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Screenshot Sum of All Fears |
I picked up on some chatter about Hanukkah/Chanukah 2022. So, I felt led to investigate it to see what I could find out. So, here we go...
to Jewish tradition Hanukkah starts at sundown on 12/18/2022.
That is also the day of the 22nd World Cup final in Qatar.
Now check this out.
Note: he mentions Brazil, at present they are out of the world cup competition. And take note of this.
Intel chief: Iran could attack World Cup, protests may lead to more aggression
And now check this out. (Note: there are some unwholesome cheerleader scenes from the 30 to 38 second mark.)
The movie is called “The Sum of all Fears.” So, let’s do what they say and find the sum of “all fears.” The English Gematria sum of “all fears” is 444, notice also the 223.
Here are some interesting matching 444 words.
am Batman
Here is something else; the football teams depicted in the movie clip are in yellow and black and the other in blue and white.
On 12/18/2022, the Steelers that are a team that wears yellow and black, play the Panthers, that are a team that wears blue and white, and they will play in The Bank of America Stadium in Charlotte, NC at 13:00 EST. Remember, “the secret lies with Charlotte.”
I assume you took note of the Camel cigarettes in the clip, which can be an obvious signal to the Mid-East desert area where of course camels are from. And here is another connection.
Camel Virus becomes cause of concern as World Cup 2022 kicks off in Qatar
Are you getting the picture? Let’s do a little calculating; the Camel cigarettes were shown with selection codes of A3, A4, and A5.
Why would a movie take time to focus in on a vending machine with Camel cigarettes and show those letters and numbers? Maybe this is part of the reason; 3 + 4 + 5 = 12 and in English gematria A=6.
there is our infamous 666 and 6+6+6=18. Putting the two together yields 18/12
which is the European date for 12/18.
A 3
A 4
+A +5
18 - 12
then there is this interesting date calculation, involving 1,111,111 and
And what is so special about 11/7/2020? That is the hypothesized date of the start of the last 7 years, that is if it began in 2020. (Note: Other 70th Week start dates are possible--time will tell which one is the correct one.)
And if day number 1 was 11/7/2020 then day number 770 is 11/18/2022 and day number 777 is Christmas day—12/25/2022, which at sunset that night, the last day of Hanukkah begins.
Here is another piece of data to consider, do you remember the football stadium bomb scene in the Batman movie “The Dark Knight Rises?” The movie also featured a team wearing yellow and black, and the other team “just by coincidence” was wearing, you guessed it, blue and white? BTW, and who is the dark knight that rises?
Think about it, why would 2 movies that featured a bomb in a stadium made 10 years apart feature teams with the same color uniforms? What are the odds?
BTW, the Dark Knight Rises stadium bomb scene was filmed at Heinz field in Pittsburgh. You may remember that in 2014 I found some interesting shapes in the area near the stadium, like among a few other things one of the 4 horseman of the apocalypse, a batman head, and a pyramid.
Woe, I Found One of
the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse on Google Earth
Now let me show you another synchronicity. The teams had the city names of Rapid City and Gotham.
There is a Rapid City in South Dakota, and Gotham City is a mythical city from the Batman stories located in Southern New Jersey. Guess what, if you draw a line from Rapid City, SD to the tip of South Jersey it goes right through Pittsburgh.
Here is another sync; the SD NJ line is approx. 1500 Miles long or 1300 NM long. On 12/18/2022 there are 13 days left in the year, which also matches the start time of the game of 13:00.
if you draw a line from the Bank of America stadium in Charlotte to the world
cup stadium in Qatar it also goes through South Jersey and is 6223 NM long. The two lines intersect in Biden's home state of DE
another sync; the last Jersey shown in the movie scene had the number 86, 8 x 6
= 48. The Qatar and Pittsburgh or Charlotte time zones are 8 hours apart. 8
hours is equal to 480 minutes.
In the movie clip box 322 was blown up. While it is 12/17/22 in the West it can be 12/18/22 in the East. From 12/17/22 to 11/3/23—our date of interest—is 322 days.
And here are a few more interesting pieces of data from The Big the One.
1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? 2 Thes 2
However, I do see that the data may be pointing to a possible “terrorist attack(s)” on 12/18/2022 at the World cup and or the football game in the USA—you can figure where. And or all the data could be pointing to some type of an antichrist event. And or I also see that the data may be pointing to no event on 12/18/22, but a possible 11-month warning to a much greater event.
if you noticed in the first video they said, “…we have 11 months left…” that
fits right in with our Cracking the
231134421 Code; a Hypothesis for the Date of the East Coast USA Tsunami post and the theory that
the last 7 years began on 11/7/2020.
Also, if there is an event(s) on 12/18/2022 in Qatar and or the USA, since there is a Bank of America connection and a rider on a horse connection, if an event happens it may be the event that lets the black horse out of the gate to go galloping upon the earth. BTW, the first 2 seals may already be opened; Has Seal 1 and 2 Been Opened, Is Seal 3 Next?
As usual I cannot tell you what if anything will happen on Hanukkah 12/18/2022, I cannot predict the future; all I can do is show you the data. And just because there are synchronicities does not mean that something will happen, only that it may.
But realize if a bomb does go off at the World Cup soccer game and or at an American football game it could be the start of the Iran war and Seal 3. And if this happens, it would be another confirmation that we are in the last 7 years. And if nothing happens on 12/18/22, I will view the date as a time marker and will look to 2023 and November 2023 as a greater time to watch for major events.
BTW, I have had some watches come to fruition.
Update: I woke up today and started my devotions and this is the first verse that came up on a random verse generator.
thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress,
a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat, when the blast of the terrible
ones is as a storm against the wall. Is 25:4
BTW, "the secret lies with Charlotte" was a line out of the movie National Treasure. The Charlotte was a ship, and it was blown up.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36
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All I can say is :o
ReplyDeleteI just published this in reference to a video put out by Steve Fletcher.
Thanks for sharing it.
Deleteand as you pointed out earlier: a 40 day pattern after eclipses. So November 8 +40 days is December 18th.
ReplyDeleteThanks, I missed that.
DeleteRespectfully I ask please consider 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 and the date of 11JAN2020 mentioned here
If they contain nano technology that permits outside control then someone else very unChrist like would sit in the holy temple.
86 also means to kill someone
Yes, our bodies are a Temple of the Holy Spirit, but I think it is a stretch to say that the shots are the abomination of desolation, though I do see that they are possibly a type of A of D.
DeleteI remember working in a restaurant as a teen and when something ran out, we would tell the waitresses 86 on Mash Potatoes, meaning they were gone, no more.
The strong delusion of 2 Thessalonians 2: 3-11 though. That’s what makes me consider the vaccines as possibly the mark itself and the body of the antichrist, if it’s controlled by a sentient AI.
DeleteThere are no coincidences in hollywood. It’s an old open secret
Agreed that most of Hollywood is controlled and influenced by satan.
DeleteIn 2 Thes it mentions "day" 2 times and in verse 1 we are told it is the rapture--it happens at the Day of Christ/Lord.
1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come,
We are then told what must happen before the rapture and one of those things is that the man of sin sits in the Temple performing the abomination of desolation.
...except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
We must take scripture literally and cannot spiritualize it to make it say something we want it to say.
“When the plain sense of scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense; therefore, take every word at its primary, ordinary, usual, literal meaning unless the facts of the immediate context, studied in the light of related passages and axiomatic and fundamental truths, indicate clearly otherwise.” In other words, scripture will be interpreted literally unless it is evident that a symbolic interpretation is warranted by the text. Theological systems will then be evaluated in light of what the Bible says and not the other way around, as many books on this topic do.
Intro The Coming Epiphany
Not sure about anyone else but I am broken tonight, just wondering why all of this? Its like a crappy game trying to fend off the devil and keep our sanity. Where is God and why weren't these evil people of the world stopped? Just getting more and more broken the more I learn of this place...
ReplyDeleteThe evilness of our world is increasing by the day, and it can be depressing. God will deal with it all, no one will escape His judgment. Why does God allow evil to exist? Because He gave us a free will and we brought sin into the world. And if we were Adam or Eve we would have done the same thing. So we have ourselves to blame. God is merciful and longsuffering and wants all to come to repentance.
DeleteThe best thing we can do is spend time everyday in God's Word and prayer and to meditate on and Pray God's Word and set our minds on the things above.
Colossians 3:1
If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
Hebrews 12:3
For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.
Here are some good prayers to pray.
Thank you I picked up my cross and moving along. Jesus is my saviour and am blessed he sent me here for answers. You're a good man William our Father in Heaven would be proud.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the encouragement, to God be the glory, may God bless you as you seek to serve Him. Remember we get rescued out of all of this and it is getting one day closer every day.
Deletefrom the predictive program I pet goat 2. The woman and the boy represent the Hagia Sophia chuch in Istanbul.
ReplyDeleteThe Bosporus strait runs right through Istanbul. If you follow the angle, it goes right through Ukraine.
as a matter of fact it points directly at Bakhmut, which is a major hot zone at this time. But that could fade and it happened somewhere else in Ukraine along that angle like Kharkiv.
I also noticed how the woman and child are sitting on the same side as the Hagia Sophia is on the Bosporus straight. and her head and arm look like a Super Bowl trophy. And she has two tears from her right eye and three tears from her left. So maybe sometime around Super Bowl 2023.
Then again, soccer is called football everywhere beside America. December 18 is World Cup. 12/23/2022 can add up to 23.
The Istanbul theory is a possibility. But I am the woman and boy represent La Pieta statue by Michael Angelo. IPG2 authors have named that scene La Pieta. The vial with the nuke explosion in the background is in la palma of her hand. there is also a church on the island dedicated to her.
Delete"In the original, the sculpture is called La Pieta and it is very often copied in one form or another. But, dedicated to this story, the church in the world is only one. It is called La Palma La Pieta Sanctuario Nuestra Señora de Las Angustias or in Russian version - the Shrine of Our Lady of Sorrow. Inside there everything looks like this…Let's try to guess: where is this church? That's right, it is at the mouth of the Gorge of Sorrow on the island of La Palma:"
The Skeleton has a flower in his hat that is native to the Canary Islands.
And there are other La Palma syncs so< I am thinking La Palma. And I agree 2023 may be the year. I am looking at 11/3/23.
from the Hagia Sophia, theorist:
DeleteAh, I was not aware of that. Thank you very much for the enlightenment.
Strange, I came to this date 18.12.2022 through a completely different research.
ReplyDeleteSt. Don Bosco had many visions about the future of the Church. Once he said:
"Things are slow to follow one another. But the exalted Queen of Heaven is present. The power of the Lord is in his hands. He scatters like mist his enemies. He clothes anew the venerable old man with all his ancient garments. Another violent storm is coming. Wickedness is finished, sin will be ended, and before two full moons of the month of blossom pass, the rainbow of peace will appear on the earth."
It is quite rare for there to be two full moons in the flowering month of May. The next time will be on 05/31/2026. That is Trinity Sunday. So peace will be restored then. So that is the end date of the 7 years of tribulation.
In Rev 12,6 it says that the woman ( church) has to flee into the wilderness for 1260 days, where God has prepared a place of refuge for her. If you count back 1260 days from 05/31/2026 you come to 12/18/2022.
1260 are 3x6x70. 3x6 are 18 and the 70 points to Daniel.
The date 12/18/2022 consists of: 18 (3x6); 12 (2x6) and the cross sum of 2022 (1x6).
The cross sum of 18.12.2022 is again 18 (1+8+1+2+2+2). Moreover, Hanukkah begins on this day.
I therefore suspect that this day is the midpoint of the 7 years of tribulations.
Interesting sync, I am not aware of of that man's work. I believe the events at the Second coming of the Lord will align with the fall feasts just like the spring feasts were fulfilled at the first coming of the Lord.
DeleteThus I look for the last 7 years to start in the fall with the midpoint in the spring.
Trump just sent out that World Needs a Super Hero message.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I just found a new Watchman: U B Ready channel
Check this vision out about the 4 Horsemen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DQ1A0biL4c&t=2s
The Spirit said to look at nations flags for the colors ... so I did.
The Flag of Palestine has all 4 colors of the Horsemen: Green, Black, White, Red
Palestine was 'The Unofficial Star at the World Cup" as their Flag was allowed while all other Protests were barred.
Flag of Palestine is a virutal match for flag of Jordan = Jordan controls the Temple Mount
Almost 2 yrs to the day .... Morocco makes the Final Four (Horsemen) .... "On 10 December 2020, Israel and Morocco agreed to establish diplomatic relations, becoming the sixth Arab league member to recognize Israel and the fourth in the space of four months, along with Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, and Sudan"
Morocco = Red & Green
Bahrain = White & Red
UAE = all 4 colors
Sudan = all 4 colors
Jordan 2nd Arab country to recognize israel = all 4 colors
Egypt 1st to recognize israel = Black, Red, White = COP27
France playing for Cup = White & Red
World's 1st Jesuit Pope Francis (Frances) is from Argentina
And remember the France Notre Dame fire was encoded in pet goat
Abd we all know who the super hero will be.
DeleteYes, the super hero is the AC. There are some rabid haters who think this is Trump. Im leaning towards Obama, as Trump lacks popularity. Obama is globally respected, and has an anointing to hypnotise the masses! I was in Berlin when Obama was there, and He had everyone weeping!
ReplyDeleteThere are many candidates, It is hard to say at this point, we will have to wait and see when the prophecies are fulfilled. Some say Trump, some say Obama, some say one of the royals, some say a rabbi in Israel. We watch.
DeleteI believe there are many Antichrist, everything led me to Prince William at one time, but now I believe this is truth below. Musk, Trump, Biden, and many many more are Antichrist. I believe Satan will be not of this world, but some sort of dimensional AI entity.
ReplyDelete18 Little children, it is the last hour: and as ye heard that antichrist cometh, even now have there arisen many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last hour. 19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they all are not of us. 20 And ye have an anointing from the Holy One, and ye know all the things. 21 I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and because no lie is of the truth.
I am convinced that the ac will have UFO alien connections, how that will work out is yet to be seen. I am sure AI will be part of it somehow or maybe even satan masquerading as AI.
DeleteWilliam, did you or anyone watch Childhood's End? You can watch for free on TUBI. It's 3 episode and it's jaw dropping for those of us who understand.The antichrist. Please get word for everyone to watch. :)
Delete"Milo Rodericks, claiming to be the last living human, records a message from the ruin of a post-apocalyptic Earth. In 2016, a fleet of massive alien space ships appear in the skies of Earth. Dubbed 'the Overlords', the alien 'Supervisor for Earth' Karellen speaks to humanity claiming they have come to usher in an age of utopia. Karellen speaks to a farmer named Ricky Stormgren in the form of his deceased wife Annabelle, and chooses Ricky to serve as humanity's representative. Despite initial resistance and distrust from governments, the Overlords systematically eliminate disease, war, hunger, and pollution, setting the stage for the 'Golden Age of Humanity'. When Milo, currently confined to a wheelchair, is shot and killed by a drug dealer, the Overlords kill the attacker and resurrect Milo, as well as giving him the ability to walk."
"With Earth now a near-Utopia, humanity has dubbed the Overlords their 'guardian angels', but are shocked and alarmed when Karellen emerges, his appearance resembling that of devils and demons."
DeleteSounds like the plan to me
Rumer has it that during the Cop 27 gathering with world leaders in Egypt recently, an insider revealed that the Antichrist was picked and is ready to go as soon as WW3 starts. This info was given to Steve Quayle. They also hatched up a new set of blasphemous 10 commandments.
ReplyDeletefor mankind
Thanks for the info, I was not aware of that.