Saturday, July 8, 2023

Heavenly Signs of the End Times Part 3


Continued from Part 1, and Part 2. 

In this series we have presented the hypothesis that after Jupiter was born out of Virgo, after the sign of the woman clothed with the Sun, that Jupiter has told the end time story in its conjunctions with the Sun. Below is a summary of its end times story. 

9/23/2017: The sign of the woman clothed with the Sun with the Moon under her feet and Jupiter in her womb signal the imminence of the end times.


10/26/2017: Jupiter conjuncts with the Sun for the first time in this series of prophetic conjunctions after being born out of Virgo.


11/25/2018: Scorpio—the evil serpent, the adversary—Jesus will defeat the devil in the events that are about to unfold culminating in His second coming.


12/26/2019: Sagittarius; Seal 1—the antithesis of the conquering Messiah, the false messiah will go forth to conquer the earth.


1/29/2021: Capricorn; Seal 2—the antithesis of the atoning one shedding His blood for the sins of the world, satanic forces will take peace from the earth and shed much blood.


3/5/2022: Aquarius; Seal 3—the antithesis of the blessing one, blessings will be taken from the world by evil forces resulting in hyperinflation.


4/12/2023: Pisces; Seal 4—the antithesis of the redeemer giving eternal life, one fourth of the world will have life removed from them and presumably many of those will be taken into hell.


5/19/2024: Taurus; Seal 5—the antithesis of the coming ruling one, will be the rule of the antichrist over the world for 42 months.


6/24/2025: Gemini; Seal 6—the coming prince signals the coming of Jesus to the clouds at the rapture.


7/28/2026: Cancer; Seal 7 to Bowl 7—after the rapture the atoned ones will be in heaven as God’s wrath is poured out upon the world.

8/31/2027: Leo; the Lion of the tribe of Judah will prevail and will vanquish the demonic trio and will set up His righteous Millennial kingdom.


9/30/2028: Virgo; the promised seed has crushed the head of the devil foretold to Adam and Eve.


The above conjunctions in their respective constellations tell the story of the end times perfectly. Are these the signs of the end times? And if so, how many will recognize them? Only a few recognized the Heavenly signs at His birth.

(Note: The series of conjunctions before and after this series do not follow the same pattern, I have not had time to check further.) 

And if these are the heavenly signs of the end times, what are the ramifications? Here are a few I can think of. 

1. We are in the last 7 years now, and it could have possibly begun in 2020, 2021, or 2022. I favor 2020. 

2. At the very least some of the Seals have been opened. 

3. With the sign of Seal 4 having just recently occurred, the death of one fourth of the world’s population is imminent. 

4. If the last 7 began on 10/8/2020, then the Seal 5 sign on 5/19/2024 will occur after the antichrist has taken over the world and may be in close proximity to the time that the Mark comes into effect. 

5. The Seal 6 sign on 6/24/2025 confirms the Seal 6 rapture theory—that the rapture occurs after Seal 6 has been opened. 

Are the Sun-Jupiter conjunctions in their respective constellations the heavenly signs of the end times? What do you think?

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: Gen 1:14 

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here. 

About the Author: My name is William Frederick and my book entitled “The Coming Epiphany” is available on  

When you purchase this book you help to support the work that I am doing, and one way that you can really help is by sending digital copies as gifts through Amazon to family and friends.  

Time is short, and I need help getting these warnings into the hands of as many people as possible.  I have published thousands of articles on The End Times Forecaster Blog which are read all over the world. 

I always freely and happily allow others to republish my articles on their own websites, but I also ask that they include this “About the Author” section with each article. 

The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only, and readers should consult licensed professionals before making any legal, business, financial, or health decisions.


  1. William......I have posted a few months ago in another topic of yours why I believe Revelation 6:8 shows the first four seals all accumulating their death over "the fourth part of the earth."

    Until just recently, I used to believe that "the fourth part of the earth" meant that one fourth of the world will die because of these four seals....and that very well may be correct.

    I have through a lot of study come across considerable proof that "the fourth part of the earth(world), ....has another meaning. I broke the Greek meaning for the word "the" and it has a more specific meaning than if it had said "a" fourth part of the earth. This scripture was written back 2000 years ago and I believe it prophetically speaks of "the fourth part of the earth" that hadn't been discovered yet.

    Back in the days before and of the days of Columbus....the World was known as having three parts. Europe, Asia, and Africa. Columbus's famous voyages were reporting back what he thought was finally reaching Asia when he actually was on the east side of another continent. Other adventurous voyages of his and others started showing that this land had water all the way around it and was separated from Asia by what had to be a vast amount of water. A map maker named Waldseemuller had made a very detailed map of this new world...but leaving the vast western part of it as unexplored. This map came out in 1507 and was known as "The Fourth Part Of The World" map. Waldseemuller had hand carved a wooden block printing press mold, making up the features of the known 3 parts of the world..Europe, Asia, and Africa...along with what he could reproduce in wood this latest "fourth part of the world." He constructed 12 individual wooden presses so that a large wall map could be printed with 12 individual sheets of paper that when put together...made a huge map of 4.5 feet x 9 feet. This map only had a limited number made. The maps soon over time became lost , deteriorated, etc.. and only talked about from memory. A guy started searching for this map almost 400 years later, and many years, thousands of miles, nothing. Then he had a source telling him of a castle in Germany that the owner had a huge collection of maps. This story I am talking about was written in a book guessed it..."The Fourth Part of The World."

    I recently bought that book and it is a well written account of the quest for finding this map. It is not a religious book, but just an accurate account of how this map came to fruition...became lost
    ..and then became the most sought after map in history. In the book, it states a date that the guy discovered this long lost map hidden away in that German castle. It was a date in 1907 that I felt in my gut would have confirming numbers with other prophesies in the Bible. My hunch was correct. I was also delighted to see that the US government purchased this long sought after map for the highest amount paid for any map...$10 million. ..and this "Fourth Part Of The World" map now resides in the Library of Congress. It is called the "birth certificate" of the United States. Just the other day I had a hunch and checked the date that the US government procured this map...and the date has another huge God wink number beyond coincidence lining up with more prophetic passages in the Bible.

    Could "the fourth part of the earth" mean killing one fourth of the earth? my opinion it still could....or could it mean what I feel the scripture actually says..." and power was given unto them over "the fourth part of the earth".....meaning this new fourth part of the world that North and South America became known as...will soon receive God's punishment for turning away from Him?....It could of course fulfill both meanings.

    I just scratched the surface on this as it would be a blog unto itself.

    As with any information, we all should take everything to the Lord in prayer.

    1. Wow!!! That is a very interesting thesis. I never heard about that Fourth Part of the World map and book. You may be onto something indeed!

    2. Wow! Incredible information and it just somehow rings true! Thanks for sharing.

  2. William....I never really was satisfied with how...... "and power was given unto them over THE fourth part of the world".... fit with the flow of Revelation 6:8 ..and it meaning...but still could mean one fourth die....or it could be a dual fulfillment as well.

    So, this was not my idea but was from an interesting video from one of many ministries I follow such as yours. He made a very compelling case, and my meager words only scratched the surface.

    It really made me sit up and think about it. The more I thought about it, the more I believed he had something.

    I then bought the book..."The Fourth Part Of The's a more just very accurate historical book on how the world that was only considered to have 3 parts...Europe-Asia-Africa...all as one giant land mass with just nearby islands such as Great Britain..Japan, had this mysterious new "fourth part of the world" to go and explore and map out. It was a paradigm shift in man's thinking...but not an epiphany moment this discovery of this new world came over a period of many voyages.

    I started googling "the fourth part of the world"...and trust me...there is a lot of information on this 500 plus year old new discovery. The world was redrawn adding in this new fourth part.

    I was compelled to show this hard sell mentality I have to go do my own digging.

    We all dig here, and I had this new rabbit hole to go down. I felt in my heart that if there was something to this, I would receive a God wink or two.
    Little did I realize I would find 5 God winks...or should I really be honest and say God winked at me 5 times. I never have heard God's voice, but I am a firm believer in how he communicates so subtly...yet sometimes loudly with His God winks from time to time. I will send these along as soon as I verify more details.

    To top this off, just 4 days ago I came across another minister with another video showing why he believes this fourth part of the described in this most sought after map and most expensive map...The Fourth Part of The indeed what Revelation 6:8 is talking about.

    The Greek word for "the" that is in the original Greek for this scripture I will talk more about when I get back to my notes
    But it totally shows a specific part of the earth than if it had it read.."a fourth part of the earth". The video takes a little time breaking down the importance in this one word "the".

    I totally see the four seals coming against "the fourth part of the earth" as them being directed at Mystery Babylon...which I believe is the key player in The Fourth Part Of The Earth...This really really fits the more I think and type about it.

    Oh, there is more, but I just have been occupied with other projects going on.

  3. Stan,

    Can you post where you bought the book?

    I have long believed the U.S. is Babylon, but wondered about Canada, Mexico, Central America, And South America. I'm fairly well traveled, and I can tell you that these other nations are largely of the same Babylonian spirit as the U.S. Although I'm convinced the U.S. is the chief exporter of perversion in the world.

    Don't think that the ancients did not know this landmass mass did not exist, and that it was 'discovered'. That story was for the commoners. The Henges on the European continent, are very very old. By there use the ancients knew the dimensions of the earth, and the solar system with astounding accuracy.

    The rise + fall of Babylon(New Atlantis) was possibly planned before the so-called discovery! The earliest tribes found in America were Caucasian. I lived in the Desert S.W. for four decades, and some Native American friends of mine said at least some tribes knew of Y'shua, before Columbus.

    Thanks for your post! I want to get the book. It may well be helpful answering my questions about all the other nations of the Western Hemisphere, in the very last days.


    1. Anonymous.....I agree that this fourth part of the earth was visited a long time ago as there are Egyptian artifacts all over..
      Pyramids, etc.

      Just Google " The Fourth Part Of The World" by Toby Lester..
      type Amazon and you will get it fast. I would love to read your thoughts on other countries in this hemisphere and their similar connections to Babylon.

      What an interesting rabbit hole this became!


  4. American Drugs in Egyptian Mummies

    In 1992, German toxicologist Svetlana Bababanova discovered traces of cocaine, hashish and nicotine on Henut Tavis hair as well as on the hair of several other mummies

  5. (I'll post this in two messages because of length)...

    Stan and William... in line with the current discussion here about how the actual meaning of "The Fourth Part of the World" could mean the "Western Hemisphere", I first had the thought, "Well, when was the Western Hemisphere 'born'?" Then a bit of my high school education kicked in and I thought of the "declaration" of the Monroe Doctrine.

    I actually remember the year claimed for its establishment, but not any possible actual date for its enaction. So I looked that up and found...

    "The Monroe Doctrine was articulated in President James Monroe's seventh annual message to Congress on December 2, 1823. The European powers, according to Monroe, were obligated to respect the Western Hemisphere as the United States' sphere of interest."

    The 200th anniversary of that Declaration is in less than five months, you'll note. Coincidence?

    So I thought to look at history to see if there were any other significant world developments on December 2nd. Here are some of interest from "recent" history.

    1930 - President Herbert Hoover goes before Congress to make a plea for a $150 million public works program to work on various construction projects and help to put America back to work.
    1942 - A self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction was demonstrated for the first time in Chicago.
    1943 - In early 1943 rationing of food was to take place in the U.S., starting with meat and then including canned foods.
    1947 - Following the vote by the United nations to create two states, one Jewish and one Arab, in Palestine (1947 UN Partition Plan), riots break out in Jerusalem when the Arab Higher Committee declare a three-day strike and public protest against the United nations ruling.


  6. 1954 - The US Senate votes to condemn Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy, R Wis., for "conduct that tends to bring the Senate into dishonor and disrepute."
    1954 - Fidel Castro, Che Guevara and 80 other members of the Cuban Revolution movement enter Cuba after a boat trip from Mexico.
    1961 - On a national radio broadcast in Cuba Fidel Castro declares that he was a Marxist-Leninist and that Cuba was to adopt Communism.
    1964 - Students storm the administration building at the University of California, Berkeley which protesters took over in a massive sit-in as part of the Free Speech Movement.
    1967 - Egyptian anti-aircraft armaments shoot down two Israeli planes near Suez City.
    1970 - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposed by President Richard Nixon to protect human health and with safeguarding the natural environment: air, water, and land begins operation.
    1971 - The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is formed as a federation of the current seven smaller emirates there.
    1976 - Fidel Castro becomes the President of Cuba.
    1979 - U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan is burned to the ground in a riot.
    1982 - First artificial heart is implanted in Utah to patient Barney Clark.
    1985 - In Geneva, Switzerland United States President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev end of their two-day meeting in Switzerland announcing the Geneva Accord.
    1995 - Bosnian, Serb and Croat leaders agree to the Dayton Accord peace plan for war-torn Bosnia Herzegovina brokered by Bill Clinton in the United States.
    2007 - The Russian general elections confirm President Vladimir Putin's power-base, despite the claims of fraud.
    2008 - Congress establishes a bipartisan Commission for the "Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism".
    2009 - Fort Hood shooter, Nidal Hasan, is charged with thirty-two counts of attempted premeditated murder for his November 5th attack on the Texas military base.



    1. Jo....Your Monroe Doctrine is a key document associated with this "Fourth Part of The Earth". That is a significant document associated with North and South America which looks to me as indeed being " the fourth part of the earth".

      Let's see if there are any God winks.

      This Waldseemuller map was documented in the book "The Fourth Part Of The World" as being discovered on 7/17/1901.

      From the Monroe Doctrine date of 12/2/1823 to 7/17/1901..there are 77 years-7 months and 7 plus 7 days between these dates. Interesting God wink.

      From 12/2/1823 to when Israel became a nation on 5/14/1948....45454 days pass. Interesting number that reads the same backwards.

      From 12/2/1823 to 9/11/2023...(22nd anniversary of 911)...199 years-9 months-9 days pass...

      The US dropped the 1st atomic bomb on Hiroshima on 8/6/1945...The second bomb on Nagasaki 3 days later on 8/9/1945...very interesting God wink that from 12/2/1823. ...44444 days later lands on 8/8/1945...right between these two bombings.

      Jo...I think your 12/2/1823 Monroe Doctrine God winks right in with this "The Fourth Part Of The World"...Thank you sir very much for that!! all that happened on December 2nd that you posted.

      In this same book..."The Fourth Part Of The World" is documented and I verified for myself that the US government paid a record amount for any map ever when they bought this map of " The Fourth Part Of The World" for 10 million dollars. The date they bought this map was on 6/18/2003 and they placed it in the Library of Congress where it resides permanently to this day...and is called the birth certificate of this nation. Ready for some more confirming God winks...or to any skeptic...just simply mre coincidences??

      From 6/18/2003 to 3/11/2020...(the day the World Health Organization declared covid 19 a worldwide pandemic)....6111 days passed.

      From 6/18/2003 to the 2nd great crossing the USA earthquake next 4/8/2024..7600 days pass.

      Above, I mentioned in the book that this long sought after map of the fourth part of the earth was discovered on 7/17/1901. From that date to the 6.8 earthquake in Turkey on 2/6/2023....(which anchors the 6th seal in Erics sign in the heavens video)....44400 days passed. Even more interesting...40 days later the 7.8 and 7.7 earthquakes in Turkey occured...(which anchors Erics 7th seal sign in the heavens)...makes for 44440 days passing.

      These are some interesting Gid winks that keep accumulating on the topic of "The Fourth Part Of The World".
      As always, take this to the Lord on prayer.

    2. I just did a Greek text analysis on Revelation 7:1 where it says..." the four corners of the earth".. The Greek word for corners is "gonias"...
      and can mean, corner, angle, or QUARTER....That scripture could fully mean....the four quarters of the earth"...Nothing like a double witness in scripture!!

    3. I just did a Hebrew text analysis on Isaiah 11:12 where it says " four corners of the earth"

      THe Hebrew word for corners is "kanah"...and it can mean "QuARTER" also....the four quarters of the earth"..

    4. What is this? Link please. ‘ 6th seal in Erics sign in the heavens video’

    5. The 6th seal link ;
