Monday, April 8, 2024

The April 8, 2024, Eclipse: Yet 40 Days… Updated, Forecast Fulfilled


The Great American eclipse of April 8, 2024, what does it mean, is it a sign, will judgment follow? Those are the questions that are on the minds of many. I have viewed a lot of prophetic information about the eclipse and from all the information that I have come across I do believe that judgment(s) will follow this eclipse. And it may begin to follow immediately and or at an interval of forty days. 

And Jonah began to enter into the city a day's journey, and he cried, and said, Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown. Jonah 3:4 

Here’s why I believe that judgment will follow. To start with, the world as a whole is continually increasing in wickedness. And traditionally solar eclipses signal judgment or blessings for the gentile nations—blessing if they are righteous and judgments if they are unrighteous. These facts signal that the world will continue to receive judgment and the judgments will increase. 

Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people. Prov 14:34 

We also have the example of the last eclipse—judgment followed, and a major judgment happened at an interval of 40 days. There were 40 days exclusive between the 2017 eclipse and the Las Vegas mass shooting. 

Las Vegas Mass Shooting; The 40 Day Judgment Has Fallen Just As The Eclipse Foretold 

Other judgments followed the eclipse too, just think of all the bad things that have occurred in the world since the 2017 eclipse. 

So, because judgment followed the 2017 eclipse and the USA and the world has not repented of their sins but have increased their sin, thus I believe that judgment will follow this eclipse and it may follow the same pattern. We may see a major judgment follow immediately and or at forty days exclusive past 4/8/2024, which is 5/19/2024, and other judgments to follow that. 

Now check out this comment left by Mark H on a previous post. 

Hi William, 

I've been doing some tinkering with Stellarium on the Internet and as you may know, tomorrow, April 8th, the day of the eclipse, the Sun is centered directly above the constellation Cetus, the whale. What is interesting about this is that the biblical scholar Donald Wiseman had speculated that a solar eclipse took place around when Jonah arrived in Nineveh and urged the people to repent, otherwise the city would be destroyed. Of course, the people of Nineveh (Assyria) had a good memory of how an angel destroyed 185,000 soldiers in one night and when Jonah arrived with an eclipse and a warning that God would destroy them in 40 days unless they repented, they had reason to be worried that this guy was probably telling the truth, so they repented! Now this brings me to some dates to watch. We know that Nineveh had 40 days. Forty days past April 8th is May 18, 2024. You may have heard this before because you are a man of numbers but the number 68 turns up for major world wars. For example, WW1 was 7-28-1914. If you add 7 + 28 + 19 + 14 it equals 68. WW2 was 9-1-1939. If you add 9 + 1 + 19 + 39 it equals 68. When Russia invaded Ukraine it was 2-24-2022. If you add 2 + 24 + 20 + 22 it equals 68. Now 40 days after the solar eclipse is May 18, 2024. The very next day after the 40 days are over is May 19, 2024. If you add 5 + 19 + 20 + 24 it equals 68. Therefore, a possible watch date for WW3 will be that day. 

So not only do we have a WW3 possibility let’s also keep in mind that the 2024 eclipse path crosses the 2017 eclipse path right over the New Madrid seismic zone. I am strongly convinced that the New Madrid earthquake will follow our dividing the land of Israel. 

The Deal of the Century is the Deal of Death


In fact, previous judgments upon our land have occurred as a result of our treatment of Israel, such as Hurricane Katrina, we made Israel rip up some of her settlements and immediately following hurricane Katrina ripped up some of our settlements. And when we divide the land of Israel, I believe God will divide our land with a giant earthquake that will geophysically rip our country in two. 

In fact, did you know that at the exact time that the 4.8 earthquake rattled NYC last week that the UN Security council was discussing Israel, and basically condemning their actions? Note: the number sync, 4.8--4/8.

A sign from above? An earthquake struck Israel during a meeting of the UN Security Council 

At today's meeting of the UN Security Council, at which Israel was once again subjected to unanimous "condemnation" – this time for hitting a car carrying employees of the "World Central Kitchen" – an earthquake occurred in New York. 

The meeting has just begun, and the chairwoman of the charity organization "Save the Children" Jeanty Soripto spoke to the members of the Security Council. The speaker said that "schools are institutions where children should be taught, not bombed and destroyed" when the UN building shook. Soripto interrupted her speech. Those present waited to see if the alarm would be sounded, but the evacuation was not announced, so she continued her speech. A few more small aftershocks followed. 

The entire incident can be watched at the 16th minute of the broadcast. 

In general, the meeting was held in the usual spirit for this instance. Representatives of Arab-Muslim and Asian countries blamed Israel for everything that was happening, while Western diplomats maintained a relatively neutral position. 

Another fact that I would like to remind us of is that this eclipse forms a triangle with the 2017 and 2023 eclipse. I believe the geometric points of intersection of the eclipse triangle also point to judgment and more specifically the judgment of famine. 

The Message of the Geometric Points of Intersection of the Eclipse Triangle.

Conclusion: I cannot tell you exactly when or what, but I believe judgment is coming to the USA and the world and this eclipse is a sign of coming judgments, and May 19, 2024, is on the top of the watch list.

Update 4/19/2024: I just ran across this piece of intel; I had seen this years ago but forgot about it.  The infamous Simpsons has an episode entitled "Thank God It's Doomsday" (Season 16, episode 19). Homer predicts the date of May 19th. The episode aired on 5/8/2005, from that date to 5/19/2024 is 19 years and 11 days.

Update 5/19/2024:

Iran President and Foreign Minister in Helicopter Crash! UPDATE: All Dead

Now, the question is, what will result from this occurrence?

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here. 


  1. William....
    I find it interesting that if you multiply the two years of these earthquakes.........
    .2017 x 2024 equals
    4082408 which equals
    4/08/24/08 What are the odds of that?

    I am really watching 5/19/2024. That is the next day after a 40 day warning. Interesting that
    the space shuttle Columbia that burned up on reentry was carrying Israel's first astronaut...Ilan Ramon. This tragedy happened on February 1st, 2003. Interesting that from that date unto the 40th day after 4/8/2024.... 7777
    days will have passed. 7737 days to the eclipse of today
    ..and 40 days from now that amazing God wink of 7777 days. I have personally collected much more connections that really takes google earth pictures to get my point properly across...
    but I am convinced this is indeed a warning with consequences. I believe the 7777 day God wink upon this 40 day warning is significant. Nothing has to happen on 5/19/2024...which is the day of Pentecost...but the least I feel is this is our warning of pending doom coming to this arrogant and mostly Godless country.

    1. Stan, as always, an excellent analysis, thanks for sharing. The 4082408 sync is amazing. I have been pondering the 08 at the end, maybe it means something, like 8 days or 8 weeks or 8 months, or 8 work weeks which would be 40 days.

      The 7777 sync is also amazing and let me add that the path of totality went through where some of the debris from the Columbia were found.

      The Da Vinci Code movie was released on 5/19/2006, which was a book and movie based on the heresy that Jesus and Mary Magdalene had children which became the Kings of France. The antichrist will claim to be descended from David and thus may claim to be descended from Jesus.

  2. William...Your article is excellent as always.

    The remains of the shuttle first started falling
    near Palestine,Texas. Ilan Ramon was carrying
    an original Torah that a Holocaust survivor used
    to own. It was orbital vehicle # 102. Read
    Psalms 102. It talks about not hiding thy face
    from me when I am in trouble....For my days are
    consumed like smoke, and my bones are burned
    as in a hearth. .. by reason of my voice, my bones
    cleave to my skin....Because of thine indignation
    and thy wrath: for thou hast lifted me up, and cast
    me down....I find it interesting that 21000 days earlier
    was 12/11/1812...the devastating New Madrid
    God gives us these God winks as this is one strong
    way He communicates with us. Way too many
    unusual numbers lining up...beyond coincidence.

    Comet ZTF was discovered on 3/2/2022. This
    discovery date unto the end of the 40 day warning
    from yesterday's eclipse falling on 5/18/2022 is 808
    days. The huge New Madrid earthquake on 12/16/1811
    to 3/2/2022 is 76777days. From this 12/11/1812
    earthquake to when comet Shumaker/Levy 9
    impacted Jupiter on 7/16/ 66688 days

    3/2/2022 until the great planetary lineup on
    6/24/2022...which is 6/6/6....
    is 3 months-22 days. That same globalist "322" number
    in play again...You can't just
    have these numbers between celestial events just
    keep "coincidently" keep producing these rare numbers.
    This Shumaker/Levy 9 Comet broke up into 21 individual fragments
    that bombarded Jupiter for 7 days. From 7/16/194 unto
    the lights went out in superbowl 47...on 2/3/2013 was
    6777 days....

    I could go on and on and on with such God winks
    that can easily be verified. These are God winks to
    wake us up.

    1. Correction to my above post. The 21000 days was from 8/6/1945...the very first use
      of an atomic weapon on Hiroshima. I incorrectly stated it was the New Madrid earthquake. That quake was an amazing
      76777 days as correctly stated later.

    2. Stan, you have brought forth some more amazing syncs. At the very least, I think that it is plain for all to see that this eclipse was a sign and an important time marker.


    3. Exodus 4:8..(as in 4/8/24)...speaking of not
      believing both signs....that the water of the river...
      (Mississippi) shall be poured upon the dry land...
      This happened back in 1812 due to the New Madrid
      earthquakes altering the course of the Mississippi
      River, actually making it flow backwards a few hours...
      and creating new lakes that were dry land. This is all
      in the "Little Egypt" area of southern Illinois/ north
      eastern part of Missouri in the New Madrid fault zone.

      Interesting the very same comet PonsBrook 12 was in
      the heavens the summer of 1812 just like it is right now
      on its return with its 3rd 71 year orbit reunion with Earth.

      If Exodus 4:9 fulfillment follows the above scenario as I see
      as a "possibility"...then I looked at Amos 8:8 speaking
      of.."shall not the land tremble for this, and everyone mourn
      that dwelleth therein? and it shall rise up wholly as a flood,
      and it shall be cast out and drowned, as by the flood of Egypt.

      Interesting that our Mississippi River flows right by
      Cairo, Illinois....again in the "Little Egypt" area here in
      modern day Babylon. Could an earthquake causing the
      Mississippi to make water flow over dry land happen soon
      to fulfill this again? Time will tell.

      I believe the next verse of Amos 8:9 was fulfilled on
      4/8/2024 when indeed the sun went down precisely
      at 12:00:00 over Mexico....just 6 minutes before the very
      start of the eclipse crossed Eagle Pass, Texas at 12:06 pm.
      So...the sun indeed went down at noon on a clear day just
      as Amos 8:9 declares.

      Now...verse 10 says..." I will turn your feasts into mourning..
      ....interesting that if you complete 40 days after this ecliose
      on 4/8/ arrive on 5/18/2024...the 7777th day from
      the space shuttle burning up with Israel's first astronaut aboard
      on 2/1/2003. The VERY next day is the day of Pentecost on
      5/19/2024. Is this the start of the feasts being turned into
      mourning?? I see it's possible...but just because it's the very next
      day after a 40 day warning....doesn't demand that that very feast
      will be the first one turned into mourning...but that feasts (plural)
      will be turned into mourning. This past eclipse and 40 day warning
      could just be God trying to give us warning signs until He has had
      enough of our iniquity on earth.

      Interesting also that the next verse 11 that there will be
      a famine in the land , not of food, but for the word of the
      Lord. Verse 12 goes on to say they shall go "to and fro"
      tp seek the Lord and shall not find it. I believe this could
      possibly be the internet shut the phrase " to and fro"
      is commonly used as searching the internet.

      Plus Jeremiah 11:14...and 14:11 basically are God telling
      Jeremiah " do not even pray for my people as I will not answer
      their prayers. This fits verse 12 in my opinion as for people not
      finding God. God is not going to answer our prayers once again.

      One more interesting clue. Revelation 8:3-5 mentions having
      the angel of the altar having the prayers of all the saints upon
      the golden altar..the smoke of the incense ascended up before
      God out of the angel's hand.

      Interesting the result. The next verse 5 has that angel taking
      the fire of the altar and casting it into the earth.

      That does not sound like God answered the saints prayers does it?? I feel it's like God told Jeremiah to
      not even pray for His people as He will not hear their prayers.

      In my humble opinion...all the above play out as this 4/8/2024
      eclipse, followed by a 40 day warning being God winking on
      the 7777th day at 5/18/2024..then....mourning will come up
      feasts after that. The very first feast is of Pentecost the very next
      day ...but as I just says feasts will be turned into
      mournings...and not necessarily the very next one the next However, I would
      not be surprised if there is much mourning on 5/18/2024..
      the day of Pentecost conveniently the next day after the
      40 day warning.

    4. I could be wrong...partially correct, or fully correct. This is just how I see puzzle pieces
      fitting. Take it to the Lord in prayer.

    5. Stan excellent research and amazing syncs. Your work has added to the weight of evidence suggesting a major event on 5/18-19/24.

      Here is another thought; in regards to 4082408, the 08 at the end, could it refer to the 8th verse of Revelation?

      I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. Rev 1:8

    6. Stan, I love your connections with scripture. Your numbers along with the events are very good. Those scriptures God led you too are amazing and timely. God is at work in you and it's amazing to watch.
      If the eclipses are warning (and I think they are) along with the comets being omens. They used to call comets "fiery dragons" and they would be accompanied with destruction.
      I can't see a greater warning of 3 eclipses across a country with the last eclipse accompanied with a comet.
      The people cheered and celebrated the darkness. They repented not.
      I believe this last eclipse fulfills the sign of Revelation 15. It matches. I looked through the heavens for another sign hundreds of years into the future. I don't see a better fit.
      I believe the bowls/vials are now full of the wrath of God.
      Here is a hypothesis of why I believe this to be true.
      I think this marries well with the scriptures Stan has brought forth as most of Stan's work has married well with almost all the finds the Lord has led me to. Thanks Stan for your. I know the Lord is showing you these. Praise God.
      Thanks for being a beacon of Light William and allowing others to share what God brings forth. God bless you.

    7. William...Wow! I just read the 8th verse in
      I was excitedly wanting to share my thouhts on what the
      last "8" in that 4082408 number meant. Alpa and Omega...
      that so fits with the Aleph and tav eclipse paths! Led me add
      what I was going to say I thought that 8 meant...though I think
      yours is DEAD ON SIR! I was going to say that the earthquake
      mentioned in Amos 8:8...if this is a soon coming earthquake to
      happen after the 4/8/2024 eclipse....also could be referring to
      the 8th chapter of Amos....and the 8th verse in that chapter.

      Both fit....but yours had to be the PRIME connection. Thank you
      for your enlightenment. This gave me goosebumps. I just sent Eric
      a long email detailing just a fraction of the God winks the shuttle
      Columbia's disaster on 2/1/2003 was no coincidence that it happened
      7737 days before the eclipse on 4/8/2024...and a God wink
      tying in that adding in a 40 day warning brings us to 5/18/2024..
      the 7777th day from the shuttle burning up. Interesting God wink
      that most of the shuttles debris field was under the path of
      totality this last eclipse. Intersting that the very first Israeli
      astronaut...Ilan Ramon's diary was miraculously found...the only
      astronauts found...and 37 pages were found. I told Eric more,
      but I also told him I just don't have the time right now to
      type what I could why I am so adamant that this shuttles disaster
      so did not surprise me at all when I found its 7737 and 7777
      God wink connections.

      Again...the next feast is of Pentecost...the very next day after
      the 40 day warning period. Nothing has to happen on 5/19/2024,
      but I am expecting at the least there will be feasts..(plural)
      that will be in mourning...fulfilling Amos 8:10. It would be
      a complete slam dunk, bases loaded grand slam..should
      5/19/2024 be in mourning.....and not that I am wishing it ...not
      at all.... God's prophisied events are like they are written on a
      large rubber band. God extended this stretching of Nineveh's
      first destruction by delaying Nineveh seeking God, and turning
      from their ways. God's grace can extend His judgment past
      this 40 days. But will His grace let that rubber band stretch some
      more as His love for us is gracious. He has His limits, and I can
      understand if His patience runs out when He allows that rubber
      band to break. Time will tell....but these puzzle pieces are snapping
      in my humble opinion. I could be wrong.

  3. Hi everybody! Let give a look to I Pet Goat II..I just realized that the flower that blooms from the apple dropped by the girl could be a... CROCUS! Doesn't this "name" remind you of anything? We heard a lot about it recently: about the location of the attack in Russia...
    I leave it to our experienced analysts to try to decipher the possible timing of future events, particularly with the following sequences where we see an army guided by a turbaned leader, a solar eclipse, lightning on an oil well... Don't you think that could correspond to current events?
    Phildefer from France

    1. Phildefer......I am just speaking for myself here, but you
      probably have more information to add on this crocus
      connection to IPetGoat2....I didn't even think of
      that connection. You may be on to something
      I would love to hear more.

    2. As already stated previously in my comments, I continue to suspect that the current Satanist elite may be aping prophesied events in order to introduce their "false messiah". On the same line, I guess this movie "I pet goat II" is part of predictive programming. “Crocus City Hall” where the bloody attack in Russia took place. However, by carrying out an image search of the "Crocus" flower I obtained several photos which seemed to me to correspond exactly to the flower which blooms from the apple. Just an intuition but this sequence was perhaps intended to be only a temporal marker (or to announce the false flag of Crocus City Hall) in the face of the events which take place later in the film and which seem to me to correspond quite well with the current geopolitical situation: imminent confrontation between Iran and Israel/USA with a solar eclipse in the background (which we just had...) etc... Once again, my insight is zero. I'll leave it to you to see if there is anything to dig into to possibly get the "timing" of what could await us.

  4. The water lily holds a significant place in Iranian culture and history. Its origins can be traced back to ancient times when it was introduced to Iran. Over the centuries, water lilies have become deeply ingrained in Persian art, literature, and symbolism, representing beauty and purity.

    Water lilies were not native to Iran but were brought to the country from other regions. It is believed that they were introduced to Iran during the Achaemenid Empire, which ruled from 550 to 330 BCE. The Achaemenids had a vast empire that stretched from Egypt to India, allowing for the exchange of plants and ideas.
    (What plant is featured in IPet Goat?)

    1. I agree it is a water lily; national flower of Iran. They symbolize innocence, purity, fertility, pleasure, celebration, hope, rebirth, wellness, and peace. Flower blooms out of water.

      Thus IPG2 water lily most likely represents world being born into New World order, birthing of antichrist, water event.

    2. Hi William, just an idea:
      "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)" Matt 24:15

      "Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God." 2Thess 2:5

      "And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate." Dan 9:27

      You and me know that "the Temple of God" is our body and no more a building...

      In Israel, covid shot's campaign officially began on December 20th 2020.
      Finally could Satan be trying to surpass God by modifying God's creatures with ARNm technology? Putting this inside human body which is "Temple of God" isn't a way to seat inside the Temple and make the "abomination of desolation"?

      Again, just a hunch I wanted to submit to you accuracy.

      Phildefer from France

    3. I agree that the abomination that causes desolation is the Covid vax; undoubtedly it contains DNA that is fallen angel in origin.

    4. I do not think that the shot is the A of D. It does not fit all the parameters surrounding the A of D. For one Israel will flee into the wilderness for 3.5 years afterward. I think the A of D will be performed by the ac in the Temple.

  5. William...Here are some more interesting syncs with the 4/8/2024

    I have mentioned these in another of your past articles, and
    there is just too many God winks to remember them all.
    I just want to rehash these as they are pertinent in this topic.
    Anyone can Google fact check the following as I have myself.

    On 6/112021 Michael Packard, the lobsterman from Maine was
    taken into the mouth of a whale. This story caused Michael to
    be an overtime temporary celebrity...even making
    the Jimmy Kimmel show....where of course the story of
    Jonah was mocked on his nationwide show.
    Also another God wink on that very same day. A Noah's ark
    replica ship made headlines for it ironically being declared
    unseaworthy of the coast of England.

    God winked again just 13 days later when a young boy by
    of all names, Jonah Handler, miraculously survived a huge
    apartment building collapse in Florida. 98 people including
    Jonah's own mother sadly were killed. This again happened
    13 days after the man was taken into the mouth of a whale,
    with this greatest building collapse in the US by non terrorist
    activity..happening on 6/24/2021. Interesting God wink is that
    one year later exactly is 6/24/2022..which is 6/6/6...and also
    is the great planetary lineup in the heavens like I am unable to
    find in the past or future. That is the day that Mercury, Venus,
    our moon, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn....we're all in order from the
    sun...all the visible to the naked eye luminaries stretched out
    across the heavens. I saw it myself. Now...that is rare enough..
    but what makes this exceedingly rare is that the invisible to the
    naked eye planets...Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were also in their
    correct order from the sun.

    Let me show another God wink here. From this building collapse on
    6/24/2021 to that hybrid solar eclipse on 4/20/2023...666 days pass.
    From that 4/20/2023 eclipse to the 4/8/2024 eclipse...354 days pass.
    What is significant about 354? The gematria for Jonas is 354. Jonah
    is spelled Jonas also. I feel God is winking strongly here.
    Interesting God wink that the exact midpoint between the 8/21/2017
    and the 4/8/2024 eclipses is 12/14/2020....the very day the first vaccine
    was given.

    I can't unsee all these God winks all in harmony.

    1. More amazing syncs, thanks for sharing. And unfortunately, here is how most in the world will respond to these things.

      because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.

      And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:

      For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed MT 13:13-15

      Oh, that they would see and be saved.

    2. William I appreciate you saying this very much. God bless

    3. William....I have to repeat you mentioning how the 8th verse in
      Revelation fits the last "08"... 4/08/24/08.

      That sir has to be puzzle piece that beautifully snaps into place!

      Jesus Himself saying " I am the alpha and Omega, the beginning
      and the end. The Aleph and Tav marking across our country is being
      God winked right there.

      Thank you William for all that you do. You prime my pumps often.
