Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Six and One Makes Seven: Realigning an End Times Chronology


In the past, I have attempted to reconcile all the end times date parameters of scripture into an end times chronology. The numbers I am referring to are.

2520 days—the 70th Week. 

1260 days—the reign of the antichrist and the ministry of the two witnesses. (Note: The Two Witnesses end their ministry before the bowl judgments.)

1290 days—from the Abomination of Desolation until the “end of these things.” 

1335 days—from the Abomination of Desolation until “blessed”. 

In the past I have attempted to come up with and end times chronology based on these parameters and the parameter of aligning the fall feasts of the Lord with major prophetic end times events. 

However, all the past attempts have been flawed due to the fact that I believe that I missed an important end times date parameter. See if you can discover the parameter I missed from the verses below. 

For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. Ex 20:11 

Six days thou shalt do thy work, and on the seventh day thou shalt rest: that thine ox and thine ass may rest, and the son of thy handmaid, and the stranger, may be refreshed. Ex 23:12 

And the glory of the Lord abode upon mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days: and the seventh day he called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud. Exodus 24:16 

It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed. Ex 31:17 

There is a pattern there, six and one in a week, and in the last verse above God also tells us that it is a sign for ever. Could the six and one pattern in a week also apply to the 70th week, the last seven years? 

If so, then we should also see this 6 and 1 division of time evidenced in other applications. Let’s consider this verse in 2 Peter. 

But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 2 Pet 3:8 

Putting the concept of six days and one day, and the concept of a day equals a thousand years together yields a six thousand years and one thousand years split. 

We recognize the thousand year “day” of rest as the Millennium. Thus, the thousand-year Millennium supports this six and one division of time and also supports the theory that there is 6000 years from day one of creation to the Millennium. 

Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. Rev 20:6 

So, we can see that the six and one division of time is clearly evidenced in scripture. Now, let me pose the question again; will the 70th Week—the last seven years—have a six and one division of time also? 

I would dare say that conjecture is highly probable. Based on that parameter and the other Biblical date parameters listed above, I have adjusted some aspects of the end times chronology chart to fit into this six and one division of time—this may have been the piece I was missing. 


Click to enlarge

For a full explanation of the date parameters see The Coming Epiphany eBook.

Let me comment on a few of the dates. Overall, I see a lot of numbers that have been "signaled" and or have esoteric importance such as 11/1 (111), 2160 (216 = 6x6x6), 360 (all the numbers from 1 to 36 add to 666), 1/28 (highly signaled date), and 9/11. So, this may add credence to this chronology chart.

Keep in mind this is a theoretical chart; it may be wrong. An important test of this theory will be what happens on the highly synced date of 4/19/2025.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy.


  1. 1260+1260+30=2550 the total days in Daniels 70th week. Feast of trumpets 2025 to Yom Kippur 2032 is exactly 2550 days. This will not be the case again for several more years. 2025 feast of trumpets is the beginning of Daniels 70th week. 2032 Yom Kippur is the end 2000 years after crucifixion

    1. To 1260, one adds an Adar leap month to get to 1290.
      Then, 1335 days is simply 45 days tacked onto the 1290.
      You're correct, William, such a calculation overlooks 1335.
      The most probable years for the crucifixion are AD 30 & 33.
      The above assumes a 32 crucifixion date, which few support.
      The above is a curious piece of speculation by Bob.
      But I regard it as being erroneous for several reasons.

    2. Seemingly, there would need to be an Adar leap month added onto BOTH of the 1260 day periods, which is another reason Bob's idea is almost certainly in error. Bob is just looking at a coincidence, that's all. It is hard to see just how Bob's POV could be realistically reconciled with the Hebrew calendrical system upon which he presumes to ground his views in the first place. The 1260 is a 3.5 year lunar-based-only number. The Adar leap month reconciles lunar with solar astronomy. Over the course of any seven year duration, no matter what the start and end dates are, there would be two Adar leap months of 30 days length. Astronomy as God created it, would dictate that. And although God could issue a "Jubilee" type of one-time special decree to override that, we seemingly have no access to information about Him doing so. I'm seeing 4 or 5 problems with Bob's thesis, and not just the one that William is pointing out.

    3. Anon, your analysis is spot on, I did not consider that.

    4. Thanks for your compliment, William. Also,

      ETF blog post of March 4, 2025 = "The Mark"
      ETF blog post of Jan. 1, 2018 = "Looking for the Star of AC"

      Throughout the latter two-thirds (!) of the comment section of that March 4 post, I was engaged in a protracted boxing match against the one who I eventually named as "Jubilee-Anon". And you see the same thing in the later half of the comment section of the Jan. 1, 2018 (!) post. This Jubilee-Anon was repeatedly stating that both Olli and William were full of nonsense. He had an obsession with Trump and the Trump Tower, and he was trying to convince me that the real name of the AC was "Q" or "QAnon". Eventually, he tucked his tail between his (or her?) legs, and ran away from me. He didn't want to "mess with me" again!! You can see why if you read that back and forth volley of comments, which also included a few by William.

    5. Your logic and post is nonsense. Also, you're either a child or AI to which I believe it is the latter.

    6. It hurts to say it, but this whole article by William is nonsense. Let's focus now on the fact that the USA is planning to strike Iran soon.



    7. Olli, Bravo! = I TOTALLY agree with you. More charts. And more jiggering around with numbers. And more charts. And more jiggering. And more charts. And more jiggering. And on and on and on and on and on it goes. Something about Nero playing his fiddle while Rome burned, and not properly utilizing his fire department instead. Just as you won't say one word about the above blog post, I won't either. Maybe I will a month or two or three in the future, but not now. Yea, "it hurts to say it, but..." it NEEDS to be said. EXACTLY. You are being VERY polite to William in expressing yourself in that way.

      Stan is usually the "guy who "gets in" the first comment words" on most of these blog posts. But even Stan kept posting on the previous blog post, and simply ignored this one. And I think I know why. And these words are NOT in any way a criticism of Stan, who obviously is as loyal to William as loyal could be. I think Stan probably generally agrees with you and I about this, although Stan need not say anything about it. Hint: Don't!

      Also, there is NOT really any "civil war" going on, regarding this subject. The issue at hand, is merely a question of PRIORITIES and FOCUS, at the moment. You are doing William a big favor, Olli, by telling him what you did. Nero "playing his fiddle" at an INappropriate time, was being delusional. Things could go nuclear in a flash, and we lurk around in com-box forums "posing and posturing" and engaging in endless scholastic-style (!) controversy, about "how many angels can dance of a pin" (?!). How many "Hell's Angels" there were, guarding the sanctuary and altar area (ahem, "stage" !) while Sir Mick was singing "Sympathy for the Devil" at 1969 Altamont, is a subject FAR more worthy of our discussion, for a variety of different theological reasons. Call Mick a disciple of Crowley if you want. That "Sympathy" footage from Altamont was "a Black Mass." Crowley would probably gayly dance and groove in tune with that music! We UTTERLY reject their "faith" and "lifestyle preaching", of course. But Mick had a PhD level understanding of history and theology. We can learn a few things from him. Belphegor is a demon. We learned a lot from him, didn't we?

      I have tons more things to say about this and other matters, but unfortunately I'm VERY VERY busy at the moment, with other types of necessary work. I simply have no time to respond to RAF of 12:24PM above, other than to state the perfectly obvious, which is that you (= RAF) only succeeded in making yourself look dumb, in the eyes of William, Stan, Olli, and pretty much everyone else reasonably literate in the English language. "It hurts to say it..." as Olli so politely put it, but how you put it, RAF, makes things "as obvious as obvious could be."

  2. God Spoke to Me About the Rapture Again


    5:02 to 16:14

    1. To 11:16AM : Sorry. I'll admit that I didn't watch this vid, BUT 99+% of vids with titles like that, turn out to contain only worthless garbage. I have 1000+ more important things to do with my life, and years ago I stopped clicking on click-bait-titled vids like that. Probably over a million (?) youtubers are now cranking out (almost?) daily vids with titles like that, and the "Tower of Babel" involved is 99.9+% useless cow or horse manure. Or "birdcage stuff" as Stan would put it. I suppose "screw-you"-tube gives you two or three pennies of revenue or income, per click, as a reward for enabling their obnoxious assault on us all via vid ads. If you have a hard time scrounging up $ for food to eat, then I pity and pray for you. But I / we, don't have any time to waste on you, when all we know about you is that you're "just another Anon".

      If you think you have something REALLY unique and interesting to say about that (already unfortunately massively controverted) subject, please take the time to transcribe into typed form here, the highlights of it. Or give us a summary of it. So that I and others can speed-read over such a typed text in 10-45 seconds. Also, don't make your typed text TOO long either. Or the guy who runs this blog site, could dump it into an e-trash can with a click of his mouse. He actually gives us a very wide latitude for expressing ourselves here, as long as you are polite, and sound intelligent, and respect certain boundaries. You are NOT showing any respect to ALL OF US when you fail to give us a 2 to 10 sentence description of exactly why your video should be considered important to us. You appear to be a professional troll.

      You are asking for 11 minutes of my viewing time. No. No. No. And once again, NO. Sorry. So sorry. (It already took me far longer than 11 minutes to type these words.)

    2. Who's kidding who, this took 3 seconds for AI to generate. Also, to pity ANYONE who doesn't have food to eat is ridiculous. I see through you, and pray others do as well, because your just a series of 1's and 0's.

    3. RAF..... I learned a long time ago that when you post something, it is t h ought provocative as they come. I have many time scrolled back through posts that say RAF....and I have often cleaned some of the most interesting and challenging to my mind as I run across. Keep up the good work! :)

    4. edit: gleaned....not cleaned

    5. Yes, Stan, all this certainly IS "thought provocative", in a way!!! At this point, I'm EXTREMELY EAGER to hear from William, about just what he thinks, about the two 6:32 and 7:11 comments above. Let us all agree that RAF (or Anon-RAF until relatively recently), has produced some worthwhile commentary here in the past. My question is: What does William think about the comments RAF has made to THIS PARTICULAR blog post???

      Stan, my word of friendly advice to you, is that you could stop and study and ponder things a little more carefully, before you trigger-happy-punch the "publish" button. You have sort of "painted yourself into a corner" by trying to tell us that William "is substantially lacking in basic mental skills" to quote from the 8:01 comment below! When obviously, your real point of view, is the exact opposite of that, and so much so, in fact, that you come across as being a "toaddie" or "sycophant" of William, at times. As far as I can tell, William can "fend for himself" quite fine, and doesn't need "sycophants" to help him. You, Stan, ARE of great help to William via many of your comments here, and e-mails you send him. I'd imagine that he LOVES you for showing him, and free of charge, some of the unusual and VERY interesting and USEFUL things you are frequently uncovering. You are doing some great work here. But once again, intelligent people who can fend for themselves, don't need sycophants. Sometimes your best friends, are your most insightful and candid critics. None of us is God, and we all need the help of each other.

      Stan, read over SLOWLY & CAREFULLY what you posted at 7:11. Obviously you know English and grammar. But look at just how many errors (!!) you managed to pack into those four lines!!! You create the impression that you banged it all out in 15 or so seconds, and didn't bother with proofreading, and didn't even devote 15 seconds thought ahead of time, to what you were going to bang out and then presto-publish! Obviously, you are a good buddy of RAF. Well, then, dig down into the nitty-gritty details of the comments RAF has made to THIS PARTICULAR post, and DEFEND them! Your refusal to do that, will say an awful lot about you! And so also will your attempt to do so! You have put yourself into a "damned if you do, and damned if don't" situation. And don't try and blame anyone else for your own faults, as that will make you look even worse. In summary, think carefully, before you presto-publish. You didn't construct any curved staircases in 15 seconds, did you? Take care, Stan, I gotta go...

  3. RAF, what AI looks like is what you see in the ETF Feb. 1, 2025 blog post titled "Got PMs?" William expressly points out there that he is purposely utilizing AI, and then he "quotes" from it, and so we have no confusion about what is and is not, so-called AI. AI is almost always a totally BLAND (and usually rather simplistic) regurgitation of wiki-speak and other such sources. It is BLAND robotic speech, lacking human emotions. William told me above that my analysis was "spot on". Do you think William is substantially lacking in basic mental skills? Do you at least trust HIS judgment?! I gotta go. I have NO time to deal with you anymore. The RAF above, actually sounds like some sort of impostor, compared to whoever the RAF was, that was making comments to this blog 6 months ago. At this point, I'll have to ask William to intervene, to simply tell you that I am definitely NOT "AI". That would not necessarily mean that William agrees with everything I say. This is a debate forum, and hopefully it is and continues to be a mature and healthy one. If you have some sort of mental illness, try your best to conceal it RAF, at least for your own sake.

  4. Replies
    1. RAF......Never mind the dirty linen in here. Keep publishing your views.

    2. The more RAF publishes, the more interesting things will get !!

  5. The one question you are asking above, William, is whether the 70th week, has a "six and one division of time" (?). Translation: There is a 6 year trib time, followed immediately by a 1 year trib time, to end it all. In all my years -- and I'm on the old side and have read a 100-300 (?) books dealing with such themes -- I've never seen any theorizing to that effect. Nor do I see how you are showing us what even what one HARD piece of evidence is for that (beyond some scriptural generalizations, which aren't specific enough to CONCRETELY address your type of question, and a chart which is simply LOADED with speculations, quite a few of which appear to me to be as erroneous of the first comment of this blog post). So why would you think that anyone could "complete a jigsaw puzzle" for you, when NOBODY can even SEE a single PIECE of (real HARD = non-speculative) of the "six in one" puzzle, to grab hold of, and work with? It seems that the one and only thing needed to totally debunk your chart, and your whole thesis of this post, is simply what is noted about 4-19-25 on the bottom line of the chart. It's only about 99% obvious to me that it will be debunked in 3 weeks. And there won't be any need to say anything more about it, as you essentially are already admitting yourself (!!) that IF nothing significant happens on 4-19, THEN... (?!) You have a myopic fixation on a countdown clock, and THAT is your core ERROR at this point. All of us will soon see that, so brace yourself for the inevitable outcome.

    I can give you VERY BIG help in giving you answers to your end-times chronology questions, but first we apparently need to see by May 1 that your countdown clock has definitely crashed, and that absolutely NO "kick-the-can-down-the-road" "re-syncing" of April 19, should be attempted. Just totally "let go" of it. The answers to your chronology questions are simply found in the book of Esther! It's actually that simple. Jesus didn't give us dozens or hundreds of sync riddles to solve, when it comes to important things like this. His message to us all is much more straightforward and simple than that. People are blinded by their presuppositions, that's all.

    1. You wrote: "Translation: There is a 6 year trib time, followed immediately by a 1 year trib time, to end it all." That is incorrect, what I am saying is 6 years of tribulation--Seals 1-4, and Great tribulation Seal 5, then 1 year of God's wrath.

      The chart is based on the number parameters given to us by God in scripture. Why would God give them to us if they were not meant to be used in a chronology?

      There is also a principle that since the Spring feasts were fulfilled by major prophetic events at Jesus's first coming, which allows us to conclude the Fall feasts will be fulfilled by major prophetic events at Jesus's second coming. I also now believe that the six and one division will also apply to the 70th week--tribulation--wrath.

      The chart is also based on the highly synced dates of 4/19/2025 and 9/30/2028. 4/19 will indeed be a test of this theory but if no spectacular major outward event occurs, we will look to the possibility that it is a time marker after which many changes will take place.

      If you have an Esther parameter, then let's hear it.

  6. William. I am not sure where to put this, so I am adding it as a comment to this thread. My dad was an end-times preacher (Pre Wrath....Rosenthal), and this was where he landed the final twenty years of his life. I have always been fascinated by (and have watched carefully) the nation of Israel and its founding - as we approach the end of eighty years since its birth. IE, the fig tree generation.
    I took notice last night of the story of the star (for lack of a better word) that explodes every eighty years.
    The last time was February 9, 1946. It would be just like God to put an 80-year marker in the sky, signifying the end of a generation? At this point, it is just on my radar to watch. Thanks to you for your blog.
    *T Coronae Borealis*

    1. Chris...This star due to go nova has been on my watch list over a year. Scientists estimated it would blow by last October. Then they revised that after October and are expecting it this year. But what caught my interest and I just posted about it the other day, strangely last week an article came out saying that it's light was fluctuating in such a way that they put out several news feeds that it was going to go nova on 3/27/2025...which was yesterday. That heightened my interest as I have always thought whenever it does go nova, I can't help but think it will a a God wink connection to some event here on earth. Why not? is my reason for why. :)

  7. Anonymous @ 4:34 PM complained about it being a 'waste of time' to read the link I posted @ 11:16 AM. The funny thing is, that prophecy was about Christians, at this time, wasting time on endless speculation concerning end time events! How funny!!!

    1. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36

  8. The extra 45 days after Yom Kippur or the “1335” is feast of weeks. Little confused how the 1335 /45 days after Yom Kippur???

    Is it your premise 1260+1260+30+45 must all fit into Daniels 70th week? Based on??

    Fact - 2025 FOT to 2032 DOA is 2550 days and it won’t be that number of days again until around 2030-2037.

    Hypothesis- 2025-2032 is Daniel’s 70th week

  9. Hello William
    Here are some of what I consider harbingers of the past using the same numbers that might continue to point to our future and eventually align with the actual timeframes themselves.

    April 10 1014 five days before the first blood moon " signs in the heavens" birth pains.

    April 10 2014 the 188 day earthquake cycle
    April 11 a 7.1
    April 12 a 7.6
    April 13 a 7.4

    1260 days after April 10 2014 was 9-21-2017
    The day before the revelation 12 sign.
    1335 days after April 10 2014 was 12-5-2017
    The day before Trump declared Jerusalem Israels capital.
    A full 7 360 day years 2520 days after April 10 2017 was March 4 2021.

    March 4 2021
    A 7.3 a 7.4 and a 8.1 earthquakes happened.

    1260 days before March 4 2021 was 9-21-2017 the day before the revelation 12 sign.

    1290 days before March 4 2021 was 8-22-2017 the day after the first great American eclipse.

    490 days after March 4 2021 was 7-6/7-2022
    The day the Georgia guide stones were destroyed.

    Now that's April 10 2014 reaching into the past and future with hindsight.

    April 10 2019
    April 10 2019 early elections were held for the 21st Knesset in Israel
    April 11 2019 a private Israeli space craft crashes in the moon.

    490 days before April 10 2019 was December 6 2017 the day Trump declared Jerusalem Israels capital.
    1290 days before April 10 2019 was 9-28-2015 the last blood moon.
    2300 days before April 10 2019 was December 21/22-2012 the galactic alignment.
    2520 days before April 10 2019 was May 15/16-2012 the day after Israels 64th anniversary of May 14 1948.

    490 days after April 10 2019 was August 12/13 2020 the announcement of the Abraham accords.
    1150 days after the Abraham accords was October 6/7 2023 the day Israel was attacked.

    1335 days after the Abraham accords was December 5 2022 and the president of Israel and the president of the United Arab Emirates discuss the Abraham accords. 490 days later would be April 8/9-2024 the last great American eclipse.

    So what about April 10 2025? Or there about s?

    May 14 2018 Israels 70 anniversary

    490 days before May 14 2018 was January 9 2017 and Jared kushner becomes senior White house advisor for the Israel Palestinian conflict. Free Palestine/ birth pains.

    1150 days before May 14 2018 was March 20/21-2015 the solar eclipse in the middle of the blood moons.

    1150 days after May 14 2018 was July 6/7-2021 the day Isaac Herzog was inaugurated as president of Israel.

    2520 days after May 14 2018 will be April 7/8-2025

    December 25 2018 it was decided that there would be early elections in Israel on April 10 2019.

    490 days before December 25 2018 was August 21-2017 the first great American eclipse.
    1260 days after December 25 2018 was the 55th anniversary of the temple mount being reclaimed.
    1290 days after December 25 2018 was July 6/7-2022 the one year anniversary of Isaac Herzog becoming president of Israel and the day that the Georgia guide stones were destroyed.
    1335 days after December 25 2018 was August 21/22-2022.
    August 21/22-2022 was 2520 days after the last blood moon on September 28 2015.

    And 2300 days after December 25 2018 will be April 12 2025.

    So we have between April 7/8 2025 and April 12 2025 as very watchable timeframes.

    And April 10th has shown itself to be very relevant as a harbinger in birth pains in the past connected to signs in the heavens and in and on the earth.

    Thank you for all you do William

    We are waiting
    We are watching
    We are seeing and will see prophecy come to pass.
    Brent 188

    1. Brent.....As always...you post some very interesting beyond coincidence God winks.

      With today's devil horn eclipse rising out of the Atlantic Sea seen from the coast of Maine...I have a few notes I want to share from my studies, number crunching and stuff I have come across from other sources.

      Saddam Hussein..known as the "King of Babylon" was captured on 12/13/2003. From that date to today..3/29/2025.....7777 days have passed excluding today.

      From the first Great American eclipse
      on 8/21/2017 .....7 years, 7 months, and 7 days take us to this date.

      Trumps blood moon birthdate on 6/14/1946 to yesterday is 28777 days. 7000+7000+7000+7000+777 days.

      The famous Rabbi Kaduri who left prophesies towards Israel...died and his funeral was on 1/29/2006. Add 7000 days and we are at the day as I type this..3/29/2025.

      Also interesting ...but I just noticed from reading what I just typed that from Saddam Husseins capture on 12/13/2003 to Rabbi Kaduri's funeral is 777 days.

      This Myanmar 7.7 magnitude earthquake yesterday has been reported to possibly being the highest death toll ever. Whatever, it's a monumental tragedy...and I believe God's hand of protection being removed.

      Also...all this is happening as we just went through the razor thin edge view of the ring plane of Saturn...where Saturn's rings disappear.

      There is so many God winks coming from all over...only God knows when all His biblical prophesies .......all seem to be written on a large rubber band....that only through God's grace and infinite wisdom...does He allow to keep stretching....until God says there is no more time for stretching....and then the rubber band will break.

    2. Hi Stan
      That's a lot of 7's
      March 27 the day before March 28/29 2025.
      The European union just issued a dire warning to it's 450 million citizens to stockpile supplies and prepare for disaster.
      Hmmm... interesting timing by your account.
      You mentioned the devil's horns.
      March 28/29 2025
      Kansas City state house.
      Satanist arrested before he could do black mass claiming the legislation for Satan.
      Interesting timing.

    3. Our Father in Heaven is AMAZING and revealing so much that it should fill all Christians with hope.

      If you count every word from the King James Bible, including the chapter names and verse numbers, you get a grand total of 823,543.

      Take a calculator and calculate 7^7 or 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7.

      You will get 823,543!!!!!!!

      This is God revealing to ALL of us that the Bible is The Word of God, truly inspired by Him.

      Also, did you know the 666 mention of *Jesus* in the Bible is a False Prophet?

      Act 13:6
      And when they had gone through the isle unto Paphos, they found a certain sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew, whose name was Barjesus:

      Now the devil, he imitates or counterfeits God's actions and opposes God's plan of salvation.

      The 1995 movie Se7en is a prime example. It's about a serial killer committing a series of murders based on the seven deadly sins, and was the seventh highest-grossing film of the year. John Doe believes God has chosen him to send a message about the ubiquity of, and apathy toward, sin. He has no remorse for his victims, believing the shocking murders will force society to pay attention to him. He antagonizes and persuades others to take the less righteous path.

      This is what the devil does, but when Jesus died on the cross, He spoiled the devil's principalities and powers. He made a show of them. He made a public disgrace of them. He humiliated and ridiculed him.

      Through His death, burial and resurrection, He took the power. So, right now, the devil has no power. Jesus has declared: "All power in heaven and in earth is given unto me" (Matthew 28:18).

      So, what does the devil have left? Deception! And he can only deceive you when you are ignorant. No wonder God speaking through His prophet said in the last days, knowledge shall increase. (Daniel 12:4) Why? Because in the last days there will be so much deception.

      You cannot afford to be ignorant. If the devil can succeed in making you ignorant of what rightfully belongs to you, then he doesn’t need to fight, you will already be in his hands.

      God Bless

    4. Lots of great information above especially the 823,543!

  10. Remembering Trumps Operation "Warp Speed," AI Spawns Designer Proteins, AND MORE


  11. To 5:14PM : First off, you are making a very good contribution to this ETF website with your comment, as many of the themes of that Open Scroll blog, overlap to a great degree, with the themes and focus this ETF website. For example, other of that blogger Bob S.'s March 2025 posts are titled: "Fantastic Discovery in Giza" & "Dancing Circles and Antichrist Alignments with the..." & "Ominous! Trump on Iran, Daniel 8 and the Blood Moon..." - Giza and Egyptian related themes, are loaded with Christian theological significance. Someone named Tamra alluded to that in a recent ETF comment.

    Almost 600 blog posts were made to that blog in 2012-2013, and that was a time when I was regularly reading it. I probably read (almost) all of those 2012-2013 blog posts, back then. Since then, in the past ten years or so, I've only touched base with that blog, a handful or so times, and so I'm not so well aware, of how the blogger Bob S. might have changed his subject matter orientations in this or that way. What I can you tell from my memory about those almost 600 blog posts of 2012-2013, is that many (or even most?) of them, dealt with EXPOSURE of devil(ish) symbolism and Illuminati types of symbolisms. If that sort of thing is "your cup of tea", then you will find a "treasure trove" of info about that subject, in that blog. And obviously, William and others of us, express a certain amount of interest, in regard to that subject area.

    The O.S. blog, is a niche blog, like most are. Blogs usually "cater to like-minded individuals". The O.S. blogger makes no attempt to "appeal to the public at large", 99% of which public, would be "turned off", by much of what he says. He makes no attempt to compromise or cut corners, to enlarge his base of readership. He is a very strong-willed and sometimes quirky individual. I have intense disagreement with some of what he says. William and other commenters here, might now and then have such intense disagreement too. The now and then display of quirkiness by B.S. can sometimes spook other "evangelical" type of bloggers, and alienate them. So, I wouldn't totally endorse that blog. But the O.S. blogger "took me to school", and taught me a lot, about the Illuminati. In that area, he has lots of expertise. And so... by all means feel free to take 10-60 minutes of your time, to take a look at the 2025 O.S. blog posts, to see what you think about them.

  12. To tack on another comment to my 7:59PM one above : As it just so happens, that March 25 O.S. blog post about Trump and AI, makes mention of Elon Musk. And as it just so happens, something extraordinarily interesting about Musk, just hit the Internet yesterday (= March 28). The title of one Web article is: "Elon Musk Sells X, Formerly Twitter, for $33 Billion, to His AI Startup". Another article notes that it was a "$80 billion merger between X and xAI". Obviously the legacy news media in general, is reporting about this. And as I'm typing these words, at least 3 Reddit web thread forums have been set up, where commentators of the lay public, are now "up and at it", giving us their now-rapidly-proliferating speculations about what all that might mean.

    This subject just triggered off two "Rock & Roll" lyrical lines in my mind, the first of which is one of the best known lyrical lines of "The Who", which is: "Meet the New Boss, the Same as the Old Boss". That line has various meanings. First off, what difference does the merger make, if both of the merged companies, still have the same boss?? In the context of that "Who" song in general, a political statement is made, which is remarkably pertinent to our situation today. In the Soviet era, almost all of-age Soviet citizens took part in voting for political candidates. But, of course, the only choice they were allowed, was to vote for either Commie-approved candidate A, or Commie-approved candidate B. Nowadays, we have Bush, then Clinton, then Bush Jr., then Obama, then Trump, then Biden, and then Trump resurrected, as the latest and greatest savior of the USSA. They were all saviors to their adoring fan bases of the Demopublican and Republicrat parties. It's just the SAME old, SAME old "good cop, bad cop" routine. "Meet the new boss, the SAME as the old boss!" Obama = Trump?! Musk? He's still a riddle (wrapped inside a mystery, encased inside an enigma) to me. Evidently, he doesn't have access to nuclear football launch codes. He isn't in that chain of command. But he seems to be wielding more power in the USA right now, than Trump.

    The other line, applicable to thousands of different subjects, is the Zep line: "Ooh, it makes me wonder..." - I do not wonder what the meaning of "Stairway" is about. I know. The lyrical line "Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings", says all you need to know. The whole (!) song/tune, has two meanings, and the one exists in an inverse (= diabolically-perverted and/or upside-down) relationship to the other. You play the song backwards, and you hear frequent references to Satan! But... Ooh it makes me wonder indeed, if AI itself (whatever exactly AI is!!) will soon be the combined President and CEO of the new company, and boot out and replace Musk & Associates. Then we would have a REAL NEW boss!!! It seems to me that demonic infiltration of AI is possible. And Musk will have AI control the US government?! Is the Deep State for that or against that? And when it comes to "AI" "having a say" about if / how nukes should be used...!
