Monday, February 21, 2022

Prophecy Alert; Twosday 2/22/2022 Updated


Looks like things are very close to an all-out war breaking out in Europe. Hal turner spells it out. 

******** FLASH ******** Video: Russian Armor now 2,000 FEET From Ukraine Border, in ATTACK FORMATION (See 9:36 AM Update at Bottom) 

...“We're at a dead end,” Putin says, regarding negotiations over Ukraine. “Simply at a dead end.” 


As you are most likely aware we have been watching Twosday 2/22/2022, and when it is 2/21 in some parts of the world it is 2/22 in other parts of the world, and when it is 2/22 in some parts of the world it is 2/23 in other parts of the world. 

Twosday 2/22/2022; Will it be a Day that Will Live in Infamy? 

Update: Russian offensive operation against Ukraine will likely begin at 8 pm Eastern time and may not be limited to occupying Eastern Ukraine. Moscow is waging a propaganda campaign that lays out the pretext for an incursion into Ukraine proper. Russia may launch a large-scale air and missile bombardment of key military and government command and control facilities in major Ukrainian cities, preceding a ground incursion.

Russia expert says 'blitzkrieg-type' attack could begin as early as Monday night: LIVE UPDATES (

8 PM EST 2/21/2022 is 2/22/2022 in Ukraine. So, by all indications it looks as if at least one major event has occurred on our watch day, there may be more yet to come.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.

If you appreciate this article perhaps you might consider a gift to The End Times Forecaster for the intelligence we provided today.


  1. I sincerely believe Putin on 2/22/22 soft started..(so far early in this day) the invasion of brilliantly tactfully that our leaders cant verify its an invasion yet. Here we have Russian soldiers and equipment just driving into areas Putin just officially declared independent states that his troops are "peace keepers" now.

    Anthony Blinken "blinked"...bumbling Biden stumbled as he continues to be carrying on over 40 years of being on the wrong side of tactician management...just the opposite of Putin.

    Our woke military with our asleep president at the helm can hardly await our brilliant fool-in-chiefs next tactical moves.

    I do believe seal 2 is now soft opened with 777 days to go to the April 8th,2024 eclipse.....clearly one of the Genesis 1:14 signs.

    It going to be a different world from now on.

    Aw...but my faith is strengthened as I see God's playbook unfolding. This is the beginning of our beginning.

    1. Stan, I agree it appears as if it has soft started as you say. I remember way back in 2010 when I first started this blog that O started health care initiative on 2/22/10 and on 3/22/10 it was signed and he said "it is finished." Makes me wonder about the 2/22 and the 3/22 12 years later

  2. Interesting, and please also remember, Our Lord Jesus promises to cut SHORT these days for the SAKE of His ELECT or else no FLESH would be SAVED. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yes Jesus will shorten the days of the great tribulation, which begins after the opening of Seal 5.

      21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

      22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. MT 24

  3. I notice there is a Ukraine city of Lviv =
    SB LVI ... with a V left over
    V for the 5 Olympic Rings and media pointed out how this is Putin's 5th war
    Remember at the Sochi Olympics the 'malfunction' where the 5th Snowflake ring failed to open?
    Well the Olympic ceremony now focused on a single Snowflake?
    Is that now the opening of the 5th ring? Putin's 5th war... 5th age of Aquarius... 5 pointed Pentagram/gon

    Also, remember the Ukraine flag is a Trident =
    remember all the flight MH370 Trident rituals after Sochi and Crimea War
    In the SB alexa ad the Black Widow/ Lucy actess mentions a play opening on March 8th as she covers her eye = flight MH370
    Trident = Tip of the Spear rituals = Aquaman/Justice League movies Atlanta Atlantis and America as the New Atlantis = Space Shuttle Atlantis ect
    Statue of Neptune holding his Trident at Sochi = also Neptune at Norfolk VA US Navy
    Afgahnistan airport single runway also looked like a Spear Head
    This war is the Tip of the Spear ritual in motion


  4. The masks might be coming off ...but from talking to people...I think the masks are going up and over their eyes now. We are blind, deaf and stupid as a country...sad to say.

    Now Anthony Blinken is saying we react to Russia in a major way.

    I think we are about to get spanked.

  5. My friends have almost laughed at me about saying Russia will soon be invading Ukraine. "We are too powerful and Putin knows this".

    Well, Putin is a brilliant tactician and that is not bragging on him. Hitler was a brilliant tactician. Both are diabolically using their brilliance for evil.

    How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder? Just watch as our senile stumbling bumbling fake tough guy Biden shows his folly.

    He has demonstrated his utter folly in he will demonstrate his utter folly in toughness. This is so globalist inspired and many biblical prophesy scriptures will soon be coming to fruition.

    I blame both sides of the aisle for this. Those shouting and praying for the second coming of Trump have their eyes on an egomaniac instead of Christ.

    The NAR preachers behind Trump all believe the Army of Christ will defeat satan throughout the world....then Christ comes back. I may as well rip out chapters of Isaiah,Jeremiah, Hosea,Daniel Micah, Revelation. That view is half the driving force for the globalists.

    All the prayers from those dominionists will not defeat satan...but rather bring him on to battle.

    The red horse's nostrils are snorting steam as it is about to bust open the gate on the second seal.

    We have much to be thankful and blessed for...our salvation in Jesus Christ. Everyone here, pinch yourself...we are a very informed small portion of one percent of the world. I will gladly martyr my way out of this fallen world....but I am praying for protection during the coming tribulation so as to help fulfill Daniel 11:33 as I plan on helping many uninformed...many pretribbers also in bewilderment as they realize they will be seeing tribulation. Many will fall away...

    1. I can see how the mainstream is playing up the Trump and Russia connections. A while back NPR did a piece on how Russian 'white supremacist' groups are uniting with 'nationalistic' groups world wide. They have done stories on 'white evangelical nationalists'.
      Media mentioned how Trump called Putin 'smart'....
      Tucker Carlson seemed to brush off the invasion and said that 'Putin has never tried to silence him'
      As they crash the economy and blame Truckers, Russia, White Evangelicals and Trump working with Russia.... building hatred towards Christians who also oppose the vaxx by the way.
      Interesting the Trump Social Media launched day prior to 2/22

  6. I find Revelation 6:4 very interesting..."And there went another horse that was RED: and power was given to HIM that sat theron to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto HIM a GREAT SWORD."

    I looked up the Greek meaning of sword. It is only used twice and means a short dagger. "Kinzhal" is also a Russian word for dagger.

    Interesting that one Putins ultimate weapons we have no defense for is their Kinzhal missile....a hypersonic nuclear missile that we cant shoot down as it arrives so fast in a changing path.

    In my opinion...Putin is the rider upon the Red horse with a GREAT sword(Kinzhal)...

    Undeniably a weapon that deserves the pronoun GREAT.

    1. The Allies literally did give Russia a Great Sword..."The Sword of Stalingrad is a bejewelled ceremonial longsword specially forged and inscribed by command of King George VI of the United Kingdom as a token of homage from the British people to the Soviet defenders of the city during the Battle of Stalingrad.[1] On 29 November 1943, it was presented to Marshal Joseph Stalin by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill at a ceremony during the Tehran Conference, in the presence of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and an honour guard."

      Note Tehran with the Iran War coming next with Russia backing Syria and Iran vs Israel

    2. Stan, you nailed it, excellent research, that may be the connection.

      GDP good find and another sync pointing to Russia and Seal 2

  7. Please watch and share...

  8. The Second Seal of The Red Horse of War has been opened. The prophecy of MICHELLE KATHERINE ORTS fulfilled! Hallelujah!


    Jesus is coming soon!

    1. Ollie, what is the next event?

    2. If Seal 2 has been opened then the next major event is Seal 3, rapture after Seal 6.

      upcoming post

      And look what just happened on our highly anticipated watch day of 2/22/2022, which I previously stated that it may be the day that Seal 2 is opened.

      MOSCOW, Feb 22 (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin ordered his defense ministry to dispatch Russian forces to "perform peacekeeping functions" in eastern Ukraine's two breakaway regions, according to a decree published early on Tuesday after he said Moscow would recognize their independence.

      The decree to enter Ukraine was issued on 2/22/2022, and if you are following the news you know what followed that decree—WAR. Now the question is, was this the start of the Seal 2 WW3?

    3. Yes, and perhaps since the previous two World Wars have started in that region of the world, it would stand to reason why not? Because, EZEKIEL 38:12 is relevant when Gazprom, Russia's main refinery is headed directly south from Moscow to Jerusalem coordinates. It's very possible this all will culminate quickly if this thing goes nuclear because Putin has been lured in by the axis of evil. Keep praying and LOOKING up because OUR REDEMPTION DRAWS NEAR! Revelation 22 vs 20.

    4. And the devil sits back and laughs as he deceives the world into killing each other.

  9. Putin made a threat to any country interfering in this battle..."consequences the likes they have never seen." That sounds nuclear to me. Taking Ukraine is being tougher than his plan A...but no doubt Putin has plan B,C and D ready. This "interfering " line has been crossed....and this bogdown Putin is finding is just going to have him apply more pressure to blow it out.

    Meanwhile the world sentiment is growing and the US and other countries are interfering more.

    I see Putin pulling out the nuclear gauntlet. Th The more time hthe Ukrainian people bog him down...the more the US and other countries cross Putins "interference line"...and in my opinion the more lilely WW3 will be sparked off. This will not just keep going on as a slow blood Putin will be decisive and take peace from the earth.... in my hope I am wrong opinion.

    1. I agree and say that this is the closest the world has been to WW3 in a long while

  10. The seal of the Apocalypse has been opened? Yes soon, the red horse is Mars, look at the star map, the constellation Perseus above Taurus, there is a big knife, Mars is retrograde, maybe it is the beginning,
