The heavens proclaimed the birth of Jesus, the heavens proclaimed the death of Jesus, the heavens proclaimed the end times were near; will the heavens proclaim any of the dates of the events of the end times? I believe they will, let me show you the data and you can decide for yourself.
God told us in His Word that He put signs in the heavens.
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: Gen 1:14
most famous of those signs is the 6/17/2 BC Star of Bethlehem that let the
world know that the birth of the Messiah was upon them. (Note: The BC dates in
Stellarium are off by one year, because there is no year zero thus, that is why
it displays -1.)
This once in the history of the world sign consisted of a conjunction of Jupiter and Venus that together formed the brightest star to ever appear in the sky—the famed Star of Bethlehem. This sign sent the “wise men” on their journey to find the Messiah.
And at the death of Jesus on 4/3/33 there was another heavenly sign that proclaimed the sacrificial death of the Passover lamb. If you were standing on the Moon and looking at the Earth right when Jesus was expiring on the cross--3 PM--the Earth eclipsed the sun in the heart of Aries, the lamb. When the Moon is eclipsed, it turns red, I wonder if the Earth turned red during this eclipse when viewed from the Moon.
![]() |
Source: The Star of Bethlehem DVD |
then there was the end times sign of the woman clothed with the sun with a
crown of 12 stars on her head which occurred on 9/23/2017 that let us know that
the end times were near.
And let’s not forget about the heavenly end times sign of the rider on the white horse with a crown on his head that occurred on 12/25-26/2019 and matches the description of Seal 1.
1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. Rev 6
There are many other examples of past signs in the heavens but now let’s look to the future. I believe that the heavens will proclaim the beginning of the reign of the demonic trio—satan, the antichrist, and the false prophet. And the heavens will also declare their demise.
this blog we have put forth the hypothesis that the last 7 years began in 2021,
and Armageddon will be in 2028. And further; based on the end times Biblical
number parameters of 1260, 1290, 1335, and 2520, and aligning Armageddon with
the Day of Atonement, yields the following chart.
![]() |
Click to enlarge |
Take note that in the chart the calculated date that the antichrist will take over the world is day number 1300, which is 4/19/2025. This would be the time when the demonic trio of the devil, the antichrist, and the false prophet/teacher begin their 1260-day reign over the earth culminating with their demise at Armageddon on 9/30/2028.
let’s look to the skies, is there a sign in the heavens on 4/19/2025 that would
point to this prophetic event? I believe there is, do you see it?
We see a close triangulation of three planets Saturn, Mercury, and Venus in Pisces. And not only is it a close triangulation, but on that day, they appear to form an Isosceles triangle. In order to grasp the prophetic significance, let’s first consider their symbolic meanings.
Saturn is a symbol of satan.
Saturn is the planet the Edomite Judeans associated with their “god”, now called “Satan”. The Edomites themselves were descendants of the tribe of Esau, who mated with Canaanites, worshippers of Moloch. Moloch is a “Minotaur” demon, half-man, half bull, to which the Canaanites made sacrifices to.
Take note of the regular hexagon at the top of Saturn. A 6-sided polygon has central angles of 60 degrees which bisect the angles of the polygon forming 60-degree angles, making 6 triangles with 60-60-60-degree angles (666).
Venus is a symbol of the false messiah—the antichrist
Normally Venus the bright morning star is associated with the Messiah—the bright morning star mentioned in scripture.
And we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you will do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. 2 Peter 1:19
But in this setting Venus is a symbol of the false Messiah—the antichrist who will claim to be the Messiah God but will be a mere man indwelt by satan. I believe this antichrist, satan, Venus connection is alluded to in these verses.
How you have fallen from heaven, You star of the morning, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the earth, You who defeated the nations! Is 14:12 NASB
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Rev 12:9
Mercury is a symbol of the false prophet/teacher
The planet Mercury was named after the god Mercury who was known as the messenger.
He is chiefly represented, however, as messenger of the gods, and is represented as a herald, with cap, sandals, and the caduceus or herald’s staff.
And we know from scripture that it is the false prophet who will proclaim his false deceptive messages to the world.
11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. Rev 13
Thus, we see an Isosceles triangulation, representing a trinity, of three planets Saturn—satan, Mercury—the false prophet, and Venus—the false messiah in the skies on April 19, 2025, which is the same day that we have calculated and identified as when the unholy trinity of the false messiah, the false prophet, and the devil will take over the world.
The sign occurs in Pisces—the two fish—which is widely accepted as a representation of Christians as one fish, and I contend the second fish represents saved Jewish people throughout the ages. In support of this God tells us that Christians were grafted into spiritual Israel—so we are connected just as the fish are depicted as connected.
And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert grafted in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree; Rom 11:17
And what will the unholy trinity do to Jews and Christians in the end times after they take over the world?
13 And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child.
17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. Rev 12
The unholy trinity will persecute Jews and Christians after they take over the world—Seal 5—the Great Tribulation.
Notice also that even though all three planets are officially in Pisces, they appear to occur between Pisces and Cetus—the beast that rises up out of the sea.
The Apostle John’s vision of a Beast with seven heads becomes visible to us in the constellation Cetus (The Sea Monster), which rises high in the southern sky in the mid evening hours.
1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. Rev 13
Will not the infernal trio work their persecution of Jews and Christians through the agency of the end times one world government—the beast that rises up out of the sea?
Thus, is this sign in the heavens—an Isosceles triangulation of Saturn, Venus, and Mercury in Pisces next to Cetus—a confirmation of our hypothesis that 4/19/2025 marks the beginning of the rein of the infernal trio?
To help answer that question we must consider how rare is this sign, and has it ever occurred 1260 days before the Day of Atonement?
I checked back to 5 BC, and I only found three years (1968, 1261, and 1202) where all three of those planets were in Pisces 1260 days before the Day of Atonement. And in all three of those instances the planets were pretty close to being in a line and did not form a triangle to speak of.
Thus, since the time of Christ the 4/19/2025 Isosceles triangulation 1260 days before the Day of Atonement stands alone and is the only time it will occur.
(Note: I also asked Stan to check this out, and he said he could not find any prior occurrences of that configuration either.)
In Israel on 4/19/2025 these three planets will rise in the East reminiscent of the “wise men” that saw the star of Bethlehem in the East.
Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. Mt 2:2
Let me also mention that the equivalent base angles of the Isosceles triangle are at Venus and Mercury, with the apex angle at Saturn reminiscent of the fact that the false prophet—Mercury, and the antichrist—Venus, will be controlled by satan—Saturn.
Thus, I would
conclude that the Isosceles triangulation of those three planets in Pisces on
4/19/2025, which is 1260 days before the Day of Atonement, is a once in the
history of the world event.
Therefore, this sign should be heeded and serve as a warning to the entire world.
Let’s take this a little farther; where do these planets end up 1260 days later at the Day of Atonement—9/30/2028?
false messiah—ends up near the foot of Leo the lion signifying that he will be
defeated by Jesus the Lion of the tribe
of Judah who will have returned to the earth to set up His Millennial kingdom.
Mercury—the false prophet—ends up by the hand of Virgo signifying that Israel—Virgo—will gain the victory over the false prophet and the antichrist.
Saturn—satan—ends up at the feet of Aries the lamb reminiscent of the culmination of the great battle of the ages—satan’s head will be crushed by the lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world and he will be defeated.
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between
thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his
heel. Gen
light of all of this data I shout the question; are the heavens declaring that on 4/19/2025 the infernal trio will take
over the world and the Great Tribulation will begin?
BTW, the evidence is mounting in support of the hypothesis that the 70th week began in 2021, the midpoint and its associated events will be in 2025, and Armageddon in 2028. Here are the posts;
The Apalachee High School Shooting and the Coming Sudden Death of America in 2028
The Bible on a Fence Post—Time to Get Right with God
Trump, Katrina and Helene: Another Witness to the Day of Atonement in 2028
The Coming Stock Market Crash and the End of the World
Have you ever considered why the religious people in ancient Israel missed the heavenly sign of the birth of Jesus? Do you think Christians of our day look for heavenly signs like the wise men did?
Knowing that most Christians erroneously believe that the rapture will occur at the beginning of the 70th Week, the possibility of a sign pointing to a date within the last 7 years implying we are in the last 7 years, is negated in their mind because they believe that is an impossibility.
But alas, since the rapture does not occur until an unknown time between the midpoint and Armageddon, after Seal 6 is opened, then it would be possible for us to know when the last 7 years begins and ends.
Maybe the people of Jesus’s day didn’t look for a sign of his birth because they didn’t think it was possible to know when the Messiah would be born, but the wise men did, didn’t they? Think about it.
If you are not a Christian and you are reading this article I solemnly plead with you to accept the Lord Jesus into your heart for the forgiveness of your sins, for the devil’s end times trap is ready to be sprung and if you take his bait—the mark—you will be condemned to hell.
If you are a Christian, don’t miss the sign, be like one of the “wise men” and take action.
A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished. Prov 22:3
Note: Update added below.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36
sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so
is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him? Find out what you must do to be saved, click
Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy (eBook $4.99).
Update: The Big the One just posted an article about the 2025 Economist magazine cover and guess what is at the top of the cover? Saturn! Note their comments.
the Earth was ruled by the supreme Titan Kronos (Saturn), there was a Golden
Age on Earth, which was exactly what Donald Trump promised for America. Kronos'
co-ruler was the goddess of justice Astraea. According to legend, it is she who
will announce the return of the Golden Age: first Astraea will arrive, then
Saturn will return. At the same time, it is somehow surprising that Britain's
newest nuclear warheads are called Astraea.
do you remember what was on the Abraham Accord coin? Saturn!
wonder why so much attention is being given to Saturn. In answering that
question keep in mind what Saturn is a symbol of, and who will rule over the
earth for 3.5 years beginning on day number 1300 of the last 7 years. Maybe the
reason why Saturn is being given so much attention is because those events are
Perhaps, the people of Israel were looking for a political leader rather than an infant and this is why today much of them still have rejected Christ Jesus as their Messiah which is why in Zechariah 12:2 "Behold I will make Jerusalem a cup that will intoxicate all the surrounding nations and Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem."
ReplyDeleteJoel 4: 12-14
"Let the nations rouse themselves and come up to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. For there I will sit in judgement upon all the neighboring nations. 13 Weild the sickles, for the harvest is ripe. Come trample the grapes, for the winepress is full. The vats are overflowing, for great is their wickedness. 14 Multitudes, multitudes , in the Valley of Decision. For the day of the LORD is near in the Valley of Decision. "
With ICC at combat with Israel and Netanyahu's administration, no doubt Israel is the time clock. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
They were definitely looking for a political leader to free them from Roman bondage, they did not realize that there were 2 comings of Jesus once as the suffering servant and the second as the conquering ruler.
DeleteThey were also looking for an infant because there were scriptures regarding that such as he would be born of a virgin, etc.
Yes, Revelation 22:20 Amen.
DeleteI conclude that the three planets in Pisces on 4/19/2025, are fulfilling the 153 fish of John 21:11 as 153 DAYS, that count out on Rosh Hashanah September 19, 2025.
ReplyDeleteThey also fulfill the second "woe" of Revelation 9:13-21 the "6th" trumpet blowing on the hour, and day, of the 2nd month of the Zadok priestly calendar when the 4 angels are loosed bound at the Euphrates River. The third "woe", the "7th' trumpet blows quickly, witnessing the '153 day Pisces' prophecies on or about September 19, 2025.
The 153 fish can refer to the 153 people that Jesus blessed scripture, exactly 153.
DeleteThe 6th Trumpet, second woe does not happen until very near the end of the last 7 years
That sign in Pisces counting out exactly 153 'fish' days on Rosh Hashanah September 19, 2025, on the Zadok priestly calendar and the "7th" trumpet blowing quickly when the "second woe" ends as the Millennial reign begins speaks volumes!
DeleteProphecy gurus have been wondering what those 153 fish represent, I believe the sign of Pisces fulfilling Revelation 11:15 ends their "wonderments". Giving Him the glory
The Trumpets have not begun yet, they do not begin until after Seal 7 has been opened. It is impossible for the Seals, Trumpets, and bowls to run concurrently. I have proved this in The Coming Epiphany
DeleteApril 19, 2025 to September would be approximately five months duration, in which time those who have taken the Mark feel the sting of a scorpion. If the tribulation period began on January 1, 2020, with Covid, and the days are shortened, then Rosh Hashanah in September 2025 could be the timing of the Second Coming.
ReplyDeleteSince major events at the first coming of Christ aligned with the fall feasts. I surmise major events at Christ's second coming will align with the fall feasts. If so, then 7 years before any fall feast would be in the fall of a year and thus the last 7 would have to start in the fall of a year.
DeleteWilliam, if Satan comes to earth with the keys to the bottomless pit at the "5th" trumpet, Revelation 9:1-12. According to Revelation 12:12-14 he knows he has but a "short time" of 150 days to persecute the saints There it is numbered as a 'time, time and half time' that parrot, a '50, 50, half 100, 50' or the 150 days he is allowed to persecute the saints that is also witnessed as such in Daniel 7:25, where it fulfills the 'law of first use' theory. Giving Him the glory.
DeleteMy Biblical prophecy research has led me to believe that satan is thrown down circa midpoint of the last 7 years
DeleteThose last 7 years have not even begun yet. They will begin when the Antichrist confirms a covenant with many, or a peace treaty (Dan. 9:27).
DeleteWilliam before you "researched" did you consider the 'law of first use' and Daniel 7:25 wherein a 'time, time and half time' is the TRUE count.
DeleteIt was LYING scribes that brought in the confusion with their 1260 day and 42-month counts.
William, the first 4 trumpets will blow during the fulfillment of the "sign" of Jonah April 1-3 and the "3 days of darkness" Passover, 2025.
The 1st woe, the "5th" trumpet will blow within a week, as the fulfillment the hour, the day, and month, April 19, 2025 fulfill the "sign" of Pisces in the sky.
Apollyon Revelation 9:11 indwells the 'son of perdition" for '50, 50, half 100, 50' or 150 days, the "short time" he and Satan are allowed to persecute the saints. Revelation 19:20 Giving Him the glory.
God's Word in the OT and NT is true without error. Since God has the power to create the world, He certainly has the power to preserve His Word.
DeleteThe Trumpets do not occur until the second half of the last 7 years.
Olli, I disagree the ac will strengthen the peace treaty in the midst of the last 7 years, that is what the Hebrew indicates.
DeleteHello William
ReplyDeleteSo how close do we have to be?
The birth pangs, Jacobs trouble, the tribulation.
On December 29 2010 the Arab spring started, convulsing all of the Muslim countries around Israel.
14 360 day years later was October 16 2024
On the first of October Iran attacked Israel. On the 26th of October Israel attacked Iran.
14 365 day years later will be December 25 2024.
7 365 day years later was December 27 2017.
On December 21 2017 The U.N. voted against allowing Jerusalem to become Israel's capital.
December 21 2017 was 1260 days after the start of the 2014 Gaza war. Actual start date July 8 2014 calculation from the 10th
How close do we have to be?
Your date 9-30-2028
Yom Kippur.
4 days later October 4th starts Sukkot/Tabernacles
Two 7 year periods of 365 day years before October 4 2028 was.....
Sukkot October 8 2014 the second blood moon.
(To be continued)
Your date 4-19-2025
DeleteHow close do we have to be?
My closest calculation is 4-12-2025
4-12-2025 is 2300 days after December 25 2018.
December 25 2018 israel announces early elections.
490 days Before December 25 2018 was August 21 2017 the day of the first great American eclipse.
1260 days after December 25 2018 was June 7th 2022 the 55th anniversary of the temple mount being reclaimed.
1290 days after December 25 2018 was July 7th 2022 the one year anniversary of Isaac Herzog being inaugurated as Israel's president.
1335 days after December 25 2018 was August 21/22 2022.
August 21/22 2022 was 2520 days after the last blood moon on August 28 2015.
We are waiting
We are watching
We are seeing and will see.
Thank you William
Brent 188
The date of April 19 catches my eye because one of the saints that I follow believes and has put forward a case that the various harvests are allegorical to how the Rapture will play out.
ReplyDeleteThe Bride will be taken first synonymous with the barley harvest, which ripens first, followed by the rest of the church who weren't quite ready for the bride harvest, but will be a few weeks later after a bit of threshing. They are the wheat harvest.
This is someone elses work but is a good summary of how he believes it will go down.
The above mentioned saint believes that Nissan 21 is the date set aside for the Bride harvest, which happens to intersect April 19 next spring.
He also believes that the significance of the number 113 or A-113 as sometimes seen is that just as Jesus was identified and betrayed by by Judas on Nissan 13 (i.e. 113) (A-113 = Anti-Christ 113), this is the day set aside for the identifying of the Lawless One (Anti-Christ).
Also, yesterday was the release of the move Wicked in the United States.
This is probably a one week warning. The movie is based on the original Wizard of OZ which was released August 25, 1939, one week before Germany invaded Poland starting WW2. One week from yesterday will be Black Friday. I've always maintained that Black Friday was created to be a date for a ritual.
Also notice how Trump appointed Dr. Mehmet Cengiz Öz to run medicare. OZ is the theme. The Mark of the Beast will likely come through medicare. for thought.
Very helpful info! Thanks Mark
DeleteIt is too early for the rapture this spring the ac has not taken over the world--Seal 5. Then comes Seal 6 and the rapture. Maybe barley harvest in 2026 or Day of Ascension 2026 or Rosh 2025, 26.
DeleteThat is a good sync with OZ and may prove to be significant. I have always thought there will be an event on Black Friday too.
Just a short follow up on the previous post, The third harvest as per the linked article would be the grape harvest that takes place at the end of the 1000 year reign of Christ.
ReplyDeleteThe bottom line is that this coming spring is setting up to possibly be the Rapture in two phases (barley followed by wheat) and this would be the mid point of the tribulation. 3.5 years later will be fall of 2028.
Paul describes this endtime events in 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12, and Rome Statute of the ICC is aligned against Israel. This was a war by Satan and the cataclysmic event is nearer than you know because it's already been done, it's all eyes on the Valley of Jehoshaphat.
DeleteRemember few find the narrow path.
The rapture cannot be this spring because Seal 4, 5, and 6 have not been fulfilled. The rapture is after the opening of Seal 6, which is after the Seal 5 Great Tribulation, which does not begin until day #1300 of the last 7 years.
DeleteRevelation 12. The betrothed woman is taken care if for 3 1/2 years from satan!
DeleteThe date proceeds 4 20 25 42 is Satan's number. It's also easter.
ReplyDeleteHas there ever been evidence that the millinial rein might run concurrent in history.
ReplyDeleteThe Cross on Calvary. Thank you Christ Jesus, King of the Universe.
DeleteNo, It starts after satan, the false prophet, and the antichrist is thrown into the bottomless pit after the battle of Armageddon. Which occurs after Jesus return bodily to the earth.
DeleteIf you spiritualize the literal parts of scripture, you can make it say whatever you want it to say. You must take scripture literally unless the text indicates it is symbolic.
Love this discussion! Ideas all over the place and yet no contention between commenters- the way it’s supposed to be. You have a lively and lovely community gathered here Bill. This is how we learn.
ReplyDeleteRespectfully, Revelation 20:7-9 doesn't coincide with what's described because basically what you're interpreting is that the Redeemer shed his blood for whom and for what purpose if it wasn't already a done deal by Hia Life, death and Ressurection.
DeleteSatan doesn't get a "get out of jail card" because that's heresy.
Delete7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
Delete8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.
9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.
10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
It is literal, satan is let loose in 3028 if Armageddon is in 2028. Then all those who were born during the Millennium will have a choice as to whether they want to serve God or the devil. Just like the angels had a choice and we have a choice
Jesus I Trust in Your Devine Mercy. Thank you for your Cross on Calvary. Matthew Chapter 5.
DeleteBrethren, your timeline is close to mine or mine is close to yours. But I would suggest its 7 churches, 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets 7 Vials, and in chronological order. And you have the majors right, according to the planets not exactly the stars, with the background of the constellation stars, but I label them differently. I wrote about them recently because I saw the three planet alignment on my weekly prayer night outside in Gods Creation.
ReplyDeleteAnyway 4/19/25 is correct, and the Day of Atonement is correct as its the End of 10 Days of Terror of Armageddon. 9/31/28
But you missed stating the Start of Tribulation in prophecy, the noisome thunder 1st Seal and signing of the Ten Nation Covenant, but it did start on Sept 21,2021.(Equinox) meaning 7 years later Sept. 21, 2028 is the start of Battle of Arm...
And of course you miss putting in the three toes of Daniel 2,7 that get broken (Fr. US. UK) as that is the next major event with the unilateral nuclear War. (Beast defeating the Whore, which has to be placed on the timeline.. because this nuclear War by the Russian President makes him the Anti-Christ. And therein also you must know by now who the AC. is that descends down from Russia to Jerusalem and takes it over. Right ? (SO Trump is way out of the picture shortly. He brings on the nuclear war rather than stops it) (And of course, the worldly country of Israel is soon no more as well because it get invaded by the AC, who takes over theTemple Mount and calls himself God. All these events must be placed on your timeline. But you have the Start and Stop dates right on. Oh yea, you forget to mention that the difference between 1290 and1260 days is because the AC has to set up the Abomination of Desolation (Computer - bio-digital identity of all citizens - 666) in the Holy Place as Jesus said. Mathew 24
Then you have to know who the 2 Prophets are NOW, and who the woman in the wilderness is Now, because when the AC declares himself God, we are instructed to then flee, and that means on April 19th as you mentioned. Passover. Pesach, as then the AC actually raises from the dead three days later, and can declare that he is God, He is the SECOND COMING. All events have to synch with all the timing in advance and according to you, and I, this all happens within months from now.
So know who are 2 prophets are, the AC and False prophet, drop the idea of Americans and Israelites being part of the Lords Plan but a multinational group of real believers being the 144,000, and you'll be better prepared. Be specific.. know who the Branch is, Know who End Time King David is, who is our Moses/Aaron duo is. Know who the End Time Pharoah is and his false prophet Kurill., And especially get the Rapture right, the wheat harvest August 7th, 2028, 3.5 days before the RAPTURE. August 10th, and then the 45 day wait til the AC gets defeated at Arm... Septmeber 21,2028
Your timeline is very close to solving my
which is accomplished by my updated Timeline... composed a year ago.
Inline image
All the best in your calculations and watching the sky, but we must bring it down to earth and synch it with Holy Days and exact prophetic Events to make portent and TRUE IMPO.
E.T. David
Just ask for details in Prophecy, if you have a much much more detailed explanation. GBY
Thanks for sharing you have added a lot of things to ponder. However, I am convinced from scripture that the last 7 years are 360 days each, thus the times, time and a half = 42 months = 1260 days.
DeleteI do not know who the ac is, when I see the prophecies fulfilled about the ac like the coming back to life after 3 days, then I will know. I am also convinced he will have UFO/demonic connections.
I am also convinced from scripture--our only source of doctrine--that the rapture occurs at an unknown time after the opening of Seal 6, which occurs sometime after the midpoint.
You refer to the 2300 days on your site, that has already been fulfilled in Isreal's intertestimal period.
DeleteRemember what Jesus said and promised in Matthew 24:22 to cut short these days for the sake of His elect. It's a blessing!
DeleteYes, I pray that Jesus will cut short the days of the Great tribulation which begins after the ac takes over the world. Jesus will return at the rapture to rescue us out of the Great Tribulation after Seal 6 has been opened.
DeleteHow do you base the 144,000 is not from Israel based on Rev 7:4?
ReplyDeleteWhere are the 12 tribes living now? I believe only God knows this. I believe they are scattered among the nations, and have been protected By God until they are sealed! Then who are they that live in Israel now? Are these the liars Jesus warned the church about?
ReplyDeleteYes, these are the liars who say they are jews, and are not!
DeleteI agree that the Jews are scattered, and yes there are Jews in Israel who are like the religious leaders of Jesus's day. There are also Jews in Israel that are truly seeking God who will flee into the wilderness, and some will eventually recognize Jesus as Messiah.
DeleteThere are also true born-again Christians and nominal Christians
I fully agree William that they are in Israel as well scattered in the world, the true ones and who are redeemed by the Lord.
DeleteI believe the time to manifest them has approached and so is the Great Tribulation.
God bless
You are talking nonsense here as World War III approaches..and the Rapture.
Olli I can say the same thing about you, that you are talking nonsense. The scriptures clearly indicate that the rapture will not occur until Seal 6 is opened. One day you will believe this too.
DeleteBTW, the WW3 that started on 2/22/22 which was forecast on this blog, I believe is part of Seal 2, which means we are already in the last 7 years and the rapture has not occurred yet giving further evidence as to what I am saying is true.
DeleteWe are surely in the last days as you stated and seals are opened but I am just not sure at what point, but rapture is sure and very near
DeleteGod bless
William, you can't talk about World War III unless nuclear weapons are used and the USA is clearly involved in it. As for the seals, there are pre-fulfillments and dress rehearsals before the final fulfillments come. The actual first seal (the rider on the white horse) is the emergence of the Antichrist. It hasn't happened yet, but it is near. Before that, the bride of Christ will be raptured (Rev. 4:1).
DeleteSo, NATO has been in a proxy war since 2/22/2022 and its not ww3 till nukes fly?
DeleteThere is no scriptural evidence to suggest that the rider on the white horse is the ac
Listen to him William! He is right and wise. Good watchman!
DeleteThe World PREPARES FOR WAR! (1 day ago)
I believe we are indeed in the seven years approaching the midpoint. The image of the beast is here now, and most of the church is oblivious to it.
ReplyDeleteThey listen to pastors such as David Jeremiah, who I believe preaches a doctrine of the end times to deceive many... even the elect!
Think about it, Satan will use all of the tools at his disposal to deceive many, even end times prophetic teaching.
The Mark approaches!!
I believe it too and can I please know what you think of the image of the beast.
Oh ànd BTW.
ReplyDeleteWWW3 will not be an all out nuclear event. One dirty nuke may go off somewhere but used to bring about the Mark. The last war has already begun, it is a strategic war however, not one of total destruction!