Amen.”
If you sincerely pray that prayer with all your heart, then the Lord Jesus will come into your life and forgive your sins, and save you from an eternity of Hell. If you were to die tomorrow, you would go to heaven. Not because you are good enough to get there, but because you have received the payment of your sins. It is that simple.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. (Jn 5:24)
Please respond and let me know if this made sense to you and if you trusted Christ as your Savior today.
Also could I post your email online? Of course I will keep it anonymous so no one knows who sent it to me, I think it could help a lot of people.
Sincerely in Him
Her response
Yes, I recieved your email and thank you for writing me back. This did make sense to me and yes I accepted Jesus as my savior. Yes, you can post my email online because I believe that it can help others as well and thats what I am hoping for.
The Missile
Apparently there was another missile launched but this one was just offshore of Far Rockaway New York. Some say it was a plane, ufo or comet. Whatever it was it was eminating light--if I had to pick I would say a missile.
I drew a line from a spot just offshore of Far Rockaway New York to Phoenix and it cut right through the Edison tower that fell in Ohio! (The red line is the tower--Phoenix line, the green line is the New York Missile -- Phoenix line) The line also continues past Phoenix to the middle of the Carnival Splendor voyage.
The Dream
I received the following correspondence on November 14. I never met or corresponded with this individual at any time in my life before this time. In the correspondence the following is referred to.
I have also been thinking about the 77755.5 that God showed me as discussed above. In thinking and praying about all that God has showed me over the last few weeks I believe that one day Phoenix, Arizona will be the target of an attack and will be involved in the destruction of this country so that the USA can become part of the New World Order--and I could be wrong and hope I am wrong and have been praying she would be spared. If the attack occurs when would it most likely occur? I am not certain but if the USA is to be integrated into the New World Order within the next few months—which is highly possible, especially with the collapsing economy and currency--then the attack will most likely be in the next few months. The Next Big Event--the Road to Jericho
Here is the correspondence I received posted with permission.
I like to think of myself as a Christian and I like to go to church when I can. I am a single mom of two and I am still young, I have sinned a great deal and not a day goes by that I dont worry about my status with God. However, the point of this email is absolutely bizarre to me as I still can not believe what I am about to write.
Today is November 14,2010.. About two this morning I had a terrible dream that martial law had occurred. My family was taken to a concentration camp where if we mentioned God or tried to escape we would be killed. In my dream one of my kids was taken from me and in this dream i could feel the sadness, the gut wrenching pain, I cried and I cried and I wanted to die so bad but I was so afraid to die, I started to pray to God and kept asking for forgiveness and that I needed him, I seen a dove come into my heart... & God told me its okay that in Heaven I could kiss and rock my children for all eternity.. I asked him how long I had left and he said about 55 days...
Then I woke up, amazed that it was just a dream, i couldnt believe it bc everything was so real..
Anyways, I couldnt let this dream go, so about an hour ago i decided to count 55 days fom today which takes me to Jan 7 2011. I googled that date along with martial law beside it and I came across your page. At first I didnt see anything that came to me that would help me with this dream untill I seen the paragraph where you put 55.5 days. Then I really started to read. Then as soon as I seen you added on 55.5 days onto todays date considering you wrote that along time ago I started to freak out quite a bit. Im still in shock, i dont know what to think, or what to do, this means this really was a dream from God which scares me so bad. I cant just pass this off as some dream, this is not a coincidence, it cant be, the odds are way to great for that. I did not dream anything about arizona, the only thing i dreamed was martial law took effect, my family was in a camp, it was evil, horrible suffering, and the conversation with God and he told me I had ABOUT 55 days left. 55 days till an attack, 55 days till martial law, 55 days till i die, all I know is HE said about 55 days left.
I hope this makes sense to you and please write me back...
God Bless you
Hello *
Thank you for sharing your dream with me. I do believe that God is speaking to you. I have good news for you. You can become one of God's children and receive forgiveness for all your sins today.
We are all going to die someday and it is important to make sure that when we die that we will go to heaven. I would like to briefly explain to you what the Bible teaches about how one can know for sure that he or she will go to heaven when they die. There are 4 things we must know to be able to go to heaven when we die.
1. We are sinners. As the Bible says, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). Sin is falling short of God’s perfection. Everyone has sinned many times in life. We have all lied, or stolen, or cheated, or done something wrong at some time in our lives. “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one” (Rom. 3:10).
2. We deserve Hell. Realize that there is a punishment for being a sinner, and that punishment is death. “For the wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23). Not only a physical death, but also a spiritual death. The place of spiritual death is called Hell. “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death” (Rom. 21:8). There is probably no person alive who can say that they never told a lie. We all have sinned and we all deserve the punishment of Hell for our sin.
3. Jesus died for our sins. “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom. 5:8). Jesus willingly went to the cross, shed His blood, and died for our sins. He paid the price for our sins. He suffered the punishment that we deserve. When He was on the cross, Jesus suffered Hell for us. Hell is a place of total separation from God. When Jesus was on the cross, God the Father separated Himself from God the Son. That is why Jesus cried out “with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? That is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Jesus was experiencing separation from God the Father. He was suffering the Hell that we deserve. He was paying for our sins.
4. We must receive Christ by faith. In order to become a Christian, it is not enough to know that we are sinners, that we deserve Hell, and that Christ died for our sins, but we must receive Christ by faith. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast” (Eph 2:8,9).
Notice that we cannot earn our way to heaven. We obtain salvation through faith, not by works. Faith basically boils down to placing your trust in something or someone. If you are sitting down while reading this, you are placing your faith or trust in the chair that you are sitting upon. Faith requires more than just an intellectual belief; it involves an action of your will. For example, if there were a pond covered with ice, and there were people standing around saying that the ice could hold them up, but they were not willing to walk on the ice, then they would only be demonstrating an intellectual belief and not faith. If they stepped out onto the ice, they would be demonstrating faith.
One can place their faith in Christ by simply calling out to Him in prayer, for the Bible says, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
I expressed faith in Christ by sincerely praying a prayer like this: “Dear Jesus, I am a sinner. I deserve Hell. Thank you for dying for my sins. Save me. Come into my life. Make me the kind of person that you want me to be. I thank you that you have and that you will take me to heaven when I die. Amen.”
If you sincerely pray that prayer with all your heart, then the Lord Jesus will come into your life and forgive your sins, and save you from an eternity of Hell. If you were to die tomorrow, you would go to heaven. Not because you are good enough to get there, but because you have received the payment of your sins. It is that simple.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. (Jn 5:24)
Please respond and let me know if this made sense to you and if you trusted Christ as your Savior today.
Also could I post your email online? Of course I will keep it anonymous so no one knows who sent it to me, I think it could help a lot of people.
Sincerely in Him
Her response
Yes, I recieved your email and thank you for writing me back. This did make sense to me and yes I accepted Jesus as my savior. Yes, you can post my email online because I believe that it can help others as well and thats what I am hoping for.
The Missile
Apparently there was another missile launched but this one was just offshore of Far Rockaway New York. Some say it was a plane, ufo or comet. Whatever it was it was eminating light--if I had to pick I would say a missile.
I drew a line from a spot just offshore of Far Rockaway New York to Phoenix and it cut right through the Edison tower that fell in Ohio! (The red line is the tower--Phoenix line, the green line is the New York Missile -- Phoenix line) The line also continues past Phoenix to the middle of the Carnival Splendor voyage.

Why, why, why? Why does the New York missile -- Phoenix line go through the tower and the boat voyage course? Why does the California missile -- Phoenix line hit New Orleans where Netanyahu was on that day? Why does the main line in Washington, D.C. go through a statue of what looks to be burnt people and a phoenix bird from above and continues and goes through Phoenix? Why, why, why? All three lines intersect where? Why? I could go on with many other questions that all point to the fact that all of the things that have been outlined in this series of posts is way beyond coincidence. From there you can draw your own conclusions.
Note: What is my purpose in posting these things: For God the Lord Jesus Christ to be glorified, to awaken Christians to essential end times truths so that they are not caught unawares and to bring the unsaved to salvation. God called me to this ministry years ago after I was awakened to the fact that the rapture will not be until after the sixth seal is opened and that Christians will have to live through the first 5 seals, and they must prepare lest they are caught unawares. That is why I wrote The Coming Epiphany Recently God is showing me things about what will shortly transpire in this country. As a faithful watchman I must show others what God has shown me, even if it is "doom and gloom." I am merely trying to help others escape as much as possible the evils that will be coming against us. I know the message is not pleasant, but it is better to know a hurricane is coming and prepare than to sit idly by and be wiped out.
Breaking News Update added 11/16:
Just saw on Fox News where there is a bomb threat at Ohio State University, I hope nothing happens. But I wanted you to be aware that parts of the University are on the green line in the pics above. That is the line that goes from the New York missile through the Ohio Edison tower through the Ohio Masonic Home through Phoenix and then to the middle of the ill fated Journey of the Carnival Splendor ship. It is too early to tell the significance of this. Just found out that one of the buildings evacuated was The William Oxley Thompson Memorial Library that is within 500 feet of the line.

55 days,
bible prophecy,
end of the world,
end times,
financial collapse,
martial law,
new york missile,
ohio state bomb,
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