There is a hidden
map on the back of the dollar bill and you are not going to believe where it leads!
That’s right; I firmly believe there is a hidden map encoded on the back of the
dollar bill that leads to a place that left me astounded, and has great eternal
significance. Hold onto your hats, and let the journey begin, as I reveal the
map hidden on the dollar bill!
Many years
ago I ran across data that suggested that the dollar bill, as the trestle board
for the destruction of the Old World Order and establishment of the New,
contains encrypted information regarding the United States and the end of the
world. This prompted me to investigate the images and design of the dollar bill
to see if I could find anything.
See anything
that stands out? How about the pyramid? Many people wonder why a pyramid is on
the dollar bill. It is on the dollar bill because it is on the Great Seal of
the United States and it is this Great Seal that contains the map. To reveal
the map we are going to assume that the Great Seal represents a globe, we are
then going to assign an equator for each half of the seal, and then from that
equator, calculate the latitude of prominent features on the seal.
Note: For
all of the calculations I choose to use a 400% enlargement of the Great Seal on
the dollar bill, though any size enlargement could be used.
We will
start with the right half of the dollar bill; assigning the bottom horizontal line
of the shield as the equator, and the top star as the North Pole and measuring
the distance, you get approximately 58 mm. Taking 90 degrees latitude from
equator to North Pole and dividing it by 58 mm yields a scale of 1.5517 degrees
of latitude per mm. that is the scale that we will use on our 400%
If we
measure from the bottom line on the shield, our assigned equator, to the
eagle’s eye, that distance is approximately 25 mm. 25mm times our scale of
1.5517 degrees per mm yields a latitude of approximately 38.8 degrees. That
latitude very closely corresponds to the official latitude of Washington, D.C. at
38.8921, and considering the accuracy of the measurements, it is a direct hit!
So if the part
of the Great Seal with the phoenix bird, I mean eagle, on it—a clear
representation of America—is thought of as a globe with the bottom horizontal line
of the shield as the equator and the top star as the North Pole then the
eagle’s eye would represent Washington D.C..
How about
the other side of the Great Seal does it have a map on it? Yes it does. We will
use the same latitude/distance scale as on the first part of the seal. On this
side we will assign the equator to the bottom of the cut out part of the two
ribbons. With that line as the equator, if we measure to the top of the pyramid
without the capstone, that distance is approximately 20.5 mm. 20.5 mm times our
scale of 1.5517 corresponds to a latitude of 31.8 degrees. That latitude very
closely corresponds to the official latitude of Jerusalem at 31.7857, and again
considering the accuracy of the measurements, another direct hit!
Jerusalem? It is easy to see why the eagle’s eye would correspond with
Washington D.C., because we are dealing with the Great Seal of the United
States, but why Jerusalem on the other half? Because that is where the third Temple
will be built—a key part of the establishment of the New World Order. Remember;
birth of the New World Order.

How about
the latitude of the “all seeing eye,” as some call it, does it correspond with
anything? The eye is approximately 34 mm from the assigned equator. 34 mm times
our scale yields a latitude of 52.8 degrees. What does that correspond with? Knowing
what the eye and capstone represents, I would dare say that the latitude of
52.8 will be antichrist related. I am sure many of you are aware that the
capstone of the Great Pyramid represents the antichrist and his kingdom—the New
World Order—and he will rule the world from Jerusalem after he performs the
abomination of desolation in the Third Temple.
latitude 52.8 go through anything of prominence that may be antichrist related?
Latitude 52.8 goes through the U.K. which happens to be the “mother” of the
United States, and many believe is a probable birthplace of the antichrist.
Upon further
research I have also found out that 52.8, or the number 528 has great esoteric
importance. In fact I found that the number 528 has a connection to the
antichrist, the Templar treasure, DNA, tarot cards, healing frequencies, and
other esoteric things. It is even claimed that the number 528 holds a key to
unlocking great information.
So there we
have it; Washington, Jerusalem, The U.K.
and the antichrist all encoded on the dollar bill. Yet there is more, so
much more.
Yes, there
is something else regarding the map on the Great Seal that will lead to what I
described in the beginning of this article as unbelievable. This is a little
hard to explain and to put into words, so let’s back up a little bit. When I
was investigating the dollar bill, God prompted me to watch the movie National
Treasure, that infamous fictional movie about “illuminati” codes. Remember the
illuminati love to give information through Hollywood movies. Do you see the
clue of the hour glass and globe on the picture of this medallion from the
movie? That tipped me off that maybe there was a hidden map and an encoded date
on the Seal—I will address the dates later.

It was from
that movie that I also received another clue in deciphering the Great Seal on
the dollar bill. The clue was contained in this quote from the movie; “The
vision to see the treasured past." In the movie they used a special pair
of glasses to see an invisible clue on the Declaration of Independence that
would appear while looking through the special glasses—the vision to see the
treasured past. The thought came to me; why not look at the Great Seal with a
special “pair of glasses” to see if it would reveal anything. I brought a photo
of the Great Seal into Adobe Photoshop and applied the neon glow filter and
here is what appeared around the capstone.

Look at the
shape of the rays around the capstone. As I pondered what I saw, the thought
came to me, that I have seen that shape before. I then looked at the map of the
world to see what country or continent the shape would most closely match. As
best as I can tell, the shape most closely resembles the Arctic. Of course the
Arctic ice cap changes but it is a close match to the shape as depicted in the
overlay below from the World Atlas Arctic map. I also find it interesting that
the other side of the seal also had an association with the arctic—the North
So what does
the Arctic and North Pole have to do with the Great Seal, the antichrist and
satan? This is really hard to explain, but bear with me. There is a theory that
has been around for many years that the earth is hollow and one of the main
entrances to the “underworld” is in the Arctic. The theory further suggests
that there is a civilization of alien origin more advanced than ours that live
there. There have been several books written about this topic and several
credible eyewitness accounts from people who claim to have been there,
including Admiral Byrd. Here is his account.
The first public scientific evidence
occurred in 1947 when Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the United States Navy
flew directly to the North Pole and instead of going over the pole, actually
entered the Inner Earth. In his diary with other witnesses, he tells of
entering the hollow interior of the Earth, and traveling 1700 miles over
mountains, lakes, rivers, green vegetation and animal life. He tells of seeing
monstrous animals resembling the mammoth of antiquity moving through the
underbrush. He eventually found cities and a thriving civilization.
His plane was finally greeted by
flying machines, the type he had never seen before. They escorted him to a safe
landing place and he was graciously greeted by emissaries from Aghartha. After
resting, he and his crew were taken to meet the Ruler of Aghartha. They told
him that he had been allowed to enter Aghartha because of his high moral and
ethical character. They went on to say that ever
since the United States had dropped
atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they had been very concerned for their
own safety and survival. They had decided that it was time to make greater
contact with the outside world to make sure we didn't destroy this planet and
their civilization with it. They had been allowed in for this express purpose,
as a way of making contact with someone they trusted.
civilization of alien origin in the inner earth, how bout that! If there is a
civilization in the inner earth I can tell you for sure that it is not of alien
origin, but of satanic demonic origin. UFO aliens, E.T.s, E.D.s and ascended
masters, as they call themselves, are demons and or their spawn.
How fitting
for the dollar bill as the trestle board for the destruction of the Old World
Order and establishment of the new to contain a map that shows prominent places
of esoteric importance, and associates the antichrist and his coming kingdom of
deception with the inner earth and UFOs. Oh, BTW; did I mention the Great Seal
is reported to have been handed to Thomas Jefferson by a demon—that ought to give you a clue. And
here is another clue—remember the encoded latitude of 52.8 that goes through
the U.K. and is antichrist related—at latitude 52.8 in Wales there is a famous surfing
spot called Hell’s Mouth.
What does
all of this encoded information point to? Besides the obvious coming antichrist
led New World Order, I believe it points to an event in scripture known as the
great falling away.
no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come
a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 2 Thes 2:3
As you can
see from the passage above, this falling away precedes and is linked to the
revealing of the antichrist. My research has led me to believe that the coming
antichrist will claim to be an extra terrestrial and will come on the scene to
“rescue” the world from the destructions of the first 4 Seals. He will also
claim to be god—that he, an ascended master of the universe, was the one that
started life on earth and he and his kind have inhabited the inner earth
waiting for the proper time to come onto the scene. I believe these events will
in turn precipitate the great falling away.
Will you?
Will you fall away? I hope not. That is one of the reasons that I am showing
you these things; I do not want you to be deceived by what is coming and fall
away. The Bible is true, the antichrist and the New World Order are coming, and
following him will lead you right into hell’s mouth, just as a Biblical
explanation of the encoded information on the dollar foretells. The choice is
God wants
you to spend eternity in heaven with Him, which is why He sent His Son, the
Lord Jesus Christ, to suffer and die for our sins. You can have your sins
forgiven, and gain entrance into heaven, by acknowledging that Jesus is God, recognizing
you are a sinner and calling out to Jesus to save you. Read a short message
about what you must do to be saved called; God’s Gift of Salvation.
will you be deceived? Do you know that you will see the antichrist and the
great falling away occur as indicated in the Thessalonian passage above?
Because it says, “that day”—the Day of the Lord/Rapture—will not occur until
after the antichrist is revealed and the Great Falling Away takes place. Are
you prepared for those days, or will you be caught unawares. Read The Coming Epiphany today for FREE.
The next
time you pick up a dollar bill I want you to think about these things and pray
against the New World Order and their nefarious plans. If I had the power I
would do what many politicians have called for—doing away with the Federal
Reserve and their satanic vampire money that has sucked the life blood out of
this once great country. You know what America; we do have the power, and it’s
just a matter of waking people up. WAKE UP AMERICA!
Time, did I
mention time? As already alluded to, I also believe that there are several
encoded dates on the dollar bill. In fact, some, which I found years ago before
the event, have already been fulfilled. Another date, which is in the very near
future, and linked to the Georgia guidestone cube may point to the end of the
United States as we know it! Information that valuable ought to be worth
something, don’t you think? Thus I am making the encoded date information
available for the ironic introductory price of $1. Might be the best dollar you ever spent!
Here is the link; The Dollar Code
On another
note; there are many orphan children in Haiti that are starving and need your
help. I would really appreciate it if you could prayerfully consider helping
the orphans and a good Christian school—Concord Christian Acad. The school
wants to assemble and pack 10,000 meals and send them to missionaries in Haiti,
who will then distribute them to the orphans. Would you take a minute, check
out a website of a family in the school, and prayerfully consider sponsoring them?
Even if you can only spare $5 or $10—every little bit helps, and it only takes
a minute, and you can donate securely by credit card.
Thank you in
With deepest appreciation.