by William Frederick, M. Div.
Many of you have heard that the words "Sandy Hook" were written on the map used in the Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises. And you may have also heard that not only was Sandy Hook referenced in the movie, but also Aurora—the place of the Colorado movie theatre shooting. Some may consider this to be purely coincidental, I do not. I believe that satan foreknew of these events, and orchestrated them—Holy, you are not, Batman—I will leave it at that.
As you can see on the map above the words Strike Zone 1 appeared near Sandy Hook. Assuming Strike Zone 1 was the Sandy Hook incident, and realizing there are 4 other Strike Zones on the map, does that imply there will be 4 more incidents? Based on the assumption there will be, I believe I may have deciphered their locations and some future events associated with these Strike Zones. Note: I am putting forth this information as a theory, not a fact or a prediction. If you do not understand the definition of the word theory, then just stop reading here.
Let me show you what I have come up with so far; I took the Batman map without distorting it and overlaid it on an image of the USA as shown below, with the Strike Zone 1 circle over Newtown, CT.
Click to enlarge |
Now let me share a few observations about this overlay. As you can see much of the East coast of the USA aligns with the batman map almost perfectly, and some of the South coast aligns also. This may imply that the map is aligned correctly.
Here is something else; the area of the Batman map aligned near Washington, DC has several streets nearby named the same as some famous people associated with the U.S. government. They are Truman—33rd President, Hamilton—1st US Secretary of the Treasury, Greene—a Major General in the Continental Army, and Hardy—a US Representative. This may be another indication that the map is aligned correctly. Here is a pic from a more detailed Gotham city map showing the streets.
Also many of the street names on the far right of the overlay map are named after ocean dwelling fish, and these streets are aligned over the Atlantic Ocean.
Also the words "Atlantic Ocean" on the more detailed Batman Map would be aligned over the Atlantic Ocean if they appeared in the overlay.
On the other side of the map, Aurora Colorado lies very close to the dotted line between Strike Zones 2 and 5. All of these additional occurrences may be further indications the map is aligned correctly.
So if this overlaying of the map is accurate what does it imply? It would imply that the geographic areas that align with the other “Strikes Zones” will be the locations of future “strikes.” So if these are the areas of future strikes, let’s discuss some further ramifications of what this theory, if correct, may imply. For one, their numbers may imply the order in which they will occur.
Strike Zone 2: This strike zone is centered over the Yellowstone/Island Park Caldera area.
Here is a link to some info about this area at Wikipedia followed by a pic of the caldera.
The area is classified as a supervolcano. What is so special about a supervolcano? They can bring great devastation, and can
throw the world into a volcanic winter. There has been a lot of chatter in the past and recently about this supervolcano possibly blowing its top in the near future.
Some may laugh at this assertion because their normalcy bias does not allow for that possibility. However if you take into consideration that geologists have concluded that it has erupted dozens of times in the past, and realize that the earth is only about 6000 years old, it doesn’t seem too far out of the question—and how long has the civilized world been in North America—less than 400 years. I would say that we are due. Don’t forget whole cultures have disappeared from certain areas of the West—I wonder why.
Is there anything in the Batman movie that hints at a volcanic eruption? One of the main destructive elements of a volcanic eruption is the ash. I have been told that in the Batman movie there was a scene with ashes falling. I believe the picture below depicts that scene. (Note; I did not see the movie, nor do I want to, I could sense that it was overtly satanic and do not wish to subject myself to satanic programming).
Could the scene in the movie with the ashes be another confirmation that Strike Zone 2 involves the eruption of this supervolcano that would send huge amounts of ash over the United States and the world, sending it into a volcanic winter? Here is another pic from the movie that could elude to a volcanic eruption.
I was sitting at a desk the other day, and I noticed under the desk that there was a box with a word in big print;
AURORA. After I looked at the word, the thought came to my mind, to draw a line from Aurora to Aurora. That would be from the Aurora building in Shanghai, which was featured in the Batman movie, to Aurora Colorado where the theatre shootings took place. Guess what the line goes right through; the Island Park/Yellowstone caldera area.
So if this is the next strike zone when might it occur? According to a Yellowstone expert
a tell tale sign of an imminent eruption would be the occurrence of a large earthquake swarm in the surrounding areas. So that is a sign we can watch for that may show an eruption is imminent. If you want to keep an eye on it, here is a link to the USGS earthquake data for the area,
I would also watch the HAARP site to see if anyone starts pinging the area.
Also in regards to earthquake activity, I do know that from about 2/20/13 to 5/15/13 we may be entering into an active earthquake period. In recent years during that time range the
earth has been experiencing incoming energies that some have concluded are triggering large earthquakes--think Fukushima. Remember energy in, energy out—that reminds me of a certain movie that depicted Yellowstone erupting because of incoming space energies.
Here is another fact; there were 147 days from the Aurora shooting to the Sandy Hook shooting. Will future “strikes” follow the same pattern? I do not know, but adding 147 days to the Sandy Hook shooting would bring us to 5/10/13.
Note; The morning after writing the paragraph above about the 147 days, I got in my car as a fine (ash like) snow was falling, and the trip odometer read 147. Bullinger believes the number 147 has connections to the antichrist.
BTW; the Wikipedia article linked above lists the coordinates of the Island Park Caldera area at 44.33 N and 111.33 W—you know how the evil ones love those numbers.
Strike Zone 3: This strike zone shows Florida and South Georgia underwater.
This could imply a major water event for this area, such as a tsunami, the area sinking below sea level, or a Sea Level rise. BTW; recently I have heard a lot of chatter about Florida being over swept by a tsunami including many who have had dreams of such an event. Here is one such account of a Florida Tsunami dream.
Strike Zone 4: This zone is centered on the USA--Canadian border above Minnesota.
The name of the park on the Batman map is Trillium Park. Goggling Trillium I found that it is a plant that is native to the temperate climates of the USA, and it is an item in the World of Warcraft game (I have never played). I have no idea what this strike zone implies.
After wiriting the above I ran across a post by Running from Babylon entitled
CHINA -- PREPARING FOR WAR? WHAT DUDUMAN SAID, in which this appeared.
The Russian president began to speak to the Chinese one. "I will give you the land with all the people, but you must free Taiwan of the Americans. Do not fear, we will attack them from behind."
A voice said to me, "Watch where the Russians penetrate America."
I saw these words being written: Alaska; Minnesota; Florida.
Then, the man spoke again, "When America goes to war with China, the Russians will strike without warning."
Strike Zone 5: This zone is centered over the Gulf of Mexico.
It has three circles around the strike zone that form a triangle. What could I imagine this strike zone entailing? The only things that cross my mind are underwater explosions or oil well blowouts. In the past I have heard rumblings about the Gulf of Mexico experiencing an explosion and also turning black.
That is what I have come up with so far; now, here are some questions worth pondering? Is the map aligned correctly? If so, is it pointing out locations and events of future attacks? Is strike zone 2 a supervolcano event? If so as a result of the event will an inland sea open up from the Gulf of Mexico to the Yellowstone area as the map indicates? Will Florida suffer a tsunami and or sink below the waves? Will something occur on the Minnesota--Canadian border? Will the Gulf of Mexico suffer a great devastation? Will this be how the USA looks after future earth changes take place? If these things are so, when will they occur, and will they happen before or after the rapture?
I do not know the answers to these questions. I am putting forth this information as a theory, not a prediction. A theory may be true or false. How will we know if the theory is true? If we see the Island Park/Yellowstone area start to become active to the point where it looks like it may go—then it would increase my belief that it may be true. If it erupts then I would believe more strongly that the theory is true, and that the other strikes would follow. BTW; if I saw the Yellowstone area erupt, and I were living in or near the other strike zones, I think I would be inclined to take some evasive measures.
Again; I am not predicting anything just pointing out a few facts and observations. It is only a theory—the future will tell if the theory is correct. So why tell you about this theory if it may not be correct? There is a possibility that it may be, and if it is, then the information could save lives. As they say, to be forewarned is to be forearmed. Also by raising these possibilities the saints of God can pray against these things and help stop them or lessen their severity.
Think I am nuts? Did not Jesus tell us that there would be fearful things happening toward the time of his return?
25. And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; 26. Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. Luke 21:25,26
I asked God to give me a passage for this post. I randomly turned to Psalm 38
1. O Lord, rebuke me not in Your wrath, And chasten me not in Your burning anger.
2 For Your arrows have sunk deep into me, and Your hand has pressed down on me.
3 There is no soundness in my flesh because of Your indignation; There is no health in my bones because of my sin.
4 For my iniquities are gone over my head; as a heavy burden they weigh too much for me.
5 My wounds grow foul and fester because of my folly.
6 I am bent over and greatly bowed down; I go mourning all day long.
7 For my loins are filled with burning, and there is no soundness in my flesh.
8 I am benumbed and badly crushed; I groan because of the agitation of my heart.
The passage speaks of God’s judgment against sin—not like America has sinned or anything. The word burning only appears 81 times in the NASB, so on average it appears about 1 time for every 10,000 words. In the passage I turned to, it appeared twice within less than 100 words--go figure.
In summary; the theory that I am putting forth is that the other strike zones on the Batman map may indicate the locations of future attacks as indicated on the Batman/USA map overlay. Further that those attacks may entail elements discussed above. Again this is only a theory—it may be true, it may be false. Time will tell.
The Bible predicts there will be horrific earth changes during the end times. The good news is that you can escape most of them by being spiritually prepared. Find out what you must do to be saved. Read about
God's Gift of Salvation.
Further, I have written a book called The Coming Epiphany that will help you to understand what will transpire during the end times. Please accept my gift to you and download a FREE copy of
The Coming Epiphany today.
Note; I have been greatly hindered on multiple fronts in trying to write these things up, and have felt much opposition—your prayers are appreciated. If anyone has anything meaningful to add I would welcome your input.