In this post I am going to show you some possible predictive programming and other data that may point to an event, I will not name the event, I will show you the data, you can draw your own conclusions.
But first for the naysayers let me show you some clear instances of predictive programming. First for 911 and second for the 3/11/2011 Japna earthquake and tsunami.
That was pretty blatant, and here is another.
Now let’s get to the predictive programming that may be pointing to an event in the near future.
The Sum of All Fears
Sum of All Fears was a movie about a false flag nuclear bomb detonation that featured a football game.
An Austrian Neo-Nazi plans to trigger a nuclear war between the United States and Russia, so that he can establish a fascist superstate in Europe. After the Neo-Nazi's scientists build a secret nuclear weapon that is detonated in Baltimore, and a rogue Russian officer paid off by the Neo-Nazi attacks a U.S. aircraft carrier, the world's superpowers are pushed close to the brink of war. Source:
In the film, while the game is being played, the nuclear bomb is detonated near the football stadium in Baltimore. One team is wearing black and yellow uniforms; the other team is wearing silver/white and blue.
Notice also that the numbers of the yellow and black team are red and green, which are the traditional Christmas colors
the game the camera focuses in on a vending machine. Why? What do you see?
I see A3, A4, A5, and a B5; A = 1 and B =2 so they become 13, 14, 15, and 25, The first row adds to; 13 + 14 + 15 = 42. An antichrist number is 42, he will rule for 42 months. The other row is 25 and could signal the antichrist will begin his rule in 2025 just as the sign in the heavens foretells.
I also see 3 camels. What holiday features 3 camels?
Marlboro cigarettes are also shown, they used Cowboys in their advertisements, and if you put "Marlboro" into the Google Earth search the first thing that comes up is Marlboro Twp. in PA, the second is a store named "Tobacco Store" in Houston TX about 4 miles from the Texan's stadium that looks abandoned.
show a field mark that looks like a T, which the singer steps on. Could that be
a reference to a President with a name that begins with T?
And, or since the hash mark looks like a T with long horns, could it be a signal to Texas?
A line from the middle of the Houston Texans stadium to the mall in Washington DC in front of the capital building is 1225.24 miles long.
The Dark Knight Rises
Dark Knight Rises has a scene where a bomb explodes under a football stadium
during a football game. The teams are wearing black and yellow and the other
blue and white.
The Dark Knight Rises
stadium bomb scene was filmed at Heinz field in Pittsburgh. You may remember
that years ago I found some interesting shapes in the area near the stadium,
like among a few other things one of the 4 horseman of the apocalypse, a batman
head, and a pyramid.
Now let me show you another synchronicity. The football teams in that movie had the city names of Rapid City and Gotham.
There is a Rapid City
in South Dakota, and Gotham City is a mythical city from the Batman stories
located in Southern New Jersey. Guess what, if you draw a line from Rapid City,
SD to the tip of South Jersey it goes right through Pittsburgh.
And who is the real-life dark
knight that rises? It is the antichrist and the sign of his rising appears in the sky on 4/19/2025,
and the latest prophetic data suggests that is when the world will be given
into his hands.
Here are the schedules
of the Pittsburgh Steelers and Baltimore Ravens—they both play on Christmas,
one in Pittsburgh and the other in Houston.
As you are most likely aware there
is a lot of chatter about drones, and there are many conflicting pieces of
information. We have this from Hal;
It Appears We're Going To Take A "Hit"
we here in the USA are now faced with an unprecedented situation. It's
not good.
appears, at least right now, that we are going to take a very big hit. An
unprecedented hit.
Waaaay bad.
situation is complicated by many, many, things.
a widespread panic itself could result in the hit coming early,
story short, the Governors of the several states told the feds "Either you
come clean right now, or we're going to order our State Police and National
Guard to start shooting down these drones."
feds don't want to start losing a lot of THEIR OWN drones, which ARE up for a
specific reason, so they came clean.
not aliens. The feds are looking for something on the ground. Something
all I can tell you.
between the lines. The RUMORS . . . . . appear to be true.
(Insight, HERE from my
Dec. 11 story)
The government has come out and
officially denied that these are USA government drones. It has also been
reported that the drones are not giving off a heat signature and are able to
maneuver and do other things like no known drones can do. We also know that
some nuclear material went missing in the area of North Jersey.
So, my take is at least some of
these are controlled by aliens and they are looking for the nuclear material to
appear to be good guys trying to help humanity avoid a nuclear explosion that
is being orchestrated by the bad aliens. Note: I do not believe aliens are
real, they are demonic manifestations.
You see, the deception goes like
this; there are good aliens and bad aliens and they say the bad aliens are the
ones that created all the religions and are causing all the problems and the
good aliens are trying to stop the bad aliens and rescue mankind.
But it is all deceptions and lies,
there are no good aliens because good and bad aliens are both demonic
deceptions—good witch/bad witch, all witches are bad because they are in league
with satan, the same goes for the so-called aliens.
IMHO, this whole drone thing is
shaping up to be a classic demonic false flag event.
And here is another piece of intel from Greg Hunter's USA Watchdog
Will Nuke False Flag Keep Trump Out of Office – Steve Quayle
Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle is telling the public to brace themselves for the evil deeds that will be done to try to keep President Elect Donald Trump from taking office. This includes a false flag nuke that will be blamed on Russia. One side of government is trying to nuke America, and another side of government is trying to stop it. This is what some say all the drone traffic is about.
Date, Number, and Bible Syncs
From 12/25/2024 to 4/19/2025 it is
116 days (911) and 99,999,999 seconds
From 12/25/2024 to 9/30/2028 is 1376
days, or 33,033 hours, or 118,888,888 seconds.
33033 is palindrome #420. A number
of the antichrist is 42—he will reign for 42 months. UFO = 42 (A=1, B=2…).
From Twosday 2/22/2022 when WW3
began to 12/25/2024 is 1037 days (137).
Speaking of 137 here is an excerpt from a
recent post that includes the number 137.
William, your discoveries with Psalm
73:19 have MUCH further prophetic significance in the Bible adding MUCH more
evidence to the syncs with 1/28/2025, 9/11/2001, and 9/30/2028.
How are they brought into desolation, as in a moment! they are
utterly consumed with terrors. Ps 73:19
book of Psalms…1100
vs…Psalms 73:19…9
vs…last verse in chapter Psalms 73:28…
73:19 is vs number 1100 of Psalms.
actual number 1100
appears in three verses in the Bible; Judges 17:3, Judges 17:2, Judges 16:5
A=1, B=2 etc.; Eleven Hundred = 137
Judges 17:3…1 vs. to…Judges 17:2…28 vs.
to…Judges 16:5…2025 vs to Deut 1:37
Verse numbers of Bible: 6984 (Judg 17:3) + 6983
(Judg 17:2) + 6955 (Judg 16:5) + 4930 (Deut 1:37) = 25852
Luke 20:25…47 vs. to…Luke
21:25, which is vs number 25852 of
the Bible.
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the
moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with
perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Luke 21:25
The 47th
President USA Donald Trump will be inaugurated on 1/20/2025!...
A Russian official gave an interview recently, look at what he said. Notice the word
Christmas, why not say the end of the year, why say Christmas?
With the recent assassination of Russian General Igor Kirillov, Russia has stated that the line has been crossed.
I Pet Goat II: It All
Starts in Capricorn, was the title of a post from 2019. Here is an excerpt.
I Pet Goat II; that
infamous predictive programming film that details major events leading to the
arising of the false christ, includes a scene in which it indicates that it all
starts in Capricorn.
As you can plainly see below, the snake body of the evil illuminati dollar bill creature forms the sign of Capricorn.
After this scene these letters and words appear in the cracked egg head man’s eyes; …ium
Markets plunge
War coverage
The word that was cut
off and ends with “ium” is most likely the word Uranium, Thorium, Plutonium,
etc. Indicating a nuclear related event will be the first event...
This film indicates that an …ium event will be followed by markets plunging and war.
Another thing I would
like to mention is that the ticker tape says "US Dollar: -14.36," which would be a significant
drop. This indicates that the value of the dollar will also plunge at this
Thus all of this indicates to me that it all gets started in Capricorn. The dates of Capricorn are from December 22 to January 20 every year. Now the only question is what year will it be?
The next scene may
answer the question. In the next scene we see the weird looking jets flying and
dropping bombs. They kind of look like Menorahs with lit candles to me. They
each have 2 candles for a total of 6. This could be an indication of the 2nd or
6th day of Chanukah.
2019: December 22 -
December 30
2020: December 10-18
2021: November 28- December 6
2022: December 18-26
2023: December 7-15
2024: December 25-January 2
2025: December 14-22
The Chanukah years
that are in Capricorn are 2019, partially in 2022, and 2024.
A Christmas Dream
This dream account
was featured on The Big the One.
I was a Christian college student on a winter
vacation with a choir group. The atmosphere was warm and festive. Then the
festivities changed somewhat, so that it became a kind of feast of Christmas
decorations. Brightly lit trees were set up and some students began to hang
baby elves and other decorations on them…
"Babylon the Great has fallen, has fallen!
The great harlot, who became the abode of demons, and the abode of every
unclean spirit, the abode of every unclean and abominable bird; for with the
fierce wine of her fornication she has made all nations drunk, and the kings of
the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth
have become rich because of her great luxury....»
Things to Come
Things to Come is a reported illuminati plan book and movie by H.G. Wells about the events at the end of the world. The bombing starts on Christmas day.

And look what appears
at the time of 20:25, the walking/zombie sickness?
That is the data. I will leave it to you to make your own conclusions.
Note: I am not predicting anything to happen, I am merely showing you data. Synchronicities do not mean an event will happen; they only heighten the possibility.
After writing the above I received this information from Steve Wilkin in response to this email; "Have you ever picked up on any data about an event at a football game on Christmas day this year, possibly Pittsburgh?" This was his response. (Click to enlarge)
Update: 12/21
I received the following from Steve Wilkin in response to this post.
According to him, he has been a contactee for many years, decades. He is in contact with the so-called "good" aliens, of which there have always been very few on Earth before - only occasionally some ships flew in and they did not interfere in local affairs.
On Earth, according to Courtney, for more than the first thousand years, some "bad" aliens and all the governments of the world are their puppets, especially the US government. Governments are engaged in human trafficking, they have a kind of contract with their brothers in mind - people in exchange for technology.
However, this is only the beginning of the performance. According to Courtney, the "good" aliens decided to start with drones, after which hefty ships many kilometers in size will appear over the cities. And then it will no longer be possible to hide anything, the whole system of management of the "bad" will crumble. Everything should happen in the next six months, since large ships are on the way.
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