To be or not to be marked, that is the question of utmost importance that everyone alive at the time it is foist upon the world will have to answer.
For “Bible believing” people the question is a no-brainer. Of course they would not participate, for they know that all who do will be damned to hell.
9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Rev 14:9-11
But let me put that question in a different light. As most of you are aware most “Bible believing” people believe in a pre-trib rapture of the church. And thus, their rapture doctrine dictates that they will be raptured before the antichrist takes control of the world and the mark ever comes about. As a result, they believe they will never be faced with the choice of “to be or not to be marked.”
But what if the pre-trib rapture theory is incorrect and sometime in the near future the horses of the Apocalypse, after running their course throughout the world, have brought forth a worldwide economic collapse and Christians have not been raptured yet. This financial collapse would most likely include failed banking systems, hyperinflation, riots, and supply chain break downs, etc.
However, what if at that time most “Bible believing” people because of their pre-trib rapture belief do not believe the world has entered into the last 7 years, because the rapture has not occurred yet. So, they reason the world is just experiencing severe problems.
And then the governments of the world come out with a solution, an all-digital financial system, in which if you participate it will require receiving a computer chip in one’s hand or forehead. In joining the system you will receive a large bank account, the ability to work, buy, and sell, however without it you have no ability to engage in any financial activity connected to the digital currency including medical services.
So, the question is, will the average Bible believing person who also believes in a pre-trib rapture participate in this financial system thinking that this is not the Mark system because they believe the Mark happens after the rapture?
If you believe in a pre-trib rapture, and an all-digital financial system that required a computer chip to be implanted in your hand before the rapture, would you participate?
In the past I have been chided about why I make such a big deal about the rapture timing. Hopefully now you can see that there is a real danger in not having a correct doctrinal view about the timing of the rapture—it could lead to hell, and it can leave one totally unprepared for the Great Tribulation.
To reiterate; the rapture occurs after Seal 6 has been opened, which occurs after the Seal 5 Great Tribulation, which includes the Mark.
Soon, I believe the whole world will be faced with the decision of to be, or not to be marked. I hope the Bible believing pre-trib people realize the error of their ways and say no.
I just so happened to run across an article today that sheds new light on how close we may be to seeing an all-digital system.
Trump Administration: Digital Control Grid Coming Together at High Speed
After coming to the realization that the Mark will come about before the rapture and that people will not be able to buy or sell without it, what should someone do about it?
Pray and ask God what to do, everyone’s situation is different. But in general, considerations should be given to water filtration systems, food, shelter, medicines, barter items, moving to a safer location, etc.
But the most important thing is having faith in God to get us through the Great Tribulation until we are rescued at the rapture after the opening of seal 6.
there are many syncs pointing to the possibility that the Great Tribulation may begin on 4/19/2025.
Watch ye therefore,
and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things
that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36
Not sure that you will go to heaven?
The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you;
will you let him? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.
Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy (eBook $4.99).
William....That "digital control grid" link is so coming. I can not believe how few people realize the exponentially increasing knowledge being transferred from fallen angels. I have been overwhelmed lately of reading the connections of CERN ..
ReplyDeletewhich you have spoken of...and the latest connections to dark energy and the whole group of nuclear accelerators around the world. God is unsealing so much information in these endtimes as Daniel mentions. I was home for over a month with my wife recovering from knee replacement...but with other complications. I found myself having tons of hours researching topics and I am simply unable to keep up with all that's happening .
Delete...I forgot to mention that your comment on pretribbers falling for taking the mark of the beast....simply because they think it can't be the mark of the beast...because they haven't been so SPOT ON...and I believe they will be the "falling away" crowd. Your topics are so thought provoking....and we need such to upset the apple cart of common thinking. Thumbs up to you.
Cindy....Exactly!! I witnessed many refusing the jab..
Deleteand suffering ridicule. The pressures of being not able to buy or sell and other benefits will be extremely hard to stick to. Any prepping will help. Christians havingbtheir ears tickled by the pretrib doctrine are going to be in a v rude, unprepared for awakening. They will fall away in the masses. One is going to have to be as stubborn as a Billy goat....
Dear Stan : Q2 here. In regard to the last sentence of your 8:17AM comment above, I (and I'm pretty sure probably everyone else too), agree(s) with you. The digital tsunamis seen via the Internet are so numerous nowadays, and each of them so many kilometers in height, and moving at warp speed (they move at hundreds of kilometers per hour), so that no human being can even seem to make any headway or beginning anymore, when it comes to trying to mentally process it. "Triage" is now the name of the game. In other words, what is the number one most important thing to do (hint: do God's will, to avoid ending up in hell, and helping others to avoid it), then what is the second most important thing, and the third thing, and so on. How much time can we spend on things that rank numbers 5 to 100, on such a triage listing? Ora et labora. The labora can seem endlessly overwhelming at this point.
DeleteChristians must not accept anything in the hand or forehead. Expect ridicule and more just like when we refused the jab
ReplyDeleteMost if not all Christians around here rushed in for the jab (recommended by their leaders), I expect the same to happen with the chip. Now the jab has affected peoples thought processes it is unlikely there is any hope for any resistance.
ReplyDeleteI hope not but I am afraid so
DeleteThis is Tamra not to be anonymous so you know. Please don’t scoff at pre-trib believers, for you could be wrong also. It is also not encouraging as we are told be with fellow Believers looking for the Blessed Hope of His soon return. But to answer your question, I did not take the warp-speed vaccine, and have only had Covid once. It was a a very harsh one too. I am not taking anything that effects by DNA, or changes my Being. So I will not take the mark of the beast, and I will not deny my Savior for anyone or anything. Jesus IS coming SOON, and let’s encourage each other as we wait to meet Him in the air!
ReplyDeleteTamra, have you prepared for the great tribulation when you will not be able to buy or sell?
DeleteNo William, I am just doing what Jesus told me to do, when I see all these things to look up, for my redemption draws nigh! I am not appointed to Gods wrath. I am redeemed and I am a child of the Most High, in Him ONLY do I fear! I pray you are favored and blessed as well. Tamra
DeleteTamra, I agree with you that a Christian will not be subject to God's wrath. But that is the very point that I am trying to help people understand--Christians will not be subject to God's wrath, but Christians have and will be subject to tribulations.
DeleteTribulations are difficulties allowed by God, such as a sickness, or financial problems, or persecution. All Christians experience tribulations to various degrees. Tribulations are different than God's wrath.
If you look in the book of Revelation, the first and second mention of the word wrath is in Rev 6:16,17
16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
So, in those verses God tells us when His wrath begins. And it begins after the opening of Seal 6. And if you notice in verse 16 men hide because they see Jesus in the sky. And we all know that the only time Jesus appears in the sky is at the rapture.
Seal 5 is the Great tribulation and that is when the antichrist wages his war of persecution against Christians. Therefore Seal 5 cannot be God's wrath because, God would never persecute His children.
Yes William, I have been heavily invested in the end time watch since 1988. There was a man that taught the rapture was after the seals, ‘Red moon rising’ I think it was then. Up until I studied that concept, I was simply pre-trib but I think it makes sense to be after the 5th seal, and with the great earthquake shaking in Rev 6:12 before the wrath of the Lamb. That is why I have followed you for many years now.
DeleteI think the falling away is the Christians that are looking to the gold man as their savior. Satan already has the woke and wicked left I saw last night on Trumps address to Congress. They even look like they are demonically possessed at this point. But Satan wants the Christian’s worship now. Sadly, many already do, while many are strongly deceived. I have lost 3 daughter’s, 6 grandchildren, 2 sister in laws, sister, and I walk on eggshells with my closest sister and niece, all because of my faith! I feel like Noah in this journey! It can be very lonely, but God carries me when I am weak, and strengthens me with Hope (my youngest daughter’s name) of His SOON return! With all I have lost, I would gladly give my life to be with my Savior! Grace!
"The woke and wicked left" think "Orange man bad". TDS.
DeleteWiki article = "Donald Trump Access Hollywood tape"
DeleteThere, the real Trump exposes himself. There was such a media frenzy or furor about this, back in Oct. 2016, that the majority of adults in the USA, heard about it. Of course, not everyone is perfect or sinless, BUT ... (?!)
Dear Tamra : Q2 here. I agree with you. I've had Covid-1984 twice, and it was harsh for me too, with the second "rodeo" being even more harsh = it should have been less harsh, given the natural antibodies I had at that point. So, it's a real medical thing. I was fortunate enough to be able to bypass the vax stuff in my work setting. My doc was advising me to get the mRNA stuff right when it came out in early 2021. The Mowdernah or F-eye-zer "cures". In retrospect, there must have been much much worse than rat poison in at least some of those lot batches. If you wanted to keep up-to-speed on things covid-related, since 2020, all you needed to do was to keep tuned in to the comments section in Greg Hunter's blog posts, linked to by ETF William, on the left-hand side. Greg has a great com-box going on his site. I've read through almost all of it for the past 10 years or so. Greg's commentators taught me a lot... My mother once told me that I was "vaxxed to the hilt" as a little kid. That was the Rockefeller influence upon USA medicine. I'm not opposed to getting any vax per se. But I like to be able to see at least a several years long clinical (or live) track record of effectiveness. The covid "cures" that were being pushed by "the high priests of science" didn't have 1% the track record I wanted to see. The pro-vax propaganda "smelled" all wrong, and right from the start. It seemed to be something like Goebbels-style Nazi propaganda, or Stalin era Soviet propaganda. Edward Bernays. The Faucian-Bargain was like a Faustian-Bargain. The subject you are talking about is "selling your soul to the devil", Tamra. Exactly. Covid vaxes were not the MOTB itself, but they definitely seem to be a precursor sort of thing to the MOTB. To prep the masses. Billy Gates and now Elon Musk, I'm afraid, have more "in the pipeline" planned for us all.
ReplyDeleteBTW, one more thing. One of the most noteworthy TV commercials, in all of SB or TV history, and still viewable via the Internet nowadays, is titled simply "Soul". That is shorthand for "selling your soul to the devil". It was a Mercedes Benz auto promotion commercial. It was so in-face-sinister, that it arguably succeeded in becoming "a parody onto itself". Yes, 100+ million people watched it, as a part of the Blackout Bowl held under the N.O. SB dome with the trident pointing at the Hoover dam, and Beyonce being murdered in "American Pie" style, etc., etc., I may have posted over a dozen comments, to various blog posts of this ETF website, over the past month, pointing out various aspects of that 2013 SB, and how sinister MB was being. A book could be composed about these interlocking or synced themes. I only clued you into a few things about this. MUCH more could be noted about it all.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Sir Mick, singing "Sympathy for the Devil" at 1969 Altamont, in the lyrics, was repeatedly asking for everyone to "guess his name". That was part of the Satanic game. You don't have to guess about my name anyone. It's obvious who I am, isn't it?
DeletePotato ??? = Danny boy = James Danforth Quayle ??
DeleteOh, typos, typos, typos. Proofreading is SO tedious. The second to the last sentence concludes " ... my name anyMORE "... And, the consensus of opinion, is that numerous lyrics of "American Pie" allude to Jagger. I'm not promoting Jagger. I'm promoting the message of AmPie, as ETF William has also done here on this website.
ReplyDeleteI agree that many will be deceived into taking the mark because of the false pre trib rapture teachings
ReplyDeleteEspecially when the false messiah UFO antichrist man shows up
DeleteYou guys are caught up in non-important details that says nothing. 4+5 is 9 and 4+7 is 11, does not mean anything. That is not how Bible prophecy works. Everything happens according to the Moadim. In the Bible there was always a cycle of 40 days or 40 years for repentance (e.g., Nineveh, the symbol of the world's nations). The Tribulation has two purposes: Judge the nations and make the Jews turn to the real Messiah. The nations cannot be judged before 40 jubilee cycles have passed (2000 years after Jesus was crucified). That means the Tribulation, which is God's wrath (Tribulation and the wrath is the same, just read Daniel, he says it explicitly), cannot start before Easter 2030. Likewise, the rapture happens exactly two days after Jesus left (As in the parable of the good Samaritan). Jesus said the rapture happens on the feast of the trumpets (September 27, 2030, which represents 777, the 7th millennium, the seventh month in Judaism, and September 27 falls on the 7th day of the month that year), The tribulation lasts 42 months, and Jesus will return to govern earth for 1000 years on the Feast of the Trumpets in 2034.
ReplyDeleteSo, you know the date of the rapture. Interesting, didn't Jesus say no one knows the day or hour?
DeleteExactly. Exactly. That's what I was going to point out too. But you "beat me to the punch" William. This new comment guy, has the exact day of the rapture figured out, but he won't tell us who the AC is !! And so, I "stirred the pot" a little bit in a comment of March 8, 2025 at 11:57PM, made toward the end of your Jan. 1, 2018 (!) "Looking for the Star of the antichrist" post, and lo and behold, that unleashed a verbal gusher of seven March 9 morning comments from this new guy, now found under your Jan. 1, 2018 post. He "exposes himself" quite a bit. Mission accomplished?
Delete"Noone knows the day or the hour but the father in heaven" is a Jewish idiom referring to the Feast of the Trumpets / Rosh Hashana. The background for this idiom is that before computers were invented, the Rabbis of the Sanhedrin had to sit up at night to calculate the moon cycles in order to figure out what date the Feast of the Trumpets would fall on that year, only God knew beforehand, not man. Jesus is telling you that he is coming back on the Chief holiday, the holiest day of the year. Look, Jesus always talked in parables, there is a reason for that, so that you would have to ponder and think and learn the word better in order to understand. The dates are straight in the Bible, you guys can put your calculators aside. It is just going to lead you astray.
DeleteI know what the idiom means. But that does not guarantee that the rapture will be on Rosh. It is definitely a reference to Rosh and the fact that the exact time it starts deepened on the sighting of the crescent moon, which was not known till it happened, just like the rapture it will not be known till it happens..
DeleteIn fact, Jesus said that He does not even know when.
36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Mt 24
32 But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.
33 Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is. Mk 13
So, if Jesus doesn't even know, how can you or any other man?
The people then and the people in the generations following did not need to know the exact date. But we can know because we have the New Testament to illuminate for us combined with software that can tell us the exact day of the Feast of the Trumpets in advance, and we need to know. Jesus must return for his bride after two days. The world will last 7000 years, including 1000 years for the Millenium. "If you take a Hebrew slave he can serve you for six years, in the seventh you must let him go", "six years you can till the land, in the seventh you must let it rest" "I will contend with man for 120 years, but no more." 120 Jubilee cycles is 6000 years. Just like the Israelites had to go 40 years in the desert before they reached the promised land, we must go 40 jubilee cycles waiting for our deliverance and our promised land.
DeleteThere is a gross spelling error in my post. It should be 2033, not 2034.
DeleteYou are wasting your time and deceiving people on these nimbwit calculations, building massive mountains of theories on unimportant events and stretching the imagination to the breaking point. This is not how God works. God works according to the Moadim and his timetable for repentance, restoration, and salvation. Let me give you an example. The outer courtyard of the Tabernacle was 1500 square cubic (Height*length*width). This represents the law of Moses, which lasted exactly 1500 years. The Holy Place was 2000 cubits. This represents the new covenant and salvation through Jesus Christ. This will last 2000 years (from year 30 to year 2030). The Holy of the Holiest was 1000 cubit and represent Jesus' rule of a thousand years in the Millenium Kingdom. Moreover, the Tribulation cannot start before 40 Jubilee cycles have ended since Jesus was crucified (God always gave 40 cycles of opportunity for repentance, just like Nineveh, the world's nations have 40 cycles to repent). That means Easter 2030 is the earlies time for the tribulation to start. The rapture happens a few months after the beginning of the Tribulation, on the Feast of the Trumpets, 2030 (Jesus said in the parable of the Good Samaritan, and many other places, that he would be gone for 2 days (According to Psalm 90 and 2nd Peter 3, two days is 2000 years prophetically). The return is 42 months after the Tribulations starts. You have to stop your nonsense you are just making people leave the faith when your unbiblical predictions do not come through.
ReplyDeleteFirst off you are predicting a rapture date. Jesus said no one knows the day of His return. You are in violation of scripture. I have never predicted a rapture date. All we know from scripture is that the rapture will occur after the opening of Seal 6.
DeleteMaybe you should heed your own words; "You have to stop your nonsense you are just making people leave the faith when your unbiblical predictions do not come through."
Jesus comes as a thief in the night (the Rapture) for those who are not saved. Those who are saved are ready and expecting that night. "Noone knows the day or the hour but the father in heaven" is a Jewish idiom referring to the Feast of the Trumpets / Rosh Hashana. There is your answer. For the exact year there are literally hundreds of verses and passages pointing to 2030. Let me give you another. In Leviticus, the Israelites were promised a punishment of 70 years if they broke a certain law. (that's why they went to Babylon). If you continue reading, you learn that they were told that if they broke the law again, the punishment would be 7*70 for a total of 490 years. There were four such laws. The total punishment amounted to 1960 years. When were the Jews punished? In year 70 AD. In year 2030 the punishment of the Jews is completed, and God will open their eyes and ears when Antichrist seats himself in the Temple. Revelation 12 then says God will protect them by helping them to flee for 1260 days or 42 months into the desert and mountains so the son of perdition cannot reach them. I give you a couple of others as a bonus. When Jesus learned that Lasarus was dead, he stayed two days on the other side of the river Jordan before he returned to Canaan. Moreover, it says: "Jesus returned to Kana, where he did his first miracle, two days later." To help you seal the deal: Noah means rest (the sabbath, the millennium kingdom). Noah's father was Lamech. Lamech lived 777 years and then he died. 2030 is the start of the 7th Millenia, Rosh Hashana is in the seventh month and in 2030 the Feast of the Trumpets happen to fall on the 7th day. There is your 777 and we go into our rest.
DeleteTo the Anon of March 10 at 9:29AM above : You noted that the trib "cannot start before 40 Jubilee cycles have ended since Jesus was crucified." - But what day was that? If you google simply: date death Jesus 30 33 , Google AI Overview responds with an answer. And the Wikipedia article "Chronology of Jesus" comes up. Long story short: Jesus was crucified on EITHER Friday, 7 April AD 30, OR on Friday, 3 April AD 33. If you assume the wrong date, then it messes up your chronology.
ReplyDeleteWhat you write looks a heck of a lot more biblically based, than Olli's multi-year and relentless "Pet Goat theorizing", or Stan's recent "Boleskine House numerology". But even so, you appear to have your own entire sync superstructure, constructed on the edifice of two things. First, knowing with certitude what day and year, Jesus died. And second, an assumption or two you make about Jubilee cycles.
You are not the first person to try to calculate the date of the end of the world, or the year the AC would start his 3.5 year ministry, based off of Jubilee cycles. Dozens of people have tried to do so, and ended up with wrong conclusions. Like Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464), as noted in the webpage above, an English translation of the Latin. Just keep scrolling down in that webpage, and you can read it all for free. Martin Luther was adamant, that all the popes of his era, were "the Antichrist", individually and collectively. Martin was infallible, obviously. And Hitler usually spoke with a similar infallible conviction.
By the way, decoded numbers like 777 and 888 and 1000 can sometimes strike me as being just as impressive as 666. 666 is encoded both forwards and backwards into Belphegor's prime. But so also is 1000, a very key biblical numeric number, two-way encoded in BP. A recent post of this ETF site, is titled "Belphegor's Prime". Also, I had some more things to say to you, tonight, at the end of the comment section of the Jan. 1, 2018 ETF post. I got to hand it to you though. Your way of looking at things is certainly thought-provoking. In my opinion, there is a certain degree of truth to what you warn, about "building massive mountains of theories on unimportant events..." - Possible "sandcastles in the sky".
When we see the ac take over the world the end of the world will be in 42 months.
DeleteMost likely it is when he takes his seat in the temple (if it is rebuilt) and declares himself God, that is when the final 42 months begin.
DeleteThere are four ways, at least, to calculate when Jesus was born and when he started his ministry. The first is through star constellations, the second is through historical accounts, and the third is through Bible prophecy. Bible prophecy shows his ministry started in year 26 (see the Messiah 2030 Videos). Historical account shows Jesus must have been born before year 2 BC (Because of Herod's death that year). Star constellation suggests either year 2BC or 4 BC. A fourth method, the most fool proof, is to look at the time the temple fell. It fell in year 70, we know that for a fact. We also know the Talmud writes that the 40 final years of the temple period, very strong anomalies occurred indicating God's blessings had been lost on the Jewish people. We also know that the Jews, like elsewhere in the Bible would have 40 years to repent. In year 70 these forty years expired. From the above one may with relative certainty that Jesus was crucified and resurrected Easter of 2030. The 13th of September 2034 there will be a full solar eclipse in Virgo. This happens to be at the sart of Rosh Hashana and the Feast of the Trumpets that year. Jesus said a solar eclipse would occur at his return (the Sun would turn dark and not give its light) and the Star constellation of Virgo is the Virgin with the child (Jesus). One can easily see that everything lines up: The tribulation Starts Easter 2030, after 2000 years of non-repentance among the nations, Jesus comes for his church after 2000 years absence om the feast of the trumpets that year, and 42 months after the tribulation starts, in September 2034, Jesus returns with the saints and throws Apollo and his false prophet in the fiery pit.
ReplyDeleteJesus died in 33 AD.
Jesus died in April 30. John writes he was 30 years old when he started his ministry and chronology shows it lasted exactly 42 months so I do not understand how you can get to 33 (considering King Herod did in year 2BC, when Jesus was already 2 years old). There is other strong evidence as well: Jerusalem was destroyed in AD 70, we know that for a fact, and in the Talmud it is written that for the 40 years prior to the destruction of the temple in AD 70 the temple sacrifices did no longer work and the Talmud mentions a laundry list of things that went wrong for 40 years, so Jesus died in year 30. This is 100% sure.
ReplyDeleteThe Return is on the Feast of the Trumpets in 2033, I misspelled and wrote 2034. I apologize.
ReplyDeleteYes, "JubileeAnon", I will accept your apology and move on. But you made what you now admit to be a big error, in 3 distinct places: in a March 9 at 10:44AM comment above; and in a March 16 earlier today at 8:35AM comment; and also, in the Jan. 1, 2018 (!) ETF blog post, in a March 9 at 9:30AM comment. Combined, this certainly does not look like a typo or mental slip or proofreading lapse type of thing. Whether with good cause or not, such errors are enough to make people wonder certain things about you. Moreover, in the 8:35AM comment above, you are connecting the 13th of Sept, 2034 to a full solar eclipse of Virgo, which for stated reasons you think to be significant. Then you follow that up by stating: "One can easily see that everything lines up." - So you suddenly junked out a (very key?) component of your reasoning, and it still (?!?!) "all lines up" (?) - You also state that: "one may [know] with relative certainty that Jesus was... resurrected [on] Easter [Sunday] of [AD] 2030." - You are Y2K off the mark. But I'll be kind to you here and give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume that that was merely a typo, instead of a "Freudian slip".