That's not the Moon, it's Pluto |
are many synchronicities pointing to Twosday 2/22/2022 which I have detailed in
previous posts. I just came across two more, Pluto and 888. I believe all of
these syncs are foretelling the strong possibility of a major event and or the
beginning of a series of events. Here is a post explaining the Twosday syncs
already found, and then I will show you the new syncs.
Another Twosday
2/22/2022 Synchronicity
am sure you have all heard of the “no longer a planet” Pluto that is now just considered
a dwarf planet. But did you know that Pluto will be in its exact same position
that it was on July 4, 1776, as it will be on 2/22/2022.
February 22, 2022, date marks when Pluto will enter the same exact degree it was
in on July 4, 1776, Astrodim says, which was 27 degrees Capricorn.
know Pluto orbits the sun about every 247 years, so this is the first time
since the inception of the USA that this has happened. Hmm… now that is an
interesting sync. If it would occur on any old day, I would have probably
thought it was no big deal but for it to occur on the already highly synced
2/22/2022, it may be worth noting.
do know that God has put signs in the heavens to let us know important things
are happening on earth, with the classic examples being the famed star of
Bethlehem and the woman clothed with the sun. So, is this Pluto sync a sign for
the USA?
let me be clear, the stars do not exude energy to cause changes on earth or upon
men as astrologers believe and promote. The alignment of the stars does not
affect us, but the alignment of the stars can be for signs.
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to
divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and
for days, and years: Gen
So, this Pluto alignment will not cause any changes, but it may be a sign for the
USA, this is especially true since it lands on the highly synced 2/22/2022.
the post Recalculating the End
of Days…I Wonder If This Is It!? An end times chronology was presented. In
the chronology 9/19/2019 was theorized to be a possible start date for the last
7 years. Based on that start date 2/22/2022 would be day number 888 of the last
7 years.
what is so special about the number 888. First off 2 x 888 = 1776, and secondly
it has been regarded as the number of Jesus because Jesus in Greek gematria =
888. So, since we are not at the time when Jesus could appear at the rapture,
because we know that the false messiah antichrist must come first, thus if
there is an event on that day connected to 888 then it may be antichrist
here is what we know about 2/22/2022.
Alexa says, things will get much worse, there will be an alien invasion, the
antichrist will be born.
dollar bill contains many encodings of 222
The hundred-dollar bill contains a 222
= 2x2x2x222
= 222
is George Washington’s birthday.
the alternative antichrist number of 616 into the dollar code formula yields
position of Pluto on 7/4/1776 matches its position on 2/22/2022.
the last 7 years began on 9/19/19 then day number 888 is 2/22/2022
are we to make of all these synchronicities? Are they all just by coincidence
or are they signs that major changes are brewing? And if so, will a major event
occur on 2/22/2022, or will it be the start of a series of events? And if there
is an event, will it be a USA event, a dollar event, a UFO event, an antichrist
event, a nuclear bomb terrorist event, a or a combination of events or since 2s
are involved, will it have something to do with Seal 2/WW3? And there is always
the possibility of the occurrence of “hidden” event.
are some interesting questions to ponder of which I do not know the answer. All
I can do is point out the syncs, and just because there are syncs does not mean
an event will occur. But if a major event does occur, then it may give credence
to the 9/19/2019 start date theory. As always, time will tell, we wait and
Personal note: Still no job for my wife, interview tomorrow, I have another tooth acting up--your prayers appreciated.
Update: Here are a couple of other syncs, HT Stan
"Man didn't discover Pluto until February 18th, 1930. So when our country was founded in 1776...Pluto could not even be a sign back then...not until 1930. But....I entered that date Pluto was discovered into a day calculator....and entered the day that Israel became a nation on May 14th,1948. Guess how many days?? 6660 days....as if we need another wink from God."
And he also alerted us to the fact that from 2/22/2022 to the X marks the spot eclipse on 4/8/24 is 777 days.
Update #2
Here are a few more syncs, 444 days before 2/22/2022 is 12/5/20, which was when Biden was declared President. 777 days before 2/22/2022 is 1/7/20, which is when the Iran missile attacks took place.
Here are a few more interesting facts; the “pandemic” was declared on 3/11/2020 and from that date to Twosday it will be 1 year, 11 months, and 11 days (11111). And from the Japan earthquake and tsunami, it will be 10 years, 11 months, and 11 days (dropping the zero; 11111). And if we add all the digits in the day and month (2/22) we get, 2+2+2=6, in the year (2022) we get 2+0+2+2=6, and the time (2:22) we get, 2+2+2=6, and that makes a 666.
Update #3
Not sure if this has any bearing but here is a list of the moons of Pluto and the meanings of their names, they are all underworld/hades related.
Charon: Boatman who carried
souls of dead across river Styx to the underworld.
Styx: A river in the
Nix: A shape shifting water
Kerebos: A hound of hades
Hydra: A water serpent with 9
heads that when cut off grew back 2 heads.
GDP also pointed out there is a heart on Pluto may be related to the IPG2 heart
Update #4
There are 89718 days between 7/4/1776 and 2/22/2022. (8+9=17, 1+7=8) (7+1=8) (8) so the number configures to 888.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted
worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before
the Son of man. Luke 21:36
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