On 3/29/2025 a partial solar eclipse will appear over parts of the world as pictured below.
As most of you are aware a
solar eclipse occurs when the moon comes between the earth and sun and blocks
the light of the sun bringing darkness over the land.
God has told us that He has
put signs in the heavens.
And God said,
Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the
night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: Gen
Will this year’s solar eclipse on 3/29/2025 be a sign? Let’s consider facts. First, let’s take note that President Trump has identified himself as a moon type involved in a previous solar eclipse.
Further his son Baron has identified his father as a moon type by posting this picture a few days before our highly synced date of 1/28/2025.
On that day a great celestial sign appeared, Mercury came between Capricorn and the moon. Realizing that the element Mercury can be used in some mirrors, the picture posted by Baron depicted what appeared in the sky on 1/28/2025.
Capricorn the goat—Mercury the
mirror—the Moon Donald Trump.
Thus, it is clear to see that
Donald Trump and his family have identified him as a Moon-type.
Now, let’s get back to the
3/29/2025 solar eclipse, when the moon blocks the light of the Sun. Let’s pick
a prophetically connected place in the world to see what the eclipse will look
like in that location. How about Saint John Newfoundland in Canada. Of course, you recognize Saint John as the writer of the book of Revelation. Here is what it will look like.
Wow, the devil horns will
appear (HT Stan) while observing the eclipse from Saint John, and since St.
John is very near the Atlantic ocean it will appear that the devil horns will
arise out of the sea. Who does St. John say will arise out of the sea in the
end times?
And I stood
upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea…
Rev 13:1
And right below the eclipse as the sun climbs higher in the sky Cetus the sea monster (beast) will rise out of the sea.
The devil horn eclipse occurs in Pisces, and after the beast rises up out of the sea will he not persecute God's children and Israel, which is represented by Pisces.
Ponder those facts for a while. Is this eclipse an antichrist related sign that is also related to the infamous beast rising up out of the sea told to us by God through St. John?
Oh, let me leave you with another piece of info, on 6/14/1946 Allister Crowley—the most powerful witch
in the world at the time, wrote a letter
about the moon child.
Oh, I forgot to mention the
letter was written on the same day as a lunar
eclipse and the same day that Donald Trump was born.
Here is another tidbit of info;
did you know that the Muslim religion has a moon god connection?
So, if the antichrist has a moon connection, will that be part of how he
incorporates the Muslims into the one world religion?
Is this devil horn
eclipse as it appears in the city of Saint John a sign of the coming antichrist?
And if so, during or after this eclipse, will the moon—moon child—bring darkness
upon the land? Is it a sign of the beast rising up out of the sea? Don’t forget
it is the job of a Judas goat to lead the sheep to slaughter.
Also don’t forget; as the saying goes, signs and symbols rule the world.
Note: I am not claiming that any one particular person is the antichrist. I am merely showing you the facts and prodding you to ponder these things. I have been hyper busy as of late and have not had a lot of time to research this. If you have any facts to share about this eclipse add into the comments section.
Update: At the prompting of a comment on the last post I started checking some distances and found the following. The distance from the Saint John marker to the Trump World Tower is 999.27 NM, 27 = 9+9+9. That makes 999.9+9+9.
ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all
these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36
Not sure that
you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus.
He wants to save you; will you let him? Find out what you must do
to be saved, click here.
Have you had
your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The
Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy (eBook
William.....I meant to also send you Revelation 13:11 to you.
ReplyDelete."..and I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon."
I feel this is symbolic of what is to come.
William... I also sent a picture of the eclipse from New York City. Thanks to one of the "anonymous" suggesting to do so. I did not think of that...
Deleteand didn't want to act like I did...
But....that picture does indeed look.like a bite out of an apple at max eclipse.
DeleteWilliam....Excellent find on you mentioning Cetus the sea monster rising out of the sea!!. This thing is gaining traction.!
DeleteWilliam.....I read Aleister Crowleys Moon Child book. Though I felt needing to take a bath after reading his satanic readings etc...
DeleteI am convinced that the blood moon eclipse birth of Donald Trump at least fulfilled their sinister plot to have this Moon Child born on that 6/14/1946 blood moon eclipse. Whether he will be a counterfeit AC...or the actual one ...time will tell. I am in favor of the latter.
More unfolding news....The news over 2 years ago came out about the corona borealis star soon to go nova as it explodes roughly every 80 years....making it around the 46th brightest star in the sky. The last time it exploded was on 2/9/1946. A few including myself are expecting this nova to explode on a significant date when it does go nova. It is expected to be as bright as the north star when it does explode. This star is roughly 3000 light years from earth and this upcoming anticipated explosion has already occured, but the light from that explosion is still traveling to earth.
DeleteI just read a scientific report that this star has been giving visible clues it is getting ready for this explosion and the latest estimate is refined to happen next week on 3/27/2025. I find it interesting that this star blows into a nova roughly every 80 years....and the last year it went nova was in 1946......the year Trump was born. Even more interesting is this latest refined estimate of it going nova is now on 3/27/2025. Trump was born on a blood moon on 6/14/1946....the same date Aleister Crowley's famous Moon Child letter was sent. A date calculator shows that from Trumps blood moon birthdate on 6/14/1946 to this just now predicted nova on 3/27/2025...is 28777 days inclusive. That is 7000+7000+7000+7000+777 days.
Would that not be yet another amazing God wink if the scientists are correct on the coronae borealis going nova next week on the 27th or the 28th? I would expect some major event will be linked to this sign in the heavens as Genesis 1:14 says the stars are for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years.
These God winks just keep accumulating, and are events in themselves, as those watching for clues see these, and know we are being given these warning signs.
William... a few more syncs...
DeleteOn 11/11/1903....Aleister Crowley had his famous night in the Great Pyramid .
There are so many syncs with this guy
his Moon Child book...etc...but notice the 11's in the 11/11/2003 date. From that date unto the upcoming two horn (bite out of the apple) eclipse rising out of the sea...44344 days. Intersting that is 11,000+11,000+11,000+11000+110+110+110+4 days.....and it is 66 days from 44444 days. That will fall on 7/17/2025...perhaps something will occur on that date?? Who knows??
Also...one of the anonymous posters mentioned the guy on 6/3/2022 kneeling in court with a shirt on saying we have 1028 days. Interesting that from that date to 21 Idays later...we land on 6/24/2022. I posted almost 3 years ago about that datebeing the great astronomical planet lineup that has not been seen before..as far as I could dig on stellarium. To review...the visible to the eye planets and our moon were in EXACT order from the sun before it rose on 6/24/2022. By the way...add up that date between the hyphens and you get 6/6/6....just sayin. I personally went out and viewed this spectacular occurrence for myself. I saw Mercury, Venus our moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn stretched out in that order God gave them from the sun. That only is very rare...but we have three more planets not visible to the eye. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. These three were also in their correct order , but not right after Saturn. So, the visible planets and our moon wear in correct order, and the three invisible planets were in their correct order on the 666 date of 6/24/2022.
Also...from 6/24/2022...subtract 99 days , and that is the date the Russia started regaining it's ground from Ukraine on 2/24/2022.
There is more...Is it not interesting that this great planetary alignment on this 666 date of 6/24/2022 is EXACTLY 10 years ...or 120 months from IPETGOAT2 release date on 6/24/2012?
Also..from 6/24/2022 ...if long time readers here recall about 9 years ago...I sent William one of my first in depth studies on stellarium I was obsessed with the upcoming occultation of Venus going behind the sun....I don't have the link to the artivle...but Venus does get occulted by the sun...not often..but it happens. But on this 6/6/16 date...those numbers sparked me to dig. I ended up Zooming in on my stellarium program with the given microscope feature with cross hairs. Not onlydid Venus pass behind the sun...but it did it as close to dead center as my research could find. This caused me to dig deeper. This occultation happened on 6/6/16...and it was the closest to dead center at 16:00 UTC time. I looked at that 16:00 and realized that is EXACTLY .666 into a 24 hour day. You can't make this stuff up! This is where I started using God winks...or somewhere soon after.
Still more...From IPETGOAT2 release date on 6/24/2012..I think it's an interesting number of 1444 days to this 6/6/2016 Venus occultation.
There is more...but I have a life too....ha
I made an error in my last comment above. I meant to say 43444 days and it is 54 days from 44000. That totally made that part insignificant ...unless something happens on 7/5/2025...which would be 44000 days. Excuse me.
DeleteI completely messed up my numbers in the last 2 comments. 44344 instead of the above 43444. Please consider that part worthy of printing up and lining a birdcage with it. :(
DeleteWilliam & Stan, these are amazing check marks for signs we need to add to our lists. The sea connection is also supported by Trumps tower in NYC and Mar-a-Lago sitting on the sea. This recent close development and supreme loyalty with Elon is still another confirmation I am eagerly watching, since years before this alliance was made public, Elon’s nanny spoke of his purpose and preparation for the AC. Isn’t it also interesting Trump published his love for King Charles and his desire to become a member of the commonwealth this week? I am also watching this development of the Giza discovery (kept secret) for what purpose it will unfold in soon coming days. Much to watch for as revelation continues to unfold. -Tamra
ReplyDeleteTamra....I assume this is your anonymous marker that ties to the very interesting other anonymous posts that are from the same source? :)
DeleteStan, I am NOT Tamra. I'd imagine that it is highly likely Tamra is the same Tamra of the previous comment(s) tagged by the name Tamra. I'm not aware that anyone has been playing any impersonation games in this website in the past several months. If you do that, shame on you. Anon is OK, but I certainly would not end this comment (or any comment I make) by saying that "I'm Stan". Identity theft is a serious crime, and a sin in a certain way too, and if I thought I saw it on this website, I'd point it out, or ask a question to raise a red flag.
DeleteFYI, in regard to Elon Musk, quite a few things about him were pointed out in the comments in the previous 3-5 ETF blog post comment sections. I also recall reading about something Elon's nanny said, that Elon was a sort of "moon child" of destiny. Thanks for drawing this to our attention, Tamra. Also, I'd love to hear back from you, Tamra, about the Giza discovery. Giza and the Egyptian pyramids and the Sphinx, are absolutely loaded with theological mysteries.
The FINAL Antichrist has many Antichrist precursor men, just as St. John the Baptist was a precursor to Jesus Christ.
In my opinion, the most recent such noteworthy precursors, were Hitler, Obama, and Trump. Trump was born a year after Hitler died. By now, I've contributed so much information to this blog, about "Trump - Antichrist sync connections", that PERHAPS I could now be regarded as the King, or top authority about that subject, on this blog. (Ahem = to try to state that, as humbly, as I can!) Anyway, my own opinion, for whatever it is worth, might surprise you. And that is, that despite the boatloads of AC-syncs that seem to swirl around Trump, that Trump is NOT the AC. But he definitely looks like an AC precursor. BTW, voting for Hillary or "exemplary Catholic Joe" or Kamala, was absolutely out of the question. But when I felt "played" by the "good cop, bad cop" drama, I reacted by twice voting for Candace Owens to be president.
I am sorry...but I will steadfastly refuse to comment to an "anonymous" as far as a the topic at hand. I want to know who I am talking with. Now this "Tamra" makes me even more that way. If someone doesn't want to honor my request...then my comments mean nothing .
Stan, I was wondering why you made that 6:27 comment, as I was not in any way asking you to comment, or thinking that you would. Upon re-reading my words, I think I see the problem, which is likely (?) the 4th sentence, which starts: "If YOU do that..." - To be clear, that word YOU is NOT directed at Stan. That word "YOU" is directed at EVERYONE who reads my words. That should be clear enough if one reads that first paragraph, as a contextual whole. The only reason I mention "Stan" as the first word, is simply because "Stan" is "getting in the way" (so to speak!!!!!) of my attempt to sub-address Tamra. And obviously, the very LAST person in the world, that either William or I or others, might suspect of impersonating someone else, would be a long-time contributor to this com-box who has consistently used a non-Anon name!!! I hope that clarifies things, and I apologize for not wording sentence 4, in a better way. I could and should have put it this way: "If any of you do that..." = just add 2 words = "any of" (!)
DeleteProofreading. Proofreading. Tedious. Tedious. My eyeballs...!
Stan, you are free to comment or not comment, exactly as you see fit. William apparently has no problem with you, and he is your com-box judge, not me. You feed him useful info for which he is grateful, and perhaps he takes half (?) your stuff and publishes it, and places the other half (?) into his "birdcage". (BTW, I like your word "birdcage". Why? Because it displays a nice sort of self-deprecatory humor. And an appropriate type of humor, makes com-box interaction easier.)
So, may God bless you Stan, and keep up the good work. But don't burn yourself out with overwork. R & R too. We all need to take the time to zoom-out from the zoom-in intricacies of sync speculation, and keep our lives in general in an overall correct perspective.
DeleteBy the way, March 29th is the 88th day of the year. Do you remember 88 mph from the movie Back to the Future? The 88 mph in the movie can also mean 88+(8+8) days from the beginning of the year, or 104 days (code 104), which is also seen in this same movie at the same time as the clock on the tower strikes 10:04. The main characters rejoice when the car reaches 88 mph and the time is finally 10:04. The following is the scene from the movie.
ReplyDelete"Back to the Future" - Part 1 - "Clock Tower Scene" - 1985
See also my Aijaa picture (my interpretation of the Osama scene in the IPG2 movie), which points to the 104th day of the year or 31 days after the Pi Day blood moon of March 2025.
Good find with the 88 but I think the 88 +8+8=104 is a stretch
DeleteI don't think so. Look at the time on the clock in Doc's car when he is about to leave. I think 88 mph is the same as 10:04, or code 104. It's no coincidence that the 104th day of the year (April 14th) is 31 days (the number is shown in the blood moon scene in IPG2) after the total lunar eclipse on Pi Day.
Deletehttps://youtu.be/TMmQ0RTYEkA?si=7hpFa7MpIoxkCDrt&t=130 (Doc's clock in the car and notice the time)
Remember the apple girl scene in the IPG2 film, where the girl giving birth (Lily) (Rev. 12:1-5) sits inside an annular solar eclipse and this honey-colored ring passes over 8 white and 8 black squares on the floor. So the ring goes over 8+8=16 squares and these 8 white and 8 black squares can be combined to form the number 88. -> the scene tries to show the number 104 (88+16).
DeleteHere in Doc's car, 88 mph and the time 10:04 side by side.
"888 Gematria and the Trump, Antichrist Significance!!!"
Deletehttps://prophecyinthemaking.blogspot.com/2016/06/888-gematria-and-trump-antichrist.html =
(June 6, 2016) blog post by blogger "Elijah". Anyone who wants to take the time to slog through the 2016-2025 blog posts of that site, will find a treasure trove of Trump / AC linkages /sync-ages. 888 is gematria for Trump, Jesus Christ, and the Antichrist. The AC tries to be seen as JC. Proof that 888 is the primary Illuminati number is as simple as adding 1 + 1 to get to 2. 888 + 888 = 1776. The pyramid on the back of the $1 bill is Illuminati from top to bottom, as EFT William and millions of others (by now) know.
888 is not only a palindrome like Belphegor's prime, but it also appears exactly the same upside down = diabolically inverted. Satan/Lucifer, in revolt against God and God's established natural order, likes to arrange things in an unnatural perverted / inverted, upside down and backwards manner. The 999 that William pointed out above, is 666 upside down. Even a quick look at a wiki article confirms that the Illuminati was established in the year 888+888. And you thought that the base of the pyramid "1776" alludes to the year the US was established? Hahahaha! You were DUPED! That June 6 , 2016 blog post also explains the REAL meaning of "Apollo" and "Eagle" as they relate to the USA - "Houston. Tranquility Base here. The ???!!! has landed." Oh really?!?! The Sea of Tranquility. It must be about as big as the Pacific, as there is an ocean of meaning in these sorts of things.
Mercedes Benz HQ in Germany is located VERY close to the place in Germany where the Illuminati was established. You can confirm that in less than a minute by simple wiki searches. Much has been noted about MB marketing and PR, in comments here over the past couple of months.
Hint: MB has revealed itself (in the past decade or two at least) to be 888+888 to the core, and more. By now, if ETF William could find the time to do so, he could probably compile about a small book about "888 MB". Lots of us could.
DeleteOlli, what's your opinion about these two (9:59 & 10:14) tidbits?
DeleteNow I'm only interested in the fulfillment of IPG2, i.e. the time of the second 9/11 attack. I don't feel like commenting on other things right now. I believe in the PreTrib rapture. I'm very tired.
DeleteTo O-R : Thanks for your response. I'm not disappointed by it. I understand. I'm very weary too. And I have some GOOD news for you, and that is, that I think you are very likely a bloodhound who is "hot on the trail/scent", of something BIG, with your above comments. People most often don't comment on what you post here, I'd imagine, because your syncs are of such an ELABORATELY ESOTERIC character. I'm seeing some things in what you wrote, that most likely everyone else isn't. And THANKS for mentioning 9-11, as I just didn't realize that that was your focus!!! I thought you were probably focusing on April 2025 in the manner William was, with his countdown clock & AC & Hoover Dam type of ideas. As it turns out, it seems that that is NOT your focus (at least at the moment). It is not my focus either! So we have much in common, including, but not at all limited to, the number 8.
Delete[ A ] 3-29-2025
[ B ] 4-14-2025
Those are the two dates you give in your comment posts above. And one can see 9-11 in them in a number of ways. First off, the 2+0+2+5 of the year = 9. In regard to A, there is a 9, and the 2+9 = 11. And 2+2+5 = 9. And 2+2+2+5 = 11. In regard to B, we see 9-11 too. 4+1+4 = 9. And 4+1+4+2 = 11. Yielding an 8 number is also possible with both A and B, and an 8+8 with B too.
Out of the thousands of books in my collection, I have only one about Crowley, titled: "Prophet of Evil : Aleister Crowley, 9/11 and the New World Order", by William Ramsey (Winged Victory Books, First Edition May 2010; 253+34 = 287 pages). The front cover has the face of Crowley between the 9-11 Twin Towers. It has lots of sync info connecting the devilish philosophy and theology of Crowley, to the 9-11-01 events. ETF William reproduced a "Moon Child" letter of Crowley (above), and Stan is commenting about Crowley in (by now) 3 different comments above. And that is not the first time Stan has commented on Crowley. He did so to a previous post, and I followed that up with the words "Jimmy Page & Boleskine House", and then Stan dug deeper into that. The syncs are indeed piling up. But what EXACTLY (!) are they pointing at?!
[to be continued]
[to Olli-R again, to continue the previous 3:01 comment]
DeleteIn regard to Crowley and Boleskine House, one can consult the top 7 comments of the March 5 "The Syncs of 3/14/2025" post. In regard to "the second 9/11 attack" as you refer to it, Olli, if it happens on one of those two dates you point out, then you definitely should get credited as being the original discoverer of the subject. The possibilities are quite numerous about what it could be. The Hoover dam being blown up? That is possible, but I strongly doubt it. I would think NYC would be the top target. NYC is seen in the very top photo of this blog post, depicted as "The Big Apple" with a bite taken out of it [= Genesis 3:6] and from another perfect biblical vantagepoint too [= Rev. 18:17]. Will it be a radiological dirty bomb, or a low-yield fission nuke, or will we see the release of biological weapons much more severe than Covid-19? Or, something else? It looks like we don't have too long to wait now, before we see it. God help us all.
They are now working on a peace deal for the Ukraine conflict. Trump seems to be in a hurry and says a truce could be possible before Easter. This brings to mind the "peace and security" in 1 Thess. 5:3. This is where sudden destruction occurs and I think it may be related to the Rapture. I live in hope. The PreTrib Rapture is supported by the Bible passage Titus 2:13. That is why I don't really agree with the waiting for the Antichrist first as William does.
Delete13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
I will reveal to you one interesting fact about myself. When I felt that I had come to faith and received forgiveness of my sins, years later I calculated my life time up to that moment out of curiosity. To my amazement, the days of my life were 9595 days (it was Sunday)! This is because I was born on May 9th (or 9.5. in European terms). And exactly 14 (9+5) weeks had passed since my birthday of that year. And now it is the year 2025, which numerologically is a "9595" year, because 2025 = 9 x 5 x 9 x 5!!!
DeleteI should also add that the last part of my social security number is -195D!!
DeleteTo clarify, this last part of the social security number (3 numbers and a letter) has nothing to do with the date of birth. It is random. For example, my twin brother's last part is -197F.
DeleteOlli, do you think you are going to die or be raptured in 2025?
DeleteYou describe your life as existing between certain "book ends".
Your "born again" day aged 26.26 years, syncs to your B-day!
By now, we might possibly know your computer passwords!
I've experienced lots and lots of freakish and mind-boggling "God Winks" in my life, but not calendrical ones of a sort you describe. What you say about your personal life, seems to shed a great deal of light indeed, into the subject of how you view things like IPG2. IPG2 is indeed very interesting, but my main problem with IPG2, is that you never really know what it means, and that the creators of it could intentionally spoof you to throw you off track, and to waste massive amounts of time going deep down into rabbit holes to nowhere. A much more solid and reliable manner of doing such sync work, is to sync things securely to God's Word (= Bible), and God's creation (= astronomy). Otherwise we are dealing with arbitrary and manipulatable human things. And the IPG2 creator(s) appear to be super-skilled at manipulation, either in the direction of truth, or of falsehood.
You are endeavoring to predict the day of the second 9/11. Is that easy to do?!?! What do you need? Answer: You need either a hot-line heaven to talk to God; or, very elite-level linked-in earthly connections. You need to rub shoulders with, and swap gossip with, people at the very tip top of the Illuminati pyramid on the back of the $1 bill. And then you MIGHT have a "heads up" about the day of the next 9/11. Maybe the creator(s) of IPG2 do have such connections. Or maybe not. IPG2 conveys an overall impression of being an Illuminati enterprise. But God can outfox and manipulate the Illuminati, too! So...
You've given us two dates = March 29 and April 14.
Let's just wait and see what happens then.
DeleteWilliam, I had no idea how much of an enthusiastic fan(atic?!) you were, about Pink Floyd music!!! (And YES, I've read (and agree with!) your 3 blog posts all titled "Rock Music and the Antichrist"). We see "The Dark Side of the Moon" all over the place in your imagery above. In 7 or 8 places. Trump himself is being depicted as BEING "The Dark Side of the Moon" in that Youtube image. Clever. A VERY clever ph*t*sh*pped image. (Was that intended to be a hint that he's a lunatic?!) But...
ReplyDeleteThere is no dark side of the moon, really.
Matter of fact, it's all dark.
Those are the concluding words of the album, as pronounced by a man who sounds like he's a lunatic. In light of the fact that lots of those "Floyd Moon" lyrics pertain to lunar and insanity themes, it is tempting to think that Floyd's final words were an attempt to make themselves sound insane. That not correct, however. P. Floyd was correct in every which way, including scientifically AND (!) biblically. All we need to do, is quote the lyrics in context instead of out of context. And next, we deal with the difference between perception and reality. In reality, 100% of the moon is (or close to) 100% dark, only in very rare eclipses. And NOT in the recent eclipses, or soon to come eclipse. (The moon eclipsing the earth, and vice versa, are two different things). But in terms of earth-bound perception, 100% of the moon IS 100% dark, as we we see it in your imagery above. The sun presumably is shining on the other side, but we just cannot see that, although sometimes we see our sun halo-shine around the black orb.
Hebrew calendrics and calendrical computations are lunar-based. (Queen) Esther is the master key that successfully unlocks the question of when the AC starts his 3.5 year reign of terror. And the moon is about astronomy. And Floyd figured out what the Hoover Dam related stuff, was all about, circa 40 years before you did, and they figured it out correctly, too! Hard evidence shows and will show that (to sort of paraphrase Brent 188). "Syncs" can often be EXTREMELY tricky, to correctly interpret. I'll further elaborate, as (my unfortunately rather limited) time, allows.
From the P.F. "Moon" tune, "Time" : "Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock..."
3/1/1973 to ????
DeleteAt "The Second Coming of Christ" all of human earthly history ends, including earthly music. And we read in Rev. 18:22 about how the music abruptly stops, and never resumes, in that "Great" wicked city (= as described in "American Pie"). Is anyone living nowadays in the literal brimstone-burnt place Sodom? If not, then the music stopped there. The music in hell will probably feature Led Zeppelin being forced to perform "Stairway to Heaven" who knows how many billions of times, to "adoring" audiences. The Zep line "To be a rock and not to roll" means that you are chained in place, and cannot move, while being forever burned. Although I suppose the demons will free you from your chains now and then, but only so you can keep going to Led Zeppelin concerts, but which might involve more torture than not going.
The Internet being what it now is, no doubt P.F. is being played every single minute of every day of every year, at least somewhere in the world. Non-stop. How would anyone know the answer to your question then, William???? For sure it ends at the Second Coming of JC (or continues, IF allowed by JC), but before that, everything involves making predictions. You keep repeating like a mantra, William, that you are not making any predictions, but just showing us syncs. Well then why would I or anyone else want to make a prediction to answer your question????!!!!
To compare the Zep lyrical line "To be a rock and not to roll"
Deletewith Matthew 7: 24-29 and 16: 13-19 = about "the Rock"
is quite an interesting study concerning contrasting themes.
Matthew 7: 28-29 = "... the people were in awe at his doctrine. For he [= Jesus] was teaching them as one having power."
In other words, He can ROCK the whole universe whenever He wants to. And when all is about to be sunk and doomed to failure (Mark 4: 35-40), He can intervene, and all of nature and the whole universe obeys Him.
Matthew 23:2-3.
Another interesting Sync bringing us to the 28/29th of March happened in Roland Garros in on the 6/3/2022 an environmental protestor entered the court kneeling down with a t-shirt saying we have 1028 days left..That takes us to the date of the eclipse also another Sync is it's exactly 666 weeks to that date that ipet goat was released..