Monday, July 1, 2024

July 4, 2024, Synchronicities


Received this email from Stan.

April 8th, 2024, was the second total solar eclipse crossing the USA.  There is way too much previous information already discussed about the God wink warnings to repeat here. This email will only repeat a few, but there are some brand new profound God winks I want to share.  I gather lots of information from various sources, and then compare them to scripture, add in my personal hunches and I go digging.  I have been up since 3 am on this rabbit hole and I had to document this. I am just giving a heads up for this coming July 4th.  Pride cometh before the fall as scripture says. We are ending a very PRIDEFULL month of June ...which is PRIDE month.  Literally disgusting what is going on.  This country is really turning from God at an exponentially increasing rate.

Back to April 8th, 2024; this was the 2nd of two great total solar eclipses crossing the USA.

The Pharisees asked Jesus about a sign from heaven.  There was no sign FROM HEAVEN at that time right in front of Christ.  The sign given to the Pharisees at that time was that just as Jonah was in the depths of the earth for 3 days, so would Christ be.

Fast forward to present.  We just had the 2nd sign...the 4/8/2024 eclipse.

Interesting that Exodus 4:8 has the same scripture numbers as the 4/8 date.

And it shall come to pass, if they will not believe thee, neither hearken to the voice of the first sign, that they will believe the voice of the latter sign. Ex 4:8

We all know the Noah's Ark story...but maybe not the rabbit hole details, the fountains of the deep were opened up on the second month, the seventeenth day of the month.    The second month of the Jewish calendar is Iyar. So, this is Iyar 17....Iyar 17 fell on 5/25/2024 last month.

Noah and his family were on the ark 7 days before the flood waters started on Ilar 17.....or May 18th.  May 18th happens to be 40 days from the 4/8/2024 eclipse.  

 So, when the 40 days flood waters started....this was on Iyar 17....which again fell on May 25th, 2024.   Interesting that 40 days from May 25th, 2024 falls on July 4th, 2024.

Is something disastrous going to happen on that day??   I do not know, except I feel I should make aware these God winks and let everyone consider it at the least another God wink ...let the rubber band stretch some more warning....or it may be a significant event.  Time will tell.

Let me share some more God winks tying the sign of Jonah to July 4th coming next Thursday.   I have mentioned before how Michael Packard, a lobsterman off the coast of Maine was taken into the mouth of a whale on 6/11/2021.  He became an overnight celebrity, even appearing on the Jimmy Kimmel show.  I believe this was a big God wink as 6/11/2021 to 7/4/2024 is 1119 days.   There is that "911" in there.

That wasn't all that happened on June 11, 2021.   A Noah's ark replica ship grounded itself off the coast of England.  

They even ironically declared this Noah's ark unseaworthy.  You can't make this stuff up!   This happened on 6/11/2011, while Michael Packard was in the mouth of a whale off the coast of Maine.

If this isn't enough God about what happened 13 days later on 6/24/2021.   A 15 year old boy named JONAH Handler.....(JONAH)!!....miraculously survived the largest apartment building collapse ....being found in the rubble of 10 stories of collapsed concrete.  His mother was with him and was killed...a total of 98 people were killed.  The day count from 6/24/2021 to this 7/4/2024 is 1106 days.  I see that deadly 911 in there again.

Speaking of 911...let's go check the days from 9/11/2001 to 7/4/2024.  It's an interesting 8333 days.

Also interesting that exactly one year to the day..... from Jonah’s miracle surviving the building collapse on 6/24/2021...we land on 6/24/2022. That was a huge miracle in heaven...the great planetary line up where I cannot find it happening any other time in the past or future....unless you go thousands of years in the past...or into the future. I have yet to find that happening again.  God put the lights in the heavens as Genesis 1:14 says..."as for SIGNS, and for seasons, and for days, and for years on 6/24/2022...all the visible luminaries were strung out across the heavens in their correct order from the sun.   I witnessed this myself in the early morning sky of 6/24/2022.  In order....Sun below the horizon, Mercury, Venus, our moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.  All 7 their correct order!   Not only that...but get this.  The outer invisible to the naked eye planets of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were also in their correct order from the sun also!  You can't make up these God winks! 

Some more God winks; Queen Elizabeth died on 9/8/2022.  Prince Charles became King Charles on that date.  Add 666 days from 9/8/2022 and you arrive on 7/4/2024.  I have no time to start down his rabbit hole here.

Interesting that from the second crossing total solar eclipse on 4/8/2024 to 7/4/2024 is 88 days.

Interesting one of our huge drinking holidays is July 4th. CeeDee Lamb...a famous Dallas Cowboy wide receiver...wears the # 88 jersey. Blake Shelton made a drinking video with his 88 jersey being showcased. 

But hold on....I researched CeeDee Lamb....had to notice the "Lamb".  Also, look at his's 4/8...same as the eclipse that is 88 days from 7/4/2024.  Look at his birth year...1999.....I see 666 there upside down. His 4/8/1999 birth date is exactly 300 months from this 4/8/2024 eclipse.

Nothing may happen at all on July Thursday....but one thing for certain are these God winks are beyond coincidence....that are at the least getting people's attention as God lets the rubber band stretch some more before it breaks.  He sends signs as wake up warnings, and actual devastation warnings.

And this from Hal Turner: From an Intel Source: "China, This Week."

And from The Big the One; All US bases in Europe have been put on alert mode "Charlie." 

And here are a few syncs that I found.

From 7/4/2024 to 8/13/2024, which is the dawning of the age of Aquarius day and Tisha b Av it is 40 days.

From 7/4/2024 to 1/28/2025--the watch date for the California mega earthquake--there are 5000 hours/300,000 minutes.

Here are a few more, but first take a look at this chart in which the significance is discussed in this post; 2028 and Armageddon.

From 7/4/2024 to 3/10/2025 it is 6000 hours/360,000 minutes.

From 7/4/2024 to 4/9/2025 it is exactly 40 weeks.

And a Dollar Code calculation; 12.737373 x 19.47 = 247.99666. This rounds to 248 years, and from July 4, 1776, to July 4, 2024, it is exactly 248 years. You can do your own research on 73--it is an important number. For an explanation of The Dollar Code click here.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.


  1. Thank you, William. Thank you, Stan. May God bless and keep us from harm, in Jesus name, amen.

  2. Thank you , William and Stan! Much here to contemplate. Let us all resolve to walk out in Faith and to keep our eyes above the waves. Your dedication to thorough research and to clearly sharing your knowledge blesses so many of us.

  3. I just measured from the Google earth marker for New Madrid, Missouri to
    the Francis Scott Key bridge that was destroyed on 3/26/2024 measures exactly 700 miles to the bridge. I find it interesting that from
    3/26/2024 to 7/4/ 100 days.
    I find it interesting that Francis Scott Key wrote our national anthem whose
    birthday is in 2 days.

    Jeremiah 49:17-22 mentions of the downfall of Edom...which Jordan is that area.
    But verse 22 says..." Behold, he shall come up and fly as the EAGLE, and spread
    his wings over BOZRAH: and at THAT DAY shall the heart of mighty men of Edom
    be as the heart of a woman in her pangs."
    I find it interesting that when I measured from the Google flag in Bozrah to
    New Madrid, is 6600 miles. Are all these God winks tying in another
    earthquake in the New Madrid fault zone around the 4th of July in 2 days??...or is it
    at the least God winks to try and awaken us like past God winks that have happened.
    If one goes back and look at all the God winks mentioned on Williams site, in my
    humble opinion...any one could by itself be considered nothing but a coincidence, but
    when you start compounding several...the odds of them happening by coincidence becomes much less likely at an exponentially increasing rate. But, there are many such God winks listed, and I have no doubt there is a divine influence behind them.
    Nothing may happen the next few days, but what has already happened in my opinion is God trying to wake us up, before he starts SHAKING us up.
    Want one more God wink? I have been reading another minister talking about looking
    on Google earth and seeing the leviathan looking serpents head underwater between the very southern coast of South Amaria and Antartica. I am a VERY HARD SELL, so I checked it out myself. Yes, it is definitely clearly seen. Looks like an alligators head...and there are 7 distinct islands in a curve on this leviathan creatures snout.
    I had a hunch, and from the same Google flag for Bozrah, I snapped a line to this snout on this leviathans snout. I find it extra interesting that it is EXACTLY 7000 miles to the vers centered and closest part of the snout. Please go check it out for yourself. I can send William by email proof pictures...but I hope everyone checks it out for himself. I simply can't pass along anything unless I verify it for myself. Please don't accept anything I type without verifying for yourself. It will make you much more convincing to others than if you just say I read it on the internet.
    These God winks just keep amassing.

    William...Your additional God wink comments are AMAZING additionalGod winks that just steepen the exponentially increasing curve here.
    God bless your work you do... and thanks for letting me add a few thoughts once in awhile.

    1. Hi, I am interested in this person who is talking about leviathans. Have you seen the posts by In2ThinAir regarding the Antarctica anomoly and the associated weather events? Thank you

    2. Anonymous...Abraham Ojeda talks about this anomaly that anyone can see
      on Google earth. Abraham has many excellent videos on deep bible topics....

      but....he is a rabid "flat earther". I have talked to several of these believers, and
      they simply don't understand physics, and astronomy, celestial mechanics near
      as much as they know the Bible. They get a few scriptures about the firmament
      above and the firmament below, and how the earth stands as a flat disc on pillars.

      However, I never throw the baby out with the bath water. Most sites that I follow are pretrib...even though I am post trib. I get more scriptural clues from following people I disagree with, and learn from them.

  4. Nothing happened on Independence Day.

    1. Sorry, this happened yesterday. Shark attack in USA.

      GRAPHIC! Shark Attack - South Padre Island, TX

      JUST IN: Four shark attacks reported at South Padre Island in Texas during Fourth of July celebrations.

      Game Warden Capt. Chris Dowdy says all the attacks happened within two hours of each other.

      One woman had a chunk bitten out her her leg as Good Samaritans were seen dragging her to safety.

      Two men and two females were reportedly attacked. One of the men was sent to the hospital. His current condition is unknown.


      Maybe a sign for near future?! Remember IPG2 film and sharks in it.

      Russia's Akula-Class Submarine Is a Nightmare for the U.S. Navy

      AKULA! The Soviet Shark

      Akula is the Russian word for shark. It may refer to: Akula-class submarine, Щука-Б or Shchuka-B in Russian. Typhoon-class submarine, Акула or Akula in Russian. Russian submarine Akula (1908), a submarine built for the Imperial Russian Navy.

    2. Maybe this is part of the event, remember what Wilkerson said
