Showing posts with label bird fish death. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bird fish death. Show all posts

Saturday, January 29, 2011

New Madrid Fault--Connecting the Dots

Remember doing dot to dot as a child. All you saw was a bunch of dots and numbers follow the numbers connect the dots and the picture appears. Recently I have become aware of several "dots" regarding the New Madrid Fault. Connecting the New Madrid "dots" has led to a "picture" that I want you to see.

The Masonic death tomb line originating in Washington D.C. (see The Next Big Event--The Road to Jericho) goes straight through the New Madrid seismic area.

So let's connect the dots--what picture do you see? I am not predicting anything, but there is a lot of information suggesting that the New Madrid Fault may once again cause a serious earthquake in the future. When I do not know. What might some immediate precursors be? The USA forcing Israel to divide her land and create the Palestinian state--if you see that happen look out! Also, we know in the past there have been other immediate signs of earthquakes like birds leaving the area, erratic dog and animal behavior including great frog migrations and strange looking rainbows.

Again I am not predicting anything just wanted you to be aware of what I have found.

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