Showing posts with label AI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AI. Show all posts

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Three Lightning Strikes and the End of the World


What are the odds, what are the odds that lightning would strike 3 iconic buildings in the USA in winter on the same day? Many sense this is a sign from God, but what is it a sign of?

Take a look at what Steve Wilkin has come up with--I was amazed. Here is a snippet, you can read the rest at this link; (click on images to enlarge)

Here are some pertinent posts dealing with 1/28/2025 and 4/19/2025.

1/28/2025: Did God Allow Me to Decode the Date of the California Mega Earthquake

4/19/2025: A Sign in the Heavens Reveals the Date the Antichrist Will Take Over the World?!

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here. 

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy (eBook $4.99).

Saturday, December 8, 2018

2018 Economist: Events Continue to Occur In the Decoded Esoteric Sequence! Icons # 23-25

12/9: Update added at end of post

Events on the world stage continue to occur in accordance with the esoteric decoding of the 2018 Economist cover! So far 25 events have occurred in accordance with the sequence on the cover. Icons 1 to 23 and their decodings are detailed in the posts below, the decoding of icons 23 to 25 are revealed below.


Before the new decodings are shown here is an excerpt from the first post describing the rationale behind the decodings.
You have all probably seen the infamous 2018 cover with its cryptic images. I think that God may have allowed me to decipher its meaning…
There are 63 icons on the cover which I believe correspond to 63 weeks of time or 1 year and 11 weeks, and that each icon corresponds to an event symbolized with that icon. But where do we start and how do we proceed to find the correct sequence of events? That was a question that I pondered.
I did a little searching and was led to a French website that shows how the cover is most likely a representation of a game called the Game of the Goose, and he believes the cover symbolizes a series of events that will unfold to help usher in the New World Order. Here are a few snippets;
If the world seems regularly subjected to cycles of renewal, there is one thing of which one is sure, it is that the events orchestrated by the occult power such as the algorithms of a program, validate at each stage the close advent of a new world. Placed under the sign of the Game and the alchemical quest, 2018 could be the last level of a long initiatory journey towards the final realization, the New World Order…
The illustration of "The World in 2018" thus has 63 icons, but there is only one game with 63 squares, it is the Game of the Goose, symbol of the initiatory course, collection of the main hieroglyphs of the Great Alchemical Work, and therefore here various objects of the journey of the world towards his new order.
He makes the case that the cover starts with the man with the cane and proceeds in a spiral type movement and ends with the thistle that he believes represents the “Goose” and the arrival of the New World Order. However I did not see events following the progression of his theory. I was also not so sure about the Goose/Thistle analogy.
Knowing that the occult like to do things backwards I theorized that maybe the events will start with the thistle and work their way backward to the man on the journey as indicated in the image below.

That is the background information and as already mentioned the posts linked above included the decodings up to icon # 22. In this post decodings for icons 23-25 will be presented.
#23 The Takeover of AI. Nov 26-Dec 6.

Many have commented to me that this icon resembles a computer over books. In the past books ruled the world, it was from books that people got information. Even with the advent of the computer and internet, they still accessed information from books in digital form. But now with the advent and takeover of AI, books and the classic knowledge that they represent are losing their prominence to AI. Thus the icon with a computer over books. Below are some key events concerning the takeover of AI that occurred recently.


#24 Sanhedrin Invites 70 Nations to Hanukkah Dedication of Altar for the Third Temple. Nov 29-Dec 10

The nascent Sanhedrin released a declaration to the 70 nations for Hanukkah to be read at a ceremony in Jerusalem on the last day of the holiday. The ceremony will include the consecration of a stone altar prepared for use in the Third Temple. The declaration is intended as an invitation to the nations to participate in the Temple and to receive its blessings…

“They have rejected the basics of humanity that were given at Sinai. We have to re-educate the world in order to address these issues. We need a universal organization that will return to the Bible, re-educate the world. This is not a religious initiative. This is a national initiative with each nation bringing its special aspect, all nations joining together in Jerusalem, where the world was created.” 
Sanhedrin Invites 70 Nations to Hanukkah Dedication of Altar for the Third Temple

“Jewish sovereignty on the Temple Mount would benefit everyone,” Keidar replied. “At the Western Wall, there is total freedom of worship for all religions. Muslims are free to pray at the Kotel (Western Wall) as are Christians. Jewish sovereignty on the Temple Mount would bring equality of religion to the site.” 
Jewish Prayer on the Temple Mount: Third World War or Civil Rights Movement? 

Note: The 70 nation Hanukkah event is scheduled to take place on 12/10/2018. That is also the day that the Yellow Vest protestors in France are planning to shut down vital aspects of the country.  In the I Pet Goat II film the bomber planes have Braille coding for the letters DEC which is the same for the numbers 345. Day number 345 of the year is 12/11/18. When it is 12/11/18 in Jerusalem it is still 12/10/18 in other parts of the world.  

Also on 12/10/18 the sun is still in Scorpius as depicted in the closing scene of IPG2. 

Also if you remember the infamous Economist cover that featured the Phoenix and the New World Currency, it had a Ten Ten on it. December is the 10th month in the Roman calendar. So 12/10 = 10/10 in the Roman calendar. Thus in light of the above, 12/10/18 is an important day to watch.

#25 North Korea is Building More Nuclear Weapons and Ready a Base to Attack USA!? Dec 6,7

North Korea Is Expanding Missile Base With Eye Toward U.S., Experts Warn

So it is very obvious and plain to me that the events are proceeding in accordance with the decoding of the 2018 Economist cover.
That is as far as we will go for now but let’s consider where all of this is going. The end icon #63 is the man beginning his journey. What journey? That is the million dollar question. If we consider the time period that icon #63 will become fulfilled, it will give us a big clue as to its meaning.
Here is something to consider; if the first icon was represented by the order of the Thistle ceremony on July 6, 2018, and if our theory holds true, then the last icon will occur 63 weeks later, which begins on 9/20/2019. In light of the Great Giza Pyramid date cipher, which suggests a possible start date of the 70th week to begin in October of 2019, the man beginning his journey icon may refer to the beginning of the last 7 years described in Revelation.
If this is the case then all the events on the 2018 Economist cover will be events leading up to the beginning of the last 7 years on earth as described in Revelation. Here is a summary of those events from The Coming Epiphany.

That is the bad news, now here is the good news. All who call upon the Lord Jesus Christ to save them from their sins can escape most of the bad events listed above. That is because all who receive the Lord Jesus become His child and will escape His wrath via the rapture at Seal 6.
Just as the Israelites were saved from the death angel by the blood of a lamb, so we can be saved from the judgment to come by the blood of the lamb of God—Jesus. The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you, will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.
Do you know what will happen in the end times and how to prepare for them? I wrote a book to help you. It is entitled The Coming Epiphany and it will explain to you, in an easy to understand format what you need to know about the end times. The Coming Epiphany is available in paperback and as an eBook on and is also available for FREE here. 


Update: Here is what is coming up, as always your comments are welcome.

#26 Looks like there will be an important vote coming up.

 #27 Is that Big Ben, if so possible British/London event

#28 Internet event?

#29 Possible market, commodity, currency crash.