Showing posts with label washington DC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label washington DC. Show all posts

Sunday, January 5, 2025

A Dump Truck Explosion Dream and the End of the World


Now, you may be thinking what in the world does a dump truck have to do with the end of the world. Read on and you will find out.

Over 13 years ago I had a dream about a dump truck, an explosion, and events involving the end of the world, that is, events during what I interpreted to be events in the last 7 years detailed in the book of Revelation.

Unfortunately, I cannot remember the exact day or year I had the dream, but I wrote about it and posted it on The End Times Forecaster blog in 2010. Here is the dream account and most of what I posted, I will comment below.

September 11, 2001 is a day that will live in infamy. Those horrific images have been burned into our hearts and minds forever. What happened on that day gave me an overwhelming sense in my spirit that we were close to the final days before the return of the Lord. This catastrophe was obviously an action of satan allowed by God. But a nagging question swirled in my mind. If God allowed this disaster to happen, what else might God allow to occur before He returns? That question drove me to my knees, at which time I cried out to God to show me what was going to happen in the time leading up to His return. In response to that earnest plea, God answered my prayer and opened my eyes to end-times scriptural truths in His Word as never before. Something else happened in my life that increased my desire to know what scripture says with regard to the end times. I had a dream which I believe foretells future events in my life leading up to the time in which Christians will be raptured.

It was a complete surprise to me to receive a prophetic dream from God. Yes, I trusted Him and believed the Bible, which I eagerly taught to others. Yet, like most Christians, I had never had an experience like that before. In fact, I was not sure that anything like that was possible. I believed that these things had passed away with the apostles, or maybe that “it only happened to other people.”

Can God still communicate to people through dreams today? Some would argue no, saying that since we have the complete Word of God, we have no need for dreams. I disagree; for scripture will be present during the end times and God has specifically told us that He will use dreams to communicate to His children during that time.

But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams…And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come. (Acts 2:16–20)

So the argument that God will not communicate to us via dreams because we have scripture is not valid. I assert that God in the past, today, and in the future can and will at times communicate to us in dreams. The Bible records that many people, both saved and unsaved in the Old Testament and New, have had dreams in which God was trying to communicate to them. Pharaoh, the baker, the butler, Joseph, Nebuchadnezzar, Peter, and the list goes on, are examples of just a few. By way of caution, let me also say that no dream from God will contradict scripture. The dream was used to drive me to scripture. At first I thought the dream was just that—a dream. But as the days and months passed, it did not fade from my mind but remained as vivid as the day I had it. I also had a growing sense that the dream was from God. As that thought permeated my mind, I wanted to know what it meant; for its meaning totally baffled me. I knew it was about the future and that a rough road lay ahead and that God would take care of my family and me, but the meaning eluded me. As Nebuchadnezzar said, “I have dreamed a dream, and my spirit was troubled to know the dream” (Dan. 2:3).

Trying to find out what the dream meant helped motivate me to examine God’s Word more intently to see if the meaning would become apparent to me. This earnest search of scripture, by God’s grace, helped lead me to the putting together of all the pieces of the prophecy puzzle. 

The picture revealed by putting all the pieces together was different than what I had believed for most my Christian life. Naturally, I felt compelled to tell people what my scriptural study had revealed. That is why I have written The Coming Epiphany. My study of scripture also has led me to believe that some of the events depicted in the dream will not only affect me but everyone alive on earth at the time. That is why I would like to share the dream and its meaning with you.

My family and I were in our Ford Explorer, driving down a nicely paved road at a good speed. Up ahead, I saw a lot of billowing black smoke from an accident at an intersection. A large dump truck had entered the intersection from my right and smashed into the side of an odd-shaped yellow recreational vehicle of grotesquely large size. The motor home was very damaged down its left side and disabled. It had been traveling in the opposite direction from me, and as I passed by, I clearly saw the damage from the collision. I turned my head to look forward again and noticed a policeman directing traffic to turn right, but I was going too fast to make the turn. I just kept going straight through the intersection, and the policeman did not stop me. All the rest of the traffic on my road turned right. For some reason, I did not want to stop and was glad I could keep going in my original direction. 

The road kept going, though I was the only one on it. It was initially pavement; but shortly, it turned into rough gravel. Up ahead, I noticed a huge ditch across the road in front of me. I braked hard and hit the ditch with a jolt. My SUV made it across the ditch without crashing, and we made it to the other side safely. After stopping, I got out and looked around. The SUV was not damaged. I was standing on extremely wet, soggy sand, which prevented me from driving any further. Looking back, I saw many people traveling down the detour route to the right—the detour the policeman had wanted me to take back at the intersection. It now had a guard rail alongside the road that prevented others and myself from gaining access. I felt a keen sense of embarrassment from having gotten into this predicament.

Water seeped out of the sand I was standing on and flowed down into a stream. As I was walking, I looked to the left and saw a large pond with very clean water and sea creatures and fish in it. I had a feeling that this pond was in a tropical location, and I felt very safe and calm being there. I remember thinking that there was food there to eat that could sustain us. On the other side of the stream was a large cement wall about 30 feet tall. Beyond the wall were some very nice houses. Although I could see windows in the houses, no one had seen me, the houses may also have been empty. The sand road I was on made a 180-degree turn to the right at the stream. I walked around the bend in the road and looked down the road. It had lush vegetation growing along each side and it seemed to go on for a long ways, although I could not see that far down it.

That is my dream. The accident, gravel road, policeman, and ditch depict events that will affect all of us.

Source: A Dream I Had--The End Times

That was my dream and most of what I wrote about it and posted in 2010. I also posted my attempt at interpreting the dream.

In pondering the dream from over 13 years ago, and in light of the latest prophetic information suggesting we are on the brink of major prophetic events near the midpoint of the last 7 years, I would like to offer a few thoughts.

Does this dream indicate that there will be an explosion involving a dump truck that will drastically change our world and be a major event during the end times? BTW, I do remember in my dream that I had a sense that the dump truck explosion was possibly the work of a terrorist.

Could the dump truck explosion involve one of the iconic places that were hit by lightning on New Year’s Eve—the Capitol Building, the Washington Monument, the One World Trade Center, or the Empire State building? Could it involve a time when a world leader(s) are present.

In light of the prophetic data that suggests the Great Tribulation will begin on 4/19/2025, then the world is prime for drastic life altering events. And you may be wondering when the rapture will occur, it will not occur until after the opening of Seal 6.

BTW, I have had a dream that came true; Prophetic "Dreams of a Paradise Lost" Fulfilled.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy (eBook $4.99).

Monday, October 7, 2024

Florida and the East Coast USA Beware; 2 Hurricanes on the way!?


We have all been reminded recently by Hurricane Helene of how dangerous hurricanes can be. From power outages, high winds, storm surge, and flooding, hurricanes can be devastating. And not being prepared for those possibilities can be deadly. 

I wanted to make you aware that 2 additional major hurricanes are forecast to hit the USA in the next 2 weeks. The first is Milton, which is forecast to hit central Florida as a category 3 or 4 hurricane with an 18 ft. storm surge predicted for the Tampa Bay area—major devastation. 

The other is yet to develop but the long-range models are showing it hitting south Florida as a category 3 or 4 on Friday October 18 and then crossing Florida and moving up and impacting the East coast USA. The next names on the list after hurricane Milton are Hurricane Nadine and then Hurricane Oscar. (Note: long range forecasts can change many times)


So, if these forecasts come to fruition, then major storms will be impacting the USA from Florida to Maine. It is one thing for a major storm to hit rural areas, it is quite another thing for major storms to hit highly populated areas like Tampa and the East coast USA. 

If a major storm hit your area and there was no power or running water, could you survive? 

God says, A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished. Proverbs 22:3 

Will these storms hit the USA as forecast? I do not know. But I do know it is better to be safe than sorry. 

And if these storms hit as forecast it will be 3 major hurricanes that will have hit Florida while we have a sign in the heavens—the great comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS). 

Behold; the Comet of the Century is Upon Us! Is it a Sign? 

And yes comets can be signs; the great comet of 1811 preceded and was visible at the time of the New Madrid earthquake. And the great comet of 1861 preceded and was visible at the time of the formal declaration of war in the Civil war on Jul 25,1861 

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: Genesis 1:14 

And along with these storms we have the turmoil in the Mid – East that is threatening to go nuclear. 

Is This It, Are We On The Brink of Pike's Mid-East War? 

Is the Tsuchinshan-ATLAS comet a sign of judgments falling upon the USA and the world? You can decide that for yourself, but I will monitoring these storms closely. 

BTW, I posted the info below on 9/19/2024, Helene made landfall on 9/27/2024. I wonder how many people heeded the warning.


If a major storm hit your area and there was no power or running water, could you survive? 

Remember; “God will not do for you what He has given you the power to do for yourself.” (Bob Jones) 

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.


Monday, January 4, 2021

The White House Ellipse MAGA March Synchronicities


I ran across this article today. 

Jan. 6 MAGA March To Be Held On White House Ellipse 

When I saw the words “White House Ellipse” it jogged my memory to a post from 2011. 

Comet Elenin, Israel, the Palestinian State, and America 

You may be wondering how in the world can comet Elenin be connected to Israel, the Palestinian State, and America? Good question. What I am about to show you may amaze you as it did me.

In doing all the research about comet Elenin contained in the posts 
Comet Elenin and the Pole Shift Theory; 3/15/2011 and Beyond , and as I was praying about the whole situation one of my prayers was that somebody might email me with some more info so that I could come to a better conclusion regarding the comet Elenin theory. Well I believe I received an answer to that prayer. I was emailed by Daniel Eggers of the Prayers for the People website. He did some excellent research and showed me several things in regards to this comet’s connection to Israel, the Palestinian State, and America. Here is some of what he emailed me.

10/18/1991 I wanted to see when Elenin first entered our solar system. I realize that the speed of the comet is based on its current trajectory and speed, but if you use the NNEOP you will find that Elenin seems to enter our solar system in 1991-to early 1992. I do not believe it is necessary to know the exact date or boundary of the solar system to see that the approximate time of entry is close to 
James Baker III’s announcement on October 18, 1991 that the (first US led) Middle East peace conference to divide the land of Israel would begin on October 30, in Madrid, Spain, which would then be followed by "direct negotiations to achieve real peace."

The timing of the comet, especially when one keeps in mind that all celestial bodies are cogs in a much larger and incomprehensibly intricate mechanism of Adhonai's plan, I find it interesting that the timing of such would seem to coincide with the United States of America (or modern Babylon), with overwhelming world support, to divide the land of Israel, or Yeshua's inheritance.

President Obama lit the National Christmas Tree

Comet Elenin was found at .435 UT

12/11/2010, Friday night, at the Brookings Institution's Saban Center for Middle East Policy Seventh Annual Forum, 
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced the expected: the United States of America is moving forward with a continuing engagement to "achieve a two-state solution that will end the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians once and for all." I believe this was the first Obama administration official to speak about the failed attempt to broker a freeze and renew "peace talks" after all attempts fell apart.

Total Lunar Eclipse, Blood Moon, focused primarily over CONUS. (Note: for reasons too many to explain in this email, I feel that this specific Blood Moon was a threshold marker of sorts, especially if one reviews the chain of events, global revolution, peace talk push, Iranian warships in the Suez Canal with 5.9 earthquake before entry6, etc., that have taken place with increased frequency since.)

2/18/2011 Obama has the Palestinian resolution condemning Israeli settlements vetoed. Based on the explanation given by Susan Rice, it would appear that the US vetoed on the grounds of taking ownership of the "peace process" and will continue to push for peace based on the established US initiative.8 This is interesting if what I believe (Jeremiah 50:11, Isaiah 47:6) have to say about Babylon, that seems to point to some type of effect on the inheritance (land of Israel) that I believe points to the "peace process."

Because ye were glad, because ye rejoiced, O ye destroyers of mine heritage, because ye are grown fat as the heifer at grass, and bellow as bulls; Jeremiah 50:11

I was wroth with my people, I have polluted mine inheritance, and given them into thine hand: thou didst shew them no mercy; upon the ancient hast thou very heavily laid thy yoke. Isaiah 47:6

Also on that day Hillary Clinton said, "I think it is absolutely clear to say, number one, that it's been American policy for many years that settlements were illegitimate and it is the continuing goal and highest priority of the Obama administration to keep working toward a two-state solution with both Israelis and Palestinians." 


National Christmas Tree is toppled Saturday morning. Tree seems to have fallen between 10am and 11:30am, 72-days from the time President Obama lit the tree.

In the United States, a large tree near the White House is decorated as the National Christmas Tree. The grand illumination of the Christmas lights on the tree by the President of the United States early in the Christmas season is an annual televised event and the start of month-long festivities known as the Pageant of Peace. Nearby smaller trees and other decorations leading up to the National Christmas Tree are referred to as the Pathway to Peace. 

The tradition was started by a supporter of the Jewish people. Various trees were used up to Carter. The tree that was permanently placed from the Carter administration fell 30+ years later during the Obama administration--Iranian revolution to Egyptian revolution

Carter appears to be the first US president to lead any Israeli / Arab peace initiative. Obama wants to be the last. (I am sure you are able to see countless other similarities between the two administrations better than I, especially since Carter was several years before I was born.)

Finally, I believe that my next hundred days will be so successful I will be able to complete them in 72 days. (Laughter.) And on the 73rd day, I will rest." (Laughter.) 
ABC News

The Ellipse in which the National Christmas Tree was placed is also the type of orbit that Elenin has.

I wanted to pass these notes on, as I feel that whatever events transpire in the near future, such events will have a common component… the attempted destruction of the inheritance of JESUS CHRIST –Israel.

I am not saying that anything will happen in the time frames that you have noted, but I feel that it would be of grave ignorance, in light of all other signs, to not pay close attention to the time frames that you have noted.

Again a big thank you to Daniel of Prayers for the People! Wow; so we see that Elenin came into the solar system at the time of James Baker III’s announcement of the (first US led) Middle East peace conference to divide the land of Israel. And then the comet was officially discovered the day after the National Christmas tree was lit-- that has associations to Israel--right in the midst of dates connected to America, Israel and the Palestinian state. And let’s not forget about the tree falling 72 days after it was lit—the same amount of time that President Obama used in his off the cuff remark-- and it fell the day after Hillary declared the Israeli settlements to be illegitimate. I find these things to be beyond coincidence.

After reading what Daniel sent to me I decided to check the “lines.” Over the past few months I have learned that there are “lines” on the earth that have profound prophetic significance (check the blog archive to see those posts). So I decided to check to see if there were any lines that might connect this comet with Israel, America, and the Palestinian State. What I found amazed me. If you draw a line from the White House to the location of the 8.8 Chile earthquake – that is theorized to have been caused by the alignment with comet Elenin—it cuts right through the National Christmas Tree!


The Chile connection brought to mind the recent post about the Great Babylon eclipse that occurred on 12/14/20 and sliced through Chile. 

The Great Babylon Eclipse of 12/14/20; Will Judgment Follow? 

Here is are a few summary statements from the post. 

So we see a pattern of eclipses being followed by judgments in the area that the eclipse path occurred. Thus I believe that it is highly likely, at the very least, that we will see judgment follow this eclipse in the eclipse path—South America        

And what type of judgment might fall? Earthquakes (Chile is known for earthquakes), tsunamis, financial, asteroids, terrorist actions, etc., are all on the list. 

And when might it occur? On the day of or at an esoteric interval past the eclipse. The esoteric numerals are many, a few likely candidates are: 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 18, 21, 33, 36, 29, 40, 44… 

Even though that eclipse crossed through Chile it had profound connections to America. 

And in regards to the Palestinian State; from the post: The Abraham Accord Judgments are Falling 

History has shown that when nations have gone against Israel, judgment has followed. The Abraham accord was based on the presupposition that Israel would divide her land. For many years I have heralded the warning; USA, DO NOT DIVIDE THE LAND OF ISRAEL!  

In light of the dividing of the land aspect of the Abraham Accord, I issued a warning that judgments would possibly accompany it and or follow it. And that is exactly what has happened. Here is the post and a few excerpts. 

The Peace Treaty; Beware What Follows  

The deal has been signed, judgment has accompanied it and I believe more judgments are yet to follow. If you are not familiar with what judgements have already occurred, here is a post with a rundown of what has happened so far.   

The Peace Plan, the Palestinian State, the Western Wildfires, and Hurricane Sally   

In regards to future judgments in association with this deal, I believe we have not seen the last of them. In the past I have observed judgments falling on esoterically important number of days past an event. 

With all of that information I attempted to draw a line from a location on the White House to the center eclipse location, and as you can see a line can be drawn that goes through the Christmas tree. 

Speaking of lines let’s not forget about the Christmas day attack that was on “the line.” The Nashville, TN Christmas Day Attack Synchronicities 


So we have connections between a comet, an 8.8 (88 is a number associated with Washington DC) Chile earthquake, the Palestinian state, the White House, the Christmas tree on the ellipse, and the Great Babylon Chile eclipse on 12/14/20. As most of you are aware the eclipse may be a warning of a future judgment on South America and or America the Babylon, which would occur at an esoteric interval past 12/14/20. 

Are all of these connections a harbinger of an impending judgment? I cannot tell you if anything will happen in the future in relation to these syncs, we watch, time will tell. 

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Do you want to understand what will happen in the end times and when, so you can be prepared? Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Hurricane Matthew, President Obama, and Israel

(HT Mark)

Deadly Major Hurricane Matthew is presently ripping through the Caribbean with sustained winds of 145 mph leaving a path of destruction in its wake, and the storm may be headed for the USA.
A watch was issued for this storm on 9/27/16 by The End Times Forecaster blog even before it became a named storm. Why was a watch issued before it became a named storm? Because of what the long range models were showing, and because of what has recently been said and done in relation to the land of Israel. You can read the watch here; Beware East Coast USA; Here Comes Hurricane Matthew!?
See; in the past major storms have followed actions taken against Israel and her land. Case in point; Hurricane Katrina—we ripped up some Israeli settlements and Hurricane Katrina ripped some of our settlements. You can read the details here; 3 Lines to Israel; One for Life, Two for Death.
In regards to Hurricane Matthew and the land of Israel, on September 20, 2016 President Obama addressed the U.N. Here is what he said in regards to Israel from the post; President Obama, Israel, and the 2016 UN Speech.
President Obama addressed the UN General assembly today 9/20/2016. Here are his comments regarding the Palestinian issue.
“And surely, Israelis and Palestinians will be better off if Palestinians reject incitement and recognize the legitimacy of Israel, but Israel recognizes that it cannot permanently occupy and settle Palestinian land.”
As you can see the President has made it clear that as far as he is concerned, Israel cannot keep some of her land. In the past when nations have taken actions against the land of Israel it has resulted in calamities such as Hurricane Katrina, and the Fukushima disaster.
Further In light of that past history, it would suggest that these intended actions by our President, if carried through with, could bring trouble upon our land.
Interestingly enough on 9/24/2016, which was four days after he made his speech, a low formed in the Atlantic.
This low would eventually become Tropical storm Matthew, which as you now know has developed into a major hurricane. I would further surmise that at about the same time as President Obama was making his speech at the U.N. (9/20/16), that a tropical wave came off the coast of Africa, as usually occurs, and that this wave developed into the Low on 9/24/16 which spawned Hurricane Matthew.
This is not the only action that was taken against Israel and her land in recent days. On September 30, 2016 the White House put out the following letter. Notice the word Israel crossed out.
This was a definite slap in Israel’s face, and a reiteration of the White House policy that Jerusalem does not belong to Israel. I wonder how God feels about that.
32 (But he shall have one tribe for my servant David's sake, and for Jerusalem's sake, the city which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel:) 1 Kings 11:32
Interestingly enough on September 30, 2016, the same day the memo was released; Hurricane Matthew went from a category one hurricane with 80 mph winds just before midnight, to a category 5 hurricane with 160 mph winds! Again, that occurred on the same day the memo came out.
Need any more be said? In light of all of this, it makes me wonder how the storm will affect the mainland USA? Will it veer out to sea, or will it track up the East Coast leaving a path of destruction along the way? In light of our recent actions against Israel, it would surprise me if Hurricane Matthew does not negatively impact the USA.
And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. Gen 12:3
Here is the latest tracking graphic from the NHC. For the last few days every updated track forecast has been bringing the storm closer to the USA.
If it does come up the East Coast, I wonder how Hurricane Matthew will effect Washington D.C.—the home town of the President, and New York City—the hometown of the U.N.? Will God draw a line of judgment through those two cities (Washington D.C., New York) as they have done to Israel? Or is this storm just a warning shot sending a clear message regarding the land of Israel? As always time will tell.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36
Do you know if you will be able to stand before the Son of man? Do you know what you must do to be saved? Read a short message entitled God’s Gift of Salvation to find out.
Have you prepared for the end times? The Coming Epiphany is an easy to understand prophecy book designed to help you prepare for the end times. You can download it for FREE at this link; The Coming Epiphany.
Did you know that there is a secret map and several dates ciphered on the dollar bill? One of the dates is the infamous 9/23/17; another is the 6/6/16 false messiah date. See The Dollar Code for more information. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Beware East Coast USA; Here Comes Hurricane Matthew!?

Update 10/4
Here is the latest post and Matthew showing connections to Israel and her land; Hurricane Matthew, President Obama, and Israel.
Update 10/3
The latest model run shows Matthew making landfall at about the North Carolina/South Carolina border on Saturday 10/8. After which it is predicted to stay just offshore making landfall again near Cape Cod. Even if the storm does not track over land there is also the possibility of strong winds and large amounts of rain along the Eastern Sea board. All USA East coast residents should watch for updated information. Pray for the people of Haiti, Eastern Cuba, and the Bahamas who are expected to take the full force of Matthew with copious amounts of rain and devastating winds. Many living in Haiti are living in makeshift housing, and are likely to be hit very hard.
Update 10/2 AM
The latest GFS run shows Hurricane Matthew making landfall on the North Carolina coast on 10/8 and continuing up the Eastern Seaboard.
Update 10/1 PM
The latest track as shown below is taking the storm almost directly over the Guantanamo Bay  Detention Center on 10/3 or 10/4. (HT Matt)
Update 10/1
As you are probably aware Hurricane Matthew has developed into a major Hurricane with winds this morning at 155 mph. This is likely to be a catastrophic event for parts of the Caribbean. The latest GFS run shows the storm hugging the East Coast of the USA starting with Florida on 10/6 and making its way up the coast with the eye making landfall on about 10/9 around or just North of NYC. If that scenario develops this hurricane could bring great destruction up and down the entire East Coast. Of course this is just a model and it may not track as forecast. This is a dangerous storm that bears watching.
Update 9/30: Matthew is now forecast to develop into a major hurricane and slam into the Caribbean. Last night the models showed Matthew eventually hitting the East Coast USA. This morning the models are showing it going out to sea. This situation bears watching.
Update 9/28: The disturbane we have been watching has just become tropical storm Matthew. According to the NWS Matthew is expected to become a hurricane on Friday, 9/30/2016. Both the GFS and CMC are still forecasting hurricane Matthew to effect the East coast USA on or about 10/5/2016. Updates will be added as warrnted. Original post below. Here is the NWS link for Matthew;
Original Post
Both the GFS and CMC long range models are forecasting that a Hurricane is about to develop. The models are also forecasting the storm to further develop into a major Hurricane. If this storm develops it will be named Matthew.
At present both the GFS and CMC models have the yet to develop Hurricane Matthew affecting the mainland USA on or around October 5, 2016 as the graphic above illustrates.
This storm is still undeveloped as yet but interests in the Caribbean and the eastern coastal areas of the USA should watch for further developments. Here is the NWS Hurricane page link.
Whether or not a Hurricane will develop as the models suggest is yet to be seen. And if it develops, where God allows the HAARP players steer it, is also yet to be seen. But Matthew does tell us that in the end times, “sorrows” will increase.
4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows. MT 24
And one of the reasons that sorrows will increase is because Nations in general will become more sinful. And one of the sins that the nations will involve themselves in, is coming against Israel. Along those lines Running from Babylon just posted an excellent story.
Based on that information, I wonder if the storm will effect Washington D.C. and or New York City?
36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
Do you know if you will be able to stand before the Son of man? Do you know what you must do to be saved? Read a short message entitled God’s Gift of Salvation to find out.
Have you prepared for the end times? The Coming Epiphany is an easy to understand prophecy book designed to help you prepare for the end times. You can download it for FREE at this link; The Coming Epiphany.
Did you know that there is a secret map and several dates ciphered on the dollar bill? One of the dates is the infamous 9/23/17; another is the 6/6/16 false messiah date. See The Dollar Code for more information.