To be or not to be marked, that is the question of utmost importance that everyone alive at the time it is foist upon the world will have to answer.
For “Bible believing” people the question is a no-brainer. Of course they would not participate, for they know that all who do will be damned to hell.
9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Rev 14:9-11
But let me put that question in a different light. As most of you are aware most “Bible believing” people believe in a pre-trib rapture of the church. And thus, their rapture doctrine dictates that they will be raptured before the antichrist takes control of the world and the mark ever comes about. As a result, they believe they will never be faced with the choice of “to be or not to be marked.”
But what if the pre-trib rapture theory is incorrect and sometime in the near future the horses of the Apocalypse, after running their course throughout the world, have brought forth a worldwide economic collapse and Christians have not been raptured yet. This financial collapse would most likely include failed banking systems, hyperinflation, riots, and supply chain break downs, etc.
However, what if at that time most “Bible believing” people because of their pre-trib rapture belief do not believe the world has entered into the last 7 years, because the rapture has not occurred yet. So, they reason the world is just experiencing severe problems.
And then the governments of the world come out with a solution, an all-digital financial system, in which if you participate it will require receiving a computer chip in one’s hand or forehead. In joining the system you will receive a large bank account, the ability to work, buy, and sell, however without it you have no ability to engage in any financial activity connected to the digital currency including medical services.
So, the question is, will the average Bible believing person who also believes in a pre-trib rapture participate in this financial system thinking that this is not the Mark system because they believe the Mark happens after the rapture?
If you believe in a pre-trib rapture, and an all-digital financial system that required a computer chip to be implanted in your hand before the rapture, would you participate?
In the past I have been chided about why I make such a big deal about the rapture timing. Hopefully now you can see that there is a real danger in not having a correct doctrinal view about the timing of the rapture—it could lead to hell, and it can leave one totally unprepared for the Great Tribulation.
To reiterate; the rapture occurs after Seal 6 has been opened, which occurs after the Seal 5 Great Tribulation, which includes the Mark.
Soon, I believe the whole world will be faced with the decision of to be, or not to be marked. I hope the Bible believing pre-trib people realize the error of their ways and say no.
I just so happened to run across an article today that sheds new light on how close we may be to seeing an all-digital system.
Trump Administration: Digital Control Grid Coming Together at High Speed
After coming to the realization that the Mark will come about before the rapture and that people will not be able to buy or sell without it, what should someone do about it?
Pray and ask God what to do, everyone’s situation is different. But in general, considerations should be given to water filtration systems, food, shelter, medicines, barter items, moving to a safer location, etc.
But the most important thing is having faith in God to get us through the Great Tribulation until we are rescued at the rapture after the opening of seal 6.
there are many syncs pointing to the possibility that the Great Tribulation may begin on 4/19/2025.
Watch ye therefore,
and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things
that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36
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