Wednesday, September 20, 2023

A New Dollar Code Date; 69 and September 23, 2023 Updated 2X; We May Have Gotten the Event


Update at end of post

Just found another possible date encoding involving the dollar code calculation—September 23, 2023! I don’t know how I missed this—I have been super busy and got hit with what I believe was COVID a few weeks ago which wiped me out for about 2 to 3 weeks. But anyway, here is the data. 

As most of you are aware there is a lot of chatter about the possibility of a large event occurring on September 22-23, 2023. See the post; Prophecy Watch September 2023; What’s Going to Happen? Updated. 

Those you of who have followed this blog know about the coded information on the dollar bill that God allowed me to discover years ago and that is the subject of the book, The Dollar Code. One of the discoveries involved a calculation using encoded numbers from the dollar bill. Here are a couple of examples.


The Venus Occultation Sign of the False Messiah

19.471 x 12.322 = 239.921662 = 239 years and 337 days

July 4, 1776 + 239 years and 337 days = June 6, 2016

The esoteric significance of those numbers has already been discussed except for the 322—it is the illuminati skull and bones death number—enough said.

So, there it is, another piece of evidence pointing to the importance of the date of 6/6/2016 and the Venus occultation sign of the false messiah


The Sign of the Woman Clothed with the Sun

19.471 x 12.3889 = 241.2242 = 241 yrs and 81 days

7/4/1776 + 241 yrs and 81 days = September 23, 2017

The tenth date cipher was found by taking the more exact esoteric number of 19.471 and multiplying it by 12 plus .3889 (38.89 is the latitude of Washington D.C.) This yields 241.2242, which equals 241 yrs and 81 days. And what happened on 9/23/2017? It was the date of the sign of woman clothed with the sun.


Biden Defeats Trump

12.55 x 19.47 = 244.3485 = 244 years and 127 days 

July 4, 1776 + 244 years and 127 days = November 8, 2020. (Note: 55 is the double death number.)


And what happened on 11/8/2020? Biden defeats Trump in presidential election…


The COVID  Shot

12.555 x 19.471 = 244.458405 = 244 and 167 days 

July 4, 1776 + 244 years and 167 days = December 14, 2020. (Note: 555 is the triple death number.) 

And what happened on 12/14/2020? That was the first day a COVID shot was given.


So, basically the calculation takes the sum of the number 12 (levels of the pyramid) and various esoteric numbers multiplied by the dollar bill encoded esoteric number 19.47 or the more exact 19.471.


As shown above, these calculations have yielded many dates of prophetically important events. The thought came to my mind yesterday to check the dollar code calculation to see if September 23, 2023, is encoded—it is!


19.471 x 12.696969 = 247.223 years = 247 years and 81 days 

July 4, 1776 + 247 years and 81 days brings us to September 23, 2023


Now, you may be wondering about the esoteric significance of the number 69. Check this out. 

I think you will be amazed at how the number 69 has been used, and what it represents to the “enlightened ones” who are planning a New World Order for their “supernatural world leader”! 


Just as the Washington Monument (Phallus) inside the circle represents sexual union in the place of dead spirits (hell), the number 69 is representative of the exact same thing as well.  The overall plan of Satan is to bring WORLD UNION to all nations under a New Global World Government over which his “chosen one” will rule.  The number “69” and its usage is very evident in Satan’s plan to accomplish this very thing right in plain view of all with “eyes to see”… 

What does the New World Order under the coming Antichrist/Lucifer have to do with this number?  Everything!  We are talking about “numerical rituals” being performed to usher in the “Coming Forth By Day” of Antichrist/Lucifer. 



It is easy to see that the number 69 from occult significance deals with the bringing forth of the coming antichrist and his kingdom. And let’s look at what Bullinger has to say about the Biblical significance of 6 and 9. 

Six: Six is either 4 plus 2, i.e., man's world (4) with man's enmity to God (2) brought in: or it is 5 plus 1, the grace of God made of none effect by man's addition to it, or perversion, or corruption of it: or it is 7 minus 1, i.e., man's coming short of spiritual perfection. In any case, therefore, it has to do with man; it is the number of imperfection; the human number; the number of MAN as destitute of God, without God, without Christ. 

Nine: It is the last of the digits, and thus marks the end; and is significant of the conclusion of a matter.

It is akin to the number six, six being the sum of its factors (3x3=9, and 3+3=6), and is thus significant of the end of man, and the summation of all man's works. Nine is, therefore, 


for judgment is committed unto Jesus as "the Son of man" (John 5:27; Acts 17:31). It marks the completeness, the end and issue of all things as to man—the judgment of man and all his works. 

It is a factor of 666, which is 9 times 74. 

The gematria of the word "Dan," which means a judge, is 54 (9x6). 

"th orgh mou" (tee orgee mou), my wrath, = 999 (Heb 3:11). 

The solemn amhn (ameen), amen, or "verily," of our Lord, amounts also to 99, summing up and ending His words. 

The sum of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet is 4995 (5x999). It is stamped, therefore, with the numbers of grace and finality. 

The sum of the Greek alphabet is 3999. 



Putting the two Biblical meanings of 6 and 9 together speaks of the judgment of men destitute of God brought about by their rejection of Jesus. Isn’t that what a lot of the end times is all about? 

Is the dollar code signaling that September 23, 2023, will be the day of a major event? And if so, will a great judgment fall upon the world for continual rejection of Jesus and its sin? And or will this day involve an event leading to the ushering in of the antichrist and his kingdom, which the times are ripe for? 

Of course, we know that no one knows the future but God and what He has revealed in His Word. Whether or not anything or not happens on September 23, 2023, is yet to be seen, but there seems to be a lot of data indicating that as a possibility, and this possible new dollar code date adds to the syncs. That is why we watch. 

BTW: here is something else to watch. I just checked the long-range forecast, and it is showing a hurricane hitting the east coast USA around October 3 or 4, 2023.


At present there is a small tropical storm that may form this weekend off the East coast USA and if so, it would be named Ophelia, which means ‘help.’ If that is the case then the next storm would be named Phillippe, which means ‘lover of horses.’ 

So, if the models prove correct then the East Coast USA may be faced with hurricane Phillippe around October 3 or 4, 2023. Of course, as you know the models change—every 6 hours—and this storm may never develop and even if it does it may take a different track entirely. Round and round it goes where it ends up only God knows. 

But in light of the prophetic times that we are living in I find it ironic that the storm may be named Phillippe ‘lover of horses.’ And if so, will this be a sign that the four horses of Revelation are galloping throughout the earth and that this storm will add to the destruction that the horses will bring? 

Update: Looks like we may have gotten our major event that we were looking for. As reported by Hal Turner

This is FLASH TRAFFIC: It appears World War 3 has officially begun.  Saturday morning the Russian Army engaged a German-supplied Leopard Tank operating for the Ukraine army in Zaporozhye.  The Russians hit the tank with an anti-tank guided missile. The tank blew up.  The tank crew evacuated and were captured.  The crew identified themselves as ACTIVE DUTY GERMAN ARMY TROOPS...

Details are emerging.  It is now CONFIRMED a Russian Army reconnaissance team destroyed a German-supplied Leopard tank of the Ukrainian military but manned with a crew comprised of Bunderswehr soldiers.   The Bunderswehr is the actual active duty Army of Germany.

So, this is a major escalation in WW3 that I believed started on 2/22/2022. This was one of the things that was mentioned in the last post as a possibility of occurring. Thus, it looks like we may have gotten our event. Remember that WW3 will eventually produce the antichrist.

Now the question is; how will Russia respond?

I cannot vow for the validity of this clip but this is another possibility for an 9/23/23 antichrist related event.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here. 

About the Author: My name is William Frederick and my book entitled “The Coming Epiphany” is available on  

When you purchase this book you help to support the work that I am doing, and one way that you can really help is by sending digital copies as gifts through Amazon to family and friends.  

Time is short, and I need help getting these warnings into the hands of as many people as possible.  I have published thousands of articles on The End Times Forecaster Blog which are read all over the world. 

I always freely and happily allow others to republish my articles on their own websites, but I also ask that they include this “About the Author” section with each article. 

The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only, and readers should consult licensed professionals before making any legal, business, financial, or health decisions.


  1. Your thoughts William?

    1. Great presentation, don't agree with the 12 stars occurring now but did in 2017, but she is giving birth to a child. The woman being carried away by an eagle was a WOW! The SDG treaty may be it.

  2. William- Have learned so much from reading your posts. Thank you for sharing your understanding.
    Simone- watched the link you sent. How is it that she came to the conclusion it was 10 countries/kings? Could you point me to where I might check out that conclusion?

  3. Another interesting thing to note is that the UN had their Sustainable Development Goals meeting last weekend, September 18-19. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 goals with 169 targets that all 191 UN Member States have agreed to try to achieve by the year 2030. This is known as Agenda 2030. The document - signed by 191 countries - is available to read on the UN website. This is IMO the basic format for global governance over the nations of the world. They are planning to implement all of these goals by the year 2030. Add to this that on November 30 - December 12, 2023, COP28 will be held in Dubai. The Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an international climate summit. Their topics for discussion include many of the same things listed in the 17 SDG's of the UN that were just reviewed last weekend and renewed for 7 years. It's as though the UN might consider using Climate Change as the ultimate vehicle for implementing their goals. According to news articles in the last month, the leaders of the UN are saying we are at the crisis point in our climate right now and it is urgent that our global leaders take emergency measures! What does that mean? Will it mean that all of the nations of the world, including the United States, should surrender their sovereignty to a UN-new world order based on Agenda 2030? A thing to ponder. Now if one looks closely, 2030 minus 7 years is this year, 2023. Is the Tribulation period facing us right now? I think it is. If Jesus was 30 years old when he was crucified then we will have reached 2,000 years in 2030, depending on what calendar you use, the ancient political one or the Jewish religious calendar. It's at worst + or - a couple of years. The fact is that the treaty is in place and all the nations of the world are in agreement. All that is left is for a leader to step forward and confirm it. It is time to prepare for the coming of the Lord. His kingdom is at hand.

    1. Very true and the situation in every aspect of our lives is in dire straits, whether economic, financial, social, environment and other strata of society. The most tragic situation is in the religious field. So many unprepared and not focused.
      EVERY SOUL COUNTS. THE BLOOD OF JESUS HAS PAID IT ALL. This is the cry of my heart to the Father.
      When will you manifest your power and glory. You are the Lord of Justice and Righteousness.

      I wish I could share what is revealed as led but the spiritual war is intense.

      I wish you well dear brothers and sisters in the Lord. Maranatha.

    2. Thanks for sharing, good summary of the SDG. I have a post in the works about the SDG--it is almost ready. My study of scripture has led me to believe that the antichrist will strengthen the treaty made with many nations near the middle of the last 7 years, then the abomination of desolation, then the Seal 5 persecution of Jews and Christian along with the mark of the beast, and then the Seal 6 rapture

    3. Hello again William. I posted the summary of the SDG. I wanted to add that the Pope is also quite vocal in his support of these things. On September 1st he met with Bill Clinton at the Clinton Global Initiative. In a message for the September 1 Feast of Creation, Francis echoed the themes of the “Great Reset”—a scheme promoted by the World Economic Forum - to use climate change to end capitalism and impose global socialism on the nations of the world—in calling for “climate justice.” Francis declared it “absurd to permit the continued exploration and expansion of fossil fuel infrastructures” adding, “Let us raise our voices to halt this injustice towards the poor and towards our children, who will bear the worst effects of climate change.” (The Pope is obviously playing on our sympathies because who would think that any injustice toward the poor and our children would be a good thing, right? How subtle!) The Pope also called for trillions in wealth transfer from the United States to the third world saying “richer nations have contracted an ‘ecological debt’ that must be paid” to less developed countries. This is communist of course and in communism it is known as the redistribution of wealth. Who will oversee this monstrous financial transfer? Well, the UN, the WEF and the Climate Change partners will. Each of these groups has a special finance committee. There were finance sessions during the UN meeting last weekend and there will be sessions in November - December in Dubai as well. Once this is done and the year is over we begin the 7-year countdown. That's right. If you count inclusively from 2024 to 2030 it is 7 years exactly. Make no mistake about it that the Pope is on board with pushing a radical socialist agenda for the entire world. He will no doubt have most Catholics around the world agree with him on this. Even Biden, a Catholic, has signed an Executive Order to create 20,000 Climate jobs for youth in America. It's called the Climate Corps. In an announcement Wednesday, the White House said the program will employ more than 20,000 young adults who will build trails, plant trees, help install solar panels and do other work to boost conservation and help prevent catastrophic wildfires. I'm sure the Pope approves. ~ Mike [Part 2]

    4. This is not all that the Pope is doing either. Have you heard about the Abrahamic Family House? It is also known as the One World Religion Headquarters and it is located in DUBAI where the international Climate Change meeting will be held later this Fall. The headquarters is being done in collaboration with Pope Francis and Sunni Muslim leader, Sheikh Ahmen al-Tayeb, after they both signed a global peace covenant called the Document of Human Fraternity for World Peace.

      The stated purpose of the Abrahamic Family House is to bring understanding and tolerance among the faiths of the world. They had a special program that went live on September 21st. It was called: 'Rethinking Sustainability and Peace through a Spiritual Lens.' The session explored a number of religious teachings and theological principles behind sustainable living practices all of which are present in Islam, Christianity and Judaism. The idea for the program was essentially syncretism at its finest.

      It gets worse!

      From the Vatican News (on-line publication) the following:

      Pope Francis met privately with Judge Mohamed Abdelsalam, Secretary-General of the Muslim Council of Elders, and Ambassador Majid Al-Suwaidi, Director-General and Special Representative of the UAE Presidency for COP28 to discuss preparations and the involvement of faith-based groups in the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28).

      A statement said that during the Audience that took place on Monday, 29 May, “they shared the possibility of launching a joint initiative on climate change in preparation for and on the occasion of the upcoming COP28, in order to involve religious institutions, leaders, and civil society organizations in addressing the goals of COP28.” The initiative discussed in the Vatican will call on all religious institutions, leaders, and civil society organizations worldwide to unite towards achieving the shared goal of protecting the Earth, our common home.

      So yes, the international leaders will use this monumental, one world religion headquarters and their influence to help usher in both the UN's SDG's and Climate Change Initiatives! This is very interesting indeed. The antichrist now appears as one who will be at the helm of rescuing our planet and all of the poor. He will be the hero of the world's religions and create equity for all on the back of a sustainable world economy and environment. "Peace and safety' for all! But we know the Scriptures: "For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall NOT escape." (1 Thess. 5:3). We, on the other hand, must continue to watch and pray that we be accounted worthy to escape the things that are coming to pass. (Luke 21:36) For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. (Luke 21:35) ~ Mike [Part 3]

  4. Do you have an email? I have something really fascinating I've been trying to "decode" for few yrs. Had an encounter with our "adversary" who mocking me said Have you seen my new watch ⌚ BIDEN watch. (Date & Time were off.. incorrect) That's interesting You know I gotta take a pic of that he laughed said ok. TIME 4:21 [22] Can send pic When I saw how you decided the 💵 I was ok this just "may" the guy who can help me... Hehehehe 😊 Please erase. Thx.
    thyme traveler 18 gmail com
